View Full Version : Theory of the gaming future...

May 23, 2004, 12:16 PM
Tell me what you think of the future of gaming...what will happen to the current gaming industries? My own theory is as follows...

...and it goes something like this. Nintendo will slowly shrink into the shadows, sony and microsoft will duke it out and sega will slowly and carefully plan out everything so they dont mess up again....and then! one day when microsoft and sony have battled to hard for to long, Sega will rise up from the ashes! *sound effects here* and scream out, "I HAVE RETURNED!" microsft and sony will flee in terror shreiking as sega takes all and slowly owns a monopoly in the gaming industry and nintendo will go back to making playing cards and Sega will rule the world! the end...spiffy aint it?

May 23, 2004, 12:20 PM
I think nintendo will slowly assimalate every other game companys and will merge with sega and all those other ones and decimate microsoft

May 23, 2004, 12:32 PM
I expect Sony to be overall on top thanks to its Playstation consoles. Nintendo will have a firm grip on the handheld market, and Microsoft will be an overall console contender but slightly weaker than the other two - though, it will have superior Internet support, just that the games won't be up to par.

I don't expect Sega to have a huge success with those console rumors if they are true. They'll slowly become somewhat smaller, giving us less games than now, but they'll be fine and dandy and usually worth a piece of your time, though there will be better stuff out there too.

So thus my pronostic palmares:

1) Sony.
2) Nintendo & Microsoft (Nintendo on top of the portables, Microsoft on top of the consoles)

May 23, 2004, 12:59 PM
Overall i think microsoft just sucks at consoles, the only thing Xbox is good for is a paper weight, that things HUGE!! And you can count all the good games for it on 3 fingers...Halo, Halo 2, and Ninja Gaiden all the other games for it are on other systems and look much better on those. i think microsoft should just stick with computers, but thats only me. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

May 23, 2004, 01:02 PM
On 2004-05-23 10:59, TheOneHero wrote:
Overall i think microsoft just sucks at consoles, the only thing Xbox is good for is a paper weight, that things HUGE!! And you can count all the good games for it on 3 fingers...Halo, Halo 2, and Ninja Gaiden all the other games for it are on other systems and look much better on those. i think microsoft should just stick with computers, but thats only me. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

I agree that they should stay on PCs.

May 23, 2004, 01:13 PM
X-Box also has steel battalion.

May 23, 2004, 01:19 PM
Nintendo will hover in middle territory for awhile me thinks, not managing tot ake over the gaming world, but not shrinking away in to a pathetic small company.

Sony will remain top dog for a long time, managing to splash on hip and innovative adverts to sell its products.

Microsoft will probably continue to throw money at its products and remain in the middle territory with Ninty.

SEGA will make games. However much i hope for them to come back and make another console i doubt it will happen any time soon. And when it does it will still be dogged by past 'failures' and get mocked by all the crappy games magazines.

May 23, 2004, 01:30 PM
i think nintendo and sega will merge and take out all the other companies out there.

May 23, 2004, 01:30 PM
On 2004-05-23 10:59, TheOneHero wrote:
Overall i think microsoft just sucks at consoles, the only thing Xbox is good for is a paper weight, that things HUGE!! And you can count all the good games for it on 3 fingers...Halo, Halo 2, and Ninja Gaiden all the other games for it are on other systems and look much better on those. i think microsoft should just stick with computers, but thats only me. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Define good.
I could easily list all of the PS2 good games on three fingers too. Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and... My Street. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Irregardless, Microsoft is #2 in the console wars, and Nintendo is in last with the Gamecube. Just let each be their own, as neither of the three consoles have turned out to be a 3DO or the like. Each have plusses and minuses, and this thread could easily turn into a huge threadbasing about which console rocks and which don't. See: Each their own.

Basically, I really don't think too much into the future of the industry. Sony and Microsoft will always exist, and Nintendo will last at least for the next couple generations, with consoles at least. The Gameboy will last forever (and I mean it, even if there is a nuclear disaster Gameboys will still litter the world)... I degress.

Take it day by day, right?

May 23, 2004, 02:44 PM
My theories?

Sega will tire of making multi-console productions (Sonic Heros) and instead work exclusively with one console per game. The fact being that Sonic and PSO are on GC, Sega/Sammy and Nintendo will probably slowly become one.

Playstation's HandHeld (PSP?) will fail horribly in light of consumer avoidance of all things technology + videogame related *Cough NGAGE*. However, PS2's game sales will be the same, thanks to a multitude of games such as Ico, Ratchet/Clank ,GTA, TM, and their sequels, but the online play will quickly be left to the first person genre and the Hack/Slash genre solely.

XBox will continue a rampage as Halo 2 is released, but some consumers might release that it was the only thing left going for them. XBox sales might drop.

N-Gage will continue to sell badly, but major improvements will be made almost every 3 months. It will eventually be bought out by Microsoft, and they will probably lose anything good the NGage had due to Publishing difficulties.

May 23, 2004, 03:11 PM
as much as i like Xbox, microsoft has no buisness in the videogaming industry. all video games should be left to the people who know it best, the japanese.

May 23, 2004, 04:15 PM
If any of you honestly think Nintendo will eventually disappear, you obviously don't know enough about the industry to comment.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Outrider on 2004-05-23 14:16 ]</font>

May 23, 2004, 06:23 PM
Xbox used to look cool when first footage of the systems was released a few years ago, for those of you who dont remember it looked like a Chrome 'X' shaped system, now Xbox is ruined...i mean...its not even and Xbox its more like...a BOX, it starting getting alot bad reviews then, ppl started saying Microsoft was starting to make the same mistakes as sega in the beggining, I don't think nintendo will go out anytime soon, not with so many great games coming out for it within the next year, i like the PS2 cuz it has a few nice games, sadly i never really became a big fan the Grand Theft Auto series, i like the FF, Castlevania, and DDR games for Play Station systems, though i haven't really played that many PS2 games...shame on me...though one system that owns..and will never be defeated....the powerful....the classic....NES with over 1 thousand games...and only 100 good ones...NES owns!....this post makes completely no sense;)

May 23, 2004, 06:48 PM
I pretty much agree with Kodia, only I think Sega will be the best game producer that mingles with other companies in the long run. Yes, other consoleless companies will make good games to, but Sega will be on top of them. Atari might e ale to match it though. Really it's kid of unpredictable. An entire industry could shift it's gaming types just by getting a new boss.

May 23, 2004, 06:52 PM
On 2004-05-23 11:13, Madzozs wrote:
X-Box also has steel battalion.

Yeah, that games goes for about $250 Canadian >.>;;;

And TheOneHero, you fail to see that XBox is still alive, and not dropping any. Although I'm not a fan of the box myself, we can't say it'll fail because we don't like it.

May 23, 2004, 07:06 PM
I know xbox is still alive, and i dont think its gonna die out anytime soon, im one of those weird ppl that went and bought an Xbox...funny, but o well..i guess i must keep up with the gaming industry. after all i do own all sega, nintendo, sony, and microsoft systems...my game colection consists of over 1 thousand...come to think of it...i have no life...myabe i should find myself a girl...what do you guys think? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

May 23, 2004, 09:28 PM
Well, Nintendo will got third party. (I really think this will happen. Third party can't compete with Nintendo so they just don't try and mainstream gamers will not buy Nintendo's games. Eventually they will lose money and go third party. It will probably take many years and be bairly noticable though.)

Sony will continue to dominate with PS4 and PSP3. Xbox 3 will be second. And Sega, I repeat, Sega will never, ever try to get back into the console business. Why can't people comprehand that?

By the way, lets not try not to let this become a argument over systems. Each system has great first, second, and third party titles that can not be counted on your hands.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skett on 2004-05-23 19:31 ]</font>

May 23, 2004, 09:35 PM
On 2004-05-23 13:11, FIDELCASTRO wrote:
as much as i like Xbox, microsoft has no buisness in the videogaming industry. all video games should be left to the people who know it best, the japanese.

Prince of Persia was probably the best game I played last year. Splinter Cell was great. Halo was great. Rare always used to make excellent games. (I'd rather not get into it, but starting with Donkey Kong 64, I think Rare's games have been missing something.)

This isn't the early 90s. There are tons of excellent game studios outside of Japan.

May 23, 2004, 09:56 PM
Microsoft will become so advanced their will be no referrence of consoles. They will be fully operational computers. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Sony, Sega, and Nintendo will make games for the PC systems....and Microsoft will make exclusive virtual reality games. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Man what a messed up futured that'd be. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarthFomar on 2004-05-23 19:57 ]</font>

May 23, 2004, 10:12 PM
On 2004-05-23 16:48, Sord wrote:
I pretty much agree with Kodia, only I think Sega will be the best game producer that mingles with other companies in the long run. Yes, other consoleless companies will make good games to, but Sega will be on top of them. Atari might e ale to match it though. Really it's kid of unpredictable. An entire industry could shift it's gaming types just by getting a new boss.

Sega does make some great titles, but when Treasure releases something, I'm going for the Treasure game first. We also have to think about Ubi Soft, who's pretty strong especially in Europe. Capcom, another one people seem to love. Infogrames does make something playable once in a while... only, once in a while! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

May 24, 2004, 12:53 AM
Hey, I love Sega, but I don't really see them being the #1 third-party company. I dunno, though. It's hard to tell what direction Sammy will take them.

And honestly, people. Nintendo won't drop out of the console race in the foreseeable future. The fact that they're hardly behind the X-Box (what is it... two million systems?) is sort of moot when you consider that Nintendo is selling more systems at the moment, and that Microsoft has hardly turned a profit. Nintendo on the other hand, has been profitting since like... day one.

Mark my words. Microsoft is more likely to drop out of the race before Nintendo ever does. And those are big words.

(And no, I'm not saying Microsoft is going to drop out of the race. That's just silly. I'm just stating how unlikely it is Nintendo would drop out. And heck, if they do? It'll be years from now, and I won't be talking to you people anymore. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif )

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Outrider on 2004-05-23 22:54 ]</font>

May 24, 2004, 01:00 AM
Don't get me wrong I love my xbox and all. But I would really hate to see Microsoft claiming #1 in the game industry as well. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

But it's probably just a Bill Gates thing? Or it could be that I just like Nintendo better? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif

Anyway, I don't think Microsoft will drop out either.

*I wish Sega would wake up again and make another system. I miss the good old days of Dreamcast. But, I guess playing their games will have to suffice for now* http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

*btw* {go NEW Zelda} yippie http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

May 24, 2004, 01:13 AM
Well, no... like I said:

I don't think Microsoft will drop out of the console race. I was simply using the hypothetical situation to explain a point.

I can see it now... so many people are going to come in here and start bashing me for saying there won't be another X-Box or something stupid like that.

I think I'm gonna go hide under a rock.

May 24, 2004, 01:20 AM
On 2004-05-23 23:13, Outrider wrote:
Well, no... like I said:

I don't think Microsoft will drop out of the console race. I was simply using the hypothetical situation to explain a point.

I can see it now... so many people are going to come in here and start bashing me for saying there won't be another X-Box or something stupid like that.

I think I'm gonna go hide under a rock.

No...no....no I wasn't disagreeing with you.... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

I was {how do I put this} on the same terms as you *I guess*

May 24, 2004, 05:56 AM
Personally, I think that the current gaming trends will continue. Playstation will continue to dominate in the short term because it is currently considered the mainstream console, but as pop culture changes another console will take it's place as #1. That console will more than likely be by Microsoft because teen-oriented games are the most popular ones out there. Nintendo's refusal to get with the program will it's downfall. I doubt that it will even have another console after its next one.

May 24, 2004, 06:01 AM
On 2004-05-24 03:56, Ness wrote:
Nintendo's refusal to get with the program will it's downfall. I doubt that it will even have another console after its next one.

Ah, c'mon now.....what's Nintendo doing that'll make them crash into oblivion? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

It seems like they're doing good? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif

Maybe they just aren't releasing as many games as the rest of the consoles *at the moment* but they can easily catch up.

I mean really....Nintendo has all the time in the world to spare. Look at how much profit they've made. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarthFomar on 2004-05-24 04:15 ]</font>

May 24, 2004, 07:35 AM
Ninty make a lot off Tax revenues alone (i think that was the right one, was watching somre program about it the other day) and definately wont be sinking away from the console market yet. I think they may slowly be getting the picture on what games to release though, so hopefully we will see some more mature tile come from them soon.

May 24, 2004, 03:16 PM
On 2004-05-24 05:35, Deathscythealpha wrote:
Ninty make a lot off Tax revenues alone (i think that was the right one, was watching somre program about it the other day) and definately wont be sinking away from the console market yet. I think they may slowly be getting the picture on what games to release though, so hopefully we will see some more mature tile come from them soon.

That's what people don't seem to understand. Nintendo being a million units behind Microsoft is nothing when they're still making ridiculous amounts of money. And the fact that as of the past year, the GBA has been selling at least as well as the PS2 if not better sort of puts a damper on them dropping out of the business.

Heck, when the three consoles were originally released, Nintendo was the only one that wasn't losing money on every console sold. (Well, at least that's what they claim... but I wouldn't be surprised if they were losing a little bit of money on each one.)

I mean, really people. Nintendo pulled through the Nintendo 64 days with basically just first-party games and a few Rare exclusives. So long as games are being made, people will be supporting Nintendo.

May 24, 2004, 03:56 PM
oh ya, i dont think nintendo will drop out anytime soon...my theory was going way out into the future...like whre we all mary robots and wut not...i think i might go hide under that rock with Outrider...*runs and hides*

May 24, 2004, 04:32 PM
On 2004-05-24 04:01, DarthFomar wrote:

Ah, c'mon now.....what's Nintendo doing that'll make them crash into oblivion? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

It seems like they're doing good? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif

Maybe they just aren't releasing as many games as the rest of the consoles *at the moment* but they can easily catch up.

I mean really....Nintendo has all the time in the world to spare. Look at how much profit they've made. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

I'm not saying that Nintendo is a failing company. I'm saying that if they don't change their gaming philosophy a bit, they are going to be in some serious trouble. I just think that they need to branch out a little bit and stop relying on sequel after sequel.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ness on 2004-05-25 03:58 ]</font>

May 24, 2004, 04:55 PM
My theory is that if videogames don't innovate in the next few years, on a very original way with the combination of modern technology to make the player have a more deep experience, the videogame industry will suffer a slight decline due to the lack of search.

May 24, 2004, 05:22 PM
I actually think that if third party doesn't start making more exclusives than hardware companies (particularly Nintendo) would be in trouble.

See, usually when choosing a system, people compare exclusives but more and more games are going multiplatform or ported (even ones that were suppost to be exclusive, like Tales for GC, Killer 7 for GC, Viewtiful Joe for Cube, seeing a pattern?).

Soon enough the only exclusives that people will look at are first and second party games. And what will the majority of the gamers (read: "I'm so cool that my games have to feature more blood than a hospital" mainstream) choose? Certanly not Nintendos.

What? You say that a lot of exclusives are coming out for Xbox and PS2? And not so many with the Cube? (Yep, its a post about Nintendo's downfall) While all the other games are selling on PS2 and Xbox, Cube owners bairly buy the exclusive stuff. MGS: Twin Snakes did terrible compared to other MGS and so did RE remake to other RE games. How many units did PSO Ep. 3 or Viewtiful Joe sell? Not too many. How about Ikaruga or Skies of Arcadia? Very little.

Will developers keep this in mind when deciding what platform to make their game on? O yes. I has already happened. Burnout 3 is not going Cube and many developers are just not creating for the Cube. And this will no doubt go into the next generation. Proof? I look at my EGM magazine. On the cover it says "First PS3/Xbox 2 game!" No love for GCNext.

And Nintendo can't survive on its wares forever. Mario Sunshine did not move too many units. Nor did Metroid Prime, F-Zero GX, or Mario Golf. The point is with dissapearing third and second party games, and the eventual decrease in first party games, Nintendo is bound to suffer big time. And with the "cooler" PSP, I can see the same thing happening to Nintendo's handheld share.

Of course this will be a long and slow process. Nintendo will release a system that spikes sales but gradually decrease or lower sales, spike, decrease. It has been happening pretty much through N64 to GameCube. I just think this is the fate of hardware companies. Itari screwed up their system and lost it. Sega screwed up on Saturn and paid the price. Nintendo messed up on N64 and they have been loosing more and more market share.

Please judge my post with an open mind. This is not to be a fanboy post against Nintendo. This is a look that I have been thinking about for well over a few months.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skett on 2004-05-24 15:29 ]</font>

May 24, 2004, 06:07 PM
You bring up some good points, but I have a few comments:

In regards to exclusives, saying that some of them didn't sell well is just silly. Metroid Prime was top of the charts for several weeks, and REmake (from what I read) did the same. They may not have had record sales, but you don't need that to turn a profit. Mario Sunshine may not have sold as well as say, Mario 64, but that's just a ridiculous comparison. Just because one title does not do as well as it's predecessor does not mean it isn't selling well. While you're right in that it didn't do as well as expected, it was hardly a failure.

Also, with third-party exclusives, especially the ones you mentioned, if they're ports, they don't have to turn very many units to do well. Ikaruga and Skies probably had extremely low production values, as did Episode III. That was the whole idea behind Giftpia in Japan. Even if only a few hundred thousand sold, it would still turn a profit due to incredibly low production cost.

RE0, on the other hand, did not sell very well, and ended up in many bargain bins. But the thing is, you can't really look at that stuff unless you bring up games like Wind Waker, which rocked everybody's socks in terms of sales, or the Pokemon titles. Look at the PS2's first year for an example: It's very easy to stay afloat with only one title selling extremely well. (GTA3, anybody?) Or take X-Box's first year with Halo as the example. One killer-app can do ridiculous things for business.

Also, I'd think if anything, history would show how Nintendo isn't in trouble. The fact that they were able to come back from the Nintendo 64 is in itself a feat. Their ability to carry themselves in the past on a limited number of brands is even more proof that they should be able to manage. Comparing them to Atari is a little off, as Atari suffered from over-saturating the market, which was then revitalized by Nintendo years later. I can see the Sega/Nintendo relationship, but Nintendo still hasn't made some of their fatal mistakes. Sega released the Saturn before it was ready, and released the Dreamcast before the public was ready. They had their timing wrong, and lost far too much money due to the lack of consumers.

Nintendo, on the other hand, hasn't done these things, and has already made plans to counter-act them. They've already said that the Revolution will be out at or around the same time as the other systems, so they won't have to worry about the public's unwillingness to switch systems. Plus, and I may be mistaken, but I'm fairly sure the Gamecube is actually selling better than the Nintendo 64 was at this point in its lifespan. I mean, that can be chalked up to the industry expanding, but I could've sworn I heard that somewhere.

They've also got the portable market to help them along. It's true the PSP will be a very large hurdle for them to jump over, but at the moment, they seem to have very little to worry about. Sony screwed up at E3 when they announced it without some key information (battery life, cost, etc) and without any playable software. The problem Sony will have to deal with is breaking into a market that is monopolized by the Gameboy Advance. This handheld has an installed user base that's even larger than the Playstation 2's, and it has no real competitors. With the addition of the DS, Nintendo is not only putting out a system to counter the PSP before the PSP will be out, but is also strengthening their hold on the market. That added to the fact that the next true Gameboy will be coming out a few years down the line just adds to their ammunition for the handheld wars.

You're quite right that Nintendo needs more third-party support. Instead of having lots and lots of random third-party titles, they're just forming really tight bonds with several specific companies. It's unclear as to whether this has been working out for the better, but Nintendo should continue what they started a little while ago and start actively approaching companies with cash and benefits to offer.

They also have to make sure that their first-party games are up to par (F-Zero was one of the better examples you mentioned), as they've been going with more quantity over quality with those titles. Back in the day, Nintendo wouldn't release nearly as many games, but they would sell a heck of a lot better. I don't have the numbers, but I'm fairly sure a few titles selling really well is better than a bunch of titles with sales anywhere from great to mediocre.

You're right on many of your accounts, but a lot of it is opinion. I really only started researching the industry during the N64 days, so this is just what I've gathered over the years. I'm glad to be discussing this with someone who knows what he's talking about - It really bugs me when someone tells me what companies will stay or go when their only points are that "Final Fantasy VII rocked" and "What's a Game Gear?"

May 24, 2004, 06:33 PM
I couldn't agree more Outrider. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

I wouldn't mind it, if Gamecube would release more games though?! I mean I already have everything I want on Nintendo *for now* except: Star Fox Adventures, Viewtiful Joe, Wind Waker, and Metroid Prime. If they made a few more original games that would be great. Like Baten Kaitos for example. It seems original...?! It might be exeptionally good! But who can really tell these days?!

I also wouldn't mind it if another system were to enter the market the next time around *when PS3, Xbox2, and N5{GCNext} comes out*. Hell, I may even buy the thing instead of a PS3, Xbox2, or the GCNext. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

I can't wait to see what the future holds. Shenmue III anyone... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cry.gif

May 24, 2004, 06:34 PM
I'm guessing:

I'll get a jorb at nintendo and Laugh at teh crushed gaming companies as they beg for Shigeru Miyamoto's forgivness. Nintendo will also kidnap Yuji naka and make a SUPER NINTENDO!!!!

May 24, 2004, 06:42 PM
On 2004-05-23 19:35, Outrider wrote:

On 2004-05-23 13:11, FIDELCASTRO wrote:
as much as i like Xbox, microsoft has no buisness in the videogaming industry. all video games should be left to the people who know it best, the japanese.

Prince of Persia was probably the best game I played last year. Splinter Cell was great. Halo was great. Rare always used to make excellent games. (I'd rather not get into it, but starting with Donkey Kong 64, I think Rare's games have been missing something.)

This isn't the early 90s. There are tons of excellent game studios outside of Japan.

Ubisoft has been cleaning up recently. Lucky streak, or pure awesomeness? we shall see.
Anywho, i hope sega dies a horrible death... But that isn't a prediction, just a hope. I don't even dislike sega, yet for some reason i have always wanted to stomp on Sonic's mutilated corpse.
I feel the same way about the devil (aka Activision).

I have nothing constructive to say except that Sony has been lacking in the media department recently. I actually admire it a little.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Bradicus on 2004-05-24 16:49 ]</font>

May 24, 2004, 08:16 PM
On 2004-05-24 16:33, DarthFomar wrote:
I wouldn't mind it, if Gamecube would release more games though?! I mean I already have everything I want on Nintendo *for now* except: Star Fox Adventures

Err, uh... Star Fox Adventures wasn't all that great...

I mean, I liked what it did for the Star Fox universe, but the gameplay wasn't all that great. I guess it was fun, though.

May 25, 2004, 03:02 AM
On 2004-05-24 18:16, Outrider wrote:

On 2004-05-24 16:33, DarthFomar wrote:
I wouldn't mind it, if Gamecube would release more games though?! I mean I already have everything I want on Nintendo *for now* except: Star Fox Adventures

Err, uh... Star Fox Adventures wasn't all that great...

I mean, I liked what it did for the Star Fox universe, but the gameplay wasn't all that great. I guess it was fun, though.

Yeah...it's more of a {traditional game for me than anything}. I wouldn't mind playing through it before the next *better* Star Fox Adventures 2 comes out.

If only Nintendo would produce more games during these next few seasons. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif I'd love to spend hundreds of dollars *just so long as they're worth it*.

Btw...has anyone seen the Tech TV cheap bastards gag. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

I guess I'm a cheap bastard cuz I like buying $20 games. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

May 25, 2004, 02:47 PM
Outrider, I agree with you (as I have been often now days...). But it seems as if this thread is turning to the fanboys. Sega will never come back to the console race, Nintendo is in no mortal danger, every system has good and bad games (regardless of the mass public's opinion), and just because it's in a magazine doesn't make it right.

May 25, 2004, 03:41 PM
On 2004-05-25 12:47, Allos wrote:
Outrider, I agree with you (as I have been often now days...). But it seems as if this thread is turning to the fanboys. Sega will never come back to the console race, Nintendo is in no mortal danger, every system has good and bad games (regardless of the mass public's opinion), and just because it's in a magazine doesn't make it right.

That is all so true. I would also like to add that people shouldn't want other consoles to fail because that means less competition in the gaming industry.

May 25, 2004, 06:48 PM
On 2004-05-25 13:41, Ness wrote:

On 2004-05-25 12:47, Allos wrote:
Outrider, I agree with you (as I have been often now days...). But it seems as if this thread is turning to the fanboys. Sega will never come back to the console race, Nintendo is in no mortal danger, every system has good and bad games (regardless of the mass public's opinion), and just because it's in a magazine doesn't make it right.

That is all so true. I would also like to add that people shouldn't want other consoles to fail because that means less competition in the gaming industry.

Which leads to Activision-like games devouring the market.

May 25, 2004, 07:51 PM
Ah, good responce, Outrider. You too bring up plenty of points. But, to anyone who might think this, I am not saying Nintendo is a failing company because they are not. I am mearly looking into what I think is the future, in ten or more years.

Maybe my opinions sound a little harsh and I accept that but I have been researching the industry (also, I suggest The Ultimate History of Videogames by Steven Kent) and watching it as a whole for a long time.

Lets just say that the way things are going, not just for Nintendo, but the whole industry might become a bit more stale, which could turn out worse than it sounds.
I am still sorting my ideas and theories so I really can't explain everything. This probably be my last post on this thread because I really don't want the mods to ban me for acting like a fanboy, Which I am not trying to do. I am happy to discuss this matter with someone who sounds very informed as you, Outrider.


May 25, 2004, 08:21 PM
On 2004-05-25 17:51, Skett wrote:
This probably be my last post on this thread because I really don't want the mods to ban me for acting like a fanboy.

Whoa....you can get banned for being a fanboy? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

What if everything changes, but only slightly....?!
Well that wouldn't be good. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

I would really like to see another system enter the competition. I don't know what company would produce it, nor do I care. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif I just want something new. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

May 25, 2004, 08:49 PM
On 2004-05-25 16:48, Bradicus wrote:
Which leads to Activision-like games devouring the market.

I have to admit, Interstate '76 and Vigilante 8 were great games! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

May 26, 2004, 02:01 AM
On 2004-05-25 17:51, Skett wrote:
Lets just say that the way things are going, not just for Nintendo, but the whole industry might become a bit more stale, which could turn out worse than it sounds.

That is the most intelligent summary of the industry I've read in months.

I think few people seem to realize that the gaming industry is leaning dangerously close to the stale territory of other large media industries. It's reasons like this that I love seeing new innovations in gaming.

EDIT: I've only flipped through the Ultimate History of Videogames, but I've heard great things about it. And don't worry about anyone claiming fanboy-ism. I say keep up posting in the thread. It's good to inform other people of differing opinions.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Outrider on 2004-05-26 00:03 ]</font>

May 26, 2004, 05:17 AM
Hmm, haven't seen a single comment that hasn't been backed up by fact in this topic, so I can't really say there would be even the slightest call for any modding here, keep up the posting, I'm finding it very interesting.

As for my views on the whole thing, the only real party I haven't worked out the future on is Microsoft. They are a true wildcard, because if they want to stay in the business, and are failing, they simply can, due to their massive capital, unlike Sony and Nintendo, who have to be more fiscally minded. So, really, the coming years are very blurry when dealing with Microsoft.

Then we've got an easy one, Nokia. N-Gage will die within a couple more years as standard cell phones in the US and EU move to Japan standards and we begin seeing phones capable of the incredible feats we see currently in that market. The mobile market is one that has yet to really be exploited, and I forsee that becoming a much bigger market for developers in the future. All that really needs to happen to enable true gaming on a phone is to make the selection pad a game pad quality surface.

Next up, we have Sony. Poor Sony, a giant a couple years ago, and now, it seems to be collapsing under it's own weight. Part of this is due to poor marketing and undeliverable promises. The PSX would be a perfect example of this, released with half its feature-set slashed into "future upgrade" nothingness. And it's sales suffered because of it.

They have massive third party support, which is a definite plus, but lately have been sorely lacking console-wise on the first and second party support. They need to figure out if their in-house development studios are worth keeping or not, and base expenditures to match. EA and Ubisoft are currently primarily reponsible for pumping their revenue due to their outstanding sports and action series. Online play is a serious boon for Sony, and they are exploiting it, which is good.

The PSP is likely going to fail within a year or two of launch if Sony doesn't pour massive capital into marketing and sales promotions. They need to get this thing out to the public minds as something that makes the GB series obsolete. Their current marketing scheme is setting it up as a competitor to the GB, which, given the Big N's entrenchment, simply will NOT work. It will DIE due to the GB's larger sales volume, game cache, and wider age bracket. Sony needs to market this thing as something that makes the public look at the SP and DS and think "That, there, is a stone age piece of equipment".

The PS2 is continuing to sell well, has a huge library of games, with several gems. It's another Playstation, for the newer generation, great. No problems there, they have first in this generation and heartily deserve it. They knew they had the thing started off right with MGS2 in the wings, JUST out of reach long enough to kill off the DC, then continued releasing killer apps while the GC and XBox were getting off the ground, ensuring that it stayed faar ahead of either of the two late starters.

So where does that place Sony in the future? That's where things get a little rickety. As stated before, they lost marketability and consumer confidence in droves in Japan with the horrendous PSX launch. While the majority of the market sales are US based, the Japanese market is still used for marketing research and overall launch impressions, and for a good reason. The Japanese are extremely critical of things on launch, and will refuse to buy after a short period if the product is not worthwhile. This is the reason you see charts showing a new game topping one week then off the radar the next. The JP market has spoken. So, again, where does this leave Sony?

Sony needs to have a perfect PSP launch. Any product faults or lack of library need to be taken care of before this thing goes out the door. It is *imperative* for Sony to rebuild their credibility in the Japanese market for their continued basing there. Assuming a problem-free launch and a good library of titles from the start (which is not at all assured, given the lack of ANY playables at E3, indicating a general lack of polish on a soon to be completed project), Sony could very easily maintain their hand over fist lead that they have on the console market into their PS3 days. After that, it's hard to say.

PS3 is a nebulous future consideration at the moment, with nothing slated in any firm way for the system to comment on. If Sony wants to keep it's console lead, they need to get the public slavering like they did for MGS2. It's just hard to say at this point what such a game should be. Perhaps a new Gran Turismo with some insane gimmick, like a create a car mode with an all-inclusive physic engine. If they figure a way to have a must-have killer app on the system, they win again. The sales will keep PS3 from sliding into any real competition with the competition.

So, to sum up, Sony has been losing it's pull, due to having such a high bar to meet and simply having the inability to meet the lofty goals placed upon it by it's public. It still has all the power in the world behind it, but it needs to make sure it keeps it's steam up, or like a high top speed/low accel car in a racing game, it's going to hit a wall and may not be able to regain the lead they had before.

I was going to go into a big long spchiel with Nintendo, but honestly, I've lost my train of thought on them, so I'll wait.

May 26, 2004, 01:42 PM
Just two things:

1.) I had honestly forgotten the PSX even existed. The only real info I read about it was from IGN when they first announced it, and it almost seemed like they stopped covering it. I didn't know it had even launched. Anybody have any links they can fire at me?

2.) I was actually wrong when I said before that there were no playable PSP games... I believe they had a port from Playstation of a Tales RPG playable. But it wasn't a new game, so I think the statement stands well enough.

May 26, 2004, 01:56 PM
On 2004-05-26 11:42, Outrider wrote:
Just two things:

1.) I had honestly forgotten the PSX even existed. The only real info I read about it was from IGN when they first announced it, and it almost seemed like they stopped covering it. I didn't know it had even launched. Anybody have any links they can fire at me?

2.) I was actually wrong when I said before that there were no playable PSP games... I believe they had a port from Playstation of a Tales RPG playable. But it wasn't a new game, so I think the statement stands well enough.

Ok, I'm back. (Wow, that was short.) Anyways, the PSX actually was released in Japan but so far it has done rather badly. Probably because nobody wants to buy a 40000 yen PS2 with TiVo. (Its actually $400 but I really don't know yen)

Yes, Namco did show a Tales games for PSP at E3 but it was not playable. (Pretty sure it was a new game) The only thing that was playable about any of PSP games was the ability to move the camera around in Metal Gear Acid.

Last, I really think you should buy The Ultimate History of Videogames. Once you get past the very boring part about how pinball evolved into games, it gets rather interesting.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skett on 2004-05-26 12:07 ]</font>

May 26, 2004, 07:46 PM
Another one to pick up is Game Over! Press Start to Continue by David Sheff. It keeps going out of print and coming back, so it may be a little difficult to find. It covers Nintendo and quite a bit of the fall of Atari, from start up till around N64 era. Wonderful book with great insights into how the industry as a whole works, and shows precisely how Nintendo gained and maintained its lock on gaming up till the PS came around.

May 26, 2004, 09:43 PM
I've actually read through most of Game Over. It's really well-written book. My brother owns both the edition without the N64 era information and with. I didn't quite finish the first edition, but I will get back to it one of these days.