View Full Version : Challenge: Japanese C-moders

May 28, 2004, 07:23 AM
I have joined plenty of Japanese C-moders in Challenge games who dont know what they are doing. Its not just E-players who dont know the maps properly, fail to die for TP regen as Forces, or who insist in bashing Belras or Nanos despite doing zero damage. The biggest frustration is not being able to tell them what they are doing wrong!

May 29, 2004, 12:13 PM
Well, you can't have everyone expect to be experts. They gotta start somewhere. Though that's really tough, that it's difficult to communicate to them. Though it's okay to use Word Select, but that can be a pain when you need to look for certain enemies.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sharkyland on 2004-05-29 10:13 ]</font>

Jun 2, 2004, 02:49 PM
Well, the proof is in the pudding:

There are people out there that like to find things out for themselves and explore things.

Jun 2, 2004, 04:03 PM
There are some of us US players who know how to do cmode and do it very good too. You may want to think about that when you try and say that it is all English players that dont know the maps.

When HNIC, myself and others have proved tht we have what it takes to get kick ass times in cmode.

Jun 3, 2004, 11:19 AM
I am pretty knowledge about the maps, but there are some puzzles I tend to forget or just too silly to remember. I know some people who are good at cmode. I'm pretty decent though if I didn't miss as much or get criticaled like 33% of the time I would probably survive better.

Jun 3, 2004, 01:26 PM
Of course, the reason most enlish speaking C-moders don't know the layouts is because most of the JP's that know the layout and could show them the right way, will not play with "stupid americans" and the like.

Jun 4, 2004, 07:33 AM
I wasn't criticising any particular race; I was saying that there are inexperienced players in Japan too, so people shouldnt be put off going to Alcyone 6 for a game.

Jun 4, 2004, 10:37 AM
Sharkyland is a great challenge mode player, really. If you need any help with finding a team, you should look him up.

Jun 5, 2004, 02:15 AM
On 2004-05-28 05:23, SLON wrote:
I have joined plenty of Japanese C-moders in Challenge games who dont know what they are doing. Its not just E-players who dont know the maps properly, fail to die for TP regen as Forces, or who insist in bashing Belras or Nanos despite doing zero damage. The biggest frustration is not being able to tell them what they are doing wrong!

Their biggest frustration i could see was that they are so sorry (the JP love to apologize for every little thing) that they are noobies although they prob try to tell you they can't, and so you joined them anyway. People all have to start somewhere so of course there will be ones not knowing anything. Should of just looked for E players to play with if you dun understand JP. Since C-mode does require the involvement of co-operating with team players and since you can't communicate with them..

Jun 7, 2004, 06:56 AM
It's not a problem for me to play with inexperienced (as opposed to idiotic) players. I'm not good enough to be a TA player and I avoid those games (best time Ep1 is 5 hours or so). Just trying to dispel the myth that all Japanese are experts at this game, as perhaps suggested in other posts.

Jun 7, 2004, 07:01 AM
most likely most younger players got into the whole pso thing - since ep3 attracted a way younger clientbase in japan. some of them bought the "all episodes" pack and are now diving into classic pso gameplay for the first time.

thats the only reason i could come to since i noticed that as well a few months ago - good players leaving to ep3 or completely, being replaced with scarily bad/unexperienced J players.

the only "way out" of that would be to addapt, learn the maps oneself and being able to be the leader for everyone (as well as shortcutting some wordselect phrases or learn some basic japanese).

good luck & have fun

Jun 7, 2004, 08:25 PM
On 2004-06-05 00:15, _tsunami wrote:
Their biggest frustration i could see was that they are so sorry (the JP love to apologize for every little thing)
This is not a problem but rather being very polite. It is part of the culture as is SHARING all the items from leveling in the game. There are things very different about how other cultures play the game and this is one major one. A friend told me the other night..."don't like quiet player" meaning the player DOES NOT thank for Shifta/deband/resta/items, etc.

I feel strange playing level up now...because I almost expect shifta/deband/resta...and never get it anymore except by friends. The player who takes the support role (there should most of the time always be one capable of this task) will cast resta/shifta/deband not for them but for their team mates. Play is so much more fun when this happens.

I say thank you and sorry all the times when I make a mistake in games and it is worth it. Some maybe think I am strange for this. It shows you care about the others and the team's progress and appreciate the help.

Part of trying to fit in if you want to play in those games and be considered a "good" player is learning the culture behind it and do not question "why" all the time. Just do follow what you see and try to learn it.

Nearly all the games now are written in Kana so it is maybe difficult for those to find a game. Maybe PSOw should fix the board so it can be typed! If I try to type it it is converted into something else like ...X. I am not quite sure if this is done on purpose because it is just as easy to type this for the area than the number. Maybe it is not intentional but rather just not though out. Many beginners will also only want a native player as well as it makes for communicating quite easier.

Also, as a note for those who type the Romaji...try to use words that are often used or just use English. Romaji is so difficult to read sometimes. I saw a room name with romaji typed in it that translated to the english word "Welcome" and it looked so strange to me and friends because the Japanese player never uses that word. That is why that room took so long to fill. If you want a room just name it basic like E2C4 and wait. Maybe it is best just to wait for a room to join. I know the room names are not always readable, and I have seen rooms of E2C4 "E" rooms and many "J" rooms open that needed players...but due to the inability to read the room name, no one joins.

Just be kind and curtious to all the players you meet. I have not met a player before (any language) that would not give me a chance to play with or talk to be before. Granted that many will NOT speak out of their native language but you can still play and have a good time!

And...don't force your way into a team. It will make you ahve a bad name and names of bad players spread very quickly amoung friends in Alcyone. They do remember so when you join...ASK! if you can join the game first, don't just barge in. You should almost always get a OK answer, if you don't...don't throw a fit as you leave...you will for sure not be welcome any longer. English slang I am sure most know so...don't use it and swear out the team as you exit the room...it is not a good idea. I have seen it before and it never gets a good result.

I rarely post here but I wanted to respond to this thread. I better not get a flame for this reply...as I have in the past! It just discourages me from posting any longer. One of the reasons I rarely post anymore. One too many flames!

Anyways, happy hunting! Please enjoy the game!

Jun 8, 2004, 06:53 AM
Thank you for your posts Renako and Sheik !!! I think cross-culture games are the most fun!!

Jun 10, 2004, 02:55 PM
Hmm...speaking of JP players, I got screwed out of a TA game earlier today. There were 2 JP HUcasts already in a 2c4 TA game. I joined as my FOnewearl. Said I was an E player, ask to join, no problem. Then eventually another E player joins, a HUmar. Doesn't use word select at all and I have to answer "yes" it's 2c4. And then both JP players stress that it's TA. Go to start, and the HUmar doesn't even have a 2c4 time yet. u_u By now I guess they're annoyed and eventually one of them dies, we quit, and they remake the team saying JP only.
Honestly I didn't know who I was pissed at; the HUmar for ruining my team, or the JP for being so 'superior'. I've done that stage so many times, and could've easily TA it. But thanks to that other E payer, I just got ripped off.

I guess I can see why they want JP in games only, but now they've lost a potentially good player.

So I guess I'm basically saying thank you to all the E n00bs who ruined our reputation with the JP players.

Guess that's my 2 cents.

Jun 14, 2004, 07:11 AM
Yes, I've had similar problems. AN E Humar joined a mixed C3 game, but it turned out he hadn't even done C1 ! He then started running round the ship instead of leaving, forcing us to return to the lobby.
Another time an E Ramar joined another mixed Ep2 C1 game. He died almost immediately, then spent 2 minutes wandering around paralysed. I told him to use anti-paralysis, and he said he didn't have any! I gave him some of mine, but then he charged into another melee and died almost immediately. Was this guy just messing or was he for real? I'm sure the Japanese team members were as impressed as I was.
As for people not joining E games, well I saw one last night, E1 C4, three E players waiting and no-one joining, but the reason was probably their team - Hunewearl, Ramar, Racast! Good luck with De Rol Le I thought to myself!!

Jun 15, 2004, 01:30 AM
Heh, don't underestimate my HUnewearl. I've beaten both ep1 and ep2 with her. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jun 17, 2004, 05:34 AM
On 2004-06-14 05:11, SLON wrote:
As for people not joining E games, well I saw one last night, E1 C4, three E players waiting and no-one joining, but the reason was probably their team - Hunewearl, Ramar, Racast! Good luck with De Rol Le I thought to myself!!

IMO I think thats the main problem for most EU players new to Cmode. They just rush into Cmode without consulting any guides.
JP players sure can be new too, easily die and push wrong switches (like all newbies do), but at least they do the efforts of consulting guides and knowing what team compositions you need for Cmode (they rarely rush into the unknown and do the effort of consulting guides, usually out of respect for the other teammembers)