View Full Version : Group Fic: PSOW Summer Vacation II.

May 27, 2004, 03:14 PM
We did this last year so I'm just continuing the tradition.

It's been 2 years since the death of both Drak Falz and Olga Flow. The Beaches of Ragol are now peacful places that the former hunters use to relax. It os the first day of summer on Lo De Gi Island, a tropical resort island in the southern hemisphere of Ragol and everyone is looking to get away from the cold of Pioneer City, the first city on Ragol.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ness on 2004-05-27 13:21 ]</font>

May 27, 2004, 03:48 PM
Ooooh! A Beach fic! I suppose I'll join in.

A light skinned newman female sat up on the ledge of one of Lo De Gi Islands' many strange rock formations, one that sat far out from shore. Below, the tide splashed against it, sending a mist into the air.

"I love beaches like this..." She said to herself, as she unstrapped the Neis Claw from around her wrist. Setting it down against the stone wall, she then proceded to undress into her swimsuit. Like her Hunter uniform, it was black with some areas of red.

"Rati, gaurd my stuff please!" The HUnewearl said politely to her MAG, the red Rati just chirped ad chase itself in circles.

"Heh, so cute." Taking off her final sock, she walked toward the ledge, it was a ten foot drop into the water, with no rocks in the way.

Alright PD, this isn't like Coral, dont worry about rocks, just worry about Dolmolms, oh wait, nevermind, you have that Dagger at your ankle...


With a deep breath, she put her arms out front, light glinted off of her Red Ring, then another breath and she leapt off the rock pillar annd into the ocean waters.

May 27, 2004, 04:51 PM
I've seen group-fics come and go.....

__________________________________________________ _____

Gallon rubbed his hands in glee as the androids began to emerge from the transporter pad beside him. He had heard rumours of a get together on Lo De Gi Island and any opportunity to make money was worthy of his attention.

"Excellent, excellent.... That's it! Bring it down to my stall... Over there!"

Sometimes it was just too easy to take the Hunters' Meseta, he almost felt sorry for them... But then the feeling would quickly pass.

He looked at the brightly coloured boxes of mass-produced yet highly popular junk that he would be pedelling. It was just too easy.....

May 27, 2004, 05:43 PM
about a half kilometer away from Photon Drops present local

"OOOO!!! RASPBERRY!!! my favorite!" a loud squeeky scream is heard.

"here you go Kuda" said Robo 47 casually as he handed Scott his ice cream. " One tripple scoop of Raspberry suprise!"

"hey Kuda, do you have any idea what the suprise IS?" asked Zelutos scepticaly.

"well... I'm not sure, but I'm sure it's fun!"

"now you've got your ice cream," laughed Robo. "here's teh suprise!"

Robo 47 pulled his inferno bazooka from behind teh premium ice cream counter and blasted Kuda's icecream with a ball of fire. Scott's icecream splattered in a mixed fusion of cool and warm, all over him.

"my.... my icecream..." Wimpered the spikey haired toothpick. He sniffed twice and colapsed on the ground crying. "WHY?! WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE INNOCENT DAIRY PRODUCTS?!!!!"

May 27, 2004, 05:50 PM
Tis sounds like great fun! =D


"Finally! Summer vacation!"

PJ, Sarah and Monaco ran towards the beach.

"This is gonna be great!" Sarah exclaimed.

Lo De Gi Island was such a beautiful place, although Sarah personally preferred the beach on Gal De Val. She wasn't complaining on being here though, since her friends were here.

"Can you beleive it's been 2 years already?" PJ thought out loud.

"Hardly, but I'm kinda glad. Although, it is kinda annoying that you're still working for Natasha at the Tower."

PJ shrugged.

"Beep, bzzt!" Monaco seemed happy enough. Although the 2 forces just stared at eachother, since they didn't know what he said. Ever.

"Maybe we'll meet some new hunters... do you think most of 'em are still at it?"

"Dunno. But I'm going to do some swimming." Sarah dived into the water.

-Up on the higher cliffs-

"...What are they doing? It's not like there's anything to celebrate over..." Gold grinned, "It's not like they've won..." And suddenly, he disappeared into the jungle.

May 27, 2004, 07:07 PM
"WOO! Feel that summer breeze!" and with that Deuce was on the scene. After last years destructive, alcohol fueled, Cultist ransacked summer vacation he decided to go somewhere OTHER then Gal De Val, so this is where he ended up.

So now he was standing in the middle of the beach doned out in his terrible summer shirt, shorts and sandels. Across his nose sat a pair of cheap balck shades and a cigar stuck out the side of his mouth.

Now what was he going to do now? He could see a small bar at the side of the beach, but he had promised himself no alcohol abuse this time. He had even burned the ingrediants list for his 'Special Punch' so he wasnt tempted to make any this time.

Now what could he do what wouldnt result in wanton destruction? A sneaky grin crawled across his face and he rubbed his hands with glee.

"Woo! Volley Ball match ladies?!"

Heh, this may turn out to be as fun as last years, so long as no one does anything silly and Deuce keeps away from all sources of alcohol.

May 27, 2004, 08:56 PM
I was going to wait for you to start it, but I decided to show some initiative.

"Ahhh Ragol!" said Ness as the stepped out of his hovercar and stretched. "I haven't been here in so long I barely even recognize this place."

Ness had been gone from Ragol for quite sometime, exploring the demigod homeworld of Marius. He thought it would be best to hang with his own kind for awhile, but he's done with that. He has returned to the Ragol to visit all of his old buddies from his days as a hunter and to have some fun in the sun. Ness put on his sunglasses and stared at the horizon.

"Hey! Those ladies are playing volleyball," thought Ness to himself as he walked towards them.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ness on 2004-05-27 19:02 ]</font>

May 27, 2004, 10:02 PM
With a splash, PhotonDrop burst out of the water. "Ah! Thats refreshing!" She continued to float there until she noticed figures moving along the shore.

"Hmm, people? HEY RATI! CARRY MY STUFF TO SHORE PLEASE!!" She then swam in.

The red Rati floated closer together, in order to hold onto its masters belongings.


As she entered shallow waters, she stood up and started walking, nobody noticed er until a Volley Ball bounced off of her head.

"Ow!" She fell back in the water.

Several people shifted their attention to the ball, it was quiet until Scott Kuda screamed,"Its a mermaid!!"

"Hey, wheres our ball?"

Then the small white sphere shot out of the water and bobbed along the surface. Followed by a mad HUnewearls head coming underneath.

"Zelutos! Save me!"

PhotonDrop walked onto the sandy land, the Volley Ball perfectly balanced on her red hair. She slowly pointed to the ball and said,"Does this belong to any of you?"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: PhotonDrop on 2004-05-27 20:05 ]</font>

May 27, 2004, 10:14 PM
"Look Solstis! I'm not lying!"

A short, vaguely familiar FOnewm frantically waved his hands as he shouted.

"So... you're saying that Gallon is secretly a major supplier of Black Paper?"

The FOnewm nodded and pointed at Gallon's stand, just a few feet away from the volleyball game.

"Wait a second..."

Solstis turned and looked at the FOnewm.

"Aren't you dead?"

Toldos shrugged and rubbed the back of his head, blushing.

"Uh, maybe?"

May 27, 2004, 10:47 PM
Yamishi walked out onto the beach in seamingly uncharacteristic blue Swimshorts followed closly by Kori, also in a blue swim outfit, then by Ame, in a black and red suit.

"So why are we here again sis?"

"Because we deserve a break besides you might meet someone. You know get in to a relationship like Shi and me." She says as she rubs her slightly protruding belly.

"About that Kori you do need to rest on this don't go and get into any kind of game or overly physical activity."

"I know it's hard enough to carry this here I'll make sure to just sit down and relax like we came here to do."


"Alright Kori I can look but I doubt I'll find someone."


And with that the three of them are off to relax.

May 27, 2004, 11:17 PM
Ken walked onto the beach avoid of his ranger armor. His hair which was always cramped under the ranger helmet he wore was now past shoulder length and spiked along with a newly gained cold stare. Ken looked towards the ocean and then turned back around grabbing two medium sized cases of beverages.

"This is what I'm talking about." he said as he walked towards the closest group of people he see nand set the case of beer down and the case of soda.

He looked over and noticed Ness observing a game of volleyball and then set up a lawn chair and layed back. Ken popped open a beer and let out a sigh of relief.

"Hopefully this time there won't be cultists." he mumbled to himself as he took a sip of his drink and let out a depressed sigh. "I wonder if the sandcastle will ever be re-built?" he said looking around the beach, watching the volleyball game from the corner of his eyes.

May 28, 2004, 12:38 AM


A blue hovercar pulled up onto the beach of Lo Di Ge island. It's window were cracked, smoke coming underneath the hood, and it keep making strange sounds from the back. The door opened halfway, then stopped and finally just fell off. An Aggitated FOmarl stepped out, clad in a purple and white dress and had her purple hair tied into a ponytail.

"Darn it! That's the the last time I rent from "Ash's Dependable Cars!"

She looked at the hood with fire in her eyes, then kicked the side of the car. The hood flipped open and flames ignited, rising to five feet high. "Arrrgh! That does it! I've had enough of that Ash!" she rep;ied to the car's "answer." A short FOnewm covered in a red cloak carrying a picnic basket walked up to her. "Numbskull thinks you should give Smokey back to red HUmar," he told her. All she replied was with a look that said "Nah, really?"

"Zonky, I'll be back."

"Where is Sollah going?"

"To bring this old hep back and buy use some beach things."

"Oh.....................Numbskull thinks that's okay."

"Well, I'm glad."

Sollah looked around and saw a group of people in the distance, a volleyball net nearby. "Why don't you go see if those nice people have any balls you can play with?" And with a loud "NUMBSKULL WANTS BALLY!", Zonky ran off towards the crowd, leaving the picnic basket behind. Sollah laughed a little, then got in the car and tried to start the thing.

I hope my characters don't sound too silly. =/

May 28, 2004, 01:02 AM
"Hey guys! Can I join you guys in a game of volleyball?" asked Ness.

"Sorry, but we already have even teams," said one of the players.

"Photondrop can play with us, too," replied Ness. "That will make the teams even again."

"Are you sure that's safe?"

"Of course, I really don't think she's going to inflict physical harm on you guys during the game as payback for nailing her with a volleyball."

"I meant, is it safe for us to play with you. We are a bunch of humans and Newmans, but you are a Demigod. How do we know that you won't accidentally spike a hole through one of us with the volleyball?"

Ness's smile disappeared.

"I guess you're right," he said. Ness walked off and started heading towards Gallon's place.

May 28, 2004, 12:13 PM
Deuce hit the sand for the third time after missing yet another shot. He pulled his face out of the small dent he had made, spat uout some sand and shook some more out of his hair.

"Deuce, if your not any good a volleyball, why on earth did you start up a game?" someone said to him.

Deuce just grinned.

"Theres more to volleyball then hitting the ball, heh heh heh" he said as a Hunewearl bounced by. Then he realised it had been a female voice that had spoken to him, and he slowly turned around, awaiting the classic slap...

May 28, 2004, 01:15 PM
"Great. Why do my audio systems have to 'screw up' at a time like this?"

G2 reached out a hand to help Deuce to his feet. The look of surprise and relief on the man's face was classic. the RAcast took a snapshot, causing his visor to flash. Within moments, he saved the picture in his 'OMG!' Folder.

"Gotcha. ^_^"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Garanz2 on 2004-05-28 11:21 ]</font>

May 28, 2004, 02:01 PM
PhotonDrop's Rati came inland, as its master requested, it had her clothes and Weapons. The HUnewearl accepted her stuff and thanked the Rati, which chirped happily. PhotonDrop rummaged through her things and pulled out a white box and from it, she removed a long light blue beach towel. The Rati then hovered away, as if it was searching for something. In half a beat, the Rati called oout in its electronic chirps. PhotonDrop ran over to the shaded area and smiled,"Thanks Rati! This is a perfect spot!"

Slowly she layed out the towel, then donned a pair f red tinted sunglasses, layed down and thought to herself"Fact for perfect skin #1, always put sun block on before heading to the beach alone."

May 28, 2004, 02:59 PM
Ness sat at the bar by Gallon's shop. Ness was drinking fruit puch since he didn't like alcohol. While dirnking, he started relfecting back to last year and how he defeated Nol. The then remembered that giant sandcastle that BOC built last year. "I wonder if he's going to built another one this year," thought Ness to himself.

His thoughts were interrupted by a feamle voice shrieking, "Look out!" Ness turned in the direction of the voice to find a volleyball heading straight for him. Using his demigod reflexes he dodged the ball.

"Thanks for the warning," yelled Ness in the direction of the voice. He turned around to see who it belonged to and was shocked when he found out who it was. "Holy shit!" he yelled. There stood a beautiful red-headed demigoddess wearing a green bikini. "Karissa," he whispered to himself.

"Now, now, there's no need to swear?" said a male voice. Ness turned around to see yet another startling image. This time it was a black demigod wearing swimming trunks and one of those Hawaiian shirts Gallon was selling. "Rodo!" Ness yelled.

"What's wrong, Ness, surprised to see us?" said Rodo.

Ness sat there motionless for awhile before he said anything. "I thought Etna killed you," he said in a barely audible tone.

"We escaped alive, no thanks to you. Samantha and Sniper are alive too, but they could not come because they had other things to take care of," Rodo said in a foreboding tone.

"So you have come for revenge?" asked Ness in louder, but still very soft voice.

"Correct. There is only one thing left to do," said Rodo as he reached for his blade.

Noticing this, Ness started shaking. He didn't bring any of his weapons and even if he did, he would not be able to stand a chance against Rodo. Rodo drew his sword, raised it, and sliced a coconut in half. Ness passed out.

"......" thought Rodo to himself.

Rodo slashed the milk from one half of the cocnut in Ness's face, reviving him.

"Now where was I? Oh yes, revenge," said Rodo. This frown truned into a smile. "We are going to have a dance off. We will decided once an for all who is the better dancer and it is there that I will have my revenge."

"You mean you're not going to kill me?" asked Ness.

"No. Why would I want to do that?" replied Rodo. "I think your days as Crystal's body guard are starting to catch up with you."

Ness fainted again, but this time with relief.

May 28, 2004, 04:10 PM
Ken let out a sigh as he leaned back in his lawn chair. "Already some animosity, at least it's not getting fatal yet." he thought to himself as he started to look around at the other party-goers. His attention now onto the volleyball game, he stood up and walked over to the makeshift court feeling rather afraid to ask if he could join in.

He stood around siltenly watching the game and then got the thought he looked like an outcast by standing around not saying anything. He let out in a rather quiet voice "Anyone mind if I join in?"

Julia, Vivian, Rhea, and Easton finally arrived at the beach.

"Alright next time we don't procrastinate." said Rhea as she walked down to where Ken had set up his lawn chair.

Julia and Vivian mimiced her and followed suit shortly afterward seeting up an area for them to tan.

"Hey look there he is." said Easton as he walked tossed down his lawn chair and grabbed a pop from the case.

"Yeah, I should of came with him instead of waiting for you Viv." said Julia as she started walking down towards him.

Easton took a seat and put on a pair of sun glasses. His yellow spiked hair waved slightly in a breeze. "Yeah, I know I'm cool." he said jokingly to Vivian and Rhea who looked at him blankly.

May 28, 2004, 04:44 PM
The huge black mass sat at one end of the beach bar his head firmly platend in his hands. His dull, worn black armor adding to the forlorn look of this beaten up old RAcast.

He was not a happy camper. It was the MyTea B.O.C. - he still functioned, but he was heartbroken.

The droid snatched up the can of chilled oil that sat in front of him and downed it in one, motioning for the bar man to set him up with another. He returned to his depressing position.

Just then Garanz2 happened to be wondering by, careful to step over the fainted Ness as he approached Boc. "Well, well, well!! If it isn't rusty himself! I haven't seen you since that Christmas party i had!" The droid said, slapping Boc across the back.

"hello" Boc said lowly.

Garanz turned to face his buddy. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Boc didn't speak, just handing the droid a piece of offical looking paper. Garanz read it:

The new Ragolian Government declares that you: Box are hearby banned from constructing any large castles, buildings or other dwellings.

You are also banned from the use of building materials.

Punishment for failing to abide by this ruling will be a further 200 hours community service at the Pioneer City Hunters Academy.

Garanz looked up from the demonic document. "damn bucket head, they screwed you royally."

"They said that my wonderful creations are a menace to society! A few hundred people die and they are all up in arms about it!! They even spelled my name wrong!!" Boc mumbled.

"Well it could be worse!" Garanz said trying to comfort the weepy bot.

"IT IS WORSE!!! I think they slapped a ban on Deuce drinking and / or making his special punch!! Why else would he not be drinkin? HOW THE BLUE BLAZES ARE WE SUPPOSED TO HAVE FUN WITHOUT GIANT SAND CASTLES OR EXTREMELY DRUNKEN RAMARS?!?!?!" The dented droid fumed. At that point Boc looked up. He noticed a collection of hunters all playing volleyball. "hmmmmmm"

Garanz traced Boc's point of view. "'hmmmm' What???"

"Well i think somebody has to show these fleshies how to play MyTea Rulez Volleyball!!!"

Garanz looked worried "Have you got sun stroke or something?? What are MyTea Rulez?"

Boc jumped up with a start, his full rusted glory made visable. He picked up a volleyball that had been conviently lying at his feet. "Rule number 1: The ball must be on fire!! And I'll make the rest up as i go along!!!" he yelled running off towards the volleyball net, laughing like a nut-case, tramping over ken (and his lawn chair) in the process.

Garanz leaned over the bar towards the barman "I think you better ring the hospital, people are gonna die tonight!!" he said fearfully.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BOC on 2004-05-28 14:52 ]</font>

May 28, 2004, 05:05 PM

Zonky ran as fast as he could towards the ball, which was being bounced back and forth over a net. A FOmarl (looking very inexperiance at this game) jumped up to bounce it over the net when she got pulled down by a deranged, bent-on-getting-the-ball Zonky.


All the volleyball players just stared at him. Zonky nerviously looked around and asked in a low voice "what?"

May 28, 2004, 06:58 PM
"Wait, don't go, aren't you still in hidding after last year's 'fiasco'?"

"L.Soldier, for the last time, I USED YOUR NAME for the papers I had to sign. There will be no mob bosses hunting me. Only hunting you. And if I break the rules, they will wonder why a HUmar is doing a RAmar's work."



As Logical2u ... *ahem* 'liberated' a hovercar and headed for the beach, to *ahem* 'enjoy' some free time. And get rid of that cough.

"Ah man, it started without me... or, it started for me. Or I'm late. Possibly all."

He stepped out of the *ahem* now totalled hovercar, which sat in an already burning crater. Probably an accident.

Logical2u carefully approached BOC, or, Box, or boc, or Mytea Boc/BOC/Box/boc, or Mighty BOC etc. Making sure to avoid anyone who was unconscious without material aids is usually a good idea, medically speaking.

BOC was jumping around, yelling what appeared to be randomness. Something about 'Flaming balls', 'Electrocuted nets', and 'Bwargghhh! Stupid order'.


"MORE FLAMES, AHAHHA! And get that numbskull outta here!"

"Numbskull is full name, numbskull!"


BOC was noticably shaken, as if a trance had been broken early.

"Man, you're cramping my crazy schemes! Why!? WHY!!?! TELL ME!!?!"

Logical2u backed away slowly, afraid of HUcast or RAcast consequences.

"NO MORE! Please! Jeff can't leave the guild without getting a coupla pot shots taken by the neighbours, or military snipers! That previous party, the crashed one, has made everyone much more worried. If the feds or fuzz get more dirt on any of these hunters, they'll drag us into some private businesses, with some fed overseers. Like the lab."

BOC stopped shaking the giant metal fists in Ardo's face. "True. But what sort of fun can Hunters have that ISN'T outlawed in some way or form?"

Logical2u shrugged. "Whatever. But no castles this time."



"At least I wasn't allowed anyways."

" *eye twitch* "

May 28, 2004, 09:02 PM
Ness eventually woke up. He noticed that BOC was playing some weird version of volleyball and the sand around him was covered with counded players. "I don't even want to know," thought Ness to himself.

Ness managed to stand up, but his head was still spinning. He didn't know how long he had been out, nor cared. He decided to walk off his dizzyness. After walking by the ocean for a few minutes, he heard someone crying. Ness ran over to see what the deal was. He saw a FOnewearl weeping underneath a rock. "What's wrong?" asked ness with a concern look on his face.

"BOC is not allowed to build giant sandcastles anymore," she replied.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled Ness.

"There is one solution," said a familiar voice. Ness turned around to find Rodo standing behind him. "We could build the castle," continued Rodo.

"If BOC isn't permitted to do it, then what makes you think we are?" asked Ness.

"We are demigods," said Rodo with a smile. "Whenever we do something in the world of mortals, their police tend to look the other way. They know that their weapons do not work on us so they are afraid of us. We can do anything we want."

"But just because we can do it doesn't mean we should do it." replied Ness.

Someone wrapped their arms around Ness. He turned his head and saw that those arms belonged to Karissa. "Come on, Ness. It will be fun, I promise," she said.

Ness was paralyzed with lust. He managed to mutter the word "Okay" before becoming competely motionless.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ness on 2004-05-28 20:03 ]</font>

May 28, 2004, 09:22 PM
Ken stood up and looked at his thrashed lawn chair while dusting the sand off of himself. "BOC, you crazy driod! It's good to see yo uagain too." yelled Ken as he walked over closer to the court and watched the ball be lit on fire. "Damn he is gonna kill someone." said Ken throwing his empty can at BOC hitting him in the head.

Easton sat back in his own lawn chair laughing at Ken's trampling. "This is going to be a great summer." he said as Rhea slapped him upside the back of the head. "Ow..."

Julia walked up behind Ken and patted him on the back. "Think we should join BOC in on his crazy MyTea game of Vollyball?" she asked with a giggle and got a wierd look from Ken.

"I dunno you want to somehow get cuaght on fire? I already lost my pants last year from them getting cuaght on fire, don't need to lose another pair." he said in reply as he listened to some yelling and screaming from the volleyball court.

Vivian was looking at a few hunters who were arriving at the beach party with a grin. "This is going to be fun." she said walking away from Rhea and Easton.

"There she goes again." sighed Rhea watching Vivian start flirting with some of the newly arrived people.

May 28, 2004, 09:54 PM
Ame had breifly thought about joining the Volley Ball game but decided against it as soon as B.O.C. Started throwing around flaming balls

"Yo Granz can't you do something about him you know Droid to Droid?" Yamishi asked

"Not really I'm not sure he'd listen in his current mood."

"Why?" Asked Kori

"Because he can't make any sand castles this year Government orders."

"Don't you just hate it when they do that?"


"Guys I just overheard some people saying they were going to build the sand castle this year!!!" Ame shouts to the group as she joins them


"Yeah they mentioned something about how the cops kind of 'turn away when they do something wrong' or something like that."

"We may just be able to have fun after all." Says Granz and Yamishi in unison with a smile on their face.(for those of them that can)

May 28, 2004, 10:11 PM
Deuce poked his head up from where he had dived to, trying to get out of the way of BOC and his new version of volleyball. He patted his shirt pocket and found another holiday cigar, put it in his mouth, then lit it on one of the flaming volleyballs that rolled near.

"You know BOC, i think we may have to tweak your rules just slightly, us non-metal players seem to be at an unfair dis-advanatge"

Then he overheard the discussion about the new sandcastle. A rush of memories hit him like a train. The drunkeness, the dancing, the crazy cultists, him only wearing his boxers for most of it. He could see last year slowly creeping up on him again.

"And i promised myself no alcohol this year" he sighed and sunk himself into the sand. Least he wasnt wearing the heart shaped boxers this time.

May 29, 2004, 07:24 AM
Gallon shook his head in disbelief over the crazyness exhibited by the Hunters flocking to the beach. First off there was that weird.... Guy.

He seemed to be happy enough to buy things but Gallon found it difficult to look at him without feeling... Unworthy? Gallon shook his head. And that was even before the others turned up. One of them, a female... He had fallen in love instantly, standing open mouthed and gawking, till she left again. Spell broken he was left with money... Money loved him, it would never leave him.

Then a dented black RAcast bounded over talking about Mighty something or other. The 'droid slapped down a hefty cube and ran off in the direction of the volleyball game with a litre of Gallon's finest lighter fluid.

When Gallon saw what Boc actually did with his purchase, he calmly reached for the pricing card for the 'Trimate sun cream' and added an extra zero on the end.


The RAmar and the RAcast strolled down toards the beach. The human seemed to be very uncomfortable.

"Tell me again why we're here Clank?" Ask Ratchet.

"Because humans require social interaction." Replied the android.

"Okay... But do we have to wear matching leopard print thongs? I mean, I don't want people to think we're a couple..."

"Do not be afraid. Others will be dressed in similar attire."


May 29, 2004, 07:50 AM
"I don't know how I let you guys talk me into this," said ness as he started lifting mounds of sand with his telekinesis. They had been working for only 2 hours and the castle was already 33% complete.

"This one is going to be larger than than the last one," said Karissa.

"Indeed it will," agreed Rodo.

"I still don't think this is right," added Ness.

"What are you worried about? The only reason the government got so upset last time was because people died in the construction of the castle. We are the only ones working on this castle, and have any of us died?"

"No," said Ness timidly.

"Okay then," said Rodo in his "I know I'm right" tone of voice.

They continued working on the castle.

May 29, 2004, 08:18 AM
G2 sat down at the bar with a notepad and a pen, and began writing a list. Next to each point he put a small square box.

Wide range of characters
Typical idyllic setting
Giant sandcastles
Doom, Death and Destruction

Glancing around, G2 ticked the first 4 boxes. Then he noticed the demigods making their own enormous sandcastle and ticked the fifth.

"Umm...Yup. Someone's going to die today. Random-repair-kit-I-always-happen-to-have-with-me, don't fail me today..."

He paused.

"Hey BOC! Can I play MyTea volleyball too?!"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Garanz2 on 2004-05-29 06:20 ]</font>

May 29, 2004, 01:55 PM
The sand castle was complete. Ness, Rodo, and Karissa stood in awe as the admired their work.

"Okay, so now what?" asked Ness.

"We throw a party," Rodo replied.

"I don't know if that's such a good a idea. You know what happened last ti-"

"Oh stop being such a baby. These four centuries of peace have turned you into the biggest whiner I have ever met. What every happened to the amazing adimance and hearty constitution that you had back in the Magi Wars?" interrupted Rodo.

"I'll go tell everyone about the party," said Karissa and she ran off to the nearest group of people.

BOC and Deuce were attracted to the castle like iron is to a magnet. They started involuntarily walking toward it.

May 29, 2004, 03:24 PM
I'm gonna try and toss myself in here, me likes randomness http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

A short distance from the main group of people, a small HUnewearl in a (modest http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif) purple swimsuit sat on a rock outcrop, watching.

'That looks like fun,' she thought, 'but I don't know if I should just drop in, I wasn't invited...'

She sat back, inwardly cursing her shyness. Suddenly, her attention was drawn to the volleyball court. It seemed a large, rather dented RAcast had just invented a new game that involved flaming volleyballs, and random destruction.

Without a second thought, K'Tani lept off the rock and ran for the court, randomly shouting things like "FIREFIREFIRE WOOOOO!!" and "Jupiter!!"


Heh. Someone else take it http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

May 29, 2004, 03:30 PM
Easton looked in shock at the huge sand castle. "That thing is friggin' huge!" he let out as he walked over to it. Rhea followed along seeing as she was bored.

Julia and Ken watched the volleyball game abit. Vivian turned just as she seen Julia reach up and slap Ken right behind the head and start yelling. "I'm going to tan!" Vivian shook her head as Ken looked dumbfounded as Julia walked away.

"Here we go again." both Ken and Vivian thought to themselves.

Ken sighed and walked over to the gigantic sand castle which many others were starting to go to as well. "This is going to be a fun time. I wonder how long this party will last?" Ken thought to himself as he caught up with Easton and Rhea.

Rhea looked over at Ken and noticed the sort of sad look on his face. "Let me guess, Julia got mad at you again?" she said patting him on the shoulder.

"Yup, this time just for joking around." he said as he looked over a few people. Rhea walked over to him and handed him a beer. "Drink, relax, and party. Then good things will happen." she said smiling. Ken shrugged and started to drink as Easton yelled out randomly "Chug, chug chug!"

May 29, 2004, 04:41 PM
"Let's just hope Drion isn't around this time," thought Ken to himself.


Back over at the sand castle....

"Great, people are already starting to approach!" said Rodo. "Have you ordered the pizza yet?"

"Yes, I have," replied Karissa. "This is going to rock!" She started jumping up and down.

"Too much sugar," Rodo thought to himself.

Ness was already inside setting everything up. He had actually warmed up to the illegal party idea soon after the castle was complete. It was bigger than the one BOC had built last year and contained a bigger dance floor.

"Now who is going to be the DJ?" asked Ness aloud.

"You want a DJ, you got one," said a female voice.

Ness turned around to see Drion standing behind him. "Oh, it's you again," said Ness. "You're hired, just don't take advantage of any drunken guys this time."

May 29, 2004, 07:26 PM
Ken stood about the sand castle unaware that Drion had shown up. He finished off another beer and spoke to Easton and Rhea who were dancing. "I....I thin.. I'm gonna go request a song." he said with a slight slur but seemed to still have control over all his senses.

Rhea watched him walk off wiht a smile and then went back to dancing. Easton on the other hand was dancing like a wild man. "We can dance if we want to, we can leave our friends behind." he song out loud getting a few laughs from some of the female party goers. Rhea shook her head with a sigh.

Julia sat on the beach alone tanning sipping fomr her soda. Vivian walked up beside her. "You need to relax more or you're going to drive him away." she said as she took a seat. Julia ignored her and went back to staring at the people finally get back to a game of original volleyball.

Ken stumbled over to the DJ booth and looked up. "I'd like...to request a song." he said as the alcohol started to wear off alittle more. Drion looked down at him with a smile.

"Hey there." she said smiling and began leaning over the table. Ken's eyes widened and smiled back nervously. "H..Hello Drion, how are you?" She smiled happily and put on another song. "Come on let's dance." she said as she leapt down from the DJ booth and grabbed his hand.

May 30, 2004, 12:43 AM
Zenja haphazardly parked the delivery truck between two other vehicles, nearly denting both them. She quickly open the door and, before she could step out, a hover-cyclist collided into it. He flipped over the handle bars and smacked into a nearby trash bin.

"Hey, girl, that's my space!" the guy screamed, wiping himself clean of rubbish while picking up his bike.

"No it isn't. It's the space for the door to open you moron." Zenja replied as she ran her fingers through her long, black hair.

The cyclist looked into the humanoid's green eyes. Seeing something in her eye that said 'I dare you', the man decided he had to be somewhere else... and fast.

Zenja swished her orange and black striped tail, a smile forming on her lips. She was still smiling as she reached Gallon's shop.

"Delivery for a mister... Gallon." The woman thrusted a databoard at the man.

The man looked confusedly at the humanoid. "Huh? What?"

Zenja sighed. "Look, sign the stupid thing and stop gawking at my beautiful body."

When Gallon finally clasped the databoard, Zenja leaned against the counter and scanned her surroundings. Her eyes widened, both in horror and in fascination. What in the light is going on here? Zenja thought to herself as she spotted the huge sand castle and dozens of blackened craters.

Gallon tapped the woman on the shoulder, handing the databoard back to her. Zenja grabbed it without turning, keeping her gaze on a few of the male hunters that had caught her eye. "Lot of cute guys around." She turned and grinned at Gallon. "Can't say the same for you though."

"Haha. Very funny. My sides are hurting."


FYI - Yes, Zenja is a feline humanoid, aka cat-girl. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-05-29 22:45 ]</font>

May 30, 2004, 08:56 AM
Deuce stood outside the castle, weighing things up in his head.

"You remember what happened at the last sandcastle, BOC?" he asked the Android who also seemed to be standing around outside the giant sand construction.

"Death, destruction and you dancing in your boxers?"

"Yes, pure evil. Im starting to think that maybe Sandcastle's are cursed, or are a portal to an evil land. I mean, sand isnt exactly the strongest material, why make a defensive structure out of it?"

"To have fun?"

"No! To lead you into their evil trickery! Maybe all sandcastle's should be purged! To save the innocents!"

BOC gave Deuce a strange look from over his shoulder.

"You sure you havent been drinking Deuce?"

"Not a drop. Now i must find purging tools!"

May 30, 2004, 09:09 AM
The pizza had arrived and 50 people had already entered the castle.

"Soon it will be time for our dance off," said Rodo.

"Bring it on," said Ness with an unsual level of confidence.

Karissa was at the bar serving drinks. "Man this is some strong stuff," said one guy at the bar. "What's in it?"

Karissa looked at the bottle he was drinking from. "Umm sir, that's rubbing alcohol you're drinking," she said with a surprised look on her face.

Among all the other dancers were Drion and Ken. "I sure hope Julia doesn't see me," tought Ken to himself.

May 30, 2004, 10:12 AM
Gallon looked at the list Zenja had just handed him.

"TNT... Detonators... Barrels of gunpowder... Wait just a Beat... I never ordered any of this stuff!" He protested to the lithe driver as she ogled the men nearby.

"I can't sell this stuff on a beach."

"Not my problem." She replied. "You signed for the stuff, take it up with headquarters... Besides, it's my lunch break now..." She said as she walked off removing her clothing to reveal a swimsuit that she just happened to be wearing underneath.

Leaning heavily on the counter, Gallon watched her walk off. A shadow fell across him and he looked up.

"Do you have tools for purging?" The man asked him.

Gallon's face lit up with a smile.

"Of course sir, some fresh stock just arrived..."

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: mr_rubbish on 2004-05-30 08:13 ]</font>

May 30, 2004, 12:48 PM
Boc half walked half staggered up the beach behind Deuce, his arms fully laden with 'purging' equipment. There was going to be some expensive fire works tonight.

"We need the A-Team, they could like build a tank for us from Palm trees and a few empty beer cans, then we could totally level that evil structure!!!" The dented droid said, droping the equipment to the ground as Deuce began to wirse the explosives.

The RAmar didn't acknowledge the droid, simply mumbling "purge... kill... evil!!" as he began to attach fuses to the explosives.

"I pity the fool who makes such a bad attempt at a sand castle!!! It doesn't even have a moat!! Or that room where dead bodies are stored!!" he said

May 30, 2004, 01:11 PM
Time passed and more guest piled in. "I wonder where Deuce and BOC are," thought ness to himself. "They were the ones that made last year's party interesting."

"It's time," thought Rodo to himself. He began to move to the front of the dancefloor. He passed by all kinds of people, including Ken and Drion (who were still dancing). He climbe to the top of the stage where the substitute DJ was and whispered something in his ear. The DJ stopped the music and gave Rodo a microphone.

"Attention all partygoers!" yelled Rodo. "I have a special surprise for all of you. Ness, the black-haired demigod sitting at the bar, and I are going to have dance-off. If I could get you guys to clear the way and make a circle around the dance floor, we can begin. Karissa will be taking votes on who is better and will also be taking bets. Now without further delay, will Ness please report to the dancefloor?"

"Here we go," thought Ness to himself as he walked to the dance floor.

May 30, 2004, 01:56 PM
G2 stowed away his notepad and ran to catch up with BOC and Deuce, who were laden with massive amounts of various explosives, firemaking kits and arcane symbols.



"Falz is back?! Where?! I am NOT dying again!"

"Chill it 'ranz, he means the sandcastle."

"...oh. Umm...kthxbye!"

May 30, 2004, 02:58 PM
Drion and Ken stood and watched the dance off commence. Most of the other people who were dancing stoof aside and watched as the techno beats and other types of songs began to play. Ness was shaking his head. "This is just wrong."

Easton was talking with a group of newman and humans, mostly females. He slid his pair of sun glasses down the bridge of hsi nose and ran a hand through his blonde spiked up hair as he talked. Rhea leaned over to him "Stop trying to put your mack on." she said laughing. Easton laugh nervously and went back to talking to the hunters.

"You know for a human force he is rather entertaining." said a newman hunter to a newman force. They both giggled and went back to watching him and listening to his random stories.

May 30, 2004, 08:20 PM
"Numbskull can't dance so numbskull leaves."

Zonky squished inbetween people, bumped into a few, and knocked some people down before he could get out of the castle. When he got outside, he noticed nothing odd. Well, compared to when BOC started the MyTea volleyball. He noticed that Deuce and BOC were occupying themselves by laying TNT and gunpowder around the castle.

"What are flaming box and friend doing?"


Zonky then remembered he should take a shower when he gets home today. So after a shrug and a commit about taking showers, he decided to watch the waves. So he went along the beach, walking in one direction and looking in another.
Until he stepped on something soft. And heard a sound. The sound sounded like a cat. Yelling. Rather loud, but sound mixed with a women's voice. Zonky turned and faced front. He saw a cat-girl, rather taller then him, in a swimsuit, looking at him with menacing green eyes. He started to back away very slowly. "Eh, numbskull thinks you look good in that swimsuit," he remarked, then ran for his life.

May 30, 2004, 08:46 PM
"Mwahaha! Were nearly ready for 'Operation; Blow Up Giant Evil Sandcastle Of Death Type Place'" yelled Deuce.

"I think maybe i should choose the next Operation name" said BOC.

"Ok, so we got all the explosives set up, weve got the detonators, ive got my sunglasses and we know our escape plan"

"In escape plan you mean you jump on my back and i leg it?"


"Are you really sure you havent drunk anything? Im wondering if you are beginning to suffer from reverse drunkeness. If you dont drink anything you seem to get sozzled too!"

"Nonsense, im just... Hey, is that dancing over there? I havent danced since...well, last year. Lets go"

"Purging can wait for dancing? Definatly a Reverse Drunk"

May 31, 2004, 01:39 AM
Curse that little freak! Zenja thought angrily to herself while caressing her injured tail.

Swimming was out of the question and rarely anyone was left on the beach, so Zenja's only option was the sandcastle. She hastily made her way towards the immense structure, not wanting to miss any of the action going on inside.

When she neared the structure, movement around the side of the castle caught her attention. She stopped to watch a large droid and a rather handsome man converse with each other then disappear inside. They left behind a few large barrels of something that Zenja wasn't quite sure what contents were stored inside... until she noticed the black powder seeping out of one of the drums.

OK. Maybe going to the sandcastle is not a good idea, Zenja grinned as a new idea came to her. I'll wait for them to return! And if they don't come back, well... She snapped her finger and a miniature Foie appeared in her palm. Zenja snuffed out the flame before heading over to the barrels.

May 31, 2004, 08:24 AM
Rodo started first with some basic raving that made some people cheer. Ness countered with some of his glow-stick action. Rodo then whipped out his glowsticks and started raving. Ness started raving with his glowsticks and doing the C-walk at the same time. This made the entire crowd cheer. Even Karissa was clapping. Not to be outdone, Rodo started doing the worm amnd used telekinesis to keep his glowsticks going. The crowd boomed with excitement.

"This is getting hot," thought Karissa to herself.

"Aww yeah, this is so cool. Don't you think so, Drion?" asked Ken. "Drion?" Kent turned around to Drion with her eyes rolled back in her head and a weird look on her face. Ken shook her a bit.
Realizind where she was and what she had done, she started blushing. "Are you okay? Your face is all red and you looked like you had passed out," said Ken with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm okay, I just passed out for a second...yeah that's it. I passed out," replied Drion.

Ken knew she was lying, but he didn't care. Little did he know that Julia had made her way inside the castle and was searching for Ken.

Ness had to do something soon if he didn't want to lose so he leapt in the air and started doing flips while his glowsticks orbited around him. "WOOOOOOOOW!!!!!" yelled the crowd.

"Try and beat that, Rodo!" yelled Ness with confidence.

"Your wish is my command," replied Rodo. He started off with raving, then he started doing the worm, next the started breakdancing and lifted himselfs up in the air while still dancing. The glowsticks here orbiting around him the entire time. The crowd was dead silent. They didn't know what to say or do. Then spontaneously, they all yelled at Ness, "YOU GOT SERVED!!"

"It was a good match," said Rodo as he extended his hand.

"Indeed it was. You beat me fair and square," replied Ness as he shook Rodo's hand. They both went to the bar to get some a few drinks. A few women followed them, but most continued dancing.

May 31, 2004, 01:30 PM
Zonky keept peeking around the corner of Gallon's bar. Well, until Gallon kicked him out. Zonky, being bored and still afraid of that cat, er, woman, er, cat-women, decided to explore the beach. After going over serveral sand dunes, stepping on top of crabs, and kicking many buckets, he noticed something very piculiar.

It was a barrel surrounded by full, unused sunblock bottles. Another odd thing is that the barrel looked exactly the same as the barrels BOC and Deuce were shoveling gunpowder out of.

"Flaming box and friend forgot barrel and liquid. Numbskull helps!"

Zonky pulled off the top of the barrel. He then took off his cloak, and in one gesture, sweeped up the bottles, swrung it too his left and dumped them into the barrel. He put his cloak back on. After that, he put the lid back on, put it on it's side, and rolled it on it's way.



"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm sure it was in prime condition when you rented it. No one used it before."


"Er, um, hehe, er, gotanythinggoingtomorrownightpleasedon'tharmme!"



"Rolling, rolling, rolling. Numbskull keep that barrel rolling."

After singing that verse 3,278 times, he almost got to the massive castle. There was only one obstacle in the way. The cat, er, Zenja was standing by the barrels obviously waiting for someone. What's worse, she noticed him and made one of her menacing stares, implying that he should not get any closer. Zonky wished he would have his giant pencil right now. Then, he got an idea. He stood on top of the barrel, and rolled it down with him on it, while Zenja stared in disbelief.


"Man, that was some dance off."

"What ya expect? They're demigods, you know."


"I think the lack of water has made you forget things."

"I don't think lac-"

"It's a different way of saying "Let's go surfing.""

"Oh. Right."

A handsome HUmar in black shorts and a FOmar wearing the lower part of his hunter outfit headed for the entrance. They looked outside, and saw a short man wearing a cloak riding a barrel heading right for them.

"What the-?"

May 31, 2004, 04:50 PM
"What the...?" Was a HUmar's only cry. However, that didn't compare to the small war begining on the dance floor. As Ness rested, Logical2u looked on in horror.

"YOU! Cakey!!!"

"Didn't you hear, my name is NESS..."

"NOOO! What did you do with Cakey?!"


"Cakey, you monster, you killed him! Why!!!???"

"Who in the name of hell are you talking about?"

"CAKEMAN!? WHY DID YOU DIE!? WHYYYY!? I'll kill you all!!!"

"......woah, man, calm down. Don't kill anything!"

"BWARGHHHHHH!" Ardo pulled his Ano Rifle and started shooting the ceiling, at about the same time that Zonky rolled the exlplosive barrel into the sand castle again.

And, unfortunately, the whole concussive shock of the shooting the ceiling destroyed the castle and set off the barrels.

The two demigods at the bar had only 2 words each. "Oh s-hine!"

May 31, 2004, 05:32 PM
Deuce was getting his groove on (badly) when the barrels starting going off. He fondled his pockets quickly trying to find the detonators, retrieved them and realised they were all still capped.

"I havent set mine off, how about you BOC?"

The android flashed his set of detonators.

"Ditto! But least the evil is beggining to be purged"

"So we better kick into the end of this plan"

Deuce took a running jump and landed on the androids back.

"Ya! Ya!" he yelled, whipping his hand in the air.

"Its sad to say that this may not be the most embarressing moment of my life" said BOC, and made a speedy beeline for the door.

May 31, 2004, 06:16 PM
I can't beleive theres hardly anybody here... A certain cloaked figure thought to himself. All he saw was a beach with only a few occupants... and a giant sandcastle.

I guess thats better for me though. I've been getting a little pale lately being in the dark for so long and all. A nice, peaceful tanning without someone any officers of the law or hunters after my bounty sure as hell wouldn't bother me.

Setting up a small spot on the beach, the assassin propped his lawnchair (discounted from gallon's shop due to threats of a slow and torterous death), and removed his long black cloak, and metal face mask. mounting his Caduceus into the ground, and hanging up his attire, he smiled in an a surprisingly un-morbid way. Positioning his chair just right so that nobody would be able to see his face unless they went in front of him (and into the water) he serenly faced the ocean waves. Had it not been for the metal mindings he constantly keeps torqued on his muscles, it would have been the most relaxed experience he'd had in ages. Yup, nothing like a day of just kicking it off, and not having to worry about everyday life. This moment was paradise to him. He happily closed his eyes


and it was just then when he heard the metalic war cry of 'Purge the evil!!', and a fiery explosion soon to follow. and then of course the sound of police sirens approaching, and those unquestionable footsteps of 4 armed officers closing in on his very location.

When Zi'Zuku's eyes opened, he happened to be staring down the barrel of a soldier's rifle.

"Umm... i know what you guys are thinking, but-"


"ah screw it, gifoie!"

[i]"maybe now i'll get some quiet... fuggin jerks getting a look at my face *grumbles*..."

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: -Z on 2004-05-31 16:25 ]</font>

May 31, 2004, 06:17 PM
"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" yelled Rodo as the castle was collapsing around them. He quicky grabbed the closest people to him and flew out the door. Ness and Karissa did the same except they flew through holes in the roof.

"There, at least some people will make it out alive," thought Rodo to himself.

As soon as they all landed, the FOnewearl Ness was carrying started screaming and crying. "You have to save him. Please! Save him!!!!!" she yelled with tears in her eyes.

"Save who?" asked Ness.

"I don't have time for your questions! Just save him?"

"Look I can't save him if I don't know who he is."

"Ken," she said before bursting into tears.

Ness quickly ran back inside. Karissa tried to stop him, but Rodo held her back.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ness on 2004-05-31 16:33 ]</font>

May 31, 2004, 06:31 PM
Daaamn, stupid Comcast, left me without service for two days... well, I'm sorta caught up, I think I'll pull out.

PhotonDrop woke up and saw her skin was a dark red color AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I'M SUNBURNED!!! "Rati! You were supposed to keep me awake!!" Stupid cheap sunblock!!!

The Mag just bobbed up and down and spun about.

"C'mon were leaving..."

She gathered her stuff and cast Ryuker, with a final glance, she noticed all the changes. But she sighed and left.

May 31, 2004, 06:56 PM
Ame and Shi had gathered around Kori who was also surrounded by all the women who were giving her congratulations about her coming child.

"What's happening?!?!?" Kori practicly screamed at Shi as he put his arms around her.

"Some idiot thought it would be fun to shoot the roof. The whole castle is collapsing."

"Yeah sis you need to do something about it."

"What do you mean?"

"Your the Queen of Ice right? Use that power to save us."

"Oh yeah. Hehe. Sorry forgot about that." With that Kori set up a dome of ice so thick that it can support the whole castle should the need arise.

May 31, 2004, 07:16 PM
Whoopsies. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zzzzzz on 2004-05-31 17:18 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zzzzzz on 2004-05-31 22:35 ]</font>

Jun 1, 2004, 12:24 AM
I hope Mr Rubbish doesn't mind if I "revive" his forgotten characters.

A RAmar and RAcast in matching leopard thongs were being escorted by two policemen.

"This is all a mistake!" the RAmar exclaimed. "We didn't do anything!"

"Yeah, yeah, suuuuuure. You two look like the completely innocient type. Besides, what ya gonna do, blow up the car? No harm will come to us if we lock ya up a bit."

As they neared the hovercar, a very small u.f.o. crashlanded on it, causing a huge explosion that melted almost everything in a 15 feet radius, including the policemen. Luckily, The RAcast and RAmar were 15.374834962286238946238 feet away. They notice a small figure come out of the weckage,and heard it say:

"See? Numbskull can avoid cat-girl and help flaming box at the same time."

They then watched as the figure staggered off into the direction of Gallon's bar.


I think the castle is already destroyed, White_Knight.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zzzzzz on 2004-05-31 22:36 ]</font>

Jun 1, 2004, 05:41 AM
Julia watched from outside as the gigantic sand caslt fell slowly into the ground causing massive clouds of sand. "Don't worry, I'm sure everyone will be fine." said Karissa looking to Julia. She stood in a silent shock as more sand was thrown into the air.

Ken and Drion ran through the collapsing sand caslte. They arrived at a window that was starting to become smaller. "Drion get ready." said Ken as she replied back with "Why?" In a few seconds he lifted her up and tossed her through the window. He got ready to jump up to it but it was cut off by a piece of the sandcaslte covering it with sand.

Ken started running through the almost completely collapsed sand castle and leaped forward towards the door which was still there. As he leaped forward a figure butted heads with him. Ken and the figure both fell back. "Ouch damnit, you thick headed bastard!" said Ken holding the red mark on his head. Ness stood up "Thats not a good way to treat the rescue party." he said grabbing Ken's hand and helped him up.

They left the cstle as it turned into a gigantic cloud of dust. Easton stood at the back seeing Ken and Ness "Sandtomic explosion!!!" Easton yelled and recieved a slap to the back of the head by Rhea. The lare group of hunters continued on with several beach activities after the castle collapsed.

Ken stood up and shook his head. "I lost a beer in there." he said with disappointment as he truend around and seen Julia. "Hello." he said with a nervous smile.

Jun 1, 2004, 09:44 AM
"It's gone!!!!!" yelled Rodo. "Five hours of work down the drain!"

"It's okay," said Karissa as she rubbed his back.

"Yeah, your right," said Rodo, feeling better.

"So now what are we supposed to do?" asked Ness.

"You are going to have to deal with me!" yleed a female voice.

Suddenly the ground started shaking and the pile of sand that use to be the sandcastle exploded, sending sand everywhere. When the dust cleared, the area was flooded with light. The source of the light seemed to be a powerful demigoddess.

"You guys failed to rescue me and now I have sand in my hair!" she yelled. "I paid good money for this perm and now it's ruined! You shall pay with your lives!"

Jun 1, 2004, 11:06 AM
Erm, I meant to post this yesterday. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif But seeing as no one has noticed me I don't think it matters that much. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

K'Tani sat on the sand just staring into space, wondering how she'd managed to run around playing flaming volleyball like a maniac without attracting any attention.

Just then she noticed a short man rolling a barrel towards the giant sandcastle.
"Hey dude, where're you taking that barrel?"

"Numbskull take barrel to flaming box and friend!" the short man replied triumphantly.

"Flaming?" K'Tani asked, a somewhat insane grin spreadding across her face.

Zonky had gotten the barrel almost to the castle, when a few small rumbles were heard, then the barrels surrounding the castle began to ignite.

K'Tani jumped up and yelled, "I have to do something!!" So she did. She ran around the castle, randomly shooting off Foie yelling "BOOM!! HA HA HA HA!!"

Jun 1, 2004, 11:48 AM
"WOOOOOOHOOOOO Look at it go!" Deuce yelled into BOC's audio sensors.

"Do that again and I'll light you up and use you as a MyTea volleyball!"

"SHHH, Rusty you hear that?"


"Sounds like hissing..." Deuce's eyes widened as he looked up to see a cat-girl falling from the sky.

Zenja landed on his back, digging her claws deep into his skin as she wrapped her body around his. The pain was so intense that Deuce was unable to scream. Instead, he began to mumble incoherantly.

BOC looked over his shoulder at Deuce and the cat-girl as he ran. "What am I a Taxi cab now?" he asked Deuce.

"Shut up.... keep running... to hospital... pain... hurt..."

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-01 09:49 ]</font>

Jun 1, 2004, 01:23 PM
On the way to Gallon's bar, Zonky noticed a peculiar looking hovercar. It was a four seater, (two in front and two in the back), the side doors were painted white and the hood and trunk were painted blue. And on top was a little red lightbulb encased in glass. Plus the engine was running.

"OooooooOOoooOOOOooooh! Numbskull will drive!"

He got in the car and barly managed to hold down the gas petal, chasing it to go rather slowly. "Numbskull needs brick!" he exclaimed, and got out of the carand went to Gallon's shop, which, oddly enough, was in the same place as Gallon's bar.

"Numbskull needs brick."

"How much?"

"one, numbskull."

"Enough for just you?"

"No, no, no. Numbskull needs one, numbskull."

"So now you're asking for a numbskull?"

"All numbskull wants is one brick!"

"Why didn't you say so?"

Gallon handed him a brick, and added "That will be 5,000 meseta."


"Numbskull can use brick for throwing object too! Brick cool!"


Zonky got back in the car, when he saw a huge flash of light over the remains of the sandcastle, not too far off. "Numbskull will see light thingy!" he said gleefully, and put the brick on the gas pedal and headed in the direction of the light.


"You guys failed to rescue me and now I have sand in my hair!" the demigoddess yelled. "I paid good money for this perm and now it's ruined! You shall pay with your lives!"

The only words the bewildered Ness could speak was "Look out!" She turned around, and saw a police hovercar heading right for her...

Jun 1, 2004, 01:58 PM
The police car ran right over her, knocking her to the ground and overturning the car. Zonky got out of the car unharmed. "Numbskull sorry!" he yelled.

"She should be out for awhile," said Ness. "That gives us enough time to to detain her." Rodo and Ness started advancing cautiously. The demigoddess started glowing again and stood up. Ness and Rodo jumped back. Rodo drew his sword, Hopesfire, and Ness readied his fists. "Hey, Ness, where is your sword?" asked Rodo.

"I left it in my ship back at the hotel," replied Ness.

"Well here, take this." said Rodo. He drew his second sword, the Aular of Light, and handed it to Ness.

"Wow, are you sure about this?" asked Ness. "I've never seen a sword with this much power before."

"Of course I'm sure. Just give it back to me after tha battle," said Rodo.

"AHAHAHAHA!!!" said the demigoddess. "Do you think you puny mortals can beat us. I'm Helgaliss, the most powerful demigoddess in the universe!"

"You must not recognize us." said Rodo. "I am Rodo, the defeater of Dominatrix, and the Vanquisher of Salindar."

"And I am Ness," continued Ness. "The vanquisher of Rachael, Noir, and Archimer."

"And I'm Karissa, the sexiest demigoddess alive," added Karissa.

Helgaliss looked a little shocked by the fact that she was about to face off against some of the most famous demigods in the universe, but she maintained her confidence in her own power.

Jun 1, 2004, 04:11 PM

*Rustle Rustle Rustle SPLOOOFFF*

"BLAGHGGH! My mouth tastes like sand, seaweed and doldolm blood!... Mmm.... doldolm... Maybe... nah..."
After turning down the idea of starting "McDoldolms", Logical2u proceeded to try and dig the rest of his body out of the sand.

"Ohhhh.... pretty lightshow." As he struggled, he was suddenly flacid as the Demigods prepared to fight.

Jun 1, 2004, 08:54 PM
Hey last I saw it was still atleast partally collapsing!

"So know that we're in here what are we going to do sis?"

"Hey your the one that told me to put this up Ame. Why don't you do something?"

"Because I can't break your ice Kori."

"No Ame but you can atleast light up this 'barrier' of hers."

"Yeah I guess. Kori could you make a stalagtite for me to use as a light bulb?"

"Sure," She says before she stars to cancetrate on it. "Done." with noticalbe satisfaction. Ame soon hits it with a lightning bolt that forms an "orb" of lightning around the tip and never leaves.

"Good. Now I think that I can do something about our predicament."

"Oh like what?" One of the random ladies asks.

"Just make sure to stand back." Shi says as he goes to one of the walls. He gets into a fighting stance with his right fist pulled back and his left hand open fingers up edge towards the wall. Dark energy is dancing around his hand and the area around him very much like fire but with out the heat. Around the fist itself red eyes can be seen looking at the wall.

"DARK FANG STRIKE!" He screams as he punches at the wall. Soon there after everyone outside the mound of sand can see the dragon shaped blast of dark energy.

"What did we miss the party?" Shi says as they get out and see everyone staring at them.

Jun 2, 2004, 04:33 PM
Helgaliss lauchned and energyblast at Rodo and Ness. They evaded the attack and got on either side of her.

"We'll give you one last chance to stop the attacks and leave," said Ness. "We don't want to fight you, but we will if we have to.

Helgaliss responded by punching ness in the face. Rodo took advance of her diverted attention and struck her using an electric attack. She wailed in pain and turned her attention towards Rodo, leaving Ness an oppurtunity to attack. Ness struck her with the Aular of Light, dealing every from of elemental damage.

Helgaliss went to her knees. "Flying Gatotsu!!" yelled Rodo as he lifted up into the air and flew toward her blade-first. The blade nailed her right in the stomach and knocked her backwards, freeing itself from her body. She coughed up blood and stood up again.

"Now I'm angry!!" she yelled. The usedan unidentifed attack that froze Ness and Rodo in their places. "I can't move!" Rodo thought to himself.

"It's just us girls now!" said Karissa as she drew her Covenant Blades.

Jun 2, 2004, 06:48 PM
if you are reading this its because i double posted!


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BOC on 2004-06-02 17:07 ]</font>

Jun 2, 2004, 07:04 PM
Due to the droids totally crap sense of direction, he had somehow managed to circle back round to gallons shop, but not before accidently trampling over the strangely peaceful zi'zuku who had been lying half asleep in his deck chair tanning himself. The droid had seen correctional fluids with more colour. If the evil fleshbag still bore a grudge from boc for exposing his festish for rappy porn on the BEE net, he'd been even more pissed now. Maybe laughing as he ran over zi and calling back a string of insults about how pale he was wasn't a good idea in retrospect.

Once arriving at Gallons he had found him lying out cold with a large bump on his noggin. After a few slaps to the unconcious merchant, it occurred to the rust bot that pounding the man with his metallic fists was likely not to help. So he waved some mesta under his nose instantly reviving Gallon.

"WHA?!? eh! I smell money!!!" he said sitting up quickly.

"Errr, yeah. Know where the nearest hospital is?? I have this problem." Boc said helping Gallon to his feet.

"whats that exactly??" Gallon quried. Boc turned to show the fleshbag his back, Deuce still hanging on for dear life, is face contorted in pain and Zenja still hanging on Deuce with her claws embedded in the RAmar.

"I seem to have this abnormal arsonist/cat-thing growth right here on my back." The droid joked.

Sensing the potential profit Gallon smiled broadly sticking a doctors coat on. "Why here at Gallons Traders we offer a wide range of medical treatments - all competively price i might add!"

If Boc had eyes he would have rolled them. But fearing that a mob on sandy and unruley hunters was not far behind he agreed.

One quick crowbaring-of-RAmar-and-cat-girl later The droid was sitting in the sand While gallon began to patch up Deuce. Zenja was standing tapping her toe, looking very annoyed.

She first she had her tail stepped on by that strange numbskull dude and now she had broken one of her claws while clawing Deuce. Some vacation this was turning out to be. She glanced over at Boc. For some odd reason he had decided to begin painting himself with a tin of yellow paint 'liberated' from Gallon's stall. She watched with a puzzled look as he began to paint himself checkered black and yellow.

"What in the name of the light are you doing?" She hissed.

Boc looked up, his blue visor glowing slightly. "Well I reckon if you guys are gonna treat me like a taxi-cab, i may as well look like one!! A crazy taxi! all i need is some Offspring blarring and some wheels where my legs and arms should be and id be set!!" Boc said.

Zenja sighed. First some messed up killer version of volleyball now the rust-bucket was talking of been a taxi. She turned her back on the droid muttering something about splitting him open like a tin of cheap cat food.

"Oh cheer up cat-lady!!" Boc said, continuing to paint himself. "maybe a ball of yarn will cool ye down!" he added lifting a ball of yarn from Gallons stall tossing it towards Zenja.

Zenja sneered and began to turn towards the droid "You really think I'm gonna.... YARN!!" she screamed, jumping at the ball beginning to bat it around on the ground purring.

Deuce winced as Gallon worked at his clawed back. It was time like this he wished he still drank, wondering if Boc had been a transformer, would he really be a taxi? More likely a garbage truck. The ravings of a stone cold sober mind.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BOC on 2004-06-02 17:19 ]</font>

Jun 2, 2004, 11:11 PM
"YARN! Yarnieyarnieyarnyarnyarn! Yay!" Zenja shrieked hysterically, hitting the ball towards Deuce's feet.

She paused, suddenly realizing where she was. She glanced up at the large droid who was looking down at her, laughing on the inside. "Damn you, you walking rust collecter!"

BOC chuckled. "Want me to dress up as a mouse and run around going 'squeak squeak?"

Zenja growled and threw up her hands in frustration. She plopped forcefully onto the sidewalk and crossed her arms, tail twitching furiously.

Deuce began to laugh. "BOC, you already go 'squeak squeak' when you move an arm or a leg!"

"I'm charging you double the fare for that little joke."

"Awwwww, don't get your harddrive in a twist. Wait... it got blown off!" Deuce choked before bursting into another fit of laughter. He grabbed the ball of yarn at his feet and tossed it at the droid. It struck the left side of BOC's metallic head and stuck to the paint.

Zenja's eyes became as large as the ball of yarn. She tried desperately to resist the urge, but failed. The cat-girl pounced, slamming into the droid's head with baffling and impressive force. "YARN!!!!" Zenja wailed, latching onto the droid's head and covering his visor.

Sometime during all the commotion, the ball of yarn dislodged from BOC's head and landed on the ground. The droid staggered, flailing his arms in every direction. "Geph ofphh of me!" BOC's scream was muffled by Zenja's fur.

BOC attempted to regain his balance when one of his feet landed on the wet yarn. The droid slipped and fell backwards, heading straight on a collision course with Gallon's shop...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-03 10:01 ]</font>

Jun 3, 2004, 09:50 AM
Karissa charged at Helgaliss. Helgaliss moved out of the way, but she wasn't fast enough. Both of Kraissa's blades imbedded themselves in Helgaliss's stomach. Helgaliss coughed up blood and was in severe pain, but ,being a demigoddess, she could still fight. She grabbed Karissa's head and snapped her neck. Karissa's body went limp and she fell to the ground.

"I'll deal with you later," she said to Karissa's body. "I have to men to kill."

She pulled the daggers out of her stomach and walked over toward Rodo and Ness, who were still frozen in place. Helgaliss readied the daggers, but they started shorting out and then disappeared into nothing. "That must mean that Karissa is unconcious now," thought Rodo.

"Oh darn, I guess I'll have to use my own power," said Helgaliss. "I don't know which one of you to kill first."

Unknown to Heglaliss, the effects of her spell were starting to wear off. Ness and Rodo quickly leaped in different directions. Rodo landed near Karissa and checked her pulse. "She's still alive, but it will be a few days before her spine regenerates," said Rodo to Ness.

"Hurry, get Karissa out of here," said Ness. "Take the Aular of Light as well; I won't be needing it."

"Fool!" yelled Helgaliss. "You and Rodo couldn't take me together so how do you expect to take me alone?"

"We were going easy on you," said Ness. Ness started glow. "Holy Evolution times five!!" he yelled. The light around him became blinding and white armor materialized around his body.

"I am Final Holy Ness!" he yelled. "In this stage I'm no longer a demigod, I'm a god! I will give you one last chance surrender. I really don't want to kill you so just, please, go away."

The light around him was blinding, but Helgaliss managed to look him in the face. "You think you can scare me with your little light show?" she asked. "You're still just a wimp!" She shot him with a beam of fire that turned the sky around them red. Even thought he was a mile away now, Rodo could feel the heat from the flame.

When the blast cleared, Final Holy Ness wasn't even phased. "I guess you have decided to die today," he said. "Very well, I will make it quick."

Suddenly, Helgaliss was paralyzed from the neck down and a white circle of light appeared on the ground beneath her feet.

"Purge!," Final Holy Ness yelled. a beam of white light came down an comepletely ungulfed the circle.

In in instant, Helgaliss was vaporized.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ness on 2004-06-06 08:40 ]</font>

Jun 3, 2004, 11:39 AM
The wood from the counter of Gallons Shop was splintered everywhere and in the middle lay the now yellow shape of BOC, still with Zenja stuck to his head. Deuce poked his head over some of the wreackage to find where his taxi had gone.

"Mmmm, wet paint and catgirl fur, bet thats gunna be fun to scrape off"

"I dont think the paints that wet anymore" said BOC, pulling at the catgirl. "And i think she may be stuck!"

"Well she could make a good Catskin Hat"

"Shut it, im no hat" hissed Zenja.

"Whoops, sorry"

Then there was a long, hot flash. Sand, bits of trees and other random rubble rushed past the three of them, then ended with a low 'zloop' sound.

"Ok, what the hell was that?" said Deuce who hadnt bothered to turn around.

"I think their filming an episode of Dragonball Z over there. Got some funky pyrotechnics going on"

"Oh well, bakc to matters at hand, or head"

"This paint is kinda hurting my fur" moaned Zenja who was now starting to realise what sort of predicament she was in.

"We could see if Gallon has anything to remove catgirl"

"We could have, but i think you squashed him"

BOC turned around to see a very squashed Gallon behind him. Not dead, but no amount of Meseta was likl to ge thim up anytime soon.

"Aw crap"

Jun 3, 2004, 01:43 PM
The RAmarl stepped up onto the beach. She had been listening to the civilian police frequences all day in the hope of an incident involving Hunters. Now she had found one.

An explosion on the beach had provided Marla Decker the perfect opportunity to prove to her superiors that the 'Hunter Crime Investigation Unit' was not just a "waste of space" as the new Principal had called it.

Fortunately she was prepared for such a situation and had changed into a snazzy desert-camo one piece swimsuit before transporting down. To show her authority she still wore her blue HCIU beret and pinned her badge to one of the straps of her swimsuit.

Strangely, none of the men seemed to believe who she was straight away, they insisted on scrutinising her badge closely for several minutes instead.

Survivors emerged from the ruined castle and she was about to start interrogating when a fight broke out. She was quite distracted by the overall 'hunkiness' of one of the fighters that she forgot what she was doing till the second explosion.

She came to beside a slightly wrecked stall setup on the beach front some distance from the castle. Shaking sand from her hair she noticed a human kneeling over what could ver well be a dead body while a black and yellow RAcast with a cat-girl stuck to him stood near-by.

"HCIU! What's going on here?" She said getting back to her feet.

"They did it!" Said Deuce.

The RAcast grabbed a large bottle from the stall's counter and legged it down the beach singing "Bad Religion".

Marla started to run after them before stopping and looking at Deuce.

"What are you waiting for? Follow that taxi!" She said.

Jun 3, 2004, 02:08 PM
Zonky walked away from the battle, giving Ness two thumbs up as he left the demigods and god.
"Numbskull likes broadway shows. Maybe they show it on tv sometime," he said with a content smile on his face.


"I can't believe your forcing me to do this."

"I can."

"What have I done to de-"

"Hey! You were the one that made me pay for that piece of junk, so don't feel so innocient.
In fact, when we get there, you're going to give me my meseta back. So hurry up."

"What about my business?"

"Would you like to be toasted, frozen or electrified?"

"Of all things for punishment, a piggy-back ride..."

"Just be glad I'm light."

"*sigh* Are we there yet?"

Ash didn't bother to look up for an answer, but instead asked Sollah:



As Zonky went towards Gallon's shop to return the brick he borrowed, he noticed something strange. Well, compared to the other things that happened on the beach, it would be normal. Zenja was stuck to BOC's head, who was oddly calm and drinking from a bottle. Zenja swiped at the bottle every now and then, but keept missing.

He ran up to BOC and told him "Numbskull help!" Before anybody could protest, though, Zonky grabbed Zenja's tail and *CHOMP!* Zenja jumped high up, leaving BOC there with some fur stuck to his head.

"See? Numbskull helped good!"

Then, Zenja landed, with pin-point accuracy, her hands on Zonky's head, the rest of her body in the sand. She extended her claws, and they went into his skull, causing him immensive pain.


Zonky ran around in circles, dragging Zenja with him as she firmly held on.

Jun 3, 2004, 02:50 PM
Zi'Zuku eyed Boc as he walked ran off. His paradise had once more been spat on by an enemy. And to add insult to injury, that guy insulted me! An impure thought was born in Zi'Zuku's mind (again http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif).

*"Nemo me impune lacessit."

Still in his swim trunks, he ordered Nidra to guard his stuff. But, because it was his vacation, he decided that a little mercy could be given... so he blew off a little steam by punching the heck out of Nidra, demanding that it PB anyone who came within it's range.

Stomping off in a rage, he followed the 'casts huge footprints. On his way, he even forgot his extreme fear of cat girls, by pushing over some lunatic in his way with one on his head.

Boc turned his head to view a caduceus who's large spike of a bottom had just missed his head. He only knew of one guy who used a caduceus like that.

"Hey Boc, you know this cultist?" Gallon said, rubbing his head as he slowly got up off the ground.

"... I may have bumped into him... no hard fee-"


Cossing his optics inward, Boc took notice to the dagger thrown a good inch into his forehead. They don't make good armor anymore like they did for him, thats for sure.


"I try to be nice for one fuggin day. ONE DAY, and I can't even have that without someone pushing me around..."

The auras of shifta rose about Zi', as that of Zalure encircled Boc. In a quick sprint, Zi'Zuku jump kicked gallon in the face (sending him back into unconciousnous), and applied extra force to flip off him. In mid 'flight', he pulled his weapon out of the wall, before twirling it a bit upon landing.

"That was for calling me a cultist..."

He turned.

"Boc, this is for you... http://www.brub.cc/freenews/images/smileys/smiley_evil.gif"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: -Z on 2004-06-03 17:03 ]</font>

Jun 3, 2004, 03:23 PM
Zonky ran around the beach in a mad frenzy, Zenja cursing up a storm while being dragged by the little guy.






Zonky plowed into Zi'Zuku's back, launching Zenja up and over them. She landed in the sand head first at BOC's feet. The large droid silently thanked the cat-girl and Zonky for saving from a painful death... well, he couldn't feel pain anyway, but whatever Zi'Zuku had in mind it probably wouldn't have been fun.

Zenja stood up, spitting sand out of her mouth and dusting herself off. "Hey, dark boy. Watch..." the car-girl turned to see a Caduceus tip pointed at her throat "...it with that thing!"

She looked at the small FOnewm. Having never heard of the infamous name Zi'Zuku, Zenja made a bold move. "I like the mask. It makes you look so cute!" she cooed, winking at the FOnewm.


Zenja and Zi'Zuku.... oh the possibilities http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Is this the first time Zi'Zuku's been flirted with? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-03 13:37 ]</font>

Jun 3, 2004, 05:13 PM
el diablo, save me! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif
And then, just as Zi'Zuku's malice was about to go to the point-of-no-return, the flame inside him was put out as if he were the new spokesman for sierra mist. There, in front of him, was a cat girl. The one thing he had feared for so long was now in front of him... flirting with him!? His short time of tanning had gone to waste; he went completely pale.

"Umm... y-you do?-"

"Of course! Heh, you're funny too." http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

"Umm...yeah.. well, imma go now." he said backing away, before making a full dash in the other direction. He stopped dead in his tracks when for some unexplainable reason, she was right in front of him again.

"ooooh, hard to catch i see? wanna play cat out mouse? me-ow! :3"


"Did you just p-?"

"No, no, I hanvt had a drink recently... listen, i dont think i'm your type."

"Oh but you are. Those ears, and your mask... can you be any more adorable?"

"I don't think you know what you're getting into." Zi'Zuku said a little more seriously.


"I'm getting into that game of cat and mouse I mentioned earlier! I'm going to get you! :3"


"Wow, you sure do run fast. Its only a matter of time mouse!"
*back where they met*

"oooh, i see what the problem is..." Boc pondered.

"... she's not a rappy! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: -Z on 2004-06-03 17:05 ]</font>

Jun 3, 2004, 07:09 PM
(why did yas all ignore mr rubbish's post? fudge it! dam funny stuff everyone, haven't had a good laugh like that for a few days http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif)
Boc was blowing sand out of one of his many dents while trying to pluck cat hair form his head. "damn, good bless that cat-girl!! Had she not been creepily been attracted to young zi there, he would have crushed me like a soda can." He said turning to Deuce, who had sat down on Gallons fat stomach, rubbing his jaw.

"Yeah, and who woulda thought that this numbskull would have proven to be any use?" Deuce said, pointing to Zonky who was dancing round in circles scream NUMBSKULL and wiping fur off himself as he did.

"Poor zi, imagine having to wipe all that hair off his bed sheets tomorrow morning." Boc said, hearing the FOnewman screaming in the distance, followed by a large lion like roar.

Deuce lit up one of his cigars taking a long puff. "By the light, imagine if the two of em really hit it off and got married. They would have some really diseased looking kids." The RAmar added, as Gallon groaned under his weight.

Boc shuddered all over, his checkered yellow squares looking freaky as he did. "God, ever see that old show thundercats? It would be like that!! But with more deformities! But lets face it, their blissful marriage wouldn't last."

Zonky plonked himself in the sand "Why, evil cat-lady kill pale sharpe thingie dude?"

"More likely to come home and find Zi in her cat basket with a rappy. Then probably kill her" Deuce added.

"I reckon Nasca would be pretty upset that Zenja killed zi rather him." Boc added.

"Whats all this talk of killing?!" a mysterious female voice said from behind the three brave sand-castle destroyers. Boc turned to see a young RAmarl standing in a blue swimsuit, yet still wearing a policehat and a badge.

A broad grin crossed Duece's face. "Whats this, some kinda kinky policewoman strip-O-gram?" he said.

Boc laughed nervously. "hehehehe, errrrr, hello again detective Decker. Just a little friendly banter thats all." Boc said.

Marla eyed Boc up and down. "Hmmmmm. Lets see. Here we have The mighty B.O.X., bumbling RAcast extrodinare."

"Thats the MyTea B.O.C." Boc added.

Marla gave him a cold stare. "Well known for public disturbances, charged with several cases of GBH, wanted for questioning in connection with an assortment of mayo heists, and you are well known for indecent exposure in public places." she finished

"How the hell can a droid indencently expose himself? Flash you his hard drive?" Deuce said standing up, taking another draw on his cigar.

Marla turned to face Deuce. a sly smile crossed her face. "Oh, and Deuce Dekard himself. If i had a mesta cube for every time i tossed you into the guilds cells for been drunk and disorderly, i could retire early!!" she finished, snatching the cigar from Deuce's lips and dropping it in the sand.

Deuce's face turned sour. "Do you KNOW how much those things cost?"

Zonky butted in before Marla could retort. "You the crazy lady that tossed Numbskull in funny farm!! You beat me over skull with brick because he keep farting in your car and ask 'are we there yet'!!

Marla's eyes began to twitch as she laid her eyes on Zonky. "By the light, not this thing again! How the hell did you get outa the asylum?!?"

"Zonky make rope and escape. Made with human hair.... from Numbskulls armpit."

"How the hell did you get a hunters liscence Zonky, was it a collect 12 tokens and become a hunter offer?" Boc added.

Marla turned and began poking Boc's chest. "Now i know your up to no good if this... thing is your friend! There was a report that a bunch of disgruntled hunters blew up a giant sandcastle around here..."

Duece muttered "Purge"

Marla gave him a worrying look then noticed Gallon behind them "..and why is that tub of lard laid out cold??"

Boc and Deuce looked at each other. "errr, welll er.. you see.. this ah... er demigod made and evil sandcastle and..." Deuce stuttered.

Boc pointed over Marla's shoulder "BY THE LIGHT! Isn't that the wanted force Zi'Zuku over there?!? AND HES MOLESTING A CAT!!" the droid boomed.

Marla turned to look.

Boc snatched up Deuce and Zonky, throwing them on his back. "Okay? ya ready? YA YA YA YA YA!!!" he screamed running off down the beach as a song began to play from an unknown source.

Marla turned back after failing to see zi, seeing the dented RAcast bolting down the beach.

Deuce picked some Zenja fluff out of his mouth that had wafted from Boc's hull into his throat "Where the hells the music coming from Rusty?"

Boc glanced over his shoulder at the RAmar. "What? did ya forget that I'm 2/5ths Jukebox??"
(yas butted her out, so i butted her back in!! - PEACE!!!)

Jun 3, 2004, 07:59 PM
Ignore ME will ya?! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif


K'Tani sat dejectedly in the sand, having once again failed to be insane enough to attract any attention. Now that the sandcastle was gone there wasn't anything to blow up, so she scanned the beach looking for some other mischeif to amuse herself with.

That catgirl had come across Zi'Zuku, but instead of running in fear or being struck dead by Zi's techniques as most would have been, she seemed to be flirting with him, much to Zi's apparant horror. An evil smile came to K'Tani's face, and she slunk into the jungle behind her.

Zi was still trying vainly to escape Zenja, but she was always one step ahead of him. He turned to run and found Zenja there once again, and she tripped him with her tail when he backed up. Zi frantically scittered backwards, and bumped into something small and furry. He stood and turned around to find a small, white-furred fox-like creature with four bushy tails and purple gloves on all four feet. It was sickeningly cute.

"Awww, it's so cute!!" Zenja purred.

The creature grinned and said, "I am K'Tani, the goddess of love, and I've come to bless your happy union! Together, you will surely have many years of blissful um...togetherness!"

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Zi'Zuku ran as fast as his legs could carry him, with Zenja happily skipping after him.

The creature collapsed into a fit of laughter. Then the taxi-striped Boc bolted past, nearly stepping on her.

She yelled, "Watch it foo!" Then chased after him, calling "Hey wait up, pick me up! It's all I waaaannnnttt..."

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Tani on 2004-06-03 18:13 ]</font>

Jun 3, 2004, 08:19 PM
Final Holy Ness reverted back to Ness. he noticed two thigs that interested him: The Fonewm being chased by the catgirl and the RAcast being chased by a police officer. Naturally he went toward the RAcast since he hated furries. As he got closer, recognized who it was. He started running toward him and soon they were running parallel to each other. "Hey BOC!" shouted Ness. "Long time no see. What did you guys do this time?"

Jun 4, 2004, 03:04 AM
Ummm.... *scratches head* Sorry that you got ignored Rubbish, but I swear I'm innocent in all of this! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_innocent.gif

and Zenja skipping after Zi' reminds me of the cartoon character skunk, Pepe La Pu (Pee-yoo) (sp). http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

"No time to chat, Ness!" BOC said, absent-mindedly scooping up the demigod and tossing him onto his back.



"Hey, dark boy!" Zenja yelled, laughing gleefully while changing from skip to run. "When are we going on our honeymoon!?!"

Zi'Zuku kept going, continuously muttering to himself 'There's no place like home. There's no place like home.' when suddenly a large RAcast blaring Offspring music from his chest pulled up beside him. "Hey, Zi'Zuku! Need a lift? There's room for ya!" the droid said, pointing a thumb at an empty space on his body

"THANK THE DARKNESS!!!" Zi'Zuku screeched as he leaped up and onto BOC's head, landing beside Zonky and the demigod.


"Zi'Zuku? What a cute name for a cute husband!" Zenja called out to the FOnewm, giggling as she ran. The cat-girl glanced to her right and saw a RAmarl wearing a badge and police hat running beside her. "And just who might you be?"

"Officer Marla Decker of the HCIU. I'm placing that large RAcast and everyone associated with him under arrest."

Zenja glared at the RAmarl and growled. "You better NOT place one grubby hand on my sugar Zi!" Suddenly, the cat-girl skipped twice and on the third skip she exploded into a dead run, moving at an incredible speed and gaining on the runaway taxi.


Marla sighed inwardly, using all the power in the her leg muscles to pick up the pace. Why oh WHY didn't I just call in sick today?


"... a cute husband!"

Zi'Zuku glared venomously at Zenja. "BOC, thank you oooohhhhh sooooooo much for revealing my name to her."

BOC, ever so cheerful, replied nonchalantly. "Any time, ole buddy! Want me to tell her about your fetish for Rappy pr0n? Or how about when you died and turned into Dark Falz? Or that time at band camp..."

"When this is all over with, remind me to torture you in the most vile, the most wicked, the most..." Zi'Zuku paused as a white tail waved in front of his face. Then two. Three. Four. He snapped his head to the right, eyeing the loathesome creature known as K'Tani with as much malice and hatred as he could muster. "You! Thanks to you, I have a psychotic cat-girl all over my case! I demand that you lift this blasted curse from me before I force you to become 'intimate' with my Caduceus!!"

A familiar voice spoke up before Zi'Zuku could continue. "Hello, sugar Zi! I finally caught you!"

Zi'Zuku slowly turned to face Zenja. "Look. I'm going to say this once and ONLY once. I'll even throw in something polite. PLEASE, oh PLEASE..."

Suddenly, the music rose in volume, overpowering and interrupting Zi'Zuku's speach. 'I'M NOT ASKING ALOT, I JUST DON'T WANT TO BE CONTROLLED. THAT'S ALL I WANT!!! ALL I WANT!!!'




Reverend Frank Coll peered out across the sandy beach at the hideous sight that displayed itself. He tucked his Holy Book of Light under his arm and adjusted his shirt. "It is my duty to bring the word of the light to these lost souls!" Frank said to himself with conviction.

Once again, the reverend looked at the RAcast and the collection of sinners riding on his back . I may already be too late...


Haha! A random, pious preacher wanders onto the scene! Who will succumb to his teachings? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

and I apologize if I seem to be using other people's chars too much and/or if I'm getting their personalities wrong http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif ....

....... If all this seems 'crazy'... lack of sleep does that to me.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-04 01:08 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-05 11:07 ]</font>

Jun 4, 2004, 11:48 AM
Boc saves the day (and my sanity)

But is Marla really such a hard ass? A firm ass, yes, but I hope she's not that mean... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

__________________________________________________ __

Marla came to a standstill, bent over and breathing hard. She looked up as the receeding spectacle of a RAcast carrying ever more people, demigods, cat-people and 'animals'.

"I'm never going to catch them on foot... I need transport." She said between breaths.

Looking around she spotted what she needed on the walkway running parallel to the beach.

"Ma'am! I'm commandeering your vehicle!" Said Marla jumping infront of Ash.

Ash ground to a halt, almost pitching Sollah the FOmarl over the top of him.

"You're what?" Asked Sollah. "Sorry, Ash here owes me and he has to work off his debts. I ain't getting off till I get back to the sandcastle."

"Fine." Replied Marla.

She flashed Ash her badge, his eyes popping open as he saw it. Walking around she clambered up Ash and onto Sollah's back.

"Follow that taxi!" Marla commanded.

Ash reluctantly staggered on to the beach after Boc, weighed down by his heavy load.

Jun 4, 2004, 02:39 PM
"Boc, let me out. Now."

"Aww, and seperate you from your furry little friends?"

"Numbskull wants a look under spooky's hair!"

And then... something snapped inside the assassin''s head.
"we're gaining on em!" Marla noted enthusiastically.

"wait... did you hear that muffled sound?"
With a fiery, high pitched *ting*, a new dome shaped blemish was born upon BOC. As Zi'Zuku jumped out of the smoking hole he had taken refuge in before, he pulled his head down into a tuck and roll to bring himself to a safe stop, as Boc and his 'passengers' continued on. Keeping his eyes on the metalic beach bum, he slowly got up, but he was not alone.
"...oh god, is that who i think it is?"


"Ash! You know him!?"

"Not really, but how could i forget him!? I worked with him once when we were searching for survivors in the ruins. He was killing more people than I was helping! Do you wonder WHY i had to tell the great hunter that slayed falz that there were no more survivors?"

"So... do we get him?"

"umm- GAH!"

Zi'Zuku took off his face mask, and looked up at them. Directly into their eyes and souls, with a manical grin bearing his almost beast like teeth, and his visible eye kindly whispering "You don't want to."


"So, onto the Boc then?"
As ash struggled past him, Zi'Zuku could hear the soft patter of a certain catgirl's feet rushing at him. He didn't run, but kept his back turned, completely silent.

"There you are, dark boy! ... dark boy?"

"You want to see dark boy? I'll give it to you! RUN MOUSE, RUN!"http://www.brub.cc/freenews/images/smileys/smiley_evil.gif


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: -Z on 2004-06-04 12:52 ]</font>

Jun 4, 2004, 04:00 PM
Ness had been listening to Zi'Zuku. "I think we'd better turn around, BOC," said Ness. "Things between Zenja and Zi'Zuku are about to take a darker turn and I want to watch."

"Well then it looks like you will have to get off because I'm not turning around," said BOC.

"Alright," Ness replied. "It was nice hanging with you again, bye."

Ness then started running toward Zi'Zuku, tripping Ash as he ran past him. "It's the least I could do for him," thought Ness to himself as he heard the motorcycle land in the sand.

Zi'Zuku had already started chasing Zenja around. "Heeeeeelp meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!" yelled Zanja with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong? Not having fun because you are now the hunted?" asked Zi'Zuku in a sinister tone.


Marla quickly got up and dusted herself off. "Damn them, damn all three of them! BOC, Ness, and Zi'Zuku. I will hurt them all before I arrest them!" she yelled.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ness on 2004-06-04 17:24 ]</font>

Jun 4, 2004, 09:05 PM
"So it's just Numbskull with flaming box and friend?"

"And me!"

Zonky looked up to see K'Tani standing on top of his head. "Small fuzzy!" he said with glee, and grabbed her before she could do anything and hugged her tight.

"Numbskull thinks you cute fuzzy!"


"Look, I'll stop them!"

Sollah cupped her hands and moved them to an akward angle. She extended them and:


"Small fuzzy!"


She got confused and accidentaly(sp) casted Gibarta.

"Oh no!"


Deuce saw several small daggers of ice coming towards them.

"BOC, we got incoming!"

Sorry about the poor post. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Jun 5, 2004, 01:43 AM
Ash as a vehicle http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif If I knew what all the characters looked like, I'd draw a pic of the chase scene http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif


By this time Boc had ran all the way to Robo47's Premium IceCream stand, where Scott was just now coming to grips with the untimely death of his icecream. Scott looked up and saw the bizarre procession chasing after the MyTea Taxi.

"Ooh look, a parade!"

Boc was slowing down a bit from the stray Gibarta, and K'Tani struggling to get away from Zonky wasn't helping. Deuce thunked Boc on the head.

"Speed up Rusty, they're gaining!"

Marla, Sollah, and Ash the Packmule weren't too far behind now.

"Is that Robo47's icecream stand!?" Marla yelled. "That's supposed to be shut down permanantly! Speed up! We've got to catch them!"

Ash panted, "Do I look...like a...taxi....to you?!"

K'Tani heard this, then broke free of Zonky. She retrieved the conveinently placed can of yellow paint, which had been stuck to the back of Boc's head, and lobbed it at Ash. It splattered all over him, as well as on his passengers.

"Now you do!" http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif laughed K'Tani.

Jun 5, 2004, 01:06 PM


"Is this anyway to treat a girl?!"

"No, but it's how I treat cat-girls! Especially ones I'M MARRIED TO!!"

"HELP HELP! I'm being abused!"

"MEGID! RAFOIE! MWAHAHAHAHA! I haven't had this much fun in ages!!"


Zenja ran for dear life because Zi'Zuku was now in a full on 'cat-girl killing' rage. She always loved to be the center of attention, but this was TOO much. Never had she seen anyone react so negatively to her advances! Maybe he was playing hard to get... yeah, that's it! Zenja would have to augment her charm and throw out her best moves to reel this one in... that is, AFTER he stopped lobbing the venomous balls of Megid at her!

Zenja eyed a strange passer-byer and bolted toward him. She crouched down behind the man holding a book and wrapped her arms around his legs. "Please help me! Something happened to my husband and now he's angry with me!"


Reverend Coll looked down at the distressed cat-girl, then up at the deranged FOnewm charging in his direction, arm outstretched and palm pointed towards him. "FOIE!"

The reverend struggled to run, but Zenja only tightened her grip around his legs. He lost his balance, flailed his arms in the air, and tumbled to the ground just as the fireball passed harmless overhead and collided into a vehicle.

Shaken, but not stirred, the reverend dusted himself off and began to rise. "Hand over the cat-girl and no one gets hurt... well, I lied. She's going to hurt."

The reverend stared, shocked at the Force user's statement. "The name's Coll, Frank Coll. I will not let you harm the girl!"

Zi'Zuku peered at the man, waving his Caduceus around in the air. "Why are you here and why do you insist on getting in my way!?"

"I am here to save the world from the coming darkness!"

Zi'Zuku's sneered. "I'm already here..."

"Silence! Repent, sinner! I shall save your soul by showing you the light!" the preacher thrusted the bible into Zi'Zuku's face.

The FOnewm frowned and pointed at the sky."The sun is still up. No need to 'show me the light!' when I can already see it!!"

"Infidel! Heathen! Impious devil! I throw the book at you!" He did just that, and the book harmlessly grazed Zi'Zuku's shoulder.

Zi'Zuku slapped his forehead. This is going to be a long day...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-05 11:26 ]</font>

Jun 5, 2004, 02:12 PM
Ness arrived at the scene just in time.

"All right! I want to see some fighting." he said with a smile.

"Not while I'm around!" yelled a familiar voice. Marla appeared at the scene. "I am placing all of you under arrest!"

"But I didn't do anything!" protested Frank and Zenja simultaneously.

"I don't want to hear it and I'm going to ignore is all!" declared Marla, "You can tell it to the other officers back at the station.

"Well let me speak a language that's harder to ignore!" yelled Ness. He walked up and decked Marla right in the stomach, sending her through a wall 20 feet away.

"You just assaulted a cop!" yelled Frank.

"I like your style, Ness," said Zi'Zuku with a smile.

"That wasn't a real cop. Marla has been in league with the Camonna Tong for years," said Ness. "I merely gave her what she deserved."

"That's a lie!" Marla yelled. "But I'm going to have to kill all of you."

Marla pulled out her Varista and shot three bullets at Ness. He dodged them effortlessly. While he was dodging them, she managed to get near him. The put the barrel of the gun right to his head and said, "Dodge this!"

The gun fired, but it didn't affect Ness. "Rodo was right, your weapons don't work on us," he said with a smile.

Jun 5, 2004, 09:36 PM
"Repent Sinner! Repent towards the inner light!!"

Zi'Zuku made a bit of a discomforted expression, having a bible thrown in his face when he wasn't even christian. Getting a bit agravated, he extended his arm to grab his stuff his Nidra just brought over. With a swish of his garment, the long black cloak was back on, hood up and all.

"Dear god, I'm losing o-"

"Nidra do you still have that photon blast charged up?"

Nidra 'nodded'

"Good. Use it to summon our good friend gola, would you?"

A rainbow aura surrounded the area as time froze. A strange incantation formed above Zi'Zuku, and a large elk was formed from pure photons. With it's mighty antlers, it summoned a devastating bolt of electricity, thundering down on

"You blew up my bible!"

"Hmm... yeah, the targeting system on that thing never was too great..."

"Hey bud, I'm all for having a good time, but don't you think you're overdoing it a little?" Ness suggested.

"You have fun you're way, I'll have fun in mine. now where's that kitty?" >)

"Think girl, think!"

"Look... shall we talk about this calmly? In a way that doesn't envolve techniques of doom?"

"Sure. I always preffered weapons anyways," He noted, drawing his custom dagger. "A shame the guild doesn't have a Hunewm class available."

"Look, Zi'Zuku is it? Can we talk about this honey?"

"I'll tell you about it..." Marla started, getting up from her short flight.
"Your boyfreind there is one of the most wanted on pioneer 2. Zi'Zuku, if i'm the one that pulls in your bounty, you know i'll be having to charge you for mass murder, espiage agains the government, affiliation with crime orginazations, resisting officers, attacking and killing officers, assault, batery, leaving a wounded person stranded-"

"That was a fun one ^_^. Listen, I don't need you to go on about the things that I've done-"

"You seem very troubled about your past-" the reverand said.

"No I don-"

"Wanna talk about it?"


"Well, i did have my childhoos crash and burn at the age of seven..." Zi'Zuku began, laying down on a comfortable shrink's couch as the reverand took aout a small notepad...

Jun 6, 2004, 01:06 AM
It seemed as if time stopped for Zi'Zuku and Reverend Coll. The FOnewm reclined comfortably on the couch, Caduceus lying close by his side and daggers resheathed in their respective holsters. His back was to the sun, casting long shadows over his face. The heat from the sun made it uncomfortable for Zi'Zuku to wear his mask, so he removed it and held it close by in case he needed to put it back on in a hurry. The reverend sat across from Zi'Zuku in an elaboratly decorated gold and gray chair that somehow ended up on the beach. Strangely, a small, redwood table sat close by. A lone lamp stood on the table, its beam of light shining on the reverend's notepad and providing no additional illumination to the paper.

The preacher wrote feverishly, not wanting to miss any information on the first person he would guide to the light. This is fantastic! My first step towards saving the world! he thought giddily to himself.

"Why do people fear you?"

"I honestly don't know the answer to that question. All I ..." Zi'Zuku paused for a moment, nearly saying that abominable three word phrase. "... uhhh. People just, you know, invade my space and I didn't like it."

"Invade your space..." the reverend muttered as he wrote.

"Yeah, invade my space. So when my space is invaded, I shoot the space invader with a ball of Megid. Then they're like 'OMG WTF?!?' and either die or run away, never again invading my space that shouldn't have been invaded to begin with."

"I see..." *scribble scribble* *ruffle* *tap tap* "Have you ever had anything uncomfortable happen to you that may have caused you to become filled with hate?"


"Errrr... ok. Next question..."

"Sticks and stones and breaking bones for 500, please."

"Do you feel any remorse or regret for the lives you have ended?"

"Is this a trick question? Wait, wait... I know this one! What is pork chops?


Zenja watched as the mean, cop woman began to place photon-cuffs on the sexy hunk. Ness yawned and stretched his arms, shattering the photon link between the two metal bands like paper. "Oops," he said, grinning.

The RAmarl did not find it amusing. Marla turned away from Ness and began pressing keys on her wrist. Zenja's sharp eyes caught the message before Marla sent it through her BEE communicator.

<Requesting a Photonic Containment Device for a class A criminal>

Zenja giggled to herself, admiring the RAmarl for her cleverness. The poor, sexy hunk is in for it now! The cat-girl pricked her ears up and smiled as she heard something interesting from Zi'Zuku and the reverend.


*scribble scribble* "Uhhh... okay. Have you ever felt love or have you expressed love to anyone?"

"Letmethinkaboutthisforasecond - NO!!!!"

"Whoa! My bad! I guess that answers 'Have you ever kissed anyone before'."

"Well duh... of course I've never..."

Zenja appeared out of no where beside Zi'Zuku's head, practically screaming, "Yes you have!" The cat-girl leaned quickly over and planted a big wet one right on Zi'Zuku's lips. She held the kiss for a moment before pulling away and giggled when she did.

Zi'Zuku, completely horrified at this defilement, froze in place. Beneath the hood, his left eye began to twitch violently. http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/cwm/cwm/eek7.gif

"Sugar Zi? Are you feeling sick? Hello?"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-05 23:11 ]</font>

Jun 6, 2004, 10:50 AM
"Class A criminal, huh?" asked Ness. "I wonder what class you'll be when i tell them how long you have been doing the bidding of the Tong."

"I am a respected woman, I'm sure they will listen to my words over yours." replied Marla

"Don't be too sure about that. You underestimate how much people fear and respect us demigods. Besides, you are going to have to find a way to get me into a Photonic Containment Device let alone keep me in there."

"Who said I was calling police? I'm taking you to the Tong so you can be 'interrogated.' Someone like you would make an excellent member."

"And what if I refuse?"

"They won't take no for an answer."

"Well it looks like I'm going to have to rough up a few more people."

Back at the hotel......

Karissa started waking up.

"Ow, neck!" she said. She tired getting out of bed and realized that her legs wouldn't move. "I must still be healing," she thought to herself.

"You're finally up," said Rodo. "I called Crystal and she gave me some of that healing potion she makes. It sped up you regeneration process so should be fully healed in a few hours."

"How's Ness?" she asked.

"He destroyed Helgaliss but he is still in trouble," said Rodo. "I was watching the news and it seems he mixed up with some RAcast that thinks he's a taxi, a Dark Falz Cultist, a furry, a preacher, and a crooked cop."

"How do you know if the cop is crooked?" asked Karissa.

"The cop is Marla. If the Tong captures ness, that may be the last we see of him." said Rodo.

"There must be something we can do!" said Karissa with a sudden felling of panic.

"I'm going to go help him out. Will you be okay here?" asked Rodo.

"Yeah," replied Karissa.

Rodo opened the window overlooking the beach and flew out.

Jun 6, 2004, 12:52 PM
Marla put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot impatiently. The hunky man was very hunky but was obviously comepletely insane. He continued to babble on about some kind of 'Tong'.

He was clearly too strong to incapacitate so Marla decided that the best course of action would be to ignore his hunkiness until he calmed down.

She crouched behind the Reverend and whispered into his ear.

"Did you destroy the giant sandcastle?" The reverend ask Zi'zuku.

"Mmuph Mmuph Mmuph!" Replied Zi'zuku under Zenja's lips.

Marla's eyes narrowed at his response.

"So it was the RAcast and HUmar?" She said, turning to look down the beach toward Robo's Icecream stand.

She ran up and hopped on to Sollah's back even as she still hung around Ash's neck.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: mr_rubbish on 2004-06-06 10:54 ]</font>

Jun 6, 2004, 02:18 PM
"Finally! Now we can catch those kidnappers!" Sollah exclaimed.
"Kidnappers? Who did they kidnap?" Marla asked.

"A friend of mine by the name of Zonky."

"A friend?"

"Yeah. I use to visit him all the time at this asylum. For cummunity service."

"Uh huh..."

"Then when he was released he had no place to go and asked if he could stay with me. In short, I said "yes."
"And who released him?"

"Uh, eh, well, um... Look! There's Robo's Ice Cream Stand!"

Jun 6, 2004, 03:02 PM


I know not the reason, nor care why.
I have no clue of the events surrounding me.
I see the cop who shut down my stand for no good reason.
I see a Cat-Girl, who I wouldnt mind if she was still a kitten.
I see another psychotic FOnewm, that makes Countdown look like a rocket scientist.
I see good ole Box being a Taxi once again.
I see some zealous Demigods and their broken castle.
I see a Preacher, who really needs a gun.
and finally, the customers.

"What'll it be folks?" Robo47 the big red RAcast called to folks approaching him.

"I'll have a Neopolitan!"
"Robo47! I'm shutting you down!"

well well well, an officer of Pioneer 2 thinks she has power on Ragol. Well then... I'll use a method I'm not fond of.

Suddenly he lifted his right foot on the counter, his Inferno Bazooka layed aimed at Marla. "So sorry, but you are powerless against me here. This is MY beach, MY rules. And I say sweets are good for you!"

Marla stopped and held her hands up.

"Countdown, get the FOmarl a Neopolitan."

From out of nowhere a FOnewm lowered his self from the bamboo ceiling lines. he wore a suit of black with blue outlines. his hat was large and featured the yellow color, blue sunglasses also decorated his head. He saluted nothing and said,"Sir, yes sir!!"

Robo47 put down his Bazooka reached inside his chest compartment raising the volume,"Super specials on all Ice Cream flavors!! Ice Cream is 1/2 off! Root Beer Floats only 20% off! and all fruit smoothies are free! Get em while theyre cold! Get em before Countdown eats them hisself!"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Robo47 on 2004-06-06 13:03 ]</font>

Jun 6, 2004, 06:39 PM
Deuce flapped about on BOC's back, just going with the flow. Zonky was making some wierd noises next to him, but he tried to ignore it. He pulled himself up closer to BOC's head.

"Yo, BOC. Have you got any clue where were going now? I know the original plan was to run away, but we never said where too"

"I was just going in the first direction i could, got any ideas what we could do now?"

Deuce stuck another cigar in his mouth, went to light it up but then remembered BOC was not only covered in possibly flammable paint but giving off some funky gas exsaust and decided it was safewr not to.

"Well i think we should loose Zonky somewhere, he's starting to scare me, then maybe we can find some coconuts and hot babes somewhere. After purging evil i feel we deserve a rest of some sort"

"But you know everything is back in that direction, TOWARDS alot of the people who want to arrest us or worse"

"Dont worry, they wont have recognised us, i was wearing my sunglasses all the time!" Deuce proclaimed and removed the eye wear from his face.

"Deuce Deckard, Master of disguise? Oh well, maybe i can find some sexy Hucaseal back there who wants to oil my joints"

And with that BOC made a giant U-Turn and headed backt towards the insanity.

Jun 6, 2004, 07:23 PM


a HUmar in black with a black ponytail ran up, waving his old Omochao mag by the propellor.
"can you believe I still have this thring from when I was a Newman?"
running up to a blank spot, he drops a cooler.
"all the sodas i can drink! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif wait, who's that? looking up at the outcrop. he starts walking towards it.

Jun 7, 2004, 12:51 AM
"Numbskull want black eye things!" Zonky said, swinging back and forth on BOC's arm.

"Dude, do NOT mess with the shades..." Deuce replied, carefully hiding the sunglasses.

"Pretty please? I won't eat it, promise!"

"Hey! What's that over there?" Deuce yelled, pointing a finger over Zonky's shoulder.

"Wha-?" The FOnewm turned. Deuce 'accidently' slipped and bumped into Zonky, knocking him clean off the BOX car.

"AAAAIIIEEEE NUMBSKULL HURT!" Zonky screamed before hitting the sand and rolling in it.

"That was low, Deuce. REAL low. Now I've lost ANOTHER passenger that could have helped me get the high score!" BOC muttered, shaking his head.

"Hey, I don't pay you to chastise me!" Deuce said while climbing up onto BOC's head. "Keep running, I think I see some babes now!"


Deuce slowly turned, his eyes enlarging when he saw K'Tani sitting cross legged beside him. "Whoa..."


Reverend Coll sighed. His client had feinted, and the nice cat-girl was applying mouth-to-mouth to the unconscious FOnewm. The reverend looked over to see another FOnewm wander over to him.

"NUMBSKULL GOT SAND IN PANTS! NUMBSKULL ANGRY!" Zonky proceeded to bite the table next to the reverend's chair, taking a huge chunk out of the wood.

"Mmmm... tastes like candy and rappy heads..." Zonky said between bites.

The reverend shook his head. "Now that's a living example of sexual abstinence."

Zonky walked over to the reverend's chair and bit him in the arm.

"YEEEEEEOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!! DAMNIT!" Reverend Frank Coll began swinging his arm around frantically, eventually shaking the crazy FOnewm off his appendage.

Everyone paused and looked at the reverend. Frank slapped his forehead, realizing his slip up. "Curses, I've sinned again!"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-06 23:02 ]</font>

Jun 7, 2004, 09:21 AM
"Tong" is short for "Camonna Tong."


Rodo was flying at full speed. He noticed A whole bunch of people in one area, including Ness. He flew toward Ness and landed right in front of Marla.

"Well, well it looks like the Tong will have two new demigods working for them," said Marla.

"Actually, I'm here to beat you and the Tong up," said Rodo.

"That's might prove difficult!" yelled and unfamiliar voice. Ness and Rodo turned around to see 5 burly men armed to the teeth with photon blades and automatic weapons. Ness readied himself to fight.

"Hey, you got to have all the fun last time. It's my turn now!" said Rodo. "You go over there and tell Zonky and the others to take cover."

"Are you sure about this?" asked Ness.

"I'm sure."

"That will be the last mistake you ever make!" said Marla with a demented smile.

The men unloaded on Rodo. Rodo simply stuck out his hand and stopped all the photon bullets with his mind.

"Okay, this may be a little harder than I thought," said Marla.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ness on 2004-06-07 07:21 ]</font>

Jun 7, 2004, 09:46 AM
Matrix, anyone? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif;

Well, seing as we have a 'Rodo' in this, please refer to my character as Robo47, the '47' is not an AOL newb number.


"Noone eh? Meh, buisness has always sucked recently."

Heaving his favorite weapon up he walked out from behind the counter and closed shoppe for the day.

With a deep breath, The Big Red Guy marched into the insanity.

First item on the agenda, reviving Master Zi'Zuku.

Robo47 approached the Reverend, PSYCHOnewm, and Cat-Girl carfully. But in a loud voice he said,"Thats not how you revive him!" He then flipped out his BEE link and clicked a few things.

Zenja continued her practice but asked in a muffled voice,"I want sweety Zi back, how would you revive him?"

Robo47's insides beeped a few times, he reached inside and pulled out a piece of paper with a drawing on it. "To revive him, you must offer his dormant mind Artwork.

Reverand Coll managed to pry Zonky off his arm and peeked over Robo47's shoulder, on the piece of paper was a rather well done portrait of a fellow Hunter that goes by the name 'Kieran'.

Slowly Robo47 waved the paper in Zi's face, the FOnewm sprung to life and shreiked,"SHINE ART!! GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!" Zenja then proceded to bear hug the already troubled newman.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Robo47 on 2004-06-07 07:47 ]</font>

Jun 7, 2004, 12:27 PM
*Sigh* Ness, they are you trying to screw up Marla?
1. She's not a member of this "Camonna Tong"
2. She left Ness' location about a minute ago. Read my post properly!

__________________________________________________ ____

"What is that?" Asked Boc as he jogged down the beach.

"Looks like a HUmar taxi." Replied Deuce as he eyed K'Tani cautiously.


Marla narrowed her eyes. The RAcast taxi was now heading back their way. Excellent! She thought.

"Ramming speed!" She proclaimed.

"Ra-ra-ramming wha?" Said poor Ash nearly on the verge of collapse beneath the weight of the two women.

Marla reached around Sollah and pulled hard on Ash's ears. He began to run faster...

Jun 7, 2004, 04:31 PM
Sorry about that, I didn't know.

"Ness!" yelled Rodo.

"What!" said Ness as he woke up.

"You were freaking me out. You kept talking about Marla and the Camonna Tong," said Rodo.

"Oh, I must have been dreaming." said Ness.

"Let's see if BOC will give us a ride!" said Karissa.

"Ah so you have recovered," said Ness.

"Crystal sent us some of her healing potions and it sped her rejuvination process," explained Rodo.

"Why would you want to ride on BOC?" asked Ness. "We can fly."

"I dunno. To try something new, I guess," said Karissa.

"Okay, I'm game," said Rodo.

"Me too, I guess," said Ness.

The three of them started running toward BOC.

Jun 7, 2004, 05:07 PM
lol, Zi'Zuku isnt phsychotic... he's just doing his job really well http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif. these seasonal fics are where i get to tone down his seriousness and mess around with him a little ^_^

"TehDelu- (http://www.angelfire.lycos.com/mech/ziz/Theif2.gif) *ahem!* wrong identity... So..." he began, seeing how a small group had formed around him in his unconciousness.
"what'd I miss?"

"Oh Zi! I knew you'd be alright!"

"Not much I guess -_-"

"Actually, we were making a fantastic breakthrough... and then you got your first kis-"

Everyone stared at Zi'Zuku, who changed from his normal whispering tone to a full out scream.

"Did you like it honey? ;3"

"... I think I'll put this back on now..." he muttered, reaching for his face mask.

"Numbskull wants it!"


"...Spooky can have it back."

"Right. ( _ /) Look, Zenja is it? What could you possibly see in me!? I kill people for a living, I ussually allow no light into my life, don't know what I look like because I havn't seen my face since I was 7, and I live in a bar!"

"I'm pretty sure I have a reason..." She softly said. Unfortunately, as she approached to kiss him again, he coldly put on his mask.


"You don't think he doesn't like me, do you?"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: -Z on 2004-06-07 16:25 ]</font>

Jun 7, 2004, 11:25 PM
-Z I love that pic http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif Erm, I suck at writing, and I'm not sure where this is going, so I'm just gonna input a bit more sillyness http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Boc - My highest CT score is over $12,000 http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif


K'Tani had changed into a HUnewearl again, for no reason other than to make sure Deuce knew there was a female in his midst already, after his babes comment.

Boc had noticed Deuce's oogling at her, and noticed K'Tani's change himself.

Deuce asked, "Have I had any alcohol today?"

"Not as far as I know" Boc replied. "Why?"

"I coulda sworn that ba- er, girl was a small furry creature a minute ago."

K'Tani giggled. "Wanna see me turn into a bananna slug?"

"Uhh.." http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/cwm/cwm/eek7.gif

K'Tani jumpped off of Boc's shoulder where she had perched, and in a momentary transformation sequence involving cherry blossoms and sparkly lights, turned herself into a giant griffin like creature.

"That ain't no slug."

"Oops, your're right...I always get bannana slugs and griffins confused." http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif


All this time they had been on a collission course with Ash and his passengers. K'Tani, now a big furry creature, was galloping alongside the MyTea Taxi. Boc swerved around Ash, to which Deuce said "Awesome! That's it, you're the crazy coolest cat I ever seen!", but K'Tani wasn't paying attention, and turned too late and brushed against Ash, who was still covered in the yellow paint K'Tani had thrown at him.

K'Tani, now a big furry taxi, happily called "Yeah! We gonna have some fun!" http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Tani on 2004-06-07 21:27 ]</font>

Jun 8, 2004, 12:09 AM
"Turn around, you idiot!"

"Sorry...officer...can't go...on..."

And on that note, Ash collapsed, leaving Sollah and Marla with an unconscious vehicle. "Great," Marla said as she waved her arms in the air. "Now how are we going to catch them?" Sollah got up. "First," she started, "we get off of Ash. Then..."

************************************************** ***

Deuce was still congradulating BOC on his swerving tatics. "Way to go, BOC! Now let's pick up some ba- er, girls and a few bottles while we're at it," he said.


"Did ya hear something, BOC?"

"No, but by our luck, we'll know what it is in a few seconds."

"I hate ice slides!"


Ash collided right into BOC's legs, causing the big black RAcast to topple right on top of him. K'Tani was affected too, as BOC accidentally swrung his arm into her. Amid all this chaos, Deuce went flying and landed with his legs sticking up in the sand. He struggled, but in the end was pulled out by a pair of helping hands. The tall RAmar(?) turned around to see...

A fist connect to his cheeck.


"I can't believe you have the nerve to kidnap kids!"

"Kidnap who?"


"Then you discard them like they're garbage when the going gets tough!"

"Shouldn't you check on hi-"


"You people make me sick!"

"But h-"


"Sure you're all for putting him up for ransom, then you say you're innocient once I beat the living daylights out of you!"

"But I am-"


"Maybe I should shut up," Deuce thought.


And no, *WHAM!* is not my favorite sound effect. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zzzzzz on 2004-06-07 22:11 ]</font>

Jun 8, 2004, 03:40 PM
Boc was laying flat out in the sand. The sun was high in the sky, beaming down warmingly upon all of gods creations. The sea lapped against the shore. In the distance the laughs and chatter of happy hunters could be heard.

The droid tilted his head up to see a rather curvey RAcaseal walk seductively over. She crouched down beside the walking mountain. "ooo, better rub some oil on your joints babe." She said soothingly.

"mmmmmm great." Boc replied.

The droid could hear a low humming. He turned to see Deuce sitting in a Lazy-e-boy beside the bar sipping on an ice cool beer, while a beautiful lady massaged his shoulders, all the time the Ramar humming that tune. he gave boc a wave.

Boc look in the other direction to see Robo47 approach. He stopped beside Boc. "AlMyTea B.O.C. - sexy RAcast Extraordinaire, the droid that we all aspire to be like, i have brought you one of my best ice creams!!" he said handing the dented droid the ice-cream.

Boc looked at the pitch black semi-solid dairy product. "Mmmmm, motor oil flavour, with iron sprinkles! Bobo you spoil me!" Boc replied.

Robo47 gave boc a bow and returned to the ice-cream stand. Boc looked out to sea just in time to see Marla been devoured by a shark-rappy.

"Ahhhh, life is good." he said, closing his visor.

"Whats so good about it?!?" a voce cried through Boc's head. He opened his eyes to see K'Tani whacking his head. "dammit you shape-shifting babe, i was having a good dream!!" Boc said rubbing his head, turning to see Deuce having seven shades knocked out of him, rather than drinking a nice cool beer.

"Well you may want to get off the puny HUmar you happen to be crushing. Boc rolled off Ash to see him laying out cold. "Hmmm, this is becoming something of a habit for me..." he said.

"But where is that crazy cop that was hitching a ride off this dude? Oh please tell me the part with her been eaten by a shark wasn't a dream!" Boc said crossing his giant fingers. Closing his optic.

*click-clunk* Boc opened his 'eyes' again to see that somebody had slapped a RAcast sized hand-cuff on his wrist.

He looked down to see Marla grinning widely. "You my son, are nicked!" She said.

"Dam you evil tong meanies of death!!" The RAcast yelled rater dramatically.

Marla whipped out her gun pointing it Boc. "Boc i swear by the crumbling ashes that were the preachers bible that if you mention tongs, Camonna Tong or anything that sounds remotely like that i'll shoot ya, have ya melted down, and then have you molded into a giant metallic toilet for use at rock concerts." It would appear she was more than a little frustrated. Even it had all just been a freaky dream a la dallas stylee!!

"A fate worse than death!!" Sollah gasped.

"Hmmmmmm maybe a rock concert fic would be fun to do sometime" somebody whispered.

Boc's visor glowed. "What about thongs?" he replied.

Marla's eye twitched. "just one more time! Say it just one more time!!" she said slapping the other cuff on Boc's free paw.

"But its relevant, Deuce may not be wearing his boxers with the little hearts on them, but hes wearing a thong this time!!" The RAcast bellowed a little louder than he really should have.

Deuce took a slight break from getting (liam) lynched "I told you that in confidence Box!! Damn you! I swear when we get put in prison I'm gonna make you my big robotic bitch!!" he yelled.

"*ahem* well in that case, lets just hope that I've earned enough from the taxi business to hire a really good lawyer." Boc said as Marla began to read him his (lack of) rights.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BOC on 2004-06-08 13:47 ]</font>

Jun 8, 2004, 07:58 PM
Warning: Crappily colored image ahead http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif


"Ooohh!! Shiny!!" K'Tani (still a griffin) happily exclaimed when she saw the handcuffs Marla had put on Boc. K'Tani reached down and grabbed the cuffs in her beak, effectivly snapping them off of Boc's wrists.

Marla was not to be deterred, even by something big enough to eat her. "Hey, drop that right now you mangy hairball!"

K'Tani did drop it, but only so she could snag something else. "Blueberry!" she exclaimed, grabbing Marla's hat and chewing on it.


Marla let off a string of expletives.

"Gah! No profanity!!" K'Tani yelled, dropping the griffin-spit soaked hat back on Marla's head with a "splot" sound.

Jun 8, 2004, 08:08 PM
"I'm sorry, but you are not arresting any of the people here!" yelled Karissa.

"WHY!!!" yelled Marla in an agitated tone.

"Because I haven't had a chance to ride BOC yet," replied Karissa.


The three demigods were completely stunned, especially Karissa. He bottom lip started trembling and tears started forming in her eyes. It wasn't long before she started crying.

"....." said Ness.

Rodo comforted her and rubbed her back. "It's okay. That jerk Marla is just being mean because she's had a rough day," said Rodo.

Marla felt bad, but she had come too far to let that stop her. She had won; she had finally caught her quarry. "I'm sorry, but that's not going to work on me." said Marla.

Ness would not fight her directly because he could accidentally kill her. He had to divert her attention long enough for her to emancipate BOC.

"So what was that about you wearing a thong with the logo of the Tong on it?" asked Ness.

BOC and Deuce started to chuckle. Marla let go of BOC and walked over to Ness. She tried to slap him, but he was too fast. That was just the window of oppurtunity that he needed. In a split second, he was hleping K'Tani get BOC out of there.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ness on 2004-06-09 07:08 ]</font>

Jun 8, 2004, 08:17 PM
On 2004-06-08 18:08, Ness wrote:

In a split second, he had undone the hand cuffs on BOC's wrists.

Didn't I already do that? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Jun 8, 2004, 08:41 PM
Noticing the argument at the distance, Zi'Zuku took his opportunity, and ran from his supposed wife. Upon reaching the scene, he wasn't sure if he'd rather stayed. But you know what? His mood lightened being in his preffered hostile enviornment rather than the cheerful aura that Zenja set off. And so, he sat down beside Marla, and beckoned her to sit down too.

"Rough day?"

"You could say that!" her dagger-like words spat.

"Yeah, I have some of those myself... wanna talk about it?"

"Listen, I don't want to be like this, I just wanna enjoy my vaccation! But Noooooo, my damn job says I have to administer order to all Hunters... speaking of which, why the fuck arn't I busting you inn right now!?"

"I can assure you, I am no hunter. Now, we're not discussing my problems now, are we? Please, go on."

"Its like my boss hired these jerks just to keep me on the job! Cant I get a little me time? Arn't I allowed to have any fun? ... *sigh*, why are you listening to me? In the many words describing you're reputation, 'sympathy' is solemly ommited."

"Oh, because we're both two people who needs the help of the other."

Marla was about to slap him, but outsmarting the women before her, she halted before her hand could impact the cold steel over Zi'Zuku's cheecks. She merely settled for a "And what's that supposed to mean? ~_^"

"Simply I help you, and you help me..." Zi'Zuku repplied, closely followed by him casting a rafoie at the sandy ground. Boc, unable to stop himself from escaping at the time, slipped onto the large patch of newly made glass, and fell into the shard embedded pit.

"Got him! *ahem*, there, that slowed him down for about two minutes. Now that I helped you, how about you help me?"

"And how am i supposed to do that? ~_^"

"Dark boy!" Zenja began, rushing after his speedy disappearance.
"I just knew i'd find you husba- EEP! Who is this!?" >(

"umm... Zenja, this is Marla. We are madly in love."

"WHAT!?" Zenja and Marla shouted at the same time.

Jun 8, 2004, 11:09 PM
uhhh.... forgive me Rubbish, but I must play in character on this one http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

*loading 'one-pissed-off-CG.exe'*


"N-n-n-n-o.... this.... can't be!" Zenja stuttered, holding her cheeks as she slowly shook her head in horror.

"Yes. In love. Madly!"

"But, that's not... OOMPH!"

"Shhhh! Just play along!"

"Oh! Right. Sure thing."

"You're lying!" Zenja screeched.

"I do not lie. Well, sometimes I conveniently misguide people, but this time I speak the truth!"

"Amen, brother! Spread the word! Power to the..."

Zi'Zuku cast a side glance to the reverend. Coll shut up instantly and stood as motionless as a statue.

Zenja fell to her knees, buried her face into her hands and cried. "My suger Zi.... in love with an angry, whiny, hard ass!"

"Hey! My ass is firm, not... OOMPH!" Marla massaged the spot where Zi'Zuku continuously elbowed. Eyeing the large RAcast in the lake of glass, she quickly remembered that she had a job to do and intended to do it BEFORE anyone made another post forcing her to deviate from her job interrupted her once again.

Zenja's sobbing increased and Zi'Zuku reluctantly calmed the cat-thing down. "There... there. It's alright. There are plenty of fish in the..."

Zenja whipped her head up and glared at the FOnewm. Her eyes darkened, and she growled at Zi'Zuku, bearing her sharp teeth as her fur rippled in anger. Zenja threw her claws into the air and from her lips erupted a bloodcurdling scream that could wake the dead.

"Huh! Wha? Where am... MY SHOP!!! NOOOOOOOO!"

Marla froze in place, chilled to the bone. All activities on the beach momentarily ceased as everyone stopped to watch the horrific scene unfold.

Lightning shot from the sky and struck Zenja's outstretched hands, empowering a mighty Razonde attack that was forming from the rage and anger boiling within her shattered heart.

When the lightning ceased, Zenja buckled forward onto her hands and knees, the Razonde energy still within her grasp. She sluggishly climbed to her feet and turned to face Marla. Zenja lifted her head up, peered at the RAmarl through the strands of hair that had fallen over her eyes, and uttered one simple, malice-filled word.


The officer was unable to move and she found breathing to be troublesome. Zenja raised her hand up and focused the attack in Marla's direction. The cat-girl took one step forward and...


...pounced on the ball of yarn as it rolled by her feet, her appearance returning to normal. As she tossed the ball up into the air, Zenja noticed that everyone was staring at her. "What?" she said playfully as the ball of yarn descended and smacked her head.


Thought I was about to N'uke the GF, eh? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-08 22:56 ]</font>

Jun 9, 2004, 09:07 AM


BTW I fixed my other post.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ness on 2004-06-09 07:09 ]</font>

Jun 9, 2004, 10:46 AM
Rodo, Ness, and Karissa fell over laughing.

"That was awesome!" yelled Rodo. "We were all aobut to die and instead of killing us she starts playing with a ball of yarn."

"She really got us good," said Ness still laughing.

Jun 9, 2004, 03:01 PM
With Ness running interference and the slivia covered hat impedding Marla's hat, K'Tani clutched Boc in her beak, taking to the skys soaring off into the distance. "Dom't worrly, You'll be safefeell soon" The griffon said, her speech slurred by her attempts to speak and carry the droid in her mouth at the same time.

"Coool!!! I'm-a-flying!! And not because somebody has been firing rockets at me this time!!" The Droid yelled, watching as the firgures below became dots.

K'Tani flapped her wings hard trying to gain some altitude. "Slluper isn't tit? I lub fl- YUK!" she yelled.

"What?" Boc asked looking over his shoulder to the griffon.

"You taste like rust!!"

"No shit!" Boc replied.

"Not Shit, RUST! God its repulsive!!" She replied.

Boc was about to defend his unpleasent taste when the winged beast dropped him, spitting out the taste of decaying metal as the droid fell towards the ground.

"DAM YOU WINGED BEASTIE!!" he screamed, crashing into a bank of sand. He pulled his head out of the sand, staggering about a little trying to get his barrings. He noticed zi chatting up Marla. Damn what was wroing with that kid? cat girls loved him, he had a thing for rappies and now he was putting the heavy word on a copper? He was indeed evil.

Boc began to run off when the evil Force cast RAfoie in his direction, causing the sand just ahead of him to turn to glass. The heavy droid couldn't help but run onto the giant disk of glass, catching his reflection in the giant reflective surface before it began to groan under his weight. The glass cracked and the rust bucket fell into the shard imbedded pit that lay below. The crashed down with a loused smash. Shards penetrating the weaker spots of his armor. "Oh man, how many years bad luck is that?" he said to himself.

"Must...... escape... before... copper... catches me... or Deuce flashes thong.... or ness.... begins to toss lighting balls around... kill us all." the droid croaked rising to his feet. He needed something to escape this pit of glass. Some rope maybe? Maybe that ball of cat-girl strength yarn he had napped from Gallons store. Now where had he left that? He thought beginning to check his storage compartments.

yo Tani that was a cool piccie ya did, had me laughing http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif look on Marla's face is priceless. - PEACE!!!

Jun 9, 2004, 03:49 PM
http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif Thanks! I'm working on a pic of (one of) the chase scene(s) now. I have to draw it huge to fit each char in, so it's going to take three or four peices of paper http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif I've already drawn Boc with 4 passengers http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif I'll post it when it done http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jun 9, 2004, 07:14 PM
Deuce hung around, his face still being punched.

"Why *ouch* is *oof* nobody *gah!* stopping this! *blarrgh!*" he yelled.

"Because your a kidnapper"

"Im not! *argh*"

And now one thing was running through his mind; was the pain from being punched as bad as the embaressment of his thong revalation? He knew he should have gone with the boxers this morning.

Jun 9, 2004, 07:27 PM
Everybody felt less tense when Zenja went back to playing with her yarn. Zonky went out from behind the half-eaten table and continued to eat the rest of it, since he had nothing all day. The reverend looked at him and muttered something about a lost soul. "Zonky?" a feminine voice asked. Zonky didn't bother to look up until he saw a pair of hand-cuffs slapped on his hands. "OOoooh! Dessert!" he said, but found it hard to make a dent in the chains. Plus, it didn't taste good. "Bleh," Zonky said, then faced Marla next to him, who was dragging an unconsciencess Deuce.

"Evil lady hurts Numbskull's feelings."

"So now I'm evil instead of crazy?"

"Numbskull realized Numbskull is the most normal out of all of us."

"Well, you can tell it t-"

"What are you doing with my Zonky?"

Marla turned around to see Sollah right next her. "This "innocient" kid has wounded tons of hunters today," she said, and then pointed to Deuce and BOC, who was not handcuffed due to the fact she had only one RAcast-sized hand-cuff. "Along with these two. They can have visitors, so you can see your "precious" Zonky everyday." Zonky made big puppy-dog eyes. "But Numbskull innocient, Sollah. Evil lady justs hates Numbskull and friends and wants us to live with crazy gorillias," he said in his saddest tone. "Oh really?" Sollah said, and looked at Marla stright in the eye, her blood began to boil...


K'Tani landed, still spitting out the tatse of rust. She watched as Zenja played with her yarn. She then felt her back get heavier, and heard Marla say "Fly someplace else and I'll buy you all the ice cream you can eat." K'Tani acknowledged with an "Allright!" and started to fly off...


"Oh no you don't!" Sollah said, and grabbed on to K'Tani's talon.

Jun 9, 2004, 08:50 PM
The thought of impending icecream distracted K'Tani from the fact that there was a FOmarl clinging to her leg. Carrying Boc by himself wasn't difficult, but now she was carrying Deuce, Zonky, Marla, and Sollah. To Marla's confusion, K'Tani landed a few yards from where they'd started.

"What's wrong?"

"You said go someplace else. This is someplace else." http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Marla made an interesting sound that was something along the lines of "AHHHHRRRRGGGG" and jumped off of K'Tani's back, dragging Deuce and Zonky with her. Sollah realized they were safely on the ground again, and released her chokehold on K'Tani's leg, and chased after Marla.

K'Tani meanwhile turned her attention to Boc, who was struggling to get out of the glass crater. Well, at first she was attracted to the shiny glass, then she noticed Boc. She walked over, and Boc looked up at her.

"Little help here?"


K'Tani lifted Boc out of the crater (with her paw this time http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif ), shook him a little bit to dislodge the bits of glass stuck to his armor, then set him down on the sand. Then she trotted over to Robo47's icecream stand, and politely inquired if they had gibbon-flavored icecream.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Tani on 2004-06-09 18:51 ]</font>

Jun 9, 2004, 11:11 PM
Oran runs bak to the beah, takes off his fake human ears, and sits.
"whoah, I could live here all summer if I had a house."
suddenly, it dawned n him.
and Oran started building the ten-bedroom house just off the beach.

Jun 10, 2004, 02:22 PM
K'Tani was shocked to see that the Ice Cream bar was closed... a sign rested on the counter:



"Man, there's just too much going on today!" Robo47 said to himself, yet outloud as he ran along the coast line.

Jun 10, 2004, 06:56 PM
Reverend Frank Coll looked up to see a strange HUmar begin building something. A loud *SWOOOSH* distracted the reverend for a moment as he turned to see what caused that powerful burst of wind. He watched as K'Tani landed not far from where she had taken off. The reverend sighed and shook his head. When he turned back to the HUmar he had seen previously, a ten-story building stood in his place!!

"What in the light!? Is this some sort of mirage!?"

The reverend spotted the HUmar he had seen earlier standing by the front entrance to the structure. He dashed over to the hunter, cheerfully calling out, "HEY! YOU SIR! YES, YOU! What's your name?"

"Oran. Who are you?"

The reverend looked at him dumbfounded. "Why... I'm the savior of lost souls! I'm surrounded by sinners! I need your help. Can you construct a cathedral for me? I must have a base of operations for my teachings! Will you help me?"

"Uhhh... one sec..." Oran entered the building for a moment.

"AND PLEASE DON'T MAKE IT OUT OF SAND!!!" The reverend called out after the retreating HUmar.


Marla, making her way past Robo47's Ice Cream shop with Deuce and Zonky in tow, found a nice vehicle that would suit her needs. When she heard a familiar voice near the Ice Cream shop, Marla tip-toed to the building and listened.


K'Tani pouted for a bit, wondering whether or not to 'borrow' some ice cream from Robo47 while he was gone when BOC piped up. "That's ok, let's go find a boat and head out to sea instead!"

"OH, YAY! I'd love to!" K'Tani replied, jumping up and down. She paused and cocked her head sideways. "Aren't you afraid you might get wet and rust even more?"

The MyTea BOC chuckled and placed a hand on K'Tani's shoulder. "Nonsense! For I'm..." he pressed a button on his chest and familiar music began to play. "... BOC-eye the sailor man! *TOOT TOOT*"


Marla grinned and thought, I will get you yet, my rusty! And your little dog... err... griffon too! TEE HEE HEE HEE! She turned and began to open the vehicle door when...



Zenja rolled in the sand, clutching the ball of yarn, when she collided into Gallon's partially rebuilt shop. A bucket of pink paint that was sitting on the counter tipped over and doused the cat-girl. "YEACH! ARGH!!! I HATE BEING WET!!!" Zenja screamed, getting up and running off towards Robo47's Premium Ice Cream store where BOC was still singing.

"... and I drink me McGuinness! I'm BOC-eye the SAILOR MAN!!! *TOOT TOOT*"

Zenja bolted past someone, yelling "Out of my way, you idiot!"

"HEY! You watch... eh? Was that the Pink Panther!?!"


Sorry, Rubbish, for having Marla act like the wicked witch from the Wizard of Oz http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif ... I just had to do it!

I hope all of you understand some of these jokes http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

This is just a suggestion, but let's try to get some of the action out on the water http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif ... Jet-skis anyone?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-10 17:00 ]</font>

EDIT in response to K'Tani's post (so as to reduce spam).

Have K'Tani turn into a killer whale? Or maybe a jetski would work. She's not supposed to be able to turn into a machine,

Killer whale or dolphin is fine .... I was only suggesting jet-skis for those who can't polymorph http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

but this is a group fic, the rules don't always apply

at least, in THIS group fic the rules don't apply http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif ...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-10 21:35 ]</font>

Jun 10, 2004, 08:57 PM
http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif Funny stuff.

On 2004-06-10 16:56, WraithVerge wrote:
This is just a suggestion, but let's try to get some of the action out on the water http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif ... Jet-skis anyone?

Have K'Tani turn into a killer whale? Or maybe a jetski would work. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif She's not supposed to be able to turn into a machine, but this is a group fic, the rules don't always apply http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

I wanna be a Vespa! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Jun 11, 2004, 01:31 PM
Oran begins constructing a cathedral, and falls on the ground.
"stupid prosthetics..."
removig his plastic ears, letting his long, normal ears pop out, he cntinus.
"those things get hot after a while."
running into the town, he buys enough frniture to stock the house, and lots of food.
let's just hope nothing explodes.

Jun 11, 2004, 02:09 PM
"Hello and welcome to the medical center! We can restore you back to perfect health! Its only ten meseta, would you want to be healed?


"Thank you!"

"Nono, thank you! Now where's my telepipe?"


"Wh-woah!" PhotonDrop exclaimed upon return, many things had changed, again. "Meh, I think I understand."


(back on Pioneer 2)
"Who did this, to my friggin ship?" an angry Principle Tyrell screamed seeing salt water trails everywhere.


PhotonDrop stood at the shore line, ignoring the chaos behind her. In a crazy anime priestess style she held a closed hand near her chest as the wind blew, making her long red hair dance in the air.

Then she noticed something shiny in the water.

Must not tell anyone, must not let anyone know I'm back, must get shiny thing.

"Rati, come along!" Quickly she rummaged through her belongings and fished out swim goggles and a breather.

Here goes nothing! The HUnewearl then swam out in the water to retreive the shiny thing.

Jun 11, 2004, 06:06 PM
I'm going to be gone for a few weeks so I'm pulling out.
__________________________________________________ _

Ness, Rodo, and Karissa were starting to get bored. They didn't know what to do and no longer felt like stirring up anymore trouble.

"I wonder that that preacher guy is up to," thought Ness out-loud.

"He's building some kind of cathedral," replied Karissa.

"That would be fun, but I'm not too big on religion," said Rodo.

"I'm heading back home. I've had enough of the mortal world to last me a few centuries," said Ness.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!" yelled Karissa.

"I'm sorry, but it's just too boring here," said ness. With that, he flew toward the direction of his hotel.

"He has a point. I want to go back to my skyscraper on Teralon," said Rodo.

"I guess you're right," said Karissa.

The two of them flew off in the same direction as Ness.

Jun 12, 2004, 12:37 PM
"well, now that there's a summer house, we can all stay all summer!"
just as he sad that, he noticed noone was coming.
so he nailed a sign into a tree saying 'house', pointing to the building.

Jun 12, 2004, 04:49 PM
K'Tani backed off a little as Boc-eye finished off his little song and dance by blowing steam out of a RAcast sized pipe that he had hanging out of his mouth. He knelt down on one knee in the sand, waving his hands about expecting a rousing applause.

k'tani flapped her wings a little and gave the metallic sailor-man a strange look. "OoooooKay. You droids are indeed strange creatures." she said, trying to contain her laughter.

"This coming from a shape-shifting newman who has a thing for eating police hats. All on the same day that we met Zonky AND saw a demi-god war." Boc said standing up and dusting himself down.

"Touchee." K'Tani said, seeing something shiny floating far off-shore. "Oooh! Shiny!!"

"What me? I haven't shined since i-" The rusted droid began as the griffon scooped him up tossing him on her back beginning to gallop out to the sea line, taking a jump at the water and transforming into a killer whale mid jump, splashing into the water MyTea-ily!

Noticing that her foes had taken to water, Marla ran out from behind the ice-cream stand. "You may run, er, swim, but you cannot hide!!!" the disgruntled RAmarl shouted after the pair.

"Ooo! Hide good idea for numbskull!" Marla heard Zonky say from behind the ice-cream stand. She sighed, turning to see that the crazy newman had buried his head in the sand.

She pointed at Deuce and Sollah. Push that out to shore.." she began pointing at the speed-boat with handily mounted harpoon gun. on the side was a sign.

Robo's super fast boat of DOOM!!! touch and thou shalt be beaten to death by countdown.

"... we're going whale hunting!!!"

Deuce looked at Marla, raising one eyebrow. "But i thought that if witches like you got wet they melted."

"You just added 6 months to your sentence!!" she growled, pulling Zonky's head out of the sand and tossing him into the boat.

then using the anger that seemed to be boiling up inside of her, marla began to push the boat out to sea herself, uttering a string of obsenities as she did.

As she gave it the final push into the water she commanded the two into the boat. As Deuce began to climb into the boat he noticed a pink panther running up the beach. He took off his shades rubbing his eyes. "Man the lack of alcohol is getting to me. i'm seeing pink cats."

Elsewhere out upon the waves boc was clinging to k'tani's back for dear life, screaming every time she jumped out of the water. "Slow down willy!!!" he yelled.

"Yar!" was all the whale said. They were nearing water the shiny thing photon drop was scrambing to get herself.

The question was: could she outswim a talking whale and Boc-eye himself?

Would they escape the clutches of the wicket witch of the east Marla?

Would Deuce ever be able to live down his underwear preferences?

Jun 12, 2004, 05:25 PM
PhotonDrop had just about reached the shiny object, when K'Tani and Boc splashed onto the scene. PhotonDrop came up to the surface again and looked at Boc and K'Tani, who were approaching a rock jutting up out of the water. Sitting on the rock was....A shiny bar of metal.

"All that effort for an old peice of metal!" PhotonDrop huffed.


"Not you!"

"I don't care, I want it!" K'Tani said. Then she remembered killer whales don't have hands. "Little help Boc?"

Boc reached out to grab the bar.

"Hey! Don't touch!"

"What the...?"

"Yeah it was me, the bar of metal. I got bored waiting for Nasca so I came here for a vacation."

Jun 12, 2004, 09:30 PM
"Gah! MY BOAT!!" Robo47 screamed seeing it being pushed out to sea. Countdown, you better be on there right now!


"We almost got them!" Marla laughed devilishly as she petted a fluffy white cat. "Where'd I get this?"
Before anyone noticed it she tossed it onto land.

"Just one question." Deuce asked "When did we become your servants?"

Before Marla could answer, the door in the ships cabin opened. from it emerged a giant yellow blob with a singular red eye and blue stripes. The beast sent three of the thiefs into a panic.

"SAVE US!!!"

Zonky though, walked up and touched the bouncing beast. "Numbskull likes this hat! Where you get it?"


"Zonky! back away!! Its going to eat you!!"

"Hahahaha! Numbskull can't be eaten by a FOnewm!"

"A FOnewm?"

Suddenly, the yellow blob bounced toward the other three, it leapt high into the air and the yellow blob spat out a newman, the sun behind him kept details from being seen, but it landed on top of the cabin. He wore black clothes with blue outlines, only this time, he wore red goggles.

"Who the devil is that?" Marla asked curiously.

The new FOnewm grew an evil grin, he stomped on the roof of the cabin causing a black stick to fly up.

His yellow hat landed atop his orange hair at the same time his weapon did. The weapon was a Demonic Fork, with Fire Scepter AGNI tied crudly near the top by a piece of rope.

"Countdown knows you saw the warning!"

"Ooh! Numbskull likes where this is going!"

Deuce quickly grabbed a life preserver and forced it over his shoulders. Marla's eyes widened. And Sollah hid behind one of the many seats the boat had.

Countdown raised his weapon high and said in a cold tone said,"Time for Countdown's fireworks." A small red orb began to glow at the Demonic Fork's tip.

In a brief instant, Marla almost screamed, but remembering her dignity she didnt and opted for jumping overboard.

"Haaaaaaaaaa! Rafoie!"

Deuce sheilded his eyes with a cooler lid he recently ripped off of a nearby cooler as Zonky danced happily.

Nothing happened.

Sollah emerged from her hiding spot as Deuce lowered his sheild and Zonky ceased his dance.

The three looked at Countdown, who wore a playful smirk on his face.

"Countdown need only scare away mean lady."

"Aww, Numbskull wanted fireworks!!"

Sollah and Deuce sighed with releif.

Jumoping down from the roof of the cabin, Countdown yelled joyfully,"Now lets go back to land before Tinman gets angry!!"

Before the three knew it, the boat made a U turn and sped back to land.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Robo47 on 2004-06-12 19:31 ]</font>

Jun 13, 2004, 09:03 AM
"Well... Let's recap shall we?" Said Marla to no one in particular.

"I arrived at the beach. Got no tanning done. Tried to arrest people for sandcastle destruction violations. They escaped. Met a very hunky man. He attacked me. I didn't get his phone number. I chase the perpertrators again. They get help from a griffin. My beret is now 'griffin saliva' flavour. I get attacked by a jealous cat-girl. Almost frozen with Barta. I commandeer a boat as within my legal powers. I get attacked by a mad FOnewm. Did i forget anything?..."

Marla bobbed up and down in the water for a few seconds.


Marla turned a bit and spotted the glaringly obvious killer whale some way off. Since the beach was further she began to swim towards them.

"I am going to give them such a stern talking to for all this!"

Jun 13, 2004, 09:47 AM
PhotonDrop got tired of floating, so she climbed up on a nearby rock formation. The red Rati followed her, as usual.

"So Bar of Metal, how'd you get here without someone to carry you?"

"Well you see thats a long story but ah-"

"HEY!! huffpuff STOP WHAT YOU'RE huffpuff DOING!! huff puff"

BOC and K'Tani paniced,"Oh no! Its her!"

"Oh my gosh! She's gonna drown!"

"Photon! No!"

But BOCs words came too late, the HUnewearl already dove in and swam out toward Marla.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"Wait! huffpuff Stop that RAcast and whale!"


"They're under huffpuff arrest for huffpuff several charges of..."

"Ah, crap, Rati, help me out here!"

PhotonDrops Rati hovered behind Marla and picked her up using PB energy.

"Now lets get her to something land like."

The Rati then followed its Master back to the rock formation.

Jun 13, 2004, 03:23 PM
Deep beneath the ocean waves and miles from the island of Lo De Gi, the gears of nature began to turn...

The waves were nearly motionless and the wind blew slightly. Suddenly, the water churned as if stirred by an unseen hand. Ripples began to form and spread out from their points of origin. One such ripple headed in the direction of the Lo De Gi island. The ripple, augmented by the increasing winds, slowly formed into an awesome, yet terrible force of nature that could inevitably wipe out all life on the island.


Zenja stared out across the beach at the congregation near the rocks and that shiny object. I want to go out there, but I HATE WATER!! she thought to herself angrily.

Something beyond the rocks caught her attention. It started low and appeared to be just waves breaking, but upon closer inspection - or the slow passage of time - the waves began to rise up higher into the sky. At first, Zenja was confused at this until the wall of water rose to immense heights. Frozen in horror, it took every ounce of strength Zenja had to yell out, "TSUNAMI!!!!!!!"


By no means am I trying to end the GF... just throwing something interesting into the mix http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

If the majority has a problem with this post, I'll delete it. Otherwise...

1.) Grab a surf board and head out to sea.
2.) Board K'Tani. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif
3.) Seek shelter (hopefully in Oran's Summer home or the reverend's cathedral http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif )

EDIT: Erm... one word was out of place. Annoyed me to see it misplaced http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-13 21:47 ]</font>

Jun 13, 2004, 04:21 PM
and a stern talking to Marla dished out. she stood on the rock wagging her finger at Boc and k'tani, while jotting down offenses on a soggy note pad.

"sand castle destruction, assualt, foul language, illegal pets.." she said.

"illegal pets?" Boc asked.

"You need a griffon liscense!! and you need to keep it on a lease!!" Marla said.

K'Tani, who had morphed back into her fox form gave the cop a foul look. "A LEASE?!?"

"...Oh, and inpersonating a taxi!!" Marla added finally to her list.

Photondrop sighed as Marla fumed on. She had the feeling that Boc and K'Tani wouldn't be too impressed with her. She didn't feel like been eaten by a killer whale, or been beaten to death by Boc with the talking metal bar. She shivered slighty as a huge shadow fell over her. "Dammit Boc move. Your standing in the sun light."

"I'm nowhere near you!" the droid protested.

photon turned loking up expecting to see the droid standing behind her. She shrieked a little when she realised the reason for the sudden loss of light was infact the approaching tidal wave. "Er guys..."

The group all turned to see the tsunami quickily approaching. Marla gasped dropping her note pad. "Is that a.."

"Yes" replied the metal bar

"Oh man, THIS will totally cause more rust. Boc-eye cannot withstand this bluto sized wall of water." Boc said.

k'tani dived into the water once again taking the shape of a whale. "jump aboard!" she said, shooting a fountain of water from her blow-hole.

"Err, i'll drop all charges if you give me a lift" Marla said.

"Done!" Boc and k'tani said in unisen as the rust bucket jumped on the whale. Marla tossed her notepad into the sea jumping on behind photondrop.

The killer whale began to swim towards the shore.

"HEY!!! what about MEEEEE!!!" the amazing talking metal bar screamed from the rocks.

Jun 13, 2004, 04:46 PM
hopefully I don't disrupt the events that have happened
Unaware of anything that has happened on Lo De Gi Island. EJ, a fomar with a blue robe and silver hair in a ponytail with one side of his hair over his right eye, teleport down to the beach with his Nidra by his side.
"Finally we can have some off time to ourselves and don't have to worry about be attacked by anything."
Talking to his Nidra as he looks into the distance of the ocean and begins to stretch and yawns.
"Now let's look for that resort that I been hearing so much about." With that said his Nidra gave him a nod and they both began to walk along the beach heading towards the resort....

Jun 13, 2004, 08:27 PM
Zi'Zuku assessed the situation. He was no longer under the hunt of a cat-fiend. He no longer had anyone/thing to kill within his reach. There was only 1 thing to do... what he originally came to do... get a tan!

After drawing a twenty foot circle around his propted lawn chair, and setting up a convincing sing to keep others away, he settled down and awaited the great rays of light to take their yearly tole on him. That was when he was disturbed once again by a gargantuan shadow looming over him. Completely overtaken by frustration, he did something completely bellow an assassin like himself. This photo was recovered from the corpse of a beach goer that happened to get a lucky snapshot at the scene.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: -Z on 2004-06-13 23:04 ]</font>

Jun 14, 2004, 06:26 AM
"HOLY PERFECT STORM!" Robo47 screamed as he watched a mini wave pick up his toy boat. He then got out of the tide pool and saw the huge wave coming for him. "Oh... crap..."

Quickly drawing his Inferno Bazooka he began firing and shouting at the wave,"Get! Away! From! My! Beach!"

The red Sato over his shoulder quivered,"47, its no use! The shells just go through it like its some sort of liquid!"

"Yeah, whats up with that?"


"What the hell was that?"

Before Robo47 and 48 could think about who that was the first wave engulfed them. It pulled out, and dropped them by the ice cream stand.

Suprised, Robo48 bobbed about and said,"Its like nature is trying to tell us something!"

You know, after finally seeing a full body picture of Zi'Zuku I can see him as Juromaru from Inuyasha.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Robo47 on 2004-06-14 06:47 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Robo47 on 2004-06-14 06:49 ]</font>

Jun 14, 2004, 02:01 PM
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!?!?!?!?!?" Screamed Kori as she saw the giant wall of water approching them.

"Umm it looks like a Tidal Wave big enough to kill us all." Her sis reply's

"Well thanks alot that means that are child won't get the chance to be born."

"Yeah that is a problem sis but what do you want to do about it."

"She could try to stop the wall or atleast part of it." Shi says.


"Oh wait I get it." Kori says as she starts to consentrate.

"You know she can't over exert herself."

"Thats why she's supposed to us Frost."


"Just watch me sis." With that Kori summons up a creature that looks very much like a blue sea serpent with purple interior wings. Frost(the serpent) starts goes out a ways and starts to freeze the wave, while avoiding those in the water.

Jun 14, 2004, 10:15 PM
Having taken shelter behind a massive rock pillar, K'Tani, BOC, PhotonDrop, Marla, and the Bar of Metal sat contently waiting for the storm to pass.

"Hey guys?" PhotonDrop called out from the far ledge.

"Yeah?" most replied in unison.

"Anybody up for surfing?"

"What?! Are you crazy?!" the Bar of Metal shouted.

"Nah, we already have two FOnewms here filling that possition..." She said, disappearing in a flash of Ryuker.

"Crazy girl."

With PhotonDrop gone the four continued their buisness.

in half a beat she returned, with a surf board in hand. The board was red with a thin black stripe down the middle long ways.

"Eh, whats up with your black and red obsession?" BOC questioned.

"Whats with your rust?" the newman female returned.

"Thats the price I pay for being old."

The group of five laughed a bit until PhotonDrop climbed down the rock face.

"Hey look the storms clearing up!"

Jun 14, 2004, 11:35 PM
I've never heard of a tsunami called a 'storm' before. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif Maybe you're thinking of a typhoon... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Go PhotonDrop! Ride that wave! Woohoo! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Zenja ran up to the sisters, screaming frantically. "What is that thing in the water!?"

"My pet," Kori replied nonchalantly, glancing up and down the cat-girl's pink body.

"Your pet?" Zenja asked, astonished. "It's going to eat those people out there by the rocks!"

"Nonsense. Frost just devoured her lunch 5 beats ago and won't be hungry in another 50 beats or so."

Zenja watched as the sea serpent began to freeze a section of the immense wave with its body and breathe. As time passed, the cat-girl noticed that Frost's movements changed from graceful to sluggish. "I think it's becoming exhausted."

The sisters frowned. "You're right." Kori responded after a moment of silence. "The heat from the sun and the warm water is causing much strain on Frost."

Kori closed her eyes for a moment and entered a deep state of meditation. She let out a frustrated sigh and opened her eyes, disappointment appearing on her face. "It's no use. I'm too tired to concentrate long enough to recall Frost back. If we don't think of something soon, she may die!"

Zenja suddenly had an idea. "Why don't we gather as many FOrces as we can, combine multiple Barta attacks into a single large attack, and fire it at the tidal wave?"

The sisters exchanged glances and grinned. "That sounds like a good plan to us!" they said in unison.

"We have to hurry! That wave will hit us in a few beats and I'd really hate for my fur to get wet again!" Zenja was about to leave when Shi stopped her.

"What about those people out by the rocks?"

"I'll send Frost to aid them." Kori replied. The three women seperated and began their search...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-14 21:37 ]</font>

Jun 15, 2004, 11:15 AM
Hmmm, lets give this a try http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif !!

In the turbulent waters a small wooden boat can be seen far away from shore, a single man on board with long flowing red hair, dressed only with a red short with a white stripe on one side, sandals and no shirt, leaving his upper body exposed to the warm rays of light and the cooling sea breeze.

"Wow, this place looks great for fishing !!" Nasca said with a wide smile in his face as he put his hand inside a black bucket next to him that was full of live bait, the small fish inside of it darting side to side inside the bucket trying to evade Nasca's grasp.

"Hah, got you !!" said Nasca with joy as he closed his hand capturing a small unfortunate fish in his palm, its fate sealed to to die in the barbed hook in Nasca's fishing rod. Nasca carefully manipulated the hook rigging the small fish to the hook, now with his rod ready to fish he casted his line a good 50 ft. of distance from the boat, he lay back a little not realing the line in giving the bait a chance to sink where the big fish could be hiding.

"Ah, so relaxing..." Nasca said closing his eyes a bit and then giving out a small yawn, he slowly falled asleep while he holded his rod with both hands a strong rope attached to the rod and to Nasca's wrist to secure the rod and a small bell on the tip of his rod would alert him if any fish bit the lure. Nothing could go wrong...or could it ?


10 minutes later...
The bell on the tip of Nasca's rod starts to ring, Nasca wakes up and with a mighty pull hooks the fish that bit his lure, the line gets tense and the fish starts to drag the boat behind it.

"WOOOOOHOOOOO !!!, I got a big one" yelled Nasca full of joy as he tried to real the line in as the fish begun to raise to the surface.

"Come on lets see how big you are, tough guy" Said Nasca between his teeth as he struggled with the fish in his line or rather...

"A giant Sea Serpent O.o !?!?" Nasca gasped as the giant jumped out of the water and then dived in swimming at top speed dragging Nasca's boat with it.

"CRAP !! I AM NEVER USING RAGOLIAN SARDINES AGAIN !!" He yelled at the top of his lungs in frustation.

Jun 15, 2004, 12:23 PM
Meanwhile, in Robo47's Ice Cream Stand ("Impenatable Fortress! Believe me or I'll have Countdown beat you up!")...

Countdown, Robo47, Ash, Deuce, Sollah and Zonky where there, protecting themselves from the storm. The stand was quite spacious and well lit while they each had ways of keeping themselves occupied. Countdown was beating up Ash for not believing Robo47, Deuce and Robo47 were talking about "beer flavored ice cream" and Sollah and Zonky where looking out the window. "Numbskull hates waterwall, Sollah," Zonky said in a depressed voice, "It too wet."

"Why, of course it's wet, it's made out of water. If we didn't have water-"

"Numbskull knows. No water, nothing to put in water bowls for pets. But what if we got rid of water bowls? Then we wouldn't need any water!"

Sollah just rolled her eyes, and decided to help Countdown, who was still beating up on Ash, because he was taking the ice cream. Beats passed, the sounds of the three talking about beer and ice cream, Ash's yells of agony, Sollah's advice for Countdown and the tusumi heading closer filled the room. Then, Zonky said something like "Numbskull radar picking up dot!" grabbed Sollah's attention, and, after one last peice of advice, she went over to Zonky. "Numbskull rader?" she said with a surprised look on her face. "What's that?" Zonky looked up to Sollah, his with tiny hearts covering them. "Numbskull means he's in looooooove!" Sollah tried to contain the shock, and in doing so almost lost balance. "Zonky!" she said in an astonished voice, "You don't even know what love is!" Zonky shook his head up and down. "Numbskull knows," he replied. "Oh, really? Then tell me," Sollah said, with one eyebrow raised slightly higher then the other.

"Countdown, lights please."

And, doing what he said, Countdown turned down all the lights, except for one which spotlighted Zonky.

"Love is a happy time, all throughout the universe," he started. "It's when the male part of the species goes to the female part of the species and says "Hey, you wanna go on a date?" and she would reply "Why, yes I would like to go on a date," IF YOU'RE LUCKY! Then they go to a resturant, and she orders a salad, and he orders a big piece of beef, which he eats."

The lights bagan to, uh, lighten up and Zonky finished with a "And that to Numbskull, Sollah, Countdown and peoples, is love. Kinda makes you cry, doesn't it?"

Ash said "Yes, it does!" and began bawling his eyes out until Countdown knocked him out. Sollah stared at him in disbelief, her eyes wide with shock at how wrong, yet how close he is. Deuce, Robo47 and Robo48 took it all in stride.

Zonky pressed a button on his suit, causing a giant pencil to materialize in his hand. "I'm coming for you, black & red water wall rider!" he said, and brought open the window using the drawing end of his pencil and left. Deuce and Robo47 looked at each other. "I thought this was an impentable fortress?" Deuce noted. "well, it's not exactly fool-proof yet," Robo48 chimed in.

Jun 15, 2004, 12:57 PM
Far beneath the surface it stirred...

Slowly at first...

Then more rapidly as it felt it's strength return to muscles dulled by sleep....

An ancient mind reached out and touched that which it sought...

It began to move...

It would reach the surface soon...

Jun 15, 2004, 08:58 PM
Yes Wraith, I did sorta have the two confused... but I'm not changing it right now.


"Woohoo! Oh yeah!" PhotonDrop yelled joyously as she shot off the wave seconds before it froze. When she began coming down she saw the serpent freezing the wave.

"OMG WTF?!" Thinking quickly she flipped her board over as to not break off the fin when she landed.

The frozen wave slowed her down drastically, causing the HUnewearl to fall off the board. She slid down the rest of the way on her backside, cursing the serpent as she went.

When she landed on shore she heard the war cry of a FOnewm in red, who was coming from the ice cream stand.

"What the- a pencil?" Fearing the worst, she picked up her board and ran away.

Jun 15, 2004, 10:17 PM
Alright folks, Countdown is not who I have fighting for me *pats Inferno Bazooka*.

Especially since Countdown is supposed to be Robo47's group's enemy.

Jun 15, 2004, 11:34 PM
Uh, sorry about that http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif.
Do you want me to edit it?

Jun 15, 2004, 11:45 PM
No thanks, you can leave it like that, I just want folks to stop the 'Or else Countdown yadda yadda yadda' stuff for a bit.

"Well, there goes one FOnewm, one to go." Robo48 said as he curled into a ball on 47's shoulder.

"Hey, howcome the tsunami didn't hit yet?" Deuce asked.

The group looked out of the window and saw not a wall of water but a wall of ice.

"OMGWTFBBQ?" Robo48 exclaimed.

Suddenly they heard a woman scream and a FOnewm laugh maniacally.

"Zonky, no!" shouted Sollah as she darted outside after her cohort.

Jun 16, 2004, 08:51 AM
Never let Bonzi Buddy read to you the last four installments on the GF, its creepy, and he pointed out several spelling mistakes.


"You see this?" Tyrell shouted at Irene pointing at rusted areas on the Shopping Districts flooring,"This here, is pissing me off."

"Why are you acting like ATHF's Carl?"

"Don't friggin worry about it. Now if I catch whoevers doing this to my friggin ship, they are gonna regret being caught."

Jun 16, 2004, 11:22 AM
Time for an exorcision! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

I'm only playing in character here... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif


Reverend Frank Coll's eyes nearly exploded from their sockets. These sinners have conjured up a demonic sea serpent! I must stop this at once! He was completely unaware of the fact that the sea serpent was acutally friendly and that a certain red-haired fisherman was trailing behind the thing.

The reverend charged down to the water's edge screaming at the top of his lungs, "BACK TO THE BOWELS OF THE DARKNESS WITH YOU, FOUL DEMON OF EVIL INTENTIONS AND UNJUST HATE!"

"What did I do this time..."

He began the exorcising by chanting a strange hymn and drawing symbols in the sand. "Miaki tellada ryudan... Oh great light! Hear my call! Hindasi mikane ryu..."

Someone tackled the reverend in mid-sentence, breaking his concentration. "...ker!"

A small beam of light fired from the reverend's outstretched hand and collided with the sea serpent. The beast disappeared in a flash of light. The reverend stood up an dusted himself off. "Not what I had in mind, but it worked!"


Principal Tyrell looked angrily around at his staff. "Doesn't ANYONE have a clue as to who's doing this?"


"Well, if no one wants to speak up, then..."


Tyrell snapped his head back and looked up. "That can't be good..."


"Darn! It got away..." Nasca mused, disappointed. "That was my biggest catch ever!"

Nasca sat back in his boat and scanned his surroundings. "That's odd..."


In my haste to give the comp to my bro, I forgot bout Nasca http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif ... added that part in.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-16 14:19 ]</font>

Jun 16, 2004, 04:27 PM
Deuce gawked at the massive frozen tidal wave. He was sure that most waves were more...liquidy, but this one was definately frozen.

"A frozen wave, surely an act of evil! I bet the Sandcastle summoned this while in its evil death throws! Yet somehting else to be purged!" he then felt around his back pocket and found a small book and pen. The front of the book read:

Gallons Stocklist
Deuces Book of Things
To Be Purged!

He opened up the page and went down the list. Just after 'AOL 9.0' and 'Secret Announcing Androids' (next to this one was a note that he may not be purged if he helped with future purgings) he scribbled in 'Giant Frozen Tidal Wave'. With a sufficiantly pleased smurk he put the book and started looking from right to left.

"Now where is my taxi?"

Jun 16, 2004, 05:05 PM
The ocean began to swell and roll as the giant shape rose from the depths...

It's destination... Lo De Gi Island

Jun 17, 2004, 11:09 AM
WTF Mr Rubbish, Godzilla? I hope you're not adding Godzilla.



An old Sea Captain in a brown trenchcoat stood on a ledge overlooking the beach, he looked over the frozen wave and saw a figure rising out of the water. He couldn't distinguish it, but he knew what it was. In his gruff old voice he said,"And so it begins."

With a sigh he turned and walked away.

Jun 17, 2004, 12:36 PM
Godzilla? What an interesting idea...


"GWROAR!" Came the mighty roar.

The old sea captain, glanced over his shoulder to see the seaweed covered monstrosity stomping out of the water. His blood ran cold and he fled.

"Tis the end of all things!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

Marla pulled the seaweed off her head and body and then proceeded to wring the water out of her favourite blue beret. It was already looking the worst for wear, even though she had just had it dry cleaned yesterday.

"Grrr... I need to arrest someone or something..." She said through gritted teeth as she scanned the beach for wrong-doers.

Jun 17, 2004, 01:31 PM
"Thats odd" Nasca said as he took a look at the water beneath his boat, a huge form was raising from the murky dephs(sp?) its silluate getting bigger and bigger as it neared the surface.

What the...? Nasca thought as the boat began to violenty rock side to side and slowly began to raise out of the water stuck on top of a bumpy green shell that was raising out of the water as well, revealing more parts of the giant creature as it rose out of the water and headed to shore. Nasca gasped in awe as the creature finally came to full view, a giant lobster of amazing proportions !!

"Darn !! I knew I should have brought butter with me !!" He said as he stood on top of giant lobster as it headed to shore,ready to feed on any unwary beach goers...

"I wonder where I could buy one metric ton of butter ?" Said Nasca ignoring the full extent of the problem he was in.


I hope everyone is willing to make a good old lobster grill http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif !!

Jun 17, 2004, 03:32 PM
"Somebody call for a taxi?" The giant metallic beast yelled, coming to a halt infront of Deuce.

The RAmar looked slightly puzzled. "how the hell did you do that?!"

"Tis the mysterious powers of the MyTea one!" Boc said striking a heroic pose.

"Ah-uh." Deuce said.

"Alright, i may have my audio sensored acutely tuned to hear when somebody mentions purge within a 30km distance. and such other words and pain, death, chaos and destruction." The droid replied.

"We have purging to do!" Deuce said jumping onto the RAcast in a single leap, kicking his heels against the rusted one, a solid clunk the effect.

"Hey! you'll give me dents! Well, more dents!" he said, taking off down the beach towards the giant frozen wave. that now without the aid of the beasty was beginning to melt.

"How the hell do ya purge a giant ice-cube anyway? Throw it in a giant drink?" The droid queried.


"Do i smell lobster?" he added.

Jun 17, 2004, 05:56 PM
Boc skidded to a stop and Deuce went flying over his shoulders, then he himself skidded in the sand.

"Woah, emergency breaks. I think your going have to get seatbelts put in before you do that again"

The two then stared at the ginat lobster.

"Oh for gods sake" moaned Deuce, who pulled out his Purging Book and noted down LOBSTER!!!!!!!!!!!! (all the exclamtion marks were needed).

"Wait, youve only just seen it and you already want to purge it? How do we know if its evil?"

"Its a giant lobster. How many giant lobsters have you known to be good?"


"exactly. Now we just have to work out how to purge it and the evil wave. Have we any explosives left?"

"Weve got the detonators, and there only useful if we throw them and the lobster has a really weak shell" said Boc, holding the detonators forward and then making a throwing action.

"Drat. Wait, we could heat up the frozen wave with my laser eye beams and boil the lobster, then have boiled lobster!"

"You dont have laser eye beams"

"Double drat! Tactical Nuclear strike?"

"I like not being melted. How about we just go kick ten shades out of it the old fashioned way?"

"Fair enough, to the lobster!" and then Deuce hopped back onto Bocs back and was on their way to a heroic (read idiotic) charge.

Jun 17, 2004, 07:37 PM
"Uh oh. Cat-thing dead ahead. Collision imminent!"

"Maybe she can help!"



Zenja wandered along the beach, appearing lost and confused. "Where in the heck is everyone?"

No sooner had she spoken did BOC zip past, grabbing her tail and tossing her onto his shoulder. Zenja released a howl of pain. "WHY'D YOU DO THAT FOR!?"

"Can you help us?" Deuce asked quickly.

Zenja grinned and winked at Deuce, scanning up and down his body. "Anything for a cute guy like you! How can I help?"

BOC cleared his audio systems and began to play a recorded message. *BZZTT* "Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to help us purge the evil that lies ahead!" Deuce pointed out across the water as the big droid continued to speak. "Should you be caught or killed, the PEA (Purging Evil Association) will disavow all knowledge of your existance. The shades will self-destruct in 5 seconds. Good luck!" *BZZTT*

"Puurrrrrrrrrrge!" Zenja cried when BOC finished.

Deuce smiled. "Another fanatic for the cause!" He paused and pondered something BOC had said. "Hey, BOC what was that about..."

Deuce's shades exploded before he could finish.


Jun 17, 2004, 07:51 PM
"Purge the evil!!"

"You know, I'm going to react to one of your threats one of these days..." Zi'Zuku called over his shoulder. He turned back to his *ahem* magazine to occupy himself while tanning. He was sure nobody would infultrate his designated space now that he had perfect example behind that 'censored for the kiddies!' sign. But, he should have known better, for nothing in his vaccations ever seem to go his way. For it was not long until another looming shadow... umm... loomed over him in all its loomingness, and a gargantine claw of loomingness scuttled in on him.


"And get these ****ing cameras away from me damnit!"

Jun 17, 2004, 09:32 PM
Wait that voice, could it be !?!? Nasca wondered to himself as he walked from the back of the lobster to the front of it to see who was the one yelling in the beach. What Nasca saw almost make him burst up in laughter. Zi'Zuku was trying to reclaim some sort of magazine from the giant lobster's pincer, tugging and pulling like a mad man yelling inquerencies at the huge crustacean as his efforts all prove in vain as he lost his balance and fell backwards, the lobster now eating Zi'Zuku's magazine which quickly disolved in its acid like saliva.

"ARGH !! THATS IT !! YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME !? WELL, I'M TAKING A PIECE OF YOU !!! " Zi'Zuku shouted at the inmense beast in fury for the lost of his "valuable" reading material. A ball of dark energy forming in his hands.

"Oh crap o.O !!" Nasca yelled as he jumped of the gargantuan lobster trying to get out of the path of lethal ball of energy, landing in the swallow waters making a huge splash.

"Megid !!" The ball of energy in Zi's hand bursted out and grew to a spectacular size as it soared throu the air, ready to deliver death to the imposing creature. The ball of dark energy impacted the exosqueleton of the lobster and disolved causing it no harm.

"Well thats a first O.O..." Said Zi'Zuku as he saw his Famous Megid fail. "Darn" growled Zi as he kicked the dead body next to him in frustation.

"Well I see you are having a bad day also..." Said Nasca to Zi'Zuku as he walked out of the water covered in seaweeds, a small octopus attached to his left arm.

"Heh" a smile behind his mask as he saw that he was not the only one in the beach having a crappy day.

Jun 20, 2004, 11:11 AM
"LET THE PURGING BEGIN!!!" Deuce screamed throwing himself from Boc's shoulder, running between zi and nasca screaming reverse japanese at the giant lobster.

Boc and Zenja came to a halt beside the the dark and evil force and the seaweed covered redhead. Zenja jumped off purring as she did watching, Deuce go to work.

Nasca watched as the RAmar, dwarfed by the giant meal began to fire off his gun. He turned to look at Boc. "You let him get drunk again, didn't you?"

"Neah. Tis the working of a sober mind." the giant yellow and black taxi said, loading shells into his trusty yas.

Zi tensed up at the sight of the cat-girl. "God not you again!!" he said.

"Oh get over yourself bi'zuku. I found me a new man!" she said making fluttering eyes towards Deuce.

Nasca laughed a little "Bi? Never knew you went that way too zi."

"Pain and hurt will befall you soon!" he said under his breath to the HUmar. He turned to zenja, folding his arms and tapping his toe. "Ha! what has that booze-hound got that i don't?" he said jealously.

"By the light, save the mushy crap for later boys and cat girls, we have a giant sea creature of doom that must be purged!!!" Boc said scooping all three up hoofing it into battle, thunderous battle music pouring forth from his chest.

"There goes the final shreds of my quiet vacation." zi said.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BOC on 2004-06-20 09:16 ]</font>

Jun 20, 2004, 04:17 PM
"Big rusty! Air mail to lobster tail, pronto!" Zenja cried, tensing her body.

"Sure thing, cat-thing! Hairball away!" BOC yelled, launching the cat-girl high into the air. Zenja gracefully landed on the lobster's lower abdomen and dashed quickly to its tail. The lobster sensed the cat-girl on its body and thrashed its appendage around, causing Zenja to lose her balance and trip. She buried her claws into the lobster's body to prevent herself from falling into the water. The beast let loose a terrible roar. Zenja quickly sunk her teeth into the lobster's side, but pulled away and started sputtering.

"YEACH! Anyone got a lemon?!" she yelled, holding on for dear life.

Jun 20, 2004, 09:20 PM
"Purge the evil!" Zenja and Deuce shouted, as Boc flung Zenja to the farside of the crab.

"Alright this has to stop..." Zi'Zuku muttered.

"Hi, Deuce is it?"


"That's great, listen. I think you're going to have to find a new catchphrase. Some people living in the shadier side of town might not appreciate it."

"Are you saying you don't want this crab purged?"

"No, no, it's not that. All i'm saying is, change your motto. If not, i may just have to... *ahem*, take care of you. You have to sleep sometime."


"Is this about me taking Zenja away from you?"

(copy URL of image into browser if it doesnt work)

Jun 20, 2004, 10:46 PM
"GO AWAY!" PhotonDrop screamed as her fast pace slowed to a shuffle. Zonky continued laughing as he closed in on the HUnewearl. He then slammed the eraser end of his pencil into the sand and launched over his target. PhotonDrop stopped completly to stop from running into Zonky who held his pencil out like a gaurd rail.

"What do you want?" She said growing terrified.

"Numbskull loooove you, black and red water wall rider!"

" -_-' " was the only response she could give to the strange announcement.

"So... you wanna get lunch with numbskull?"

"Umm, I uh... already... have a boyfriend... and you look a little young for me, so..."


Finally Sollah caught up with the two, she heard the conversation and wispered in PD's ear.

"Oh, really? I'm sorry..." The HUnewearl apologized looking for an escape. "Look a lobster!" She the picked up her surf board and ran off.

Jun 20, 2004, 10:51 PM
getting up, and seeing the lobster, Oran jumped into the air, screamed, and grabbed his Dragon slayer, runnig toward i. with a hungry look in his eyes.

Jun 21, 2004, 03:39 PM
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!?!?!?" Ame screams.

"I have no idea but whatever it is I'm sure I had nothing to do with it." Kori replies.

"Are your sure love?" Yamishi asks.

"Have you ever known me to cause a sea moster to attack while stoping a tidal wave?"

"Never happened before love."

"True but still I didn't do it."

"Speaking of stoping the wave where'd Frost go?"

"Don't know."

"Oh well we have to stop that lobster-ish-thing-a-ma-bob."

"What a briliant way to describe it dear."

"I've always had a way with words." And with that Shi, Kori, and Ame head towards the crab with there weapons ready. Shi his Bloody Arts, Kori her Angel Harp, and Ame her Brionac.

Jun 21, 2004, 04:31 PM
G2, who had sat on his stool, writing down a list of all the random and strange things that had happened that day, for the last three hours in fact, looked up from the metre-high mountain of paper and decided he was bored with endless listage.

"Oh for a peaceful holiday..." He lamented, drawing his Baranz launcher and loading it with the highest explosive shells he just umm...happened...to have on him.

---Options review---
---1. Fight giant lobster---
---2. Continue to sit in mound of paper---
---3. Make little fort out of mound of paper---

---I'm gonna have to go with number... well, three is tempting, but carnage and slaughter is just too appealing to pass up!---

"PUUUUURGE!" He yelled, extricating himself from his self-created paper mound.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Garanz2 on 2004-06-21 14:33 ]</font>

Jun 21, 2004, 08:24 PM
"WHY WON'T YOU DIE YOU OVER-PRICED MEAL YOU?!?!" Boc screamed, unloading the contents of his trusty Yasminkov into the side of the gigantic shelled monster, the small metal pellets barely scratching the creature. The droid was some-what impressed. If he could find a black lobster, once he killed it, he could get Doc Stone to plate him in its shell. Fair enough, he may smell like rotten fish, but at least he wouldn't get so damaged.

Then again who would want to smell like crap, look crappy too?

The droid ducked as it swerved its claw toward him. "missed me neah-neah!" The droid said. The lobster swung its claw back, knocking the droid soaring into the sky, screaming like a RAcaseal as he did.

Mid-flight, the Droid covered his visor, not wanting to watch the ground grow ever closer. Suddenly he felt himself land on something very soft. whatever it was it grunted when he landed. The droid removed his hand from his visor to find himself sitting upon K'Tani again, the griffon flying towards the evil lobster of doom. "Bout time you showed up again!"

"Well i like to make an entrance." she said.

"Wanna help purge evil?" Boc said, cocking his rifle again.

"Ehhh, sure why not." She said.

"Good you can help me with my MyTea master plan!" the droid said.

"If you plan involves me turning into a giant crap and fighting with the lobster you can kiss you rusty ass goodbye." the griffon relplied.

"DAMMIT!! okay, plan B!!" the rusted one said. "Fly by Gallons shop!" he said.
Gallon had finally finished re-organising and rebuilding his shop. Freshly painted was a sign saying
the management reserves the right to refuse custom to rusted droids, crazy numbskulls, cat-thing, shape-shifting foxes and RAmars wearing crazy shirts.

Gallon placed his hands on his hips, looking up to the sky, as the sun was beginning to sink. To his horror, he saw a giant bird like creature approach. It swopped down, knocking over his stall, while the demented droid sitting on his back snatched a ball of yarn from his table.

The two disappeared into the sky, the droid screaming purge as he did.

"My Store! My Beautiful store!" he said.
"Okay, so now we have yarn. What ya gonna do, tell zenja if she kills the lobster that she gets the yarn?!?" K'Tani said.

"Neah! Saw this in a moive once. we use this extra strength yarn to tie up the lobsters legs as we fly around it. it falls, we kill it, kiss our sisters and go learn about the force from a small green goblin thing. Well maybe not the sister and goblin parts." The droid said, tying the yarn to one of the spare grappling hooks that the rusted one carrys about for his arm mounted launcher.

"Its so crazy it might work!" the shape-shifter replied.

The to shot towards the giant lobster, just as it was swiping for zi and Deuce.

Deuce looked up. "Its a bird!"

"Its a plane!" zi said.

"No!" garanz said arriving on the scene. "ITS SUPER-BOCk!!!!"


The griffon flew in low towards the sea creature. Boc took aim with his hook, firing it at one of its many legs, hooking it on perfectly. "YES! now circle around K'Tani!" the droid said.

Flying with unbelieveable speed, the bird-creature flew around the lobster several times, wrapping the yarn around its legs. with one final jolt on the yarn, the lobster lost its balance, falling over, unable to get up.

K'Tani crash landed in the sand, dizzy from flying in circles. Boc stood up, patting her on the head, shooting his gun into the sky triumphantly.

"The rust bucket did it!" nasca said in disbelieve.

"finish it off! while we can!" Deuce said running towards the beast again.

Zenja eyed the yarn wrapped around the lobsters legs. it was too much for her to resist... "YARN!!!!"

"God dammit no!!!"
i know, not the first time ive used super bock beer for cheap laughs, but what can i say, its me! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_beer.gif


Jun 21, 2004, 10:49 PM

"God dammit no!!!"

PhotonDrop ran onto the scene just in time to see this event. After the catgirl slashed at the yarn the Lobster was free again(obviously).

With a laugh the HUnewearl called out,"Thats not how you stop a lobster!"


[i]Far off a little green man in purple clothes held a brief case and a gun defensively for no apparent reason. He shot his attention to a flock of seagulls and cried out,"Stand back! I've got a shrinkgun! I'll make you fun-size!"


Watching Zenja roll about in the sand merrily with a ball of yarn she had accumulated, PhotonDrop said jokingly,"You have to boil them!"

Everyone, including the lobster, featured this facial expression:


PhotonDrop then walked by the giant crustacean and put her hand in the water.


She repeated the word several times until steam rose from the waters, causing the lobster to flip out.

"See? Now somebody help me out here!"

Jun 22, 2004, 12:27 PM
"Come back here, Zonky!"


Sollah made a mental note not to bring Zonky ANYWHERE public again.

"See? Now can sombody help me out here?"


"Oh no."

PhotonDrop rolled her eyes, hoping Zonky not asking her out to lunch again. Zonky went heading for...
Nasca. "Let down your hair, O tall one," Zonky said to him. "What?" Nasca replied, an odd look on his face. "So Numbskull can swing on it!" Zonky exclaimed, and grabbed Nasca's hair with one hand(His other hand was still carrying his pencil), pulled back, and(with an "OW!" from Nasca) swrung from the hair onto the belly of the lobster. Then, using his giant pencil he......
Began drawing stick figures on it.

Why are these people attacking me? I didn't do anything to them. Am I that scary looking? And why is someone drawing...s.o.m.e...t..h..i.ng...


With a loud yell, the lobster raised his claws and said "Zonky, is that you?"

Jun 22, 2004, 02:19 PM
Deloclane Miavianni scanned the dimly lit, smoke filled office room at his associates. He puffed on his cigar a few more times before speaking.

"I have been content with all of your accomplishments over the past few years. Due to your actions, we've established a large foothold in the business world on Ragol."

Deloclane rose from his seat and began to stride around the room.

"Over the past months, our family has flourished and Our... 'competitors' have been all but silenced. Our ranks grow by the day and our wealth increases exponentially. Times are good, my friends. Times are good."

Deloclane slammed his fist onto his desk, knocking over the desk lamp and a few empty wine bottles.

"However, I feel as if this is not enough, that there is more we can do. There are still opportunities out there that we have yet to grasp, yet to exploit. We much clench our collective fists and take hold of them!"

A voice from the crowd spoke up. "But the more we tighten our grip, there's a chance that things will slip through our fingers."

"And we shall eradicate those that do!" Deloclane responded with an outcry. "I will not tolerate betrayal!"

He picked up an empty bottle and hurled it at the wall. It shattered, sending pieces of glass in every direction. He paused for a moment before continuing. "I have scouted out many potential areas for expansion and one in particular appears extremely profitable."

"And where might that be?" A different voice than the first inquired.

Deloclane produced a small map and tossed it onto the table. As the group leaned to view it, Deloclane placed a finger onto a land mass circled in red ink. "Lo De Gi island," he said with a wicked grin on his face.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-22 12:21 ]</font>

Jun 22, 2004, 11:43 PM
"What? A friend of Zonky's?" PhotonDrop said with her eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets.

"Numbskulls best drawing!" Zonky said matter-of-factly coloring over the bullet scrapes.

"Meh, I can't take this much insanity, I'm going surfing."


"oh no"

Jun 23, 2004, 06:04 AM
"So I can't blow it apart with high explosive missiles?" Moaned Garanz, thoroughly dejected at having no use any more for his huge, thoroughly prepped and loaded gun.

"Don't worry." Said BOC cheerfully, "There's always SOMETHING to annihilate on a beach."

"I suppose...All we need is some evil businessmen, some mobsters, possibly a cultist or two, and maybe the occasional genetic freak to show up. Until that happens, I'm going to build a little fort out of paper. So nyah."

Jun 23, 2004, 01:32 PM
"TWIN DRAGONS CLAW!!" Shi shouts as he swings his dagger blades into the shell of the beast with all of his might and adding the might of a dragon with the element of darkness. Unfortinently this has no effect the transformed blades just bounce right of the creatures shell with little to no visable effect, save for the small black explosion like thing that came about after the attack.

"That things shell is harder than a bloody dimond."

"Are you absolutly sure dear?" Kori asks in a childish voice.


"Maybe you can't get through but I'm using a photon weapon I might be able to get through it's shell." Ame says with unfaltering confidence.

"Go ahead and try Ame we'll still love you even if you fail."

"As if I'll fail."

"You never know that's one hard shell."

"Grr." was Ame's responce to that.

Jun 23, 2004, 01:48 PM
"DON'T HURT teh LOBSTER! NUMBSKULL'S BEST DRAWING! NUMBSKULL'S FRIEND TOO!" Zonky yelled at Shi and Kori, with the lobster adding in "Yep," "Uh-huh," and "That's right." He jumped off the lobster and stromed off, mumbling about how no one respects an artist's work these days.
The lobster flipped back on it's belly and crawled right back into the sea.

*****************Meanwhile************************ ***
A fancy hoverlimo drove onto the beach. It was a XL-342, the best of it's kind, and the most expensive. The limo stopped by the ruins of the sandcastle, and several shady looking men got out of the car...

Jun 23, 2004, 02:52 PM
'Shady' was a term used lightly. The men exiting the vehicle wielded large guns with a drum magazine attached to the underside. An 'illegal' version of the original Phothomson SMG issued to the military many, many years ago, this weapon of mass murder - dubbed 'Photommy Gun' - was used by black market-type business dealers and the Mafioso.

Deloclane exited the vehicle and surveyed the beach. "What in the hell happened here!?!"

Black craters next to a volleyball net, a giant mound of sand 20 stories tall, a crappy looking Ice Cream stand, a frozen tidal wave, and a giant lobster?!?

"Gee, boss. Some productive joint you've got here."

"Shut up, you nim wit, before I force you to become intimate with that bazooka-wielding maniac Droid over there in the paper fort!" Deloclane replied, pointing in the direction of the mound of paper.

He suddenly noticed a large group of hunters gathered together down by beach. "Let's go over and ah... 'introduce' ourselves, shall we?"

Jun 27, 2004, 10:16 AM
Boc dusted sand from his shoulders, watching as the giant lobster disappeared back into the sea, zonky running after it pleadng for it to come back. Boc looked down at Deuce. A look of disatisfaction upon his face. Boc patted the RAmar on the shoulder "To think, a bazooka, several thousand rounds from my yas, a giant megid, a cat girl, a griffon and after all that, a lune with a pencil stops the evil lobster of doom." the rusted Racast said.

"We didn't purge...." he mumbled.

"Yeah, but look on the bright side, who here really is greedy enough to eat 10 tons of lobster?" Boc said. Just then Deuce's stomach groaned. The RAmar looked out to sea.

"DAMMIT!! ME!!!" he roared.

just then a number of very underhand looking gentlemen came up to the pair. their leader looked the two rangers up and down, then scanned around the rest of the gang. He opened his mouth to speak...

Jun 27, 2004, 12:49 PM
Out in the water, PhotonDrop was enjoying the waves, the aftermath of the tsunami. With screams of delight she shot off each one and flipped about.

On one of the waves, she ended up going through a curl in it. But she couldn't go all the wat through in time.

The wave engulfed the HUnewearl, and dropped her off on land, where several men in black, BOC, and Duece stood.


"Hi Boc, whos your friends?"

And then, their leader spoke.

Jun 27, 2004, 12:59 PM
This can't be good! Zenja thought, eyeing the group of black suited gangsters. I wonder... She suddenly had an idea of how to get out of here with her fur intact.


"What in the blue darkness of the abyss is going on!? I WANT EVERYONE OFF THE BEACH NOW BEFORE I... I..." Deloclane trailed off as he spotted a figure approaching from his right.

The woman, or cat-girl to be exact, advanced with a purpose. Her hips swayed seductively as she walked, tail swishing playfully behind her. She wore a single-piece, black lingerie suit with a thin, motionless skirt around the waist and black silk stockings. The suit left large portions of her body exposed, covering only her breasts, lower waist, and her thighs down to her feet. "Hello, boys," she giggled, winking at the leader.

Deloclane's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "I... I... I..."

"Are you ok, sir?" Zenja asked, bending slightly over and looking up into Deloclane's eyes. The cat-girl had positioned the henchmen behind her, and they sure caught an eye full of her 'assets'.

"I... err... no... wait... I mean... yes!" he stammered.

The cat-girl dropped a piece of cloth in the sand. "Oh! I'm so clumsy." She stooped over to pick up the cloth. Zenja teasingly swished her long tail in front of his face, tickling his neck and cheek. As an afterthought, she wiggled her other 'tail'. She giggled when she saw the look on his face. Zenja was moving her hands along Deloclane's body when she asked, "Do you think I look beautiful?"

All he could do was nod.

Zenja winked again at him and strolled alluringly over to were Deuce was standing and stopped behind him. "My boyfriend here agrees with you!" she said, gently rubbing his shoulders.

Deuce looked nervously at Deloclane. The mob boss had a particularly evil look in his eye. "I errr... ummm... oh shit..."

Zenja left the area quickly, heading over to the large black limo the mob boss had pulled up in. It was empty of passengers. Giggling silently, she congratulated herself as she palmed the keys she had lifted off Deloclane. "Time to get out of here..."


Well, that's it for me. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif ... Twas fun while it lasted!

EDIT: apparantly, I lied... I think I'm still in for the ride <_< ...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-27 11:27 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-28 01:43 ]</font>

Jun 27, 2004, 02:39 PM
Ratchet and Clank looked at the burned out remains of the police car and police officers.

"So... Now what?" Asked Ratchet.

"There appears to be no one to apprehend us." Replied Clank snapping his cuffs easily.

"I can't believe that we only got 3 posts in this group-fic. mr.rubbish abandoned us to write about that floozy Marla." Fumed Ratchet as Clank removed his cuffs as well.

"It is understandable. My aesthetic recognition subroutines identify her as a 'hottie'."

"Yeah, how could we compete with that... Do you think she'd have liked me in this?" Ratchet said indicating his leopard skin thong.

"You appear foolish to me. She would have laughed at you."

"Now you tell me this? Remind me to wave a magnet over your hard drive when we get home."

"Wave a magnet over my hard drive when we get home." Intoned Clank.


Gallon looked at the crush reminants of his stall.

"This may cost more to repair than I'll make to sell." He said unhappily.

A shadow fell across him.

"Welcome to Gallon's sho... Er.. Heap of goods! How may I serve your consumerist needs?"

The woman glared at him before walking past and rumaging through the pile.

"Yes! That's it. And if you don't see what you're looking for, just ask!" He said admiring her hard firm @$$.

The woman found what she was looking for and began to walk off.

"Wait! You have to pay for that!"

The woman turned and flashed the badge pinned to her swimsuit. After 3 Beats of examining 'it' he sighed.

"Do you have a permit to sell goods on the beach?" She asked him.

"Er... About that... It's in the post... Should arrive any Beat now." http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

"I expect you won't be here when I return."


Deuce began to sweat. He hadn't had this many guns pointed at him since... Well breakfast, but that did not mean he was used to it. However, all involved turned and looked as yet another cat-girl strode towards them. At least, it might have been a cat-girl...

Marla stopped defiantly before them, hands on hips. The excursion to Gallon's shop had been productive. Poking out from under her blue beret was a set of bright pink clip-on cat ears, and she wore a matching tail that swished from side to side as she walked. To complete the set she also wore the shirt cuffs, collar and bow-tie. She drew the line at fishnet tights however...

"Right. Officer Marla Decker of the HCIU. Everyone and Everything here is under arrest until I can work out what the heck is going on." She said in a commanding voice.

"Uh... Not that I'm complaining... " Said the leader of the badguys. "But why are you dressed like that?"

"Oh this?" ^_^ "I figured that crazy cat-lady would be less inclined to attack one of her own kind. Now... It's time to take out the trash!"

Jun 27, 2004, 04:15 PM
Still laying on her stomache in the sand, PhotonDrop frowned,"I'm arrested? I didn't do anyhthing wrong!"

Just then her Rati beeped,I don't know if any of you guys can here me, but watch your backs! These guys mean trouble! I think...

Jun 28, 2004, 10:40 AM
Deuce looked at the beeping mag, then turned his head to see all the men in suits aiming Mechguns their way.

"Oh shite!" he yelled and jump forward, knocking Marla to the ground as the spray of photon bullets passed over the top of them. Boc soon joined them.

"Hey, why knock her out of the way and not me?!" the droid yelled at him.

"Well she's got assets that you dont" he said with a grin, which was then slapped off his face. Photondrop crawled across the sand and joined them with her Rati, providing some protection with her surfboard.

"Um, what should we do know? I dont think surfboards are meant to be used as shields"

"Well we could always use Boc as a large shield to make are escape" suggested Deuce.

"Next suggestion" said Boc with a growl.

"Um, well ive only got one idea left" he leant over to the droid and pulled a wie out from the back of his head.

"Hey, what did you do there?"

"I dont want this being recorded and broadcasted at any parties Boc, so i pulled out the wire that allows you to record things. Now ladies, i dont know if you want to shiled your eyes or not..."

Deuce jumped out from behind the surfboard and with a flurry of action he whipped his shirt and shorts off and stood triumphantin his thong.

"Mwahahaha! Take this evil suited guys!" and then he began to pelvic thrust and dance about.

"Thong the thong, thong, thong!"

The black suited men started to cover their eyes, scream and cry.

"My god, i never needed to see that"

"The bleach! Who has the bleach?!"

"I could use this chip fork to remove my eyes!"

"Mwahahaha" chuckled Deuce, his hands on his hips. "Looks like ive got a new skill to add to my purging abilities"


Mwahahaha, Deuce in just a thong is bad enough to stop a large group of suited thugs.

Jun 28, 2004, 01:27 PM
Marla stood up from behind PhotonDrop's surf board and watched the 'business' men fleeing for their lives, screaming about the pain, the agony, yadda yadda yadda.

Marla had seen many things in her life as a fictional character... No, wait, scratch that, she had never seen ANYTHING like what had happened today mainly because this was her first appearence.

So what to do next? The people who were most definitely criminals were running away, vomiting and clawing at their eyes as they disappeared into the distance. She had no cuffs left and she wasn't sure of what this bunch of reprobates around her had done wrong. When Deuce turned around, however, she got an idea...

"You're under arrest for carrying a concealed weapon." She said linking her arm with Deuce's. "I'm afraid you're going to have to come to my appartment so i can 'search' you."

Deuce looked at the cat-girl holding on to him, before grinning.

"What about the purging?" Asked Boc.

"It can wait till the next summer group-fic..." Said Deuce as he and Marla vanished into a telepipe.

__________________________________________________ __

Time to bow out of this one. Marla is outta here...

Good Game > Everyone

Jun 28, 2004, 02:10 PM
"Wait! I need that limo!" Sollah shouted to the cat-girl as she drove off, leaving Sollah coughing up sand. "Darn it!" she exclaimed.


"What's that noise?

Sollah walked to the other side of the remains of the sand castle and found quite a surprise.

"Another limo? With the motor running and door open?"

She put her hands together as if to say a prayer, and thanked whoever was watching her.


"Wait, come back! Numbskull was mad at other people not lobster!" Zonky pleaded to his creation, but the lobster didn't even bother to look back as it swam(is that a word?) farther out towards the sea. "Awwwwwwwwww, screws!" Zonky exclaimed. He turned around and saw Deuce doing an unusual dance not so far off. Deuce was doing "The Thong Song" in his, well, thong. "Oooooooooooh! Dance Numbskull likes!"


Deloclane yelled to his men "Quick men! Tothegetawaylimo!" and he vomited again. He and his men ran to the ruins of the sandcastle, screaming in agony and vomiting as they went. They got there, only to find that both limos weren't there. "ARRGH! Dustan! You left the door open again, didn't you?" Deloclane said, but Dustan was too busy clawing his eyes out.

"Oooooh boys..."

The men stop what they were doing for the moment and turned around to see that the feminine voice came from...


This person wore a single-piece, black lingerie suit with a thin, motionless skirt around the waist and black silk stockings. The suit left large portions of the person's body exposed, covering only the person's chest, lower waist and thighs down to the person's feet. The men looked at this person with shock, their mouths wide open.

"Numbskull wants to dance!" The person said.

"Thong the thong, thong, thong!"



I just need to do my epilouge and then I'm done!

Jun 28, 2004, 03:29 PM
ack! I'm still in this, unfortunately http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif ...

uhhh... Zzzzz... why'd you steal Zenja's clothes? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif


Lying prostrate, Zenja groaned in misery as she opened her eyes. She shook her head to clear her blurry vision and rubbed her forehead to soothe the headache. Zenja looked around to find a limo smashed into a streetlamp. Oh! That insane numbskull jumped out in front of me, she suddenly remembered. I should have done the world a favor and just ran him over, but nooooooo I had to panic and swerve.

Zenja rose to her feet and looked around. No sign of anyone. Good. Hmmm... something is not quite right... As she began to walk, a sharp pang in her tail stopped her. She swung her tail to her face and examined a set of teeth marks embedded in the fur. "That little bastard bit my tail AGAIN!" Zenja growled. "When I get my hands on him..."

She noticed a note attached to the limo. The cat-girl bent over to read it.

Dear cat-lady:
Numbskull sorry for surprising you.
Try to wake you, but you no react to tail bite.
Can you forgive?

Zenja couldn't help but forgive the little nutcase after reading the note. Hey, at least he... 'it' apologized. She began to read the last sentence written on the note.

P.S. Numbskull like black outfit! Can Numbskull borrow?

Zenja quickly looked down to discover the truth: Zonky had stolen her clothes!

"AAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Zenja screamed, covering her unconcealed private parts with her arms, hands, and tail. The cat-girl dashed down the street while being careful to avoid coming in contact with anyone. I am SOOOOOO going to kill that newman!

Jun 28, 2004, 04:34 PM
"Irene takes notes for me please..." Tyrell said as he cleared his throat. Irene quickly activated a photon laptop.

"All Pioneer 2 should be warned, if you go to the beach... umm" he then stopped and turned just in time to see a nude cat girl run by. "Irene?"

"Yes sir?"

"Get me a towel."

Jun 29, 2004, 07:52 PM
Boc clipped the wire back into his head once more restoring his recording ability. Truth be told he was glad that Deuce had de-tached it. He wasn't sure he wanted the images of the almost nude dancing RAmar in a thong on his hard drive. He watched as him and Marla sped off into the telepipe for a bita loving.

Now that he would like to record! The rusted one strolled a little up the beach, plonking himself down into the sand, watching as the sun began to creep behind the sea. He must have just sat for ages staring at the sun (Wooowwwaaaawooooho!!) wondering why it was always the perverted little humans that got the girls. When was The MyTea B.O.C. going to find himself a hot droid to transfer files with? When was he going to be the one to have to leave the bar early to go home to the 'little mrs'? Ah well, until then he still had his extensive droid porn collection. He was distracted by a happy singing.

The droid turned to watch Zonky bounce up the beach wearing a sexy little number that he had stole from Zenja.

Soon after, the cat-girl in question tip-toed up the beach, hiding behind the rubble that littered the beach trying to hide her exposed nakedness.

Boc laughed a little to himself. A to do list window appeared on his HUD.

1. Introduce fleshies to Volleyball - MyTea rulez stylee - check
2. Purge evil castle - check
3. become a wanted felon - CHECK
4. fly a griffon - check
5. become a crazy taxi - ya ya ya ya ya!
6. Annoy Zi and put own life in danger - check
7. expose Deuce's horrifying secret - check
8. Purge lobster - incomplete
9. Witness demi god fight - check and then some!
10. destroy Gallons - Check

mission evaluation: ROARING SUCCESS

The droid laughed again. He dropped a telepipe in the sand, stepping in. Next year, for his holiday he was going to spend the week in the most evil part of the ruins with only a sharp twig for protection.

It would be more relaxing. But for now, it was a trip to the car wash to get the make-shift paint job removed and get the sand cleaned outa his armor.


Jun 30, 2004, 01:22 AM
Zenja growled in frustration. There was that blasted psycho dancing around the beach with her outfit on. Unable to do anything without exposing herself to the public, Zenja plopped down in the sand behind a large piece of debris with a "Hmph!"

"Whatcha doin'?"

Zenja clamped her hands over her mouth, stifling a scream. Realizing her mistake, she quickly covered herself back up. The cat-girl turned to find a four-tailed fox behind her and snarled, "Don't scare me like that!!"

K'Tani giggled. "Why are you running around without any clothes?"

"I'm not doing it for fun if that's what you mean! I got mugged by that psycho," Zenja said pointing at the newman wearing her outfit.

"Now THAT is scaring even me." K'Tani responded, blinking her eyes and turning away.

Zenja rested her chin on her palm. "Now, how am I..." An idea struck her as she looked at the kitsune. "Mind flying me out of here? I wouldn't mind walking, but as you can see I'm not properly 'clothed'."

The sly fox grinned. "Sure. Everyone's leaving and I'm getting sort of tired myself." K'Tani polymorphed into a giant eagle that was similarly colored like her griffon form. "You have to promise me one thing, however."

"What's that?"

"That you'll share your devious tricks with me. We'll spend the next few days spreading mischief and pandamonium throughout the land! Now, hop aboard!"

"Sounds like fun!" Zenja cried, leaping onto K'Tani's back. "Up, up, and away! I hope you have some clothes I can borrow."

"No problem. They may be too ahhh... small for you though."

"Better than nothing I s'pose."

"Guess so! *giggle* That was pretty mean what you did to Deuce back there."

"Yeah, I know... but it was worth the laugh!"

"Sure was!"

The cat-girl and her foxy friend soared off into the sunset, leaving behind them the island of Lo De Gi and many wonderful people and memories.

"*sigh* Oh Zi... I'll miss you."


Kinda cheesy ending in my opinion, but all I could do. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif THIS time I'm out for good. Had fun everyone!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-06-29 23:26 ]</font>

Jun 30, 2004, 04:40 PM
"Well Rati, looks like this is the end of this group fic... sigh, it was fun while it lasted..." PhotonDrop said brushing sand off of her figure. "But what say we catch another wave?"

Jun 30, 2004, 05:34 PM
"You know what sis?" Ame asked sounding slightly angry.

"Hmm?" Kori answers.

"I'm still going home alone at this rate."

"Probably so sis-in-law but at least you can stick around a little while longer and see if anyone would want to go home with you."

"Yeah your probably right Shi. Hey where are you two off to now?"

"Home." Kori responds flatly.

"Alright I'll see you guys later."

"OK sis see you later." Kori says as Yamishi casts Ryuker to take the two of them home.


There folks that's about it for me I have one post left in me for this one and that will change depending on the responce to this one. See Ya at the next holiday.

Jun 30, 2004, 06:58 PM
WV: and they say a hero can save us, im not going stand here and wait. ill hold on to the wings of an eagle, watch as we all fly away...


"I can't believe you did something like that!"

Sollah was driving the limo to "Ash's Dependable Cars," with Zonky sitting by her and Ash, unconscience, in the back. Zonky was dressed back in his normal red suit.

"Out of all the things you have done, that was the most disturbing."

"But Sollah says that for lots of things Numbskull does."

"Well, yes, but that's because you do alot of distrubing things. ALOT!"

"Will Numbskull see evil lady again?"

"Hopefully not."

"*sigh* Black & Red Water Rider?"


"Flaming box and tall friend and Ice cream bot and small fuzzy?"





"No! Definitely not! You are not to be even making eye contact with that man!"

"But Numbskull wants to show Spooky rappy mating magazines!"


Sollah stopped the car to a complete halt, causing Ash to slam into the backs of her and Zonky's seat. Amazingly, he didn't wake up. "I am going to clean out that closet sometime this week," she muttered, then continued on driving.


"Sir! Look!"

Irene pointed to Zenja and K'Tani as they flew away, no one knowing where they are going. "Yeah, I see them. That eagle is very big," Tyrell said. "Well, it's been fun. I think I'm going to take a nap, then call a couple of hospitals."


Tyrell fell over and blacked out.


After dropping Ash off, Sollah drove the car to the tranporter to Pioneer 2, left the car there, took the transporter and took a hoverbus to her house in the cilvilian section.

"Home sweet home," she said, and slumped onto the couch. Zonky jumped onto her, yelling "Sandwich!" He did it with enough force that she yell out "ARRRGH!" which caused him to immediately jump off. "Sollah okay? Need hospitial?" he asked, a concerned look on his face. "No, I'm fine," she said. "Why don't we... go out to eat?" she asked Zonky. His eyes widen, and his head did the "yes" motion several times. "Okay, okay," she said. "Let me change out of my "yellow" hunter outfit and we'll be off." and on that note, Sollah headed for her room to change.

A couple beats later, Sollah came out of her room in her cilvilian clothes, Zonky on jumping all over the couch. "Let's go," she said, and they headed towards the door. Before she opened the door, Zonky asked her something.



"About sand place?"

"What about it?"

"Numbskull wishes he could go and see friends again."

Sollah smiled.

"You know what? I actually wish that too."


And that is my epilouge! A bit rush, but, meh.

It's been a pleasure working on this with everybody!
Have fun with the rest of the summer! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

EDIT: Forgot K'Tani.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zzzzzz on 2004-06-30 18:34 ]</font>

Jun 30, 2004, 10:29 PM
Sorry for my absence everyone, Bob (my computer http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif ) died recently, so I've been working on recovering from a drive format, and a bunch of other junk. Thanks for keeping my character alive http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif And thanks for giving her a fitting exit. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 1, 2004, 04:54 PM
glad to see you back! Hope to see you more in the future http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif