View Full Version : PSO V2.0 Rumors

Apr 28, 2001, 08:55 PM
Here are a few Rumors about PSO V2.0 that i have heard from Sega THemselves...

PSO V2.0 will be relased in america shortly after the JP launch. VERY shortly. Like 2 weeks kinda shortly...

PSO V2.0 May be released in EU. The reason this is brought up is because remember how Sega did that server maintnance on PSO for V2.0... Well as some of you may or may not know, the JP, US, and EU servers were all updated to be compatible for V2.0....Hmmm why would they update the EU servers for V2.0 when its not even gona be released their....Hmmmm

Watch out for your items in V2.0. its been rumored that if you have ever had the message that wont let you enter a gme due to duped items, then your inventory will be delted or somewhat altered for V2.0...

Contrary to the Rumor on a FAST US V2.0 launch another rumor is that it wont be released until LATE Summer... like September kinda late... Persoanlly i beleive the other rumor....

Note- These are all rumors i have heard from fellow aquantances at Sega.

Apr 28, 2001, 11:28 PM
WHEN THE HECK IS THE FRICKING US VERSION COMING OUT? i dont wanna play the import version and pay all that money and two weeks later the US version comes out. that would suck big tyme. PLZ HELP ME!!! im about to just get pso regular for american version and then just play until version 2 comes out. Yeah, i think thats what ill do. probably. if i have enuff money to import i probably will.

Apr 28, 2001, 11:41 PM
It should come out May 30th or June.

The only reason I see them pushing back the US release is to spread their game releases around so enougth new games will be coming out each month.

I doubt that duped items will be blocked (I wish they were). They would have done it by now if it was possible. They could delete all super rare items (like spread needle....) so that all the duped ones would be gone and you would actually have to find one. The only problem with that is that the legit people would lose the weapons they earned. opefully, cheating won't be an issue with version 2.

Apr 29, 2001, 12:37 AM
Unless there is some sort of item filter when you carry your character over to v.2, it will be impossible to control the duping of v.1 rares. All one has to do if they want a v.1 rare is to create/dupe a rare with a v.1 character, and transfer their character to v.2. There will, however, be ways to counter new items that are unique to v.2 if they have item serial numbers or something of the sort. But with v.1 since there is no way of individually identifying items, duping will continue to propagate, and items will bleed into v.2

[addsig]"0" src="http://chris.nash.org/images/pso/kamotz-sig-5.jpg" width="504" height="126">
"If we do not succeed, we run the risk of failure."-Dan Quayle
Kamotz - 4'10" HUcast - Lvl 65

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Kamotz on 2001-04-28 22:42 ]</font>

Apr 29, 2001, 12:41 AM
Sega could make the Version 1 rares less effective so you couldn't be clearing rooms with a spread needle or heaven's punisher.

Apr 29, 2001, 12:50 AM
That's what Ultimate Mode is for! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_biggrin.gif

Apr 29, 2001, 12:54 AM
Yeah, but they could also reduce the stats for a weapon.

For example, a spread needle would go slower and do less damage in all modes.

Apr 29, 2001, 01:43 AM
I hate to say this, but plain old normal Charge Spreads and better in the hands of a Ranger can clear rooms just as fast and faster than a Spread Needle--and yes, it spoils the game just as badly if a powerful Ranger EXP hogs.

One of the reasons I solo so much is so I can blast away at full speed with my high photon bonus Shot series weapons without sucking the fun from my teammates.

Toning down the Spread Needle would have no effect on the (legitimately) more common Shot series weapons. OTOH, toning down Shot series weapons would destroy game balance for the Rangers since their max ATP is much lower than Hunters.

The best thing would be if they allowed transfering characters, but not possessions. I doubt that will happen unfortunately, but it would be for the best if they did it that way.