View Full Version : Advice for the online players

Apr 30, 2004, 01:11 AM
....is what I'm hoping to solicit here.

Well, I just got in my nifty new GC broadband modem tonight, and after a quick test run online, I'd like to know some of the do's and don't's of online play, whether it be teamwork related, ships to avoid, people to avoid, how to dodge that nasty nasty FSOD threat, and... well..

I solicit your wisdom, oh wise and powerful ones.

Oh, and if you see a RAmarl named Steyr AUG or a FOmar named Jedifabreeze online, say hi to me, will ya?

Apr 30, 2004, 04:19 AM

After a quick play online, I wish I had my friend's Jap PSO keyboard already....

Apr 30, 2004, 05:40 AM
- Stay away from Vega 1
- Get a keyboard ASAP and learn the more import icons and if you want symbol chat part positions
- Only go in JP Alcyone 6 if you are going to play C-Mode
- Use Broadband if possible
- Move your items from a corrupted character to a temp character in case a character gets corrupted (all items is preferred, may only have to move/deposits items that aren't equipped, I'm not 100% sure)
- Have a party of all the people on your Guild Card list so that any of your other memory cards can get their Guild Cards (I have yet to do this >.<)

Apr 30, 2004, 11:17 PM
Don't out and out ask for items unless trading.
Don't ask to play a quest when just entering a room.
Don't be an ass overall lol

May 1, 2004, 03:43 AM
-dont use the term Jap.

-allways bank any unequipped weapons and items before going online/offline or entering/exiting a room. (so if you FSOD, you dont lose the weapon that is unequipped.