View Full Version : GC Broadband Adaptor setup. Please Help

Apr 19, 2004, 12:17 PM
im trying to set up pso to play online but im having trouble.
im using BT broadband and im trying to connect using an NIC and NOT a router.
i have enabled internet connection sharing, im using a cross over cable, im pretty sure ive set up the BBA correctly but it just wont connect.
any ideas would be greatly appreciated

Apr 19, 2004, 12:28 PM
What OS are you using? Also what settings did you use for the BBA? Have you tried leaving everything set to automatic? Do you remember if you received any error messages and if so what were they.

Apr 19, 2004, 01:32 PM
BT broadband and no router, that means that theyve sent you a USB modem then.
I used ICS on Freeserve for a while, and it worked fine BT broadband is basicly the same as freeserve broadband as its based on BT Wholsales homestream/IP stream 500 ADSL product.

heres a quick checklist Asuming your using Windows XP:
1: Youve enabled internet conection sharing, go into my network places then network conections, look for your network interface card (NIC) does it say enabled or disabled, or nothing, if its disabled or it doesnt say anything right click it and slect enable. if you cant see your NIC there then its not installed corectly.

2: You should see a small logo with two monitors in the box nxt to your clock when you are online, if youve got ICS enabled ( but your gamecube/X box is off ) you should also see another set of monitors with a red cross through them, making sure that your gamecube BBa is conected to your NIC, and the BBA is in the gamecube, switch on the gamecube, the two monitors that had the cross through them should now say " local area conection conected" if they dont then youve not got ICS set up corectly, or your not using a crossover cable, you can doule check to see if your using the corect cable by looking at the colour sequence of the wires in the plug, they should be in a different order in one plug.

3: on your gamecube:
Forget about DNS numbers/IP settings or anything else, just make sre that its all on automatic

4: on your P.C
make sure that youve turned off the Windows Firewall, if you havent, downlaod a free firewall( i use Zone alarm that works with ICS and gamecube PSO as well as X bx live) go to your modem settings and right click for properties, then turn off the windows firewall, if i had this on when using ICS it wouldnt let me connect.

5: make sure that you havent set any IP addreses to the internet conection sharing or your network card, if your not sure what youve done you can use system restore to put everyhitng back to the last restore point ( asuming system resotore is enabled on your P.C)

Apr 19, 2004, 03:10 PM
im using windows XP pro
ive gone back to the computer but i dont see any screens on the nav bar
the network card is installed and ive run the network setup wizard twice but still no luck
what am i doing wrong?
oh and btw, i read somewhere about running a command in "command prompt" which lets you run the game. is this right?

Apr 19, 2004, 03:29 PM
okay, on second look, the two monitors are there but the X doesnt go when i turn on the gamecube.
i think it might be a problem with the NIC as ive had trouble before.
hopefully that'll be it
thanks for your help and ill get back to you if i need you again http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Apr 21, 2004, 01:43 PM
Ya, the lil x not going means something aint connected rite, either the cable is dodgy ( can happen ) and not plugged in write, ure BBA aint plugged into the gamecube properly or the NIC is just borked but if thatw as the case i woulda thought some other errors might have popped up..

Any chance u can test the NIC in another PC?? or try connecting another pc to it?? Might eliminate a few of the ideas..
