View Full Version : Your job in multiplayer?

May 3, 2004, 04:37 AM
Well, after only a weekend of fanatical online playing, I've been thinking about how I've played in games that actually HAD other players.

Now, I'll admit it. I only have one character of a respectable level (129 RAmarl named Steyr AUG), and as a RAmarl, I find myself pinch-hitting for whatever the group needs. Only playing with FOs? I'm the hunter with a Double Saber & Madam's Umbrella. Once I was in a group with three androids and I found myself casting techs so much that I simply left the umbrella equipped and played force quite respectably. If I'm in a balanced group, I generally run around with my Frozen Shooter & Snow Queen, freezing threats to the entire group (Indi Belras, Dark Bringers, Lilies, what have you).

The only slipup I keep making is accidentally using my Photon Blast before everyone else's is full. -_-;

Now more than ever I'm glad I chose a RAmarl as my first and best character. I prize that versatility, even if I DID die 3 times from using the MADAM UMBRELLA's Beserk special... Never thought I would regret having high ATA. >,<

So tell me, in multiplayer games what do YOU feel is your favorite role?

May 3, 2004, 04:51 AM
Personally forces can do the most damaged legit and without glitches for example i can do 1000 with grants 30 and megids excellent (maybe not so on ult) so i think we should attack not assisst and heal (except in the case of androids) my brother annoys me so much he never heals and when he dies he says me and my friends should have healed him.

oh and our team is Fomar(Me),Fomarl,Fonewm and a useless humar who naggs me for my oriagito and other weapons.

May 3, 2004, 06:02 AM
My favorite role is that of hack-and-slash hunter (more specifically, HUnewearl). Mostly because I've been spoiled during my entire time playing PSO by having my sister obsessively play support (more specifically, FOnewearl). And because I never get to do it online.

What really irks me is when I'm on a team with a force, a droid or two, and/or a HUmar, and I'm the one casting s/d/j/z/resta/using moons. The moronic fo has level 30 techs and reverser. Why on earth should I have to waste all my atp so that the team can actually kill the monsters? (And before anyone asks, I don't like having the monsters take 1/4 of my HP in one hit. That's why I do it, even when the fo won't.) Why should I have to spend 500 meseta to revive people when the fo can do it for the cost of a few tp? Stupid people suck.

May 3, 2004, 07:51 AM
....It's been so long since I've played multiplayer I forgot about Moon Atomizers the first couple of times that I played online.

I caught on quick though when I played with those three droids!

Oh, and as far as FOs doing the most damage...

I just got out of a fight with Ult Barba Ray, and I was doing, after a full Shifta/Zalure, 394 points of damage PER HIT. That's, what, almost 3600 points of damage in a full barrage? I misdoubt that FOs have a monopoly on high damage, and one nice thing about weapons is you never have to worry about tech resistances...

Uv course, who am I to talk? My FOnewearl is only level 74; I'm sure she'll be dishing out the damage once she maxes that ol' MST!

May 3, 2004, 10:48 AM
Online, a human Force will do more damage with a weapon than they will with techs, or the damage will be equal.

FOmar + 1000ish MST + Grants + Hildelt = 512ish damage.

FOmar + 570ish ATP + L29 Shifta + L30 Zalure + Red Handgun + Hildelt = 540ish damage.

...Gee, guess what I'll be using for damage? >_>;

And I am a support bitch first and foremost.

May 3, 2004, 11:12 AM
My HUne often takes on FOrce duty as well, but she's still primarily a hunter. I'll make sure to keep everyone happy with the S/D. I'll cast Zalure before attacking and depending on the lvl of my team mates I also cast Jellen. But then I go into attack mode. I'm always looking out for anyone who might need healing with Resta regardless of a FOrce on the team. Especially if I need it myself, I might as well heal someone else in the process.

May 3, 2004, 11:41 AM
Offline, our team is now:

160-161 RAcast
155 HUmar (me, bleh)
130+ HUcaseal

And occasionally with a:

130+ FOnewearl

When the FOnewearl is with us, we generally just use Shifta and Deband when we reach a healing ring, or before a boss. Other than that we generally don't need it much anyways, but it serves as a nice little bonus. I am always the Jellen/Zalure caster, and I prefer to be, since it's the easiest way for me to tag everything. When our normal 3 person team, I am the Jellen/Zalure/Resta bitch. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

On another note, recently the RAcast passed me in levels. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_rant.gif

May 3, 2004, 01:38 PM
Offline: Support and attacker
Online: Support and attacker

I support whenever possible, even with only level 20 techs, even when there is a FOrce on the team http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif. I prefer to Resta myself (thats what happens when you play 117 levels offline with a tech user).

I do ranged and melee attacks, melee in the Forest, Caves, Temple, and Spaceship occasionally; and anything beyond that is strictly ranged weapons.

Also, I am usually the FOrce when we come to a room full of Lllies, since I am usually the only one with enough EDK to survive.

May 3, 2004, 01:57 PM
Oh yeah my Ranger does mucho damage for his level and has excellent S/D for the androids I play with.

May 3, 2004, 02:26 PM
....What, no one wants to admit they're a greedy red-box grasping jerkwad? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif


But seriously, it's interesting reading all these responses. Wish we could get something from some of the REALLY high-level players but what can ya do sometimes? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

May 3, 2004, 02:42 PM
well i don't play multiplayer anymore... but when i was playing it with a friend i was alwaus the person who had to resta him when he ran head first into a group of enemies, and revive him when they killed him...

also i always had to give him my scape doll in challenge mode as well as monomates since he died a lot... not exactly the best role in multiplayer >_>

May 3, 2004, 02:58 PM
I'm trap happy. I use them to get me out of situations (solo) and I shot them in offline solo and multi. I'm also the meatshield and Holder of the Red box (because my RAmar bro is My bitch http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif )

May 3, 2004, 04:02 PM
Here is what i ve always thought:

My FOnewman:

1st: s/d every1 & j/z the rooms
2nd: nuke everything in site wit my techs

My RAmarl:

-1st fore most hinder the real baddies (belras,doggies,deldepths,horsies,tower enemies) wit the fs or paralyze mult. enemies wit the sn
-2nd be the jack of trades whether it be techs or attacks

My HUcast:

-Freeze/Confuse in the naughty rooms (ex. sinow room in ttf)

May 3, 2004, 06:12 PM
My Main Char Is Hucast

So Hunter who deals... w/ MKB

i dont use MKB i use demo comet or meteor cudgel

May 4, 2004, 05:49 AM
Yo Steyr AUG, remember me =)

Generally I'll support first and then go play up close with the big mean monsters. Poor FOmar's attack techs have become obsolete compared to Platain Huge Fan. If there's a full blown team and we're doing TTF or Ep2 Ult I go total support and nothing but. Barehand casting, lotsa running about supplying constant resta and anti. Generally it's cheaper than throwing out attack techs anyway. Plus, people come to like you real fast when they don't have paralysis long enough to even notice.

See you for more C-mode Steyr!

May 4, 2004, 07:16 AM
Why, yes I do remember you, and I hope to meet for more Cmode again indeed!

By the way, what I wanted to say in response to your comment "Plantain Huge Fan pwns your Umbrella" is "Gush Vulcans w/ 60% Hit pwns your Plantain Huge Fan"

....You want to know what the sad truth is? Those Vulcans are the best item I've gotten out of 13 solo ruins runs, and I got them on my first run. Meh.

May 4, 2004, 07:37 AM
what am i, im the andriod that puts alot of traps when the team needs it when theres no RA with a frozen shooter i put my freeze traps on bringers, indi berla, and more.

May 4, 2004, 03:45 PM
My Fomar is pretty multifaceted - I can tech, shoot, or be support. But usually S/D/J/Z are in demand, so that's what I do a lot of the time.

May 4, 2004, 04:21 PM
Lol. It's hard to say. Mostly due to the fact that I usually become trigger happy with any char that I use. *coughs* But mainly....either the trap happy android or the tech happy FO. Atleast when I can play multiplayer....

May 4, 2004, 05:04 PM
ild go with support force

May 4, 2004, 05:44 PM
I'm the support guy. =P

May 5, 2004, 10:14 AM
In a team, I'll do whatever needs doing. Usually, I'll go for the high danger targets, trying to RAbarta them or J/Z them and then attack. I usually use ranged weps; slicers, mechs and the Holy Ray (great for those tricky hallways in Seabed).

May 5, 2004, 12:06 PM
I'm the support whore for my group, cuz my resta is lvl 30 and anti lvl 7...and have high S/D(can't remember exactly) compared to my friends' crappy FOnewm.

May 5, 2004, 03:11 PM
On 2004-05-03 04:02, LadyRedComet wrote:
My favorite role is that of hack-and-slash hunter (more specifically, HUnewearl). Mostly because I've been spoiled during my entire time playing PSO by having my sister obsessively play support (more specifically, FOnewearl). And because I never get to do it online.

Hehe, that's me!! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif I seldom, if ever, use attack techs in Multi Mode (no, I almost never play my droids in multi mode). I just cast S/D as soon as it's needed, and j/z every time something spawns in front of me and Lady Red (and our friends, as the case may be). I always cast Resta if anyone is down by any amount of HP, and Anti the minute anyone's got any status conditions (w00t for level 7 anti and a cure/freeze and cure/shock!).

On the rare occasions when I do play online, people usually could care less that I'm doing support, and I've even had some avoid my help. Because of that, I tend to "lie in wait" at the doors, and catch them with S/D and Resta there. *evil grin*

I hit stuff with my Mahu, though!! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

May 5, 2004, 04:12 PM

Though when I play with non legits. I just gizonde everything and the heal them when they are lwo.


Though for Cmode...

As HUnewearl:
- Distracting the belra, nano dragon, hildebears, dark bringers
- Go out of the ways to get extra items
- Support another fighter fighting a difficult enemy (though if they tell me to fight once character for faster times, I can do so)
- Moving ahead to other rooms to bring out the enemies

As RAmarl:
- Support the rest of the HUnter so they don't get hit by the enemies and fire warning shots at enemies telling enemies are getting close to someone

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sharkyland on 2004-05-05 14:23 ]</font>

May 5, 2004, 04:38 PM
is Hunting Red Boxes a crime???
LOL http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

May 5, 2004, 04:46 PM
Hunter Deal 805 Damage Forever !YAY!!!
You tell them...Who your Mama!?

^_- Hunter Bias

May 5, 2004, 05:57 PM
Wow, there's alot of support out there. Maybe I should go beat stick for a while... It would be a nice change, I think I'll do that after I get S on both episode challenges.

The world needs more Tanks!!!

Oh, and Zel- It's only because I'm better looking, smoother talking and have more style than you.


May 5, 2004, 10:25 PM
On 2004-05-05 15:57, Saigan wrote:
Wow, there's alot of support out there. Maybe I should go beat stick for a while... It would be a nice change, I think I'll do that after I get S on both episode challenges.

The world needs more Tanks!!!

Oh, and Zel- It's only because I'm better looking, smoother talking and have more style than you.


Whoa, hey Saigun, with the Huge Plantain Fan. It's me Marina http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

May 6, 2004, 06:40 AM
The world doesn't need more tanks because there really aren't that many support forces out there.

May 6, 2004, 06:49 AM
Tanks tend to be better support Forces than many support Forces. >_<;;;

At least they usually keep up the J/Z... >_<

May 8, 2004, 11:49 PM
Marina, Saigan is gonna try and post. If his comp doesn't die on the way here. He's Saigan with an S-rank twin now. *coughs* Yeah I'm still better looking then you. Though I may not be as cool a HUforce....you and your stupid S-rank. *coughs*Saigan'sabastard*coughs*

May 9, 2004, 12:06 AM
I've entered full HU-FOmar now with my S-rank twin I break 1500 per combo ONLINE. So I guess now I fil;l whatever role the party needs.


Oh- hey Marina. I already PM'ed you to keep from chatting here.

Zelgadis however, has already doomed himself to my being proven as the cooler, hotter, and all around better FOmar.

Don't believe me Zel? How many random newbies do you help? Got an S-rank? A fan club perhaps?

Oh- you aren't online... I guess NO ONE knows you.


May 9, 2004, 12:37 AM
SO that makes me the under dog. Everyone always roots for the under dog! *points* Laugh all you want. When it comes down to things....who finds the cooler rares more often? Hm? Tell me Pink freak!

May 9, 2004, 10:49 PM
Yeah Zel, congrats on finding those frozen shooters... now let me know when your scrawny arms can pick it up and use it. If you'll excuse me, me and my S-Rank Twin are gonna go show up some of the hunters in ultimate.

That's it... very soon this is gonna get turned into a poll. Time to take a snapshot of myself...

May 9, 2004, 11:33 PM
with my HUcast 160 I'm all about stompin the shiz out of enemies enough so that a FO or RA can get in a one hit and kill it...When in DF I moon everyone like noone's business...and during the finally i use stars to heal efficiantly while killing the biznitch

My HUnewearl 119 I heal you when needed IE in yellow or red, i'mnot wasting my time and magic healing your dumbass. and then I cast S/D every 3-4 mins and J/Z i don't care too that much, usually i can kill the thing by the time i cast J/Z

My RAmarl 86+ I hardly play with other people because i hate RAs...

My FOmar 60+ well i can't play mages...i suck with them and always have..i charge in and get smacked on my ass

My HUcaseal 60+ i love using Yamigarasu with her but i get confusled and all like that so i gave up playing with much

May 9, 2004, 11:44 PM
Hmm, well, I only play multi-mode with my two highest character.

With my HUmar, I provide support with Jellen and Zalure, and dealing large damage to larger enemies.

With my FOnewm, I just...blow everthing up. Lay stuff to waste with powerful techs, and offer level 30 S/D with my Striker of Chao.

May 10, 2004, 07:45 PM
Iiiii am a Support Fo, Always with the Mariana Bag and the Madams Umbrella Handy for S/D and Anti/Resta Boosts.

Though i occassionally Strike Creatures when im done Doing all the S/D/J/Z Business. Its fun doing 100 Damage on a Heavy hit with an Umbrella to a Barble >>;

HERBAL VAPORIZERS (http://herbalvaporizers.info)

May 11, 2004, 11:06 AM
it depends what role i am
Dana-ranged attack(killing with my 100 luck annoyes my friends and my friends hate mt red mechs(total combo kill)
sarah-support/little bitch mage kick-ass mst, annoying lv 30tech(my friends hate my for those)they never let me use my megid)DIE ZOA DIE
Adel-Basic Hunewearl(kick ass) all die!
all three always use s/d/j/z(god damn lazy friends(with weaker support techs)

May 13, 2004, 06:33 AM
While playing with my FOmarl, I support my teammates with Resta, Reverser and I cast spels on the enemies at the same time.
So I'm fighting and healing http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

May 13, 2004, 12:14 PM
I finally found myself a happy medium! With my S-rank twin finished I also join in combat as well as support forcing. I have resta, medium, hard,jellen, anti and zalure all hotkeyed and moved shifta/deband to the top of my spell list. The only thing that keeps me from split second-antis is that sometimes I'm in the middle of a combo.

So far though it's working well and no one has complained.

May 14, 2004, 02:11 PM
Yeah yeah. Oh by the way....when am I gonna get the grinders and pd's back?

May 14, 2004, 04:42 PM
Hucast-i knock the shizzle out of everything.
hunewhearl-i do what is best for the team.
Racast-i just hit eveything from far a way and i freeze the potentially dangerous enemies
Fomarl-I use the nuke and support combo.

May 14, 2004, 05:14 PM
On 2004-05-14 12:11, Zelgadis wrote:
Yeah yeah. Oh by the way....when am I gonna get the grinders and pd's back?

Uh... when I find as many as you gave me? Lol... how about when we remember you need my old DF field. Lol.

May 15, 2004, 01:23 PM
How are Rico's glasses and the meteor cudgel?
*coughs* You know...if you were Alexis this would be much easier. *coughs* Baranz Launcher, Meteor Cudgle. Yeah yeah.

We all know I'm the cooler rare hunter. Your just around so you can owe me things later. *coughs* Well considering the stuff I've gotten back. You still kinda owe me. Meteor Cudgel - DF field. Guard Wave - Rico's glasses. Grinders 100 - MKB 25 Grinders +25 on the MKB. I still need another 74. Oh not to mention the 20 PD's I gave you.....

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zelgadis on 2004-05-15 11:32 ]</font>

May 15, 2004, 02:23 PM
First of all: I found the MKB on my own avec les grinders.

Second of all: Who got online for you to spend PD for you despite Hopkins father not offering the item you wanted for 30 minutes.

We should discuss this elsewhere although I'm sure iamfanboy is appreciative of the free bumps.

May 15, 2004, 02:54 PM
Well... I don't mind...

But it seems like you're the only ones actually posting!

The results of the poll are clear: People LIKE playing the support FO.

...Judging from what I've seen online, this isn't always the case, but hey, so what?

And I see that fewer people are fessing up to being a greedy red-box grasping jerkwad than is true! You liars!

Just kidding, of course. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Hmmm.... Well, the poll seems about dead, so I'll let this drift into obscurity with the thought:

Did you notice the typo in the poll that I really, REALLY wish I could have fixed... AFTER I put up the poll?

May 18, 2004, 05:21 PM
Forces are not made for nothing... They are meant to help and heal, yeah they can get their hit in an all but their main priority is to support the Hunters and Rangers...^_^

May 21, 2004, 04:22 AM
I'm mostly a ramar...with my frozen shooter and spread needle....but when the bossy comes I use my Yasminkov. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif