View Full Version : Whats lv 200 like

Apr 21, 2004, 01:35 PM
I just reached lv 150 last night and im wondering what lv200 is like? Iv only been playing offline and have never stept foot in an online game.

LV 150

Apr 21, 2004, 01:39 PM
Boring. There is no where to go no more experience to get http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif! I rather get to about 170 and make a new character. There is hardly any point of being a level 200. Actually let me rephrase that. There is an odd sense of accomplishment of being level 200. However, this simply shows that you play the game too much, like me, or you cheated your way there. Either way is pretty meaningless.

You do get to see your stats in yellow, assuming you designed your characters correctly. Other than that is totally uneventful.

I was very sad when I got my Fomar to level 200. Not a day goes by when I keep thinking about recreating him, simply cause I used to love my Fomar, and now that he is 200, I see no point in playing him.

Apr 21, 2004, 01:53 PM
I dont know why but most of the characters ive seen pics of at lv 200 where Forcers. i have one and its a pain in the but to grow him a lv. I prefer hucast.

Apr 21, 2004, 03:09 PM
Because forces offer the greatest amount of diversity. You can alway try to melee with a force, however, you cannot cast spells with a Hucast. When your force is bored to tears with casting, you can always grab a new mag, new units and new weapons and test the melee side of the game. This versatility is what makes the forces the most enjoyable characters in the game; this perhaps explains your observation.

I have seen my share of Hucasts and Humar at 200, not to mention Racasts and Ramarls.