View Full Version : AOL broadband

Apr 29, 2004, 12:13 PM
Has anyone gone online with the Gamecube on AOL broadband in the UK? if so please tell me how you did it. I think it is possible but I'm just making sure before I blow £100.

Apr 29, 2004, 12:14 PM
You might want to try the tech support board.
You'll probably get better answers there.

Apr 29, 2004, 12:25 PM
Yeah this should be in Tech Support. Anyway, it is possible to get online with AOL using ICS (internet Connection Sharing.) I believe you could also use a router but Rich_T knows alot more about UK ISP's and their compatibility with hardware than I do, so once this gets moved I'm sure he can fill you in much better.

Apr 29, 2004, 01:29 PM
Yeah I've put a similar forum to this on tech support. I was just hoping someone with AOL would see this. ANyway thanks for the help. I'm gonna go for it and buy a modem when I get back from my holiday in Florida.

Apr 30, 2004, 01:40 PM
Eh-oh, bloody 'ell.
i installed that once, ( one of them there free trail thingys) and regretted it, my computer was messed up, and the only way to fix it was to do a complete re-install.

AOL isnt exaclty well known for its 'quality of product' it works, to a point, and it has its fans, however its incompatable with more things than its compatable with, and its overpriced.
why pay 28 pounds for a 'wonky' ISP such as AOL when you could pay between 18-22 for something that does the job a bit better.

Right, i suppose you want a solution of sorts then, as long as your getting AOL broadband ADSL ( doen your phoneline) and not down some fancy cable or satelite thingymys:

First of all the Cheap solution
As with almost all UK based broadband ISPs that use a phoneline (DSL) you should have had a starter/welcome pack, this typicly contains 2 microfilters and a USB modem;
Upgrade all your AOL software to the latest version
next read the sticky on this board
Here it is if you cant be arsed to go back and find it, its question 02 (http://www.pso-world.com/viewtopic.php?topic=37273&forum=3&75)
Got that?, set it all up and hope for the best, make sure that the Cable mentioned is a CROSSOVER cable, or that you are using a straight cable with a CROSSOVER adaptor.
even thats not gaurenteed as AOL software messes with your internet/network settings ( amongst other things) but its worth a try.

The slightly more Expensive solutoion
As a positive to AOL, they have actulay got their fingers out form their backsides, and started to allow people to use routers with their service ( therefore allowing users to set up a network)
im not too sure on what works or what doesnt, but i can point you somewhere where you can find out.
That place is http://www.adslguide.org.uk on the AOL message board (http://bbs.adslguide.org.uk/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=aol) Search it for Routers and it should find you something compatable, or of the search doesnt work, post a new topic http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif
you should be able to find one for about 60 quid or so.

The ideal Solution:
go to http://www.adslguide.org.uk look at the ISP list, and find another ISP ( i think they have almost every UK ADSL broadband ISP listed)
dump AOL, save all your files and programs on your computer, re-format the harddrive, re-install everything to get rid of AOL.

one last thing
If you getting a router make sure that its compatable with AOL and MAKE SURE THAT ITS GOT A MODEM BUILT IN to make it compatable with the ADSL service, and buy a UK one as differnt ways of lgging on to the DSL serivices are used in tdifferen countries

May 1, 2004, 01:52 PM
Why does it need a built in modem? Dosent the BBA do that?

May 1, 2004, 05:01 PM
THe BBa is nothing more than an over priced network card, in order for it to get online, it has to connect to a network.
At the top of this network is the Modem, this can be a 56k modem, or if your on broadband it will be a DSL Modem conected to a PPoAtm service through a mcrofilter.
So as well as a BBA you also need a modem.

You will probably have a USB modem hooked up to your P.C which doesnt provide the right type of conection for your BBA, you can get ethernet modems suitable for your BBA, but they probably dont work with AOLs UK service (PPoA) and you will hve to unplug the lead to the P.c then re-set the modem and plug in the gamecube BBA lead.
your cheapest solution works out like this

Phone socket>--->Microfilter>--->USB_Modem> P.C
P.C Ethernet card>--(Crossover_cable)--->BBA

May 5, 2004, 01:32 PM
Check out this topic i started. I managed to get AOL to work after starting it, so i posted how i did it here. Read from my 2nd post.