View Full Version : Challenge: If there was a new phantasy star game...

Jun 2, 2004, 02:39 PM
So i was wondering, if there was a new Phantasy star game, what would you want to be in it. IM on the verge of creating a new one and i need help from ppl to know what i want to have on the game. i kow that they are coming up with a new game but i cant help that that is the last game that they are coming out with. so,there needs to be other games and i believe that i can do it. if you have ideas that can help me further then i would gladly appreciate it. the name of it and everthing. i have one new character for each class but i dont know if they are right for the part so i will scan them and put them on this page soon so if you have ideas then post them. i need to here all you have to say. even if you think that it is stupid. i dont care. as long as i get some imput. there wil also be alot more lands then just the onesthat they already have. there will also be a new battle system and new spells and new of alot of things. new ppl that are on it and new techers and mags and weapons. combos too. its going to be big. that nerw one that is coming out is cool but i think it is going to be awsm but that is a long wayz away so its best to start now.
if there was a name to the game, what would be the best name?
if there are any more then listed here give me some more please.

Jun 3, 2004, 05:52 AM
...Show me where you have a contract from Sega allowing you to use their intellectual property in your own game.

Jun 3, 2004, 12:03 PM
Got delusional?

Jun 3, 2004, 12:22 PM
Do you realize what it takes to make a decent video game.

Lots of people have started out in the den's of their houses, with only a few people developing the game. It still takes time and devotion that some people probably don't have. It takes years on top of that. And they are actually getting paid *most of the time* and that game is pretty much their life....so they will be working on it *a lot*.

It takes a certain amount of discipline and patience to make a video game. For one, you need some kind of program experience, etc.

I don't know your full story, but unless you've actually been successful in making an operational demo/map/character model, etc, etc; then there's probably no hope for Phantasy Star except for the new PSuniverse. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif

Jun 5, 2004, 03:07 AM
On 2004-06-03 03:52, Kent wrote:
...Show me where you have a contract from Sega allowing you to use their intellectual property in your own game.


Jun 5, 2004, 03:38 AM
You have ambition kid, I'll give you that much. In my experience ambition can definately get you places, as long as you are able to control and channel it.

Jun 9, 2004, 12:50 PM
i was searching around and i saw this. i dont know how it got here honestly. i was asking people that go on here and then my sister said that she over heard me talking about a game that i wanted to make. i didnt say pso. i was talking about pso afetr i told my idea about the other game and she dot it mixed up. sorry bout this post. she told me that she typed this wheni was cooking. i got to give her props lokin out though. sorry bout this post.