View Full Version : FanFic: Short Story: Fresh Challenge

May 17, 2004, 01:22 PM
Short Story: Fresh Challenge

Bullets from Vaddir's handgun slammed into the depths of the crowd of monsters. As much as he despised fighting on early fringes of Ragol Forest, he knew that the true beasts of challenge would come to meet him only after he had moved deeper into the woodland. And to do so meant that he must first destroy the enemies in his way. The green bullets of his Suppressed Handgun dropped several of the monsters, but the beasts continued to advance.

How he hated Boomas. The creatures were infinitely stupid by all means. They plowed endlessly forward, entirely unaware that their numbers were falling the weapon in Vaddir's hands. Surprising as it may be, they were advancing. He pulled free another Suppressed Handgun from the holster at his side and activated it, unleashing a barrage of energy into the group. Twenty dropped in ten seconds. Long ago the weapons had been modified to suit his needs. And he enjoyed every waking moment that he could unleash their rapid spray of power.

Screams of death echoed across the Booma ranks as their numbers were picked off one by one. Vaddir smiled at the unrelenting chaos. It was the thrill of battle he lived for, and while the toughest creatures were yet to come, never before had he fought so many creatures in number.

Behind his shoulders, the mag, a Rati he had inherited from his grandfather, clicked wildly as the beast approached. Slowly it was drawing the power from his excitement and transforming it into pure energy. Soon the photon blast would be ready. He hoped it would come before the creatures were destroyed.

More descended from the forest ride, and he stood perhaps five paces before the huge ivory doors through which he had entered the room. Vaddir paused for a moment, sweeping the back of his hand across a few strands of thin red hair that had fallen in front of his blue eyes, then continued to hammer the creatures. But as many as he killed, more moved to take the place of the individual who had fallen. They were swarming...and Vaddir did not like that...

With a sweep of his arm, Vaddir solved the problem of the invasion. He had not wished to destroy the group in massive numbers, yet saw no other option. As he swept his hand, open palmed, toward the mass, seven Rafoie blasts exploded among the ranks. The advance wavered as a multitude of Boomas fell to the ground in a burning cluster. Almost imperceptibly, the retreat began. Soon, nothing more than a
remnant of the main attack force remained. Again Vaddir smiled.

"That was fun," he noted. "...A new type of challenge...fresh...something to remember."