View Full Version : How can I copy PSO data from one memory card to another

May 6, 2004, 02:36 AM
I want to know how to copy PSO data because my memory card has gotten crupted and unformated about 5 times know and I want to be able to make a copy back up of my data so that is a get corupted I can still have my character and items. It has nothing to do with trying to dupe becaues I am a liget and I know that there is another way to dupe. It all because of the gay hacker corupting people. I alread know you cant say how to do this on this site so if some one could please Email me how or at least Email me the site they found it from at [email protected].

thank you

Also if I have said anything I am not sopose to no this site I just want to let PSO World know I'm sorry and didn't know.

May 6, 2004, 02:55 AM
There is not currently any codes to do this with. your best bet (if truely legit) is to give your equipment to someone you trust online and then make a new character on your new memory card and recollect your equipment from your friend. Oh, and by the way this has already been discussed before, which doesnt bother me but some people find it as wasteful posting http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

May 6, 2004, 06:10 AM
Hmm, I've been wondering about that too. Except my situation is different...When I first got PSO, my sister and I made all our characters on the same memory cards, forgetting for the time that we would be going to separate colleges. That's going to happen this fall, and neither of us wants to lose our main character (they're on the same card... *sigh*).

May 6, 2004, 07:08 AM
on GC, you can transfer your stuff from one memcard to another on offline multiplayer mode.

but you cant transfer/copy your files with normal memcards.

for the parting issue...
well, since (at least concerning onlinemode) the chars most likely only work with that one copy of pso, you will have to either share the time, or erase that card and recreate your chars from the scratch on two different mems... at least this way you can transfer over your items.

May 6, 2004, 12:53 PM
You can't.
Even using CTR-GCS you can't do it, because PSO encodes your memory card's serial number into the savefile, and checks to see if it matches when loading.

If you want to back up your character, the only way to do it is to save a copy of your savefile to your hard disk, and even then you can only restore it onto the same memory card.