View Full Version : Which FO

May 31, 2004, 08:52 PM
alright, now iv'e got a Ramar over lvl 100 a Racast over lvl 100 and Hucast over lvl 100.
So i nedds a Fo but which one and what id. I was thinking Fonewm Pinkal, but correct if im wrong. Thankyou

May 31, 2004, 09:01 PM

PINKAL stinks. Period.

May 31, 2004, 09:07 PM


Every pinkal player I know has regretted having a character of that ID. It has no higher rate of finding disks, almost EVERYTHING drops a Storm Wand: Indra, and the exclusive drops are weak at best. Go with one of the top five that you don't already have: Yellowboze, Redria, Skyly, Purplenum, or Whitill.

Pinkal is one of the weakest IDs, along with Bluefull and (my personal opinion) Greennil.

FOnewms are GREAT for solo play, because they get bonuses to the nuking techs (both Gi and Ra), but if you play in teams online then another FO might well be the better choice.

My personal fave is the FOmar right now; an excellent compromise between nuking ability (bonuses to Gi techs and Grants), and double Shifta/Deband range. Equipped with a Resta merge, he is easily as good as a FOmarl.

May 31, 2004, 10:11 PM
I like FOmarls. I can't take the newmen forces seriously. They just look too goofy. Between FOmar and FOmarl, if you like the gi-level tech boosts take the 'mar; if you like OMG uber grants, take the 'marl. They both rank evenly in my mind stat wise. So then it comes down to looks. Females always seem more appealing to look at (*grins like a dirty old man*), the FOmar does, however, have some awesome weapon animations.

As for section ID choose a rare weapon you really want, find the section ID with the best drops, and take it.

May 31, 2004, 10:54 PM
I like fomarls and fonewms for playing sytle, but all look good. Fonewm/newearl pwn offline.

and purplenum, bluefull, or oran for ID's

May 31, 2004, 11:01 PM
Go with yellowboze, great drops all around, albiet they are tough to get to drop. As for the force I have played with them all past level 110, and I would say any except for fonewearl. They get pretty boring after a while. Any other is pretty fun, I am not sure I have a favorite.

May 31, 2004, 11:28 PM
Oh, lots of good posts here..

I agree with most, if not all of what was said..for once.

It really depends upon your playing style. Whenever I play a game that has the Class System (Knight, Mage, etc. etc.), if I pick a Mage it's because they get to Nuke things. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

So, with that, Human Forces are completely ruled out here, since they're kinda weaker than the Newman MST-wise. And, since I enjoy nuking things like that, the FOnewm is my FO of choice.

Dispite his gigantic ass, they seem to be a really good character. They even regen lost TP when you're standing around (which is always a nice little bonus to any Mage-type class in an RPG)..so while you go to the other room and make a sandwich or something, you'll come back to a slightly more filled TP bar.

Plus they get the boost to Gi/Ra Techs, which make them even more powerful.

But anyway..really, it all rests on how you play.

Will you be equipping a Soul Banish to hack away at things? If so, go with a FOmar/marl, if you're solely interested in completely nuking a room in seconds, go FOnewm.


May 31, 2004, 11:52 PM
FOnewm. Seriously, just go now and make the character before someone convinces you otherwise. BTW, not all FOnewms are ugly (see navi's si'ev). In order of importance/usefulness: Purplenum, Whitill, or Redria. Just take my word for it; you shant regret ever picking a FOnewm with any of those corresponding ID's. EVER! I would wholeheartedly suggest you go for the purplenum though.
I speak from personal experience when I say that FOnewm + Psycho Wand (thus the purplenum) = OMFG!

PS Like everyone said, DO NOT PICK PINKAL... and you should steer the hell away from blueful while your at it, since well... "I just plain don't like [blue] people."

Jun 1, 2004, 02:17 AM
i already have a greenill, redria, and Whitill. Also i decided on Fomar. But which id! im thinkin purplenum but isn't that a Ranger based id,and iv'e already got greenill.

Jun 1, 2004, 02:44 AM
AWWW, shucks! ...another FOmar. Seeing as how you've made your choice as to what FO, you just need a good ID. Seriously though, at this point you shouldn't still be asking that. Look above and read what a majority of us said: Purplenum. I'll repeat myself again, PSYCHO WAND! This way you'll have the melee ability of a FOmar (good luck to ya' in ultimate... ya' poor basta...cough), while still having a nice FO oriented weapon. With psycho wand, you'll be able to nuke stuff AND melee. It's win win... I think.

And sure, it's a ranger oriented ID, but well, you do have two rangers. Are you honestly going to tell me you don't want a Yas9000M? Huh Huh? Yeah, that's what I thought. Oh, and what a nice surprise, purplenum finds mechs all over the freaking place... high hit charge vulcs for FOmar anyone? Oh, what's this? Apparently Purplenum Gibbles likes giving away God/Ability units (did ya catch the sarcasm?). Seriously, maxing a FOmar is easy in conparison to other FO's, so you might as well go hunt your own god/ability units, and purplenum is very very good for that.

Gasp, what's this???? V-hard narlily drop is a... (drumrole please)... God/Mind. You still think this ain't good for a FO? WHAAAAAA, hildebear's and hildeblue's head on v-hard as well? I'm sure a FO doesn't need those (again... yes you do). DUDE, just pick Purplenum already!!!!!! If you don't pick purplenum, I will come to your house and I will box you! (I will literally put you in box... using my god-given Mexican boxing powers).

I'm fairly dissapointed that you went for the FOmar... considering purp gets the smoking plate and psycho wand, which were practically made for the FOnewm. They can both even be found in the same damn location... ever heard of addicting food runs? Yes, my friend, with a FOnewm, you could hunt down your own damn stuff and get massive EXP very very quickly! (Vulmers are apparently composed of 1000% flammable material). Still, FOmars are fun I suppose, just don't expect to be meleeing anything in ult. anytime soon. Well, goodluck to ya' now, and enjoy your new FO... they all kick ass in the end anyway!

Jun 1, 2004, 04:29 AM
after rc4s looooong post ive decided...

A Purplenum Fonewm

Jun 1, 2004, 05:04 AM
Then you are wise young one.

and don't listen to what he says about human forces not nuking stuff. Get yourself a Sorcerer's Cane plus a Cadaceus along with a few good merges and believe you me, you WILL BE NUKING. Right now with a Red Merge and the lubberly Sorcerer's Cane my Gifoie is at +80%. I'm doing 500 points of damage with it ONLINE, at only level 105.

And offline... it's done. seriously. I gifoie, gizonde, gibarta, tossing in the occasional Grants, and there is just no stopping me. I pwn Episode two.

Jun 1, 2004, 05:30 AM
has noone even considered the FOnewearl!?!? that piercing megid is really cool....

Jun 1, 2004, 05:45 AM
I HAVE a FOnewearl, and while she is cute...

she just isn't as fun as my FOmar. Sure, with a Summit moon and a good Merge, she deals a sickening amount of damage with simple techs (offline, her Foie does nearly a thousand to a Bartle), but in group play, simple techs simply don't matter as much.

As far as Megid goes... I keep meaning to use her and go nuts with it (especially since she has a level 28 Megid!) but I never get around to it because, honestly... there are some enemies that are just immune to it. It isn't 100R% reliable, and while it is fun... I prefer something I can depend on, ya dig?

For Cmode, in my opinion, the FOnewearl rox anyone's sox, including the FOmarl's. That simple tech boost means that you're dealing oodles of damage right from the start even with lameo tech levels, and the double resta and anti range means that as soon as you get Resta, you are REALLY helping your team. The fomarl's S&D double range doesn't matter THAT much since you can always say, "Muster up for S/D!"

Jun 1, 2004, 09:18 AM
my Fonewm is going well lvl 17 and in the mines doing ridiculous damage with a lvl 80 mag on! its only got 56 to mind but oh well.

Jun 1, 2004, 10:44 AM
YAY!!!! I finally managed to convince someone of something! Lv 17 already? Very nice. Here is some stuff you might want to get for you FOnewm. Using your whitill, go find yourself Amplifier of Foie and Amplifier of Rafoie. Using your Redria, go find yourself a Club of Laconium and a Red Barrier(try finding two). Also with Redria, go into v-hard caves and pipe yourself some God/Body units for your most likely flimsy little FOnewm. About the Laconium ... don't spend too much time looking for it with your Redria seeing as how you'll soon be going through hard with your purp. fonewm; you will probably find it before you make it to falz. If you manage to forge your own Foie Merge by the end of hard, you will destroy Falz' last form. Again, don't forget the God/Mind unit(s) upon getting to v-hard caves.

Have fun with your new FOnewm. And remember, if you ever need more help you can feel free to PM anyone of the SHOES members. We'd be happy to help. Have a nice day now! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RC4 on 2004-06-01 08:47 ]</font>

Jun 1, 2004, 10:59 AM
I find that people who dis FOmars have never actually raised one.

Two melee FOmars, one L143, one L104, can clear rooms in Ruins as quickly as two HUs. Probably faster, actually, since FOmars have *drumroll* L30 support techs!

POW/DEX Mag, S-Rank Twin, Soul Banish, Red Handgun or Holy Ray, and you have a niiiice killing machine. Bad ATA? Zero can hit, consistently, in Ult online Ruins with 191 total ATA. Does he miss sometimes? Well hell yes. And? My HUmar misses sometimes too. And even if Zero does get knocked out of his combo due to a miss and takes damage - Hello, L30 Resta!

Seriously. A FOmar, done properly, is a lethal killing machine.

Oh, and Zero? He uses a 5/145/50/0 Rati, 3 God/HPs and a Wizard/Technique. >_> No God Battle, no God/Arms, no uber slots... Guard Wave and Secret Gear. So nyah. XP

Jun 1, 2004, 11:37 AM
I have a purplenum fonewearl and im loving it.. for solo play, i can wipe the floor with any boss/monster... the challenge comes in multi-mode or online.. My typical 700 damage solo turns to 250 or so in mulit-mode.. have fun

Jun 1, 2004, 06:22 PM
On 2004-06-01 08:59, Ian-KunX wrote:
I find that people who dis FOmars have never actually raised one.

Two melee FOmars, one L143, one L104, can clear rooms in Ruins as quickly as two HUs. Probably faster, actually, since FOmars have *drumroll* L30 support techs!

POW/DEX Mag, S-Rank Twin, Soul Banish, Red Handgun or Holy Ray, and you have a niiiice killing machine. Bad ATA? Zero can hit, consistently, in Ult online Ruins with 191 total ATA. Does he miss sometimes? Well hell yes. And? My HUmar misses sometimes too. And even if Zero does get knocked out of his combo due to a miss and takes damage - Hello, L30 Resta!

Seriously. A FOmar, done properly, is a lethal killing machine.

Oh, and Zero? He uses a 5/145/50/0 Rati, 3 God/HPs and a Wizard/Technique. >_> No God Battle, no God/Arms, no uber slots... Guard Wave and Secret Gear. So nyah. XP

I was teh level 108 at the time? Well maybe I was that low, Saeros has grown much since then if that is correct, he is now lvl 110 now http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif.

Jun 1, 2004, 07:35 PM
FOnewearl is way to go if your all about blowing things up. FOmarl always been my personal favorite simply because of their FOmarlness. I always like Pinkal, only because of the color really. Pink is a manly color.

Jun 1, 2004, 09:58 PM
im in hard mode now my Fonewm is so fun espicially with a hildebears head, it shoots foie without Tp cost!!!! and i have all the things you suggested except a foie merge.

Jun 1, 2004, 11:16 PM
I have a lv 87 FOnewm Purplenum, and have no regrets, he does around 600 damage with rafioe, around 500 online, thats the greatest thing in the world! I have 2 god/minds and trust me, they are essential. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Jun 2, 2004, 01:31 AM
Okay, since you don't know much about FOs, I will give you one piece of advice for soloing offline...

Keep Jellen shortcutted at all times. Jellen is, for the low DFP and HP characters, the difference between instant death and just getting punked a bit.

It took me a while to learn the advantages of Jellen, but now it's in constant usage. I offer this as good advice, seeing as how you've never had a character which NEEDED that extra bit of protection. Trust me, Deband just ISN'T enough once you get to Ult.

Jun 2, 2004, 02:30 AM
Yeah, what he said *points at iamfanboy*. Jellen is your friend... although that should be common sense for anyone that can use. If it's there, USE it.

Jun 2, 2004, 02:50 AM
I mentioned it because out of all his characters (RAmar HUcast and RAcast), none of them can have Jellen. He might be dissing it in the Ranger thread simply because he doesn't KNOW how important it is!

That's what I love about this game. Always something new to learn.

Jun 2, 2004, 03:27 AM
i was not dissing it, but stating that not everyone needs it. But it is most essential for my Fonewm before jellen the damn hidebear nearly killed me in hard forest in 1 hit.