View Full Version : GSer's

Apr 24, 2001, 04:02 AM
Don't flame all Gser's, I've been fsod'd (frozen screen of death) 4 times and Gser's where the only ones to help. If it wasn't for them right now i would be a lvl 63 RAmar with only a hand gun, a frame, a barrier, and a lvl 5 mag. My GSer friends restored me almost completely to my former glory. So if you have a problem with Gser's and think that they ruin the game don't play. Most Gser's treat PSO like what it is, just another RPG game. Don't act like their killing someone or something in cold blood, there just playing the game their way.

I don't like the pking part, but that can also be done without the GS. I know because I know how to, I don't do it but I know how to. and don't ask cause I won't tell. And Gser's usually have at least 1 character that was leveled up legit. And very few pk.

For that matter the majority of the people I have seen plowing though a level with a spread have been legit players who want to show off to newbie's, and if you don't like it you don't have to play with them, make a password protected game or something just don't blame every body who uses a GS.

I have no problem with legit players, but lay off its just a game.

Apr 24, 2001, 04:06 AM
and i didn't mean for it to sound like pso isnt any good, i'm just trying to get my point across.

Apr 27, 2001, 07:33 AM
Is any one even reading this message?

Apr 28, 2001, 05:23 AM
I have to admit, I own a gameshark and I'm glad I do. Why? Because my very first character (a HUmar) who was completely legit, was banned by Sega (banned from online play) at level 72, almost 160 hours of work, and no I hadn't traded with anybody either so it isn't an illegitimate item problem, and whenever I tried to log on and play online, a message appears stating that I have "corrupt item information" and that my inventory will be initialized.
But after that it still wouldn't let me online even though I then had a Saber, frame, lvl5 MAG, and 4 monomates/fluids (because of the item data initialization)! And after talking to Sega's single customer support guy, and e-mailing complaints to them, the only response I get is "Your copy of PSO saved your character information incorrectly." So I had one choice-clean the dust off of my GameShark and get a character as close to the same EXP. level as possible, retrieve some rares, and upgrade my mag. So as far as Sega is concerned, this current character of mine (who is now at level 92) is completely legit.


<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Kent on 2001-04-28 03:25 ]</font>

Apr 29, 2001, 02:13 AM
Right on