View Full Version : PSO needs to change on xbox live for the better

May 22, 2004, 06:29 PM
Recently, I have taken the intiative to embark on a journey of my own. I Only hope for others to read this constructive thread and offer positive feedback which will help make this quest a success. Any good info or advice would be appreciated in order to help build this great community back to a state of gaming heaven.

Thank you in advance for all your input, after hearing about all the problems with this game, (concerning online cheating and the fact that nothing been done to keep this game updated routinely like a real mmorph should be), I gave Microsoft a call to complain about this issue and even offered a better way for Sega and Microsoft to make Xbox Live better.

After I made it known the monthly fee was wrong if no real content was being added, I came up with a great idea. How's about make this game free to play online and charge people ONLY when a new download content comes around. In other words have people pay only for the updates rather than a monthly fee for something which seems to offer nothing more.

I also made the point that because this game requires people to have Xbox Live to begin with, many of those people are missing out this ends up leaving this game to not have better sales than it could of. Also when people do have Xbox Live, a monthly fee is a deterrent which again leaves this game to suffer in sales.

Why not make this game free for Xbox Live members? Everyone would get to enjoy this game (cheaters:( or not:) )and when Sega would come up with more maps or goodies then they could offer DLC for a certain fee. Even if the DLC costs 10-20$ but, was capable of extending the game another six months-wouldn't that be worth it? Instead of paying a monthly fee for something which isn't offering anything.

Plus Xbox Live would have another free game which many who were looking for an RPG can play with all together online. Plus when many get hooked (an they will) you and everyone would have the choice to pay for more updates and items.

How many RPG's online games exist on Xbox live? How many are gonna come out within the next year? I'll tell you not enough, if any online. All the while PS2's Final Fantasy is sucking away this community, when the Xbox community is far stronger.

I know that there are other RPG's which are coming out in the next few months but, most of them are NOT ONLINE. One game which is noted to be good is True Fantasy but this is not for a while. In the mean time many are abandoning this game because of it's fees WHICH are not keeping up it's end of the bargain with routine updates and a serious lack of policing when it comes to hackers and cheaters.

Look at games like Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, this game had serious flaws and glitches in which many were taking advantage of and hurting this games reputation. With in a month and a half these glitches where extinguished and eradicated. Also, guess what- this game is free to play and will have even more DLC to come in the next few weeks. The company UBI Soft obviously cares about what people think about it's games and did something to fix the online play, why can't Sega allow for the same thing?

So I am hoping someone out there can hear my idea and adopt it. Make Phantasy Star free and then offer DLC for a fee rather than a monthly charge which has not proven worthy at all.

If any of you have a subscription to Electronic Gaming Monthly, read next month's issue #180. My good friend , the head editor- Dan Shoe , will be putting my article about this idea in the hopes others will speak up and voice thier feelings about this.

I have even sent numerous e-mails to Microsoft and called 1-800-4-my-xbox a few times. All of which I recieved positive responses for and also was really easy to do.

Micosoft's address is: (for anyone willing to take the time and write about these issues and ideas)

Department: Xbox
1 Microsoft Way.
Redmond, WA.

Phone: 1-800-4-MY-Xbox

I also called Sega and spoke with the marketing and sales department and again recieved positive feedback.

Sega's Address:

Sega of America
650 Townsend St.
San Francisco, CA 94103

Phone: 415-701-6000

This thread is intended to help create a larger community for this awesome game. I think many would agree that getting rid of the fees and charging for new content would draw many gamers in. Those who left b/c of fee's, cheating, or the lack of content would most likely come back. Plus, this idea would reflect on PSO3 and boost sales for Sega in all aspects of gaming.

PSO for the xbox is the only RPG which is online and because of this many gamers would like to play it. Rather than buy a PS2 and buying the 100$ hard-drive with Final Fanatsy 11, I'm sure many would just like to keep one gaming console. Also keep in mind this is the only Xbox Live game which charges a monthly fee, rather than just charging for the DLC (Down Load content). Obviously, Xbox Live has a greater community- can you imagine how many people would rent and then buy this game once they experienced for free? Also, when your buddy would pay for a DLC wouldn't you (for a reasonable fee) so you guys could kick some tale together?

I ask that if the moderators get to read this, please help. This idea will make the gaming community stronger and will please the average RPG fan-especially PSO fans.

Your voice matters, it really does.

Thankyou for your time,

And I hope for a positive response, all we need is a few people to speak up about how they feel about this idea/issue.


rob007gamer:) :idea:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: rob007gamer on 2004-05-22 16:32 ]</font>

May 22, 2004, 06:42 PM
Wrong forum, Site Related is for this site specifically.

Sounds good in theory, but in the end, if they were worried about a slim userbase due to the monthly fee(which goes toward server costs and maintenance), it would have been figured out in the beginning.

No matter how many people petition for such a change, it's not going to happen unless the change is already in Sega's plans.

You're not paying for content downloads(even if there were any for the X-box in a routine manner), you're paying for server costs and maintenance, as well as the priveledge of playing on their servers.

May 22, 2004, 06:48 PM
Thankyou for letting others read my opinion and idea- it is appreciated:)

May 22, 2004, 06:53 PM
Nice to see you here Robo. There is a lot of doubt that anything will change but, I have called a couple times already as well as sent e-mails. I have only an inkling of hope but, I'm still doing my part! If nothing changes it's not going to be because I didn't try. Sitting there and doing nothing while muttering that they won't change it so why bother, will definitely assure that they change nothing.

May 22, 2004, 08:11 PM
Nice job, robo. I'm looking forward to reading your letter in next month's EGM. The whole topic is restraining me from playing over live myself. $5 a month plus the PSO fee is just too much for me. Hopefully if we gain enough letters sent to SOnic Team and Microsoft, we can make a huge difference to the PSO world. Oh, by the way..Is there an email address for both. I think I write better sending an email than on paper. Once again, good job.


May 22, 2004, 08:39 PM
Bravo! I got my XBOX live game at Circuit City for $3.97 and couldn't believe it! As a veteran of dreamcast and gamecube (all offline), I thought, wow, I'm finally going to give this live thing a try. Then the live fee. Then the hunter's license fee. Okay, I thought, I'll pay the damn fees because I do love this game. But then when I see the content updates that Gamecube gets and new versions of PSO (i.e. blueburst) and such, I think you know, Microsoft is trying to build a loyal following and supposedly have tried to really respond to gamers needs (i.e. hard drive, controller, etc...), but they're not responding well to what could be one of the biggest, best online games it has: PSO1 & PSOII (and PSOIII?). I love this game, my friends love this game and we hate it when friends we like to play with leave for other games/consoles due to the fees and lack of updates. I'll look for your article, I'll phone and send in my comments and thank you for shouting out. Hope to see you online!

May 22, 2004, 08:48 PM
If you'd like to e-mail microsoft go to this web site: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/support/Support-contact.htm#TOP

and enter your name and e-mail adress, along with your statement.

In the option box you may choose any selection. But, I would suggest "microsoft games inquery"

It is really easy! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Even though Microsoft doesn't run or operate the servers for PSO- Sega does have the contract which Xbox Live and if enough people say something. Microsoft will do something about the arrangement when re-negotiations take place- Believe me your feed back is very important to microsoft.

Every glitch which has been repaired on LIVE, has been done so b/c of feedback like yours. examples: Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six3, Splinter Cell, Unreal tournament.... and so on. Haven't you noticed the occasional updates which is required to play some of your games?

If enough people say something about this, change will happen ,even if it take months- feedback will determine the future.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: rob007gamer on 2004-05-22 18:50 ]</font>

May 22, 2004, 09:03 PM
Also, if you wish to e-mail Sega, go to this site:

(and enter some basic info)


This is a direct e-mail to customer support.

You will get a response which is automated and if you choose to resend it using the reply button on your e-mail site- they will respond personally.


May 22, 2004, 09:28 PM
See, I dont think PSOX is deserving of a monthly fee. They dont ever do anything! So I support your idea.

Now, PSO:BB, if it was for Xbox, would be a bit more deserving considering the serverside saving and GM's roaming the server...

May 23, 2004, 03:56 AM
I Just recently started my 2 month trial membership, mainly to play with a friend who i dotn get to see anymore due to moving. I have yet to see why this game costs to play. They allow cheating which is not tolerated on any other xboxlive game, there really arent a ton of people who play, is it me or does everyone have like a 8 second delay between when they talk and when people hear it ??

I dotn believe i will be paying for it after the first free 2 months, my friend barely plays and its just no where near worth it.

I sent my email though, and am hoping for a little feeedback.

May 23, 2004, 11:50 AM
Ya, the voice lag sucks as do the fsod and other pains associated with PSO xbox live. However, if you can get in with a good clan and meet up pretty regularly with a good group of guys, it can be real fun. When I didn't know anyone online, I felt the way you do, but as I started to get to know some real cool people, I really started enjoying this game. Cooperative play, trying different quests and areas and hook-ups are the key to having fun with this game. I've also hooked up with guys like myself, older guys who have played lots of other games and particularly PSO games and we really do enjoy playing together. PM me if you want to try and hook up with some good folks.

May 23, 2004, 05:01 PM
okay so.. I read through the initial concepts and ideas behind robo's post. Taking into consideration after being online in PSO for only 3 weeks. I decided to come up with an analogy.


You moved to a new town, Got your things moved in and set up they way you like. You decide to call your local Phone service provider to get a phone line and number set up.

Yay. xxx-555-1234.. your new number. You tell the provider you want the national long distance plan in which you can call all long distance number in your country the same you would local calls. Only to discover, you can't call all long distance numbers.

You can call all over the country except, lets say, one city, in one state.

That costs 10$ more. For no real reason except that City is exempt from normal FCC regulations dealing with National Long distance coverage.

Would you pay it?


Server usage? Server administration and updates? keeping things up to date?

These all sound like things that we should be paying for, yet we're not seeing anything happen, now are we. I'd assume, for instance, ANARCHY ONLINE, which is almost completely "Content wise", is Server side, All characters, character info, items, player information, player payment information, subscription plans, subscription benefits, holding of information whether or not an individual player has said Booster pack that had been released..

These topics, are what I believe falls in the realm of Maintenence. They are SO definitive in anarchy online, that if you need help, you can petition a question and someone ON their (funcom) servers and company, will come into the game as a fellow character, right in front of you... and help you step by step with your problems.

Sega, on the other hand, has no one to help you in game, there is ONE downloadable Quest in the, how long has it been on XBOX, a year? There is cheating left and right, there is duplication of items so even wanting to find the items isn't even fun anymore, sure, to reply to someone elses comment about PRIDE and having a lottery in other words of finding said item is futile and pointless.

But I bought the game wanting to have fun.. to play them game with new friends (I have made many so far), without having to deal with "SEPHIROTH" and his LVL 1 character with max stats using a sealed J-sword and items that ARENT even in the Xbox release of them game tell me I'm a noob, then send feedback to Xbox-live regarding me and having me booted from use of Xbox live for one day.

When my trial is up, I'm sure as HELL not paying for a hunter's license, only to let this shit continue happening, having my items taken from me, having a 11 yr old 400 lb kid in nantucket playing under the name "cloud strife" script his way into a lvl 1 character and 0wN my lvl 62 character in one hit.

where is the fun in that. I pay for Xbox live as it is, and PSO is the only online game I have for Xbox.
I love to play online, but i'm only going to continue playing PSO on live if there is at least a WAY to download at least SOME of the quests you find online to your hard drive... perhaps even make SOME items and all characters Serverside... then i'd be willing to give Sega enough money to make PSO an actual MMO that cannot be faltered.

I would rather not play on a PC so blueburst is out of the question for me, although it will be serverside and I would give money to sega for that. but for this Xbox-live shit?

I pay for xbox live.
I would/will be paying for the HL.
PSO is the only online game I play for LIVE.

no mic.
no keyboard.

thats 15$ a month, only to find sega/MS haven't updated, fixed, policed or created any sort of functional additions to make it a PLAYABLE game.

thats $15, to let people cheat, duplicate anything they want, add as many items they want, change the way their new characters are made so that they start with basically a lvl 200 character. Allow hacked items into the game that were only in another SYSTEM's release of the game, which in turn cause harmful problems for players in a specific team with an unknowing new player that just FSOD'd because someone has a fucking dark flow or a Mag that has a lvl of 1894712896196 on it.

I definately.. will not pay, for someone else that is paying, to have the right to say - "I can do whatever the hell I want you noob".

thats all for now http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

May 24, 2004, 03:32 PM
I subscribe to EGM so I'll definately be lookin for that in there. I've also called Microsoft Online Services and complained because we didn't get any Easter content like the GCN did. I asked to talk to some1 in charge and they said that they'd forward my call onto a supervisor. A week later I got a call back. It helped some, but they pretty much said that they can not put up new quests or challenges unless it comes to them from MOS Japan. Who in turn get it from Sonic Team. The only thing we can do is keep callin instead of complainin. @least we got Ep II C1. Hopefully we can get more ppls involved.

May 25, 2004, 12:34 PM
i agree, I think sonic team are taking the piss charging for this weak assed attempt at an online game. When I had pso on the gamecube, it was an annoying but addictive game, and I played through dreamcast versions and still moved onto the gc version. Since then I have got xbox live, and now realise what online gaming is REALLY about.

As mentioned before, splinter cell had serious bugs, but ubisoft came along and fixed them straight off. The only thing I have paid for was the dl for PGR2, which was 3 quid and a real bargain. Sega can take a running jump with there £5.99 bullshit fee, for a game they don't take any care of and couldn't care less wether a 12 year old kid is running round with a 300% bkb ruining the game for others.

Sega need to look around and learn how to do an online game PROPERLY, and until they do they will not be getting any of my hard earned.

The thing is though mate, no matter how much you ring them, mail them, etc etc, Sega are NOT a customer care company, it's all about the cash for them.


May 25, 2004, 06:37 PM
No offense, but how many of these topics are going to be made before people get the point?! Complaining like this (especially on a forum) wont help, e-mailing them wont help, and *hoping* they get the point wont help either.

Your best bet is to actually talk (face to face) to a Sega (not Microsoft) employee, preferably somone who plays PSO and can feel where your coming from. OR we could all fly to Sega headcourters and protest. Block the way in/out of it and hope they get the point (lol).

My point is youd have to go through alot of trouble to actually make Sega listen. Plus, no matter what you do, you'll still be complaining about somthing else (trust me, youll find somthing). If they get rid of the fees (the SERVER fees) thats means they wont do anything to stop the hacks/cheats same if they got rid of cheats, youd be complaining about the fees. And dont tell me that they havnt done anything to stop cheats. They managed to stop the shop trick dupe, and with PSO plus they "punish" those with hacked mags. So can we stop with these posts sayig they hate the fees, cheats, and whatever else you guys wanna throw out?

May 26, 2004, 06:27 AM
whatever you say, giezus, they take the piss compared with other online games companies. They don't have a clue, and i already said moaning does nothing.

May 26, 2004, 10:26 PM
Awsome idea but yet im not sure if they will listen (pretty sure they wont) if you look back have they ever(Sega)? On a lot of games alot of problems like this occur and alot of them are never fixed. But if microsoft and sega were to make some sort of deal or somtin everything would be perfect. But yet in my opinion sega is jes about the money.

I will also take a part in this ill send an e-mail ta sega and one to x-play (<--- doubt itll be read)but you all have got good points http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

and the forums is a place where people discuss stuff like this so wouldnt that ruin the point of forums...?