View Full Version : **Music Problems on PC**

May 26, 2004, 10:10 AM
I just downloaded the original PSO for PC and the music shuts off when it should be playing the battle music is there any reason for this. I installed the same way my friends did and theres works fine.

May 26, 2004, 02:51 PM
Have you checked for compatability with your sound card and what the game requires?

Also, are the speakerws on? (this has been the answer to some tech support problems I'm sure, I just hope your's are on)
Are the speakers connected properly?
Does the speaker cable ever "act up" on you? (as in sometimes the sound doesn't work, but if you jiggle the cord, it works again?)

May 26, 2004, 10:11 PM
Nah everything is hooked up fine i cant figure it out. I mean this is a first for me its almost like the tracks are taking a long time to boot up because after like 10 mins it comes on plays once and thats it. I have a decent comp too nothing that cant play todays games. My friends installed the game the same way on their comps and it works. Its just my luck