View Full Version : FanFic: The Battle for Gal Da Val- FINALE - (Continuation of

Apr 19, 2004, 09:19 PM
Hey guys! The following story takes place directly after the end of "The Return of NiGHTS and Fuji!"

As it is a continuation, I urge that you read the previous story first before reading this, but even if you didn't you can still pick up what's going on.

This story is the link between my last fanfic and the upcoming Finale in the NiGHTS and Fuji! series.

I hope you enjoy it!

-- Ruby Eclipse


"Ruby, wake up." Ruby Eclipse, a HUnewearl with red hair and red shorts, as well as a red top, slowly opened her eyes.

In front of her, she saw the face of someone she knew-- It was Jade.

Jade Malachite was his full name. He had been infected with some type of cells, and the government was after him. He had joined up with them some time before in their fight against WORKS, and was now a part of their resistance group, known as jeM.

She got up slowly. "Mph... sleeping on wet rocks sure does wonders for your back.." she muttered sleepily. "What time is it? The sun isn't even up.."

He grabbed her hand and helped her up to her feet. "Ruby, it's around 2:00 in the morning, by coral time."

Ruby looked outside the cave and saw the beach, illuminated beautifully by the bright, snow white moon. Ragol had two moons, and this one was the closest, so that on nights like this, it was almost as bright as the sun.

Jade walked over to her. "We're slowly being ambushed. WORKS RAcasts are creeping slowly down the beach even as we speak. There could easily be 500 of them."

Ruby shut her eyes. "Oh my god... Who told you this?"

Jade looked behind him. "He did."

A RAcast ruby had never before seen walked out of the cave shadows and into the light of the moon. His armor reflected like a rainbow of colors, but more of an electric light blue than any other color.

"His name is Moonstone", Jade continued. "He was once a member of WORKS, but he's defected. He also--"

"He's the one that tried to kill you!" Ruby burst out. "How can you trust him!?"

"Calm down, Ruby. I know when people are truthful and when they aren't. He may be an android, but his thought algarithims prove that he isn't joking."

Ruby clenched her fists. "All right.. so.. what do we do?"

Moonstone drew a long rifle from behind him. "We must attack our attackers.," he said.

Jade nodded. "Ruby, get all the jeM members up and going. This may be our last stand, but we're going to die fighting, if anything else."

Ruby smiled. "Always the optimist, Jade. That's why I like you.." She rushed into the cave and began waking people.

Jade walked over to Moonstone. "So..." he said, "What chance do we have of winning?"

"Our numbers are less than 50. They outnumber us 10 to 1. Also, they have cloaking devices implanted to aid them. It does, however, distort the image behind them, so it is possible to spot them."

"Cloaking devices? Where did they get--"

"Pioneer 1 developed cloaking devices to keep safe a number of research areas. They infiltrated one and began copying the devices."

"Anything else I should know?"

"They are also equipped with long range rifles and mechguns. Some on the frontlines may be wielding close range weapons."

Minutes later, Ruby walked into the moonlight, followed by Brian, Skett, Montague, Dr. Whitill and Relena. Dark Diamond stood back in the shadows.

"Members of jeM.." Ruby said slowly. "It appears that we are under attack from WORKS forces. They planned to ambush us, but thanks to a new recruit... " she motioned towards moonstone, "We have the upper hand. We are going to leave the cave for now, and hide in the cliffs that jut above the beach."

Relana grabbed her teddy bear and squeezed, and Dr. Whitill comforted her. "Ruby", said Whitill. "What of those who have no experience fighting? I can't take on even one enemy, and I have to protect relana here.."

Ruby turned to face him. "Those who cannot fight will learn to fight. But for now, if you're sure you can't handle it, then Jade can get you--" She turned.


Jade was gone.

Moonstone spoke, his first time so far. "Jade has gone to destroy as many RAcasts as he can before they enter the cave."

"What!?" yelled ruby. "But-- that's suicide! He can't--"

"I know. But he is doing it for all of you. He is sacraficing his own life so that you may live."

Ruby hung her head.

Brian spoke, his voice soft at first and then hardening as he continued. "Droidan sacraficed himself so that all of us could live.. I'm not about to let his sacrafice go to waste. jeM has my rifle firing for them."

"And my magic..", said Skett.

"My Androids will perform to the best of their abilities," said Montague from behind.

Another RAcast in red emerged from the cave. "Flame Garnet will be fighting as well, Ruby."

She looked at them again. "Ok. Everyone ready? Here's what we're going to do..."


Far down the beach was a young HUmar in red. He had brown hair, and was slowly splashing through the water up the coastline.

"They're really going through with it.." he thought to himself. "Those egotistical idiots are actually going through with it..."


A bullet shot into the water near his feet.

"Holy!!--" He jumped into the water, realized it was too shallow, and got back up. He took off running, bullets zinging past his ears from farther up the coast.

Something hit him in the back, and his image blurred rapidly.


"What just happened? Report, Units 65-70!"

"Target suddenly dissapeared. We have no idea where he went."

"Roger that. Proceed up the beach. It is time to begin the attack.

All units, commence operation Malachite!"

And then, in the following 10 seconds, 50 RAcast troops began storming the cave.


Up high on one of the cliffs that shot up above the beach, Jade drew his sword slowly.

"It is time to fight.", he said, turning to the boy sitting on the ground next to him.

The boy got up slowly. "You... saved me?"

"I did. Don't thank me until this is over though, Fire Opal."

What? How did this guy know his name?

Jade held his sword straight up, smiled, and jumped off of the 100 foot ledge.

--- END OF PART 1---

So, what did you think? Feedback is always something I love to hear, so if you have any thoughts on it, please post! Part 2 is already written and will soon be posted as well.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RubyEclipse on 2004-04-28 14:02 ]</font>

Apr 20, 2004, 03:57 PM

Jade hit the ground without a noise. The soft sand barely molded beneath his feet, and he shot forward at blazing speed.

He could see them. Even though they were camoflauged, the distorted image stood out clearly in his mind.

"For my family..." he said under his breath. ".. I will destroy you all!"

SLICE! One swipe of his sword halved two of them, and he jumped backwards, dodging the numorous bullets that hit the sand where he had been standing.

Inside the foliage of the jungle, he readied his sword for the next attack. "It's time to face the true power of jeM.." he said.


The RAcast troops farther up finally reached the cave. They charged inside it, but found nothing.

"The area is totally clear. There is nothing here.. Orders, Kakato?"

"Take a group of 50 with you into the cave. The rest of you begin sweeping the nearby cliffs. They're around here somewhere, they have to be."


Two androids in black leapt down from above the cave entrance, and began slicing into the RAcasts.

One was a RAcaseal, and she fired bullet after bullet into each RAcast, sending a group of 5 onto the ground. The HUcast with her stabbed his Stag Cutlery into a RAcast and pulled it back just in time to slice another one across the chest.

Within seconds, the group of 25 RAcasts was down.

The RAcaseal smiled. "That was easy."

"Keep your guard up... they could be--"

A spray of bullets hit the HUcast, and he fell to the floor loudly. The RAcaseal gasped and stepped back, but was shot in the stomach as well. She fell to the floor face first.

"Kakato. This is unit-leader AB6. We have destroyed two of the targets."

"Excellent. Continue the Operation."

"Roger that."


Jade's sword twirled and spun, hacking and slashing into all the RAcasts nearby. They fell in waves, and he jumped from group to group, destroying them quickly.

He jumped up high into the air, freezing himself once he was high enough. Bullets zoomed through the air, missing his body by inches, and he gripped his sword tightly.

There was a gold locket chained around his neck, and it flapped open, revealing a picture of a girl.

"You killed them. My family... my friends.... YOU KILLED THEM ALL!!" he screamed in anger, and shot downwards toward the coast.



The explosion shook the hiding places of Ruby and the others. Whitill and Relana were hiding farthest back, and the others had taken defensive places around the cliffs.

Dark Diamond turned to ruby. "That was Jade. Things are getting ugly out there."

"We've got to help him!"

"No, I've got to help him. I'm your bodyguard, remember? If anything happens to you, my job is shot. You stay here."

He jumped forward, and was about to go down the mossy incline when he noticed Ruby standing to his left. "It is time we fought together, instead of alone.", she said.

Dark Diamond grunted, and then finally nodded. "For the good of jeM, and of the people of Pioneer 2. Let us fight!"

The other jeM members, who had been listening intently, got up and ran down the incline with them.


Moon Diamond, a HUcaseal in white, hit the soft sand of the beach silently. Fire Opal, who had been held in her hands, jumped out, and drew his saber.

"Thank you for the ride.." he said. "So we're attacking them from the behind?"

"That is correct.", said Moon Diamond, equipping her Meteor Cudgel. "We must be swift and keen. Let us go!"

The two ran down the beach towards the RAcast groups.


The moon shone brightly, and a silhoutte in black floated before it.

He watched as two hunters charged the RAcast mass from the back.

He watched as Jade Malachite fought bravely, destroying entire clumps of RAcasts, but at the same time draining energy quickly.

And he watched as the last remnants of jeM charged the mass from the front.

"I suppose it is time to play my hand.." he said, looking at the situation again.

"Indeed. It is time for the final Climax of Gal Da Val. It's all or nothing, at this point."

---END OF PART 2---

Apr 20, 2004, 04:37 PM
I guess I will comment first. Ah, good chapters. I am already enjoying it. When shalt we recieve the next of the chapters?

Apr 20, 2004, 06:44 PM
Hey Skett, thanks for the comments. In reply to your question: how does now sound? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif


For my mother.

For my father.

For my brother.

And for my sister.

I will fight until the day that I die.


Jade slammed into another section of the beach, causing a circular explosion all around him. Flames splattered out onto the sand, and bullets were fired behind him.

"What? Who's that--"

In his head he saw two images: The young boy he had seen earlier, and a HUcaseal.

"Moon Diamond.", he said quickly.


Cakey looked at his pair of daggers. "Skett, you ready?"

They were almost down the slope now, and soon they would be running in the sand.

Skett, being a FOmar, smiled. "I'm ready. I've been ready for this battle for a long time."


400 RAcast troops layed down silently on the beach. In the brush up ahead they could see their targets about to enter the sand.

The RAcasts prepared their sniper rifles, and took aim.

"All units, hold your position. Once they begin to charge, shoot to kill."

400 lights blinked in confirmation.


Moon Diamond slammed the meteor cudgel into another RAcast, and it flew back, uncloaking, and fell into the sand, destroyed.

Fire Opal's saber sliced off the legs of another RAcast, and when it's face was eye level with his, he stabbed his saber through its chest.

Bullets struck all around Fire Opal, and he fell into the sand.

"I'm... I'm going to die.." he thought as he struggled to get back on his feet. "There's no way we can handle all of them...I'm going to die..."

A green sword chopped and sliced madly, and when it was done, RAcasts all around fell down, destroyed.

The man holding the sword was dressed in all green, and he looked at fire opal.

"Dying for what you believe in is the best way to die.", he said. "So pick up your sword, regain your courage, and let us charge life without fear of death."

A power seemed to take hold of Fire Opal, and he shot up, his saber in hand.

"Let's do this."


Ruby stepped into the sand, the moonlight shining brightly. All around, members of jeM did likewise.

"Here we go!", she yelled, charging forward.

The RAcast snipers took aim....

...and fired.

The bullets flew about 40 feet, stopped, and fell into the sand, almost as though they had struck an invisible wall of some sort.

"What the--"

Jade was hovering above them. He was breathing heavily, and shaking as he said:

"You will all be destroyed! Throw down your weapons!"

The RAcasts did not move.

An aura began to form around Jade, a green ball at first, then dark green. It grew, and the wind swirled all around him.

He screamed, and a bright flash engulfed the area.

When it was over, He stood there, his once detailed body now a metallic green.

Ruby stood in shock. "Oh my god..."

His sword was gone, and the figure seemed to mold between solid and liquid.

It screamed again, and a purple speck began to form at the right arm. Slowly, it spread throughout the body, until the figure was all a shiny purple color.

Fire Opal, on the opposite side of Ruby and the others, looked up at him. "What's happening to him!?" he asked frantically.

"I don't know. But something isn't right.."

The figure suddenly went limp, and fell from the sky.

"He won't survive that fall." muttered Dark Diamond, starting to run forward.

The figure began to skyrocket down through the air, the sand growing ever closer.


Something shot through the air, picking up the figure as it fell, and dissapeared as quickly as it had come.

A voice echoed through the beach.

"When dreamer dies and the dream is gone,

the nightmare will arise"

A small glowing ball fell near Ruby's foot. It glowed faintly.

through death, destruction, and doom itself

its feeds you with its lies.
More of the glowing sparkles fell from the sky.

But if the truth can conquer death,

and rightous is the cause

then peace and hope will return again

and be freed from death's Jaws."

A black silhoutte appeared in front of the moon. Aside from a faint red sparkle, nobody could make out any other features of the figure.

Bullets from the RAcasts shot at it, and, amazingly, had no effect- they seemed to go through the figure.

"Witness now the final return of the dreams...", said the figure. "... jeM Members, fight with all that you have. For unless you win this battle, all will be lost."

Ruby and the others looked to each other quickly, and nodded.

Dark Diamond prepared his lavis cannon, and they charged the RAcast head on.

--- END OF PART 3 ---

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RubyEclipse on 2004-04-20 16:48 ]</font>

Apr 21, 2004, 12:29 PM
OOhh..more NiGHTS and Fuji. Glad to see you writing again, Ruby. Eagerly awaiting more.



Apr 21, 2004, 04:54 PM
Thanks blackhawk http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

As I'm going to be gone thursday-saturday, today's segment is a tad bit longer than the previous ones. Also, this is where the battle finally starts to pick up.



"Keep fighting!! Don't give up!!"

Swords locked and sliced as the front wave of jeM members crashed into the first line of RAcasts. The RAcasts drew sabers, and a swordfight ensued with bullets zipping by overhead.

Ruby's red sword knocked a saber out of a RAcast's hand, and she sliced it in two quickly, sweating as she drew it up again and prepared for the next RAcast.

Flame Garnet, a RAcast in red, stood on top of one of the large cliffs overlooking the beach. His sniper rifle aimed and he found his target.


The bullet lodged itself into the head of a RAcast, and it fell over, spraying sand into the air as it fell.

"One down... four hundred to go.." he muttered.



A blast of Rafoie engulfed a group of RAcasts, and they exploded instantly.

"There you go cakey, now it's your turn!" yelled Skett.

Cakey looked at his daggers quickly, then shot forward, slicing a RAcast nearby, and doing a spin kick in the air towards another.

However, he lost his balance halfway through the kick, and fell onto his back. Two RAcast rifles pointed themselves at his face, and in a split second only one word crossed his mind.


A large partisan beheaded both of them, and as they fell a HUcast in white helped cakey to his feet. "I'm Black Pearl.", said the HUcast. "But the time for introductions is later."

The two charged into the fray once again.


Fire Opal stabbed his saber through another RAcast, and wiped his brow as he turned and swung it at another RAcast.

The RAcast moved back, and Fire Opal quickly dove forward, slicing it quickly as he tucked between its legs.

It crashed forward into the sand.

He stood up slowly, exhausted. "I... I don't know if I can.... keep this.. up..."

Moon Diamond bashed another RAcast just before it would have killed Fire Opal from behind.

"Watch your back!" she yelled. "I can't save you all the time!"

He nodded, and ran forward.


He stood frozen, shocked, and felt his chest, where two bullets had just lodged themselves. Blood trickled out and onto his fingers, and his eyes looked blankly up.


He fell face first into the sand, his dark red blood shining in the moonlight.


"Kakoto! Our troops are losing numbers quickly! Your command?"

"Continue the attack! We have only lost 100 of our troops so far! We have 350 soldiers left, and we are not going to retreat! We will kill them- all!"

"Roger that. Relaying information to all--- CSHHHHHHHHH---"

"Unit076, come in. Unit076? Unit076, Are you there?"


Dark Diamond shoved the RAcast forward with his hand, pulling his blade out of it.

"These guys just keep coming and coming.. I don't think we're going to win this... but I'm not about to give up.. --" He drew his blade up, narrowly deflecting a bullet shot at his head, and he ran forward, stabbing the RAcast quickly.

"I just hope the others are doing ok..."


Dr. Whitill and Relana watched as RAcast troops fought with the jeM members on the beach.

"Whitill, there's so many of the robots! There's no way they can win!"

"Don't give up yet, Relana. It's not over 'till it's over."

Relana hugged her teddy bear tightly and watched the battle safely above the beach.

Something flew by the cave entrance they were hiding in.

"!! What was that?!"

Relana looked out to see a figure flying towards the battle. It was leaving a trail of sparkles as it flew through the air, and she gazed, wide eyed, as it spun quickly downwards.

"Whitill!!!! Look!!"


Zonde zapped another RAcast, and Montague was growing weary. "To think that such egotistical officials would challenge my greatness! Hah!"


Yet another RAcast fell to the ground, its systems fried.

"Elenor! Signal Ult to join the battle! This is what she was made for!"

Elenor, a RAcaseal, and one of Montague's creations, nodded and sent out a radio signal as she shot another RAcast three times with her rifle.

It slumped to the ground, and a message was sent back to her.

"Ult is on her way, Doctor."

"Excellent... let's see what they think of my creation now!"


"What's going on with Jade?" asked Yuri, a FOnewearl, as she stood next to NiGHTS in the jungle far from the beach.

"I'm not sure...", he replied. "But I think he's fighting with something.. something inside of him."

The figure of a man was on the ground, the metallic purple covering shining and reflecting the moonlight.

"I think whatever took hold of him when he attacked me before is coming back. I don't know what it is, but I think it might be connected to--"

"He attacked you!?", exclaimed yuri in surprise.

"Yeah. A few days ago. But he got control again-- this time though, something is fighting for control of him."

The figure tossed and turned, rolling in the dense foliage. It was pure metallic purple, and finally it seemed to mold- almost as if it was changing shape.

"NiGHTS!! Look!"


"You can have it all. Power. Fortune. Come. Become one with me."

"NO!!! GET OUT OF MY BODY!!" yelled Jade frantically. All around he saw darkness.

"Come. Become one.. there is no way you can win..."


"You will destroy me? Come now... that's no way to talk to the only person who knows where your sister is."

"!!!!" he gasped. "My.. sister... you know where she is!?"

"I do. And I'll show you if you join me."

Memories flashed, replacing the darkness. Memories of his sister and himself as young children. And she was the only remaining member of his family.

Was it worth it?

"I.... I...."

Then a picture of Ruby flashed before him.

".... No. I will never join you."

NiGHTS and Yuri witnessed a tiny speck of green replace the metallic purple.

The voice appeared again to Jade.

"You are mortal. You have been infected. There is no way to escape your fate. So give in now, and save yourself pain and suffering."

"If I am to die, then I will die the knowledge that I died fighting for something I believed in. I will find a way to stop this. I'll show you the full extent of my powers!"


"..... what!?"

"You mere mortals do not comprehend the fates you have. All of your powers-- The ability to read minds, to float, and your unnatural strength, are all yours solely because you have been infected by me."

"No... no way.."

"It is the truth. You have been infected with me, and I am taking over your body.

All powers come with consequences. And your powers will cost you...

... your life. "

Jade's mind was racing. It made sense. The creature that had bitten his arm-- was it--

"Infected with me." said the voice. "And it passed me onto you as well. I am infinite, and I can spread from creature to machine."

"You're a virus." said Jade.

Another metallic speck of green replaced a small part of the purple on the figure's body.

"I am a god." replied the voice.

"You're nothing but a virus! You filthy, pathetic, virus!! Get out of my body!!"

The green started to spread, but seemed to be stuck by the remaining purple on the figure.

"You cannot stop me! Give in! Let me take oveR! BeCoMe OnE wItH mE!!"


The green started stretching, pushing the purple out.

"Join me!"


The green and the purple began shaking at their borders.

"You will eventually become mine!"

"Then I will fight you until that day...

...But that day is not this day.


The green suddenly shot forward, spreading across all of the purple, save for one small speck.

The voice whispered one last message. "You may win for now.. but I will always be here. So long as you are alive I will be a part of you.

And one day, I will kill the one you hold dearest to you. There is nothing you can do to stop me. I will see you again that day.... Jade."

It faded away, and the Darkness seemed to fade into moonlight.

"Mmfff..." The metallic green dissapeared, leaving the body of Jade Malachite lying on the ground.

He opened his eyes slowly to see a FOmar in purple and a FOnewearl in blue looking down at him.

"NiGHTS.... and Yuri...... what.... are you doing here?"

NiGHTS offered him a hand, and he pulled Jade up to his feet.

"Jade, something happened to you. You were all purple-- but then you became green again and well, now you're here. It was really odd..."

Jade shut his eyes silently. "I'd rather not go into it."

"I see. Well Jade, we need to--"


A shockwave from an explosion sent NiGHTS and Yuri onto the ground, but Jade still stood tall.

"I have to get back to them!!" he said, looking at NiGHTS and Yuri. "I'll see you again soon. But now I must save my friends."

He looked through an opening in the trees at the stars, and jumped up high into the air, becoming a speck in the clear night sky.

"Hooollly moly--" muttered Yuri. "How does he jump so high!?"

NiGHTS slowly got up and brushed himself off. "He's had those powers since we first met. In fact... it was a night much like this... Come on Yuri, let's get moving!"

The two took off through the trees and shrubs.



<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RubyEclipse on 2004-04-21 14:56 ]</font>

Apr 21, 2004, 07:07 PM
Nice chapter. I am enjoying this more and more.

Apr 26, 2004, 04:41 PM
Hello again everyone! I was away for a while, so I couldn't update the story-- but now I can happily present Part 5!




"Ruby!! We're all wearing down!" yelled Dark Diamond as Ruby killed another RAcast.

"I'm losing strength too..." she said between breaths, and stepped back to dodge a saber swing from a RAcast. Dark Diamond shot forward and stabbed it, then turned to Ruby.

"There's at least 200 of them still left... and we're all so tired.. I don't think we can make it..."

"We have to try!" Her sword chopped another RAcast in the side. "Tell them to keep going!!"

"Ruby!! They've pushed themselves to their limits already!! We're not going to make it!"

Bullets ripped past the two, and one took off a small speck of Dark Diamonds black hair.

"You see!? We have to retreat!!"

Ruby ducked to the ground, and hid behind her sword for a moment.

"If we retreat they'll kill us!!", she yelled. "We have to keep fighting!"

"If we stay here they'll kill us!", countered Dark Diamond as he jabbed another RAcast through the stomach. "But you're our leader. We'll die by your command, Ruby!"

She nodded, and the two got up. "Let's do this... for jeM!"

The two ran, Red sword in the hands of one, a Lavis cannon in the other's hands, at the RAcasts.


Ult's twin rifles fired continously into the RAcasts, downing them one after another.


Another RAcast fell to the sand with three bullets lodged inside of it.

Bullets hit Ult's chassis, but they simply bounced off. Doctor Montague had created the new Ult with defeating WORKS solely in his mind, and she was doing her job quite well.


An explosion from a NugBazooka sent ult flying into the trees, and they crashed down upon her.

The RAcasts ran up quickly, and stared at the Collapsed brush and foliage.

"We got her!", one of them yelled. "We got her!"


Cakey stepped back, almost losing his balance in the water of the beach.


Another wave rocked upon the beach, and he struggled to keep his stance as he fought with the leader of the RAcast troops. It was a bright orange, and it held in both hands a mechgun.

He jumped backwards, dodging the bullets as they splashed into the water, and he fell in the water as another wave stole his balance.

He was up quickly though, just in time to see the two mechguns aimed at his face.


He slammed down into the water, and the bullets fired directly where his head had been. He tumbled forward, slicing the RAcast at it's legs, and it kicked forward, nailing him across the face.


His lip began to bleed, and he ignored it as he went into a defensive stance again with his daggers.

"Why are you doing this!?" he yelled to the RAcast.

"It is my orders. My commands."

"And do you always follow your commands!?" He jumped to the side to dodge another volley of bullets.

"I will obey my orders. Even if that means my death."

Cakey saw a chance, and he dove forward, jumping up and narrowily slicing the front chassis of the RAcast. He hit, but barrely scratched it.

Another wave buckled his knees-- a lucky thing, because the bullets again missed him only by a hair.

He jumped back up out of the wave, soaked, and stared at the RAcast.

If he could kill him now, the rest would be without orders. And perhaps, just maybe, the rest of jeM could win that way.

The stars shone brightly on Cakey's face as he charged forward.



Six bullets ripped through Cakey's stomach, leaving wide gaping holes as they did.

But he continued charging forward.


His daggers sliced the head off of the commander RAcast, and it the body fell into the water.

Cakey stood for a moment, excruciating pain seering his body.

He turned, and looked at the rest of the jeM members as they fought.

"That was.... for you... guys....."


He fell face- first into the water, and watched as his own blood poured into the ocean, turning it a maroon color.

He couldn't get up, and his eyes slowly closed as a smile crossed his face. "Win this one... for me..." he thought.

And it was then, at that exact moment, that Cakey died.

--- END OF PART 5 ---

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RubyEclipse on 2004-04-26 14:43 ]</font>

Apr 26, 2004, 05:38 PM
Very nice. You know I'm a sucker for huge battle scenes!

And disgruntled postal workers...

...ahhh, my first appearance in fiction...

Apr 26, 2004, 05:45 PM
Ooh... It feels good to be back at PSOW...

I temporarily make an appearance back here because I noticed you had written something new. I will definately be keeping an eye out for further progressions.

I'm really liking this, and I can't wait to see how it turns out. Keep on writing! It's great so far.

Apr 26, 2004, 08:21 PM
Nice chapter! What more can I say? You write great stories.

Apr 28, 2004, 03:49 PM
Thanks for the comments guys!

The disgruntled postal workers won't be making an appearance in this story-- but you can expect to see them near the very beginning of the final NiGHTS and Fuji book.

Anyways, as this story draws near to an end, I present to you...


A green sword once again found its target.

Skett turned in amazement. "Jade!? You're back!?"

The figure in green replied: "I'm not Jade. I'm Ricosearcher. Duck!"

Skett did so, and the sword sliced above his head, hacking into the side of a RAcast.

"I don't know where Jade is.", the figure replied. "But unless he returns, we're all dead. I can't keep going."

Skett shot a blast of Gizonde forward, and it zipped and zapped between multiple RAcasts. They fell to the ground seconds later.

Skett finally collapsed onto the sand. "I.... can't.... keep... fighting....." he said softly. "Forgive me....."

Ricosearcher ran past him, and Skett stared slowly at the footprint in the sand as he waited to die.


Moon Diamond took a blow to the face and another to her side from RAcast fists.

One of them grabbed her arms, restraining her, and another shot her three times in the stomach.

She screamed, and they dropped her into the sand to die.


Ult emerged from the collapsed tree and destroyed all RAcasts around her. However, another explosion sent a huge palm tree crashing down behind her. It swayed, and smashed her on her stomach. She was alive, but she could not move the tree. She was stuck.


Flame Garnet jumped from the ledge, falling a good ten feet before he slammed into the ground.

He rolled forward, trying to regain his balance, and stood up quickly.

Within a second his rifle was firing again, and he shot down a group of RAcasts quickly before bullets began firing back.

They zipped past him, and one of them struck his gun, sending it flying into the sand nearby him.



Black Pearl, the HUcast in white, sliced another RAcast in half. He was not getting exhausted, but his systems were beginning to wear down.

A saber skimmed his chest, but he narrowily avoided it. He threw his partisan forward, and it jutted through the RAcast before it fell to the ground.


He lost control of his legs and collapsed into the sand.

"No.... not yet..."

He tried in vain, but found he could not move.


Brian emerged from his sniping spot in the trees.

He ran forward, throwing his rifle in the sand and equipping a saber, and prepared to charge the RAcasts hand to hand.

"For jeM!!!", he screamed. "I will Ki---"

He lost his footing, and slammed into the sand.

"Ungh.... " He could not find the power to get up. He was exhausted. And now he would soon surely die.


Dark Diamond and Ruby Eclipse were the only two still alive and fighting.

"Ruby! I don't see the others anymore!!"

Ruby cursed to herself, but continued fighting. "Dark Diamond, it has been an honor knowing you!"

"And it has been an honor being your bodyguard for this long.." he said. "We will die like warriors, if die we must!!"

Suddenly, the two found themselves surrounded by RAcasts, with rifles pointed at them.

One of the RAcasts barked out a command. "Throw down your weapons, Humans! Do so now!"

They did so, reluctantly.

The RAcast walked forward, and looked at the two of them.

He punched Ruby across the face, and when Dark Diamond moved to attack, the other RAcasts, grabbed him and held him back by the arms.

"You. Human. What is your name?"

She glared at him, but said nothing.


He punched her again across the other side of the face.

"Tell me your name."

"Ruby. Eclipse."

"Where is he?"

"Where is who?"


He punched her hard in the stomach, and she moaned in pain.

"Where is HE? The one you call Jade!"

"I... I don't know..."

He grabbed her hard by the neck, and held her up into the air, choking her slowly.

"Tell us where HE is!"


"RUBY!!!!" yelled Dark Diamond, struggling to free himself from the grips of the RAcasts. But he found he was not strong enough.

The RAcast dropped Ruby into the sand, where she lay, gasping for breath.

She lay on her back, blood running from her mouth, and slowly opened her eyes again.

"Uhmf.... I... don't... know... where... he...--"

The RAcast slammed his foot down hard on her stomach.

"AAH!!!" she screamed as the RAcast kept the pressure on her somtach.

He began to grind his foot from side to side ,and she continued screaming.

"Tell me. Where IS HE!?"

"I am here.", replied a voice.

The RAcast's gaze shot upwards to a figure floating in the air.

"Get your foot off of her. NOW!" yelled the figure.

The RAcast slowly drew for a rifle.

It drew the rifle out, and aimed it at her face.

But before it could pull the trigger, the rifle flew out of his hands and into the sand nearby.

"What the--"


The RAcast flew up into the air and Jade clenched his hands into fists.

"You hurt her. You're going to regret that."

He opened one of his fists, aimed his palm at the RAcast, and clenched.


The RAcast exploded in mid-air, sending pieces of it down into the other RAcasts.

Jade turned his gaze down to them.

"Release the HUmar."

The RAcasts kept their grip on him.

"Release him!"

No response.

"You leave me no choice. In the name of jeM..." he held his sword vertical, its blade aligning with his body. "... I will slay you all..."

Suddenly, he was gone.


To Dark Diamond's amazement, each and every remaining RAcast fell to the ground, chopping from all sides.


As the last RAcast of 500 fell to the ground, Dark Diamond fell to his knees, but slowly brought himself back up to his feet.

Jade appeared in front of him.

"Jade!! You-- you--"

"They have all been destroyed. The battle has been won."

"Ruby-- we have to save her!"

Jade turned and kneeled down beside Ruby. She was unconscious.

He felt for a pulse.

"She's still alive. I'll will do my best to save her."

Jade picked her up in his arms, and flew off into the sky.

--- END OF PART 6 ---

Apr 28, 2004, 03:57 PM
I hope you all have enjoyed reading the story so far!
Many thanks for all of your comments and support!

So, I present to you now the final chapter in The Battle For Gal Da Val.



Skett slowly awoke to the morning sunlight on his face.

"Mfff.... wh--wha..."

He stood up slowly, amazed to find strength again, and stared at the rising sun reflecting its light among the beach.

"We--- we won!?" He looked around, and saw the RAcasts parts all across the beach.

"WE WON!!" he yelled, running down the beach. "WE WON!! WE WON!! WE--"

His eyes saw a figure washed up along the beach.


He ran up closer, and finally rolled the body over so he could see the person's face.


The dead body of Cakey stared up at him.

"Oh.... oh my god..."

Skett stood up slowly as Jade landed in the sand nearby him.

"Cakey gave his life to save you.", said Jade as he placed a hand on his shoulder. "jeM has won the battle.. but the war is from from over."


Fire Opal opened his eyes to see Ruby looking down at him.

"Ruby!! I--"

He looked at his stomach. The bullet marks were gone. "What the--!?"

"Calm down.." she said softly. "I was worried about you there for a while, Opal.." she said. "But Jade saved you. You were just about to die when Jade found you, and healed your wounds. You've been sleeping for a few hours... go back to sleep, and get some rest."

"Did... did we win?"

She smiled.

"Yes.", she said. "We won."


All of the jeM members that fought at Gal Da Val survived except for Cakey in the end. While Jade saved as many as he could that were about to die, his powers could not revive people.

Moon Diamond, as well as all the other androids, were repaired expertly by montague himself. Luckily, they were all saved as well.

Dark Diamond would never forget how close he came to breaking his promise with his client. Ruby had almost died, and so had he. But a new day was dawning at Gal Da Val. He could not stay in the past any longer. It was time to face the future.

Skett and everyone else found themselves back to the newly located jeM base, hidden at a different section of the beach.

Cakey was given a proper burial at the highest mountain point on Gal Da Val.

Jade stood up slowly after the body of Cakey was finally covered with soil.

"Here lies cakey, a brave fighter and one of jeM's finest members.", he said. "Long will he be remembered, in history books and legends. In rumors and tall tales, and in the minds of all present."

Jade waved his hand, and the soil flattened out.

"Indeed. For a long time will be remembered Cakey: King of the mountain."


Ruby stared at the setting sun from high above the tree tops.

She was sitting on top of a large palm, and she gazed, silently at the sun, thinking of everything that had happened before, and pondering what would happen next.

Jade flew up, and hovered beside her.

"Ruby.. I'm sorry for what happened. I couldn't save him."

"He died because of my commands..." she said quietly.

"He died and saved you and everyone else. His death was honorable, and it was something that had to be done.

Listen Ruby, think not on what has already happened. Hindsight is 20/20. But the future is where you should be focused. Come with me. I want to show you something."

He offered a hand.

Ruby looked at it sadly. Her eyes followed the hand up to his eyes- his always sparkling eyes.

She smiled, and her gaze brightened.

"All right then", she said.

She stood up slowly, and took his hand.


Well, as that marks the end of this story, I guess it's about time I started posting the Final NiGHTS and Fuji story! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif Keep your eyes peeled, because you never know when it may pop up...

Thanks again everyone,

-- Ruby Eclipse

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RubyEclipse on 2004-04-28 13:59 ]</font>

Apr 28, 2004, 04:35 PM
It was a nice short story. This is a great way to begin the final instalment of your story. I cant wait.

Darn, I had a award for people with stories that I thought was really good but I can't find it. I must have deleted it.

Apr 29, 2004, 04:36 PM
"You hurt her. You're going to regret that."

That was funny. I can imagine exactly how angry he would be too... I would not like to be that Racast. Especially after he had been scattered across the beach. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

I'm amazed at how fast you work. You've cranked out a great story in only a few days.

I'll be looking forward to The final story, of course. I can hardly wait. (Although I will miss your detailed characters that seem so real...) *sniff* Poor Cakey...

Apr 29, 2004, 08:34 PM
Thanks for the comments guys!

I hope to have the first chapter of the Final NiGHTS and Fuji story up pretty soon, but as my life is getting more and more hectic lately, it may take a little longer than I would like...

Anyways though, I'm glad both of you enjoyed the story, and I'm also eager to hear what other people thought of it as well!


-- Ruby Eclipse