View Full Version : A Day of Cmoding...

May 28, 2004, 06:24 AM
Wow... I've been so determined to beat ep2 cmode so badly, that I just totally did cmode all of Thursday (and early early Friday morning, too). It starts like this...


I log on. I check my guild cards. I see one of my friends online who has been doing cmode with me for quite some time. We've beaten e1 and e3 together, but we beat e2 our seperate ways. We got to Alycone and we ended up chatting with some 'E' players. So we decided to make new characters, and do e2 all over again.

We beat e2c1 and e2c2 (i thought we were going to die at gol, but suddenly he screamed, fell over, and died). Everyone leaves having to do errands.

Later on tonight, I go online. I go to deneb and asked 'anyone want to do e2c4', and from a small distance a guy said 'sure, if you have two other people'. So i message people. Some guy comes on and talks about c4 thinking he may join us, we created a game. He doesn't show up, but another guy does. We play, the guy who joined us got disconnected. ;_; So we beat Olga with three people. Assaulted & Mech Gunned to death.

Valuable lesson learned today: "When he does his big wave, run away immediately." After that, we find another person for c5 and we beat it. My friend got the srank, I'm over by 16 min. ;_;


Another person comes on, asks to do e2c3 with him (MIX! MIX! MIX!). So I take out my HUnewearl. x_x So worthless against gal gryffon. I just stood there doing nothing. Gave my scape away (some got a 1-up) then proceeded to give out my mates away as well. I felt depressed, I felt so useless. I do e2c4 with my HUnewearl again. Again we get to Olga, I felt useless, I had no scapes, so I stood at the edges watching the fight. (Resta 6 equipped! Healed ppl and then gave my mates away... Olga died). A friend left us, and so we were left with three people to do c5. So we went to Alycone 6 and surprising someone joined us.

We saw her time... 18' for c5, my god. x_x She's good. We fail, we try again. We beat, I got my s-rank. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

PIASTOL SCYTHE (skies of arcadia tribute)


So to sum it up... I did the following cmodes:
e1c3 - I got bored, so I did it with someone
e2c1 - Once
e2c2 - Once
e2c3 - Once (twice due to restart)
e2c4 - Twice
e2c5 - Twice (three times due to restart)

Oy, what a day. x_x I need sleep.


Now it stands of today:

Ravos (HUcaseal) - 5 hours 16 min 23 seconds (yellow ring)
Marina (HUnewearl) - 4 hours 53 min 06 seconds (s-rank scythe)
Grez (HUmar) - needs to do c4
Koudelka (HUcast) - needs to do c3
Chibi Sil'fer (HUnewearl) - needs to do c2, though I'm probably not going to attempt since with Marina I couldn't do crap... ;_;

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sharkyland on 2004-05-28 04:29 ]</font>