View Full Version : Best Places

Jun 5, 2004, 11:50 AM
After playing a few different character classes and section IDs, it seems to me that there are certain areas in the game which have a massaive abundance of really good and findable items, not just one, super rare and a load of junk left right and centre.

Firstly Ultimate Skyly caves is probably the best area for Hunters. Not a single bad drop really...Chain Sawd, Red Sword, Demolition Comet, Red Daggers, Red Slicer, Yamato, Sange, P-arms and God/Hp. Most of which are quite findable if you want to do 20-30 "addicting food" runs. This is more or less all any hunter needs.

As for rangers, i would say greenhill ID as there are a couple of brilliant areas to find loads of great stuff. Doing the mines "unsealed door" a few times will get you a Yas3k pretty fast, with the added chance of gettin Holy ray at the end. But ideally from the mines you will also want to get your parts of baranz as b-launcher is one of the coolest ranger weapons there is, and both yas3k and parts of baranz arent hard finds.
By far the best thing about Greenhill is the Ult ruins finds. Spread needle, Red mechs, bringers arm, red scorpio, belras arm and DF field...more than enough to make the perfect ranger and quite easily findable. Youve also got the slim, but not unfindable chance of the real agito, altho, in all fairness it isnt worth looking for. And altho totally laughable there is still a chance at p-wand.

I have found all of these weapons from these areas excluding p-wand and agito(had to kill 3 pal rappies for that) and have got some excavation reports if ne 1 is interested.

What specific areas/quests have you guys found to be very rewarding, not just for one specific rare but, where there are many drops worth getting?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: TheXtremist on 2004-06-05 09:55 ]</font>

Jun 5, 2004, 01:10 PM
Yellowboze mines, redria ruins, skyly tower quests, purplenum mines, viridia caves, bluefill seabed, Yellowboze forest, whitill spaceship, whitill ruins, whitill caves, redria caves, and redria gal da val. There are many other areas that are great to search in but this is all I thought of for the moment.

Jun 5, 2004, 02:38 PM
Redria Forest in Ultimate:
Magic Rock: Iritista
Diska of Bravemen (easily get one with hit%, which I love using at Pie/the Worm).

I'm not a big of Redria's episode 2 really, but that's just me.