View Full Version : Movie Previews Or Vatican Operas?

Jun 5, 2004, 10:56 PM
Is it just me or does sitting through movie previews nowadays feel like sitting through a vatican catholic church choir session?

Every preview is started by some voice droning on senselessly about <insert lame heroic/sad/inspiring theme here> followed by a bunch of seizure inducing special effects and aggressive choir music.

The only exception to this rule was the preview for "the notebook" or some crap... and never in my life has a single 40 seconds made me want to vomit, scream in agony and murder as much as the 40 seconds I endured watching the notebook preview.

I mean seriously...

By the way, Along Came Polly was a shitty movie - and Ben Stiller hasn't done one funny thing since Meet The Parents. Will Ferrell still manages to be funny even though he is being put into progressivley more retarded roles. I didn't like having my heterosexuality brought into question every 5 minutes during Troy by having to watch Brad Pit and Legolas take baths, eat grapes nude, get out of bed... or whatever for no apparent point other than to stare at their shaven groins. Oh yeah, Shrek 2 had some great moments.

Thus brings an end to my week at the movies. I need an advil.

Jun 6, 2004, 02:04 AM
Uhhh, I went to see "The Day After Tomorrow" the other day...and the previews were almost twenty minutes long.

I wanna know how much the advertising industry makes, cuz I think Ima go to school for it. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarthFomar on 2004-06-06 00:05 ]</font>

Jun 6, 2004, 02:34 AM
Dude, "The Day After tomorrow" suck so badly. it was going good until they went "Hollywood" on it. they out ran this storm. come on give me a break. No, the kids would have died, everyone in the northern hem.

Anyway Sherk 2 i thought was better then the first. But then again my second favorite movie is "Godzilla", the newer kick azz one. Besides that,

Will Farrel is a very funny guy...In SNL. but the movie roles AFTER "Old School" doesn't look that good.

Anyway, i saw good movies and there isn't another good one i want to see until June 30, which spider man 2 will be coming out, and Doc Oct looks like a panzy compared to the Dr. Oct in the comics, but we'll see.

And for some reason, have you seen the one were these two couples are lost at sea. its based on true events. i kinda, wanta see that. Not sure why yet. Maybe they put some subliminal, but i want to see it.

Jun 6, 2004, 02:46 AM
Well, LH... I haven't seen it, but from all accounts: Troy sucks. Simple as that. But you need to realize that all that nudeiness is just trying to put the tone for the culture. The movie is trying to portray people and events from a different culture from ours. The social moors we are so attached to did not exist. Also, the Greeks, Romans, and most of Europe at this period had very little problem with homosexuality. At least between men. Infact, a practice known as pederasty (sexual relationships between a man and a boy) was common place. Often an older (rich) man would take a boy into his household and educate him and teach him a trade while this went on. It is a practice we find repulsive, but it was part of the culture and was practiced openly.

Basically, you should be prepared for things that might offend your sensibilities if you are going to see a movie that tries to be true to culture it uses for its backdrop.

Besides, if you are positive you are straight, then why should seeing some naked men enjoying eachothers company bother you too much? Just imagine you are in the showers at the Y or something... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Jun 6, 2004, 02:50 AM
I think that was Way TOO much info...

More then i needed to know...


Jun 6, 2004, 02:54 AM
On 2004-06-06 00:50, OG_Ren wrote:
I think that was Way TOO much info...

More then i needed to know...


Ah, you would have learned it eventually. I learned all about it in my highschool Latin class. But I ran into the subject again and again in college, so... think of that as a preliminary run. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Roman and Greek culture has influenced all of the western world. Any decent history or literature class you take that deals with the roman/greek time period will almost certainly make a passing statement about pederasty. In fact, knowing about this practice will make many sections of roman plays and literature make much more sense...

Jun 6, 2004, 02:56 AM

thx for the lesson.

Jun 6, 2004, 03:06 AM
On 2004-06-06 00:56, OG_Ren wrote:

thx for the lesson.

heh. Anytime.

Jun 6, 2004, 03:17 AM
On 2004-06-06 00:46, Subliminalgroove wrote:
Well, LH... I haven't seen it, but from all accounts: Troy sucks. Simple as that. But you need to realize that all that nudeiness is just trying to put the tone for the culture. The movie is trying to portray people and events from a different culture from ours. The social moors we are so attached to did not exist. Also, the Greeks, Romans, and most of Europe at this period had very little problem with homosexuality. At least between men. Infact, a practice known as pederasty (sexual relationships between a man and a boy) was common place. Often an older (rich) man would take a boy into his household and educate him and teach him a trade while this went on. It is a practice we find repulsive, but it was part of the culture and was practiced openly.

Basically, you should be prepared for things that might offend your sensibilities if you are going to see a movie that tries to be true to culture it uses for its backdrop.

Besides, if you are positive you are straight, then why should seeing some naked men enjoying eachothers company bother you too much? Just imagine you are in the showers at the Y or something... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Also they had the hoplites (greek foot soldiers) have intimate relations so that they would protect eachothers lives more avidly in battle.

Jun 6, 2004, 03:20 AM
On 2004-06-06 01:17, Prof_Frink wrote:

Also they had the hoplites (greek foot soldiers) have intimate relations so that they would protect eachothers lives more avidly in battle.

Not to mention you would probobly miss the pleasures of the flesh while away from your wife for extended campaigns.

Jun 6, 2004, 03:33 AM
Its great how we go MORE into detail.

ITs all KEWL though. i get a lesson and get to read some good kicks..

Jun 6, 2004, 03:55 AM
Pederasty is...disturbing actually. I had a few classes in High School that talked about some of fondling in the baths and what not; there was also a lot of groping between the males and females in the baths as well.

They were very open minded back in those times. But it's still disturbing as hell, nontheless. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_nono.gif

*Goes back to watching "Aqua Teen Hunger Force"*

Jun 6, 2004, 05:01 AM
Kind of funny that homosexuality is OUTLAWED in Greece now.

But back to the reality of the movie, Brad Pitt greek? If you believe that then you probably think Shaquille O'Neal is Irish. Oh gotta love Hollywood.

Jun 6, 2004, 05:15 AM
On 2004-06-06 03:01, Shigecki wrote:
Kind of funny that homosexuality is OUTLAWED in Greece now.

Yes....we live in an Ironic world these days.... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

But back to the reality of the movie, Brad Pitt greek? If you believe that then you probably think Shaquille O'Neal is Irish. Oh gotta love Hollywood.

And Keanu Reeves is mexican right?! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Yeah pretty strange, that Hollywood is....but Brad Pitt did an okay job in his part for the movie. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Jun 6, 2004, 09:39 AM
On 2004-06-06 00:46, Subliminalgroove wrote:
Basically, you should be prepared for things that might offend your sensibilities if you are going to see a movie that tries to be true to culture it uses for its backdrop.

I saw it. It doesn't. Trust me. T'was just your average sword clashin', arrow shootin', "been there done that" crapfest.

For the record, our hero starts the movie bed with two women, and ends it in the arms of a female he has seduced in two or three days.

Jun 6, 2004, 11:48 PM
- Subliminalgroove

I am not a homophobe and trust that my sensabilities are nonexistant lol. I have on more than one occassion woken up next to a guy in bed after a night of extacy, women too, but still...

I see naked men all the time, the difference is - the nakedness in Troy has no purpose - the least of which to represent greek culture. If I have to pay 7 bucks to watch nudity, some of it better at least be some women.

Jun 6, 2004, 11:59 PM
I dunno... movies almost always fail to interest me on any but the most superficial level. Not that superficial levels aren't cool or anything, but my urge to be wowed only goes so far... especially by the total fiction of a movie.

Jun 7, 2004, 04:26 AM
On 2004-06-06 21:59, BlackRose wrote:
I dunno... movies almost always fail to interest me on any but the most superficial level. Not that superficial levels aren't cool or anything, but my urge to be wowed only goes so far... especially by the total fiction of a movie.

Sounds like your void of an imagination there....troubled childhood?! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

*don't pick up that stick or I'll run, I swear it* http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Jun 7, 2004, 09:59 AM
oops, edited post after realizing that there was a second page... crap!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Solstis on 2004-06-07 08:00 ]</font>

Jun 7, 2004, 03:45 PM
On 2004-06-07 02:26, DarthFomar wrote:

Sounds like your void of an imagination there....troubled childhood?! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

No, I believe he is right. Rarely does a big budget film tackle big issues or intelligent content in a realistic and sastisfactory manner. The goal of big budget hollywood is to make a CRAP load of cash. And the easiest way to do that is to play to the lowest common denominator. So, theatres are rife with movies filled with explosions, heros who can barely string two sentences together, plot holes, taco bell tie-ins, big-breasted love intrests who can also barely string two sentences together, and the same old played out jokes and plots.

Just about everything that reaches the theatre is slopped together via a tried and true pattern. The only places you see films that put intelligence or creativity into the medium is in independent films, and even then you have to search. There is probobly ONE movie, with a big production house backing it, a year that I can see at a big theatre which I don't have to either shut off my brain or stunt my cognitive faculties with skittles and coke. Most movies I come away from thinking one of the actors did a decent job or maybe the cinemetography was good in one scene. It is a shame.

Jun 11, 2004, 01:31 AM
On 2004-06-07 13:45, Subliminalgroove wrote:

Rarely does a big budget film tackle big issues or intelligent content in a realistic and sastisfactory manner. The goal of big budget hollywood is to make a CRAP load of cash. And the easiest way to do that is to play to the lowest common denominator. So, theatres are rife with movies filled with explosions, heros who can barely string two sentences together, plot holes, taco bell tie-ins, big-breasted love intrests who can also barely string two sentences together, and the same old played out jokes and plots.

Well said, but is it really "big budget hollywood's" fault? Indie or intelligent and innovative titles don't exactly pull a crowd the way CG blockbusters do. The same is true with the video game industry. ICO is one of the most beautiful, creative and fun games for the PS2 - yet it barely broke 150k for shipments. It's the classic battle between appeasing the senses and appeasing the mind. While the latter may be more fulfilling, it inherently makes less money because it draws a smaller crowd.

Supply meets demand - the demand is for the CG, the big breasted women and so on. Maybe if the demand changed, the supply would too. Imagine if Lost In Translation got the same ticket sales as Troy...

Maybe I'm wrong, but still =/

Jun 11, 2004, 08:08 PM
On 2004-06-10 23:31, LostHero wrote:

On 2004-06-07 13:45, Subliminalgroove wrote:

Rarely does a big budget film tackle big issues or intelligent content in a realistic and sastisfactory manner. The goal of big budget hollywood is to make a CRAP load of cash. And the easiest way to do that is to play to the lowest common denominator. So, theatres are rife with movies filled with explosions, heros who can barely string two sentences together, plot holes, taco bell tie-ins, big-breasted love intrests who can also barely string two sentences together, and the same old played out jokes and plots.

Well said, but is it really "big budget hollywood's" fault? Indie or intelligent and innovative titles don't exactly pull a crowd the way CG blockbusters do. The same is true with the video game industry. ICO is one of the most beautiful, creative and fun games for the PS2 - yet it barely broke 150k for shipments. It's the classic battle between appeasing the senses and appeasing the mind. While the latter may be more fulfilling, it inherently makes less money because it draws a smaller crowd.

Supply meets demand - the demand is for the CG, the big breasted women and so on. Maybe if the demand changed, the supply would too. Imagine if Lost In Translation got the same ticket sales as Troy...

Maybe I'm wrong, but still =/

Lost in Translation.....good movie. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

Btw, subliminalgroove..........not all movies are suppose to be true to reality. You have to get away from realistic movies and watch fantasy/fiction/adventure movies like "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" every once in a while.

Movies are a form of entertainment. If you watch a child........he/she can be easily amused. And the same can be said for adults as well. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Movies are what they are......we shouldn't neglect them, otherwise what will we turn to when we get bored, so to speak. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

I may only go to the theater a few times within a few months.....but I can certainly appreciate what I do go and watch, because I know in my mind that I could do no better. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cowsleep.gif

Jun 12, 2004, 08:15 AM
Subliminalgroove wasn't talking about reality - she was talking about quality.

I'm sorry DarthFomar, but empty statements like "Movies are a form of entertainment" & "Movies are what they are," make it hard for me to take you seriously. Watching paint dry and hitting your hand with a hammer are also forms of entertainment. The discussion here is addressing the merit of such entertainment. Is it okay that one of the major forms of stimulation in our culture is shallow, morally degrading and witless? Not to say this is the case for all movies, but certainly the majority.

"what will we turn to when we get bored" ... perhaps something constructive?

Jun 12, 2004, 11:04 AM
On 2004-06-12 06:15, LostHero wrote:
I'm sorry DarthFomar, but empty statements like "Movies are a form of entertainment" & "Movies are what they are," make it hard for me to take you seriously.

Those statements weren't empty, I rather believe them. I can no more change the quality of movies than I can change the color of the moon. I think movies are fine, sure they are getting stale......

And I am sorry.....but how is "Movies are a form of entertainment" an empty statement. Your a little deluded my friend. Movies aren't that important other than they make money and are good to watch when there's nothing to do. Movies are a form of entertainment....if that's not what they are then something got really fucked up in the learning curve, because that's what everyone I know/talk to/hang with sees them as.

Watching paint dry and hitting your hand with a hammer are also forms of entertainment.

Delusional as well.

The discussion here is addressing the merit of such entertainment. Is it okay that one of the major forms of stimulation in our culture is shallow, morally degrading and witless? Not to say this is the case for all movies, but certainly the majority.

Damn, it certainly seems like people love to bite the hands that feed them these days. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Unless you are a movie maker yourself then there is nothing you, nor I can do to change them, so deal with it.

That's like going to the theater and seeing a really cool big budget action sequence and saying "I could have done better".

"what will we turn to when we get bored" ... perhaps something constructive?

Not many people have hobbies *and even though I have many*......it is still good to watch a movie you haven't seen in a while.

And people say I'm negative...... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

People these days need to lighten up *myself included*. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarthFomar on 2004-06-12 09:17 ]</font>

Jun 12, 2004, 05:12 PM
Do you even know what deluded means?

Those statements were empty, because you gave no reasoning for them.

In a conversation about the quality and cognative-void of movie based entertainment - you come in and state what has already been stated (that films are entertainment) without giving any input into the topic other than "not all movies are suppose to be true to reality" which has no bearing or context in this topic... then as to somehow give justification for this you state, "Movies are what they are......we shouldn't neglect them, otherwise what will we turn to when we get bored, so to speak," which is demeaning and once again irrelevant.

First you argue a point nobody made, then you proceed to restate what you did originally in an attempt to insult. Bravo...

I am not negative, or angry - quite the opposite. But if you are going to come into a discussion and make a point, you should at least try to make it valid enough for reconignition, or else what's the point?

It is more than just entertainment and if you can't see that, then perhaps you are the "delusional" one. Movies, Television etc are not just entertainment - they are stimulation and a base of instilling values into people even at a subconcious level.

You can be entertained, but it is important to know just how you are being entertained. A seemingly basic distinction, that is far from basic.

Here is where the left-wing, glass is half empty - empty philosphy answers to a question nobody asked statements come in... but in all honesty, when you take into consideration that 60% of the adults in the U.S. have never read a book of any kind or 120 million American adults are illiterate or read at no better than at a fifth grade level - coupled with a thousand other social facts such as financially blacks are worse off now than they were before the civil rights movement - I think you got to start thinking about the effects things have on our culture. Especially when contrasted to the billions in revenue theaters bring in.

Your ignorant non-chalant attitude is exactly the problem. The 'I can't do anything', or 'others will do it for me' mindset is utter bullshit.

"Damn, it certainly seems like people love to bite the hands that feed them these days." If the hand is feeding me poison, I'd gladly bite it. Ironic I know - but that goes back to the previous.

"Not many people have hobbies" - how do you know this? Do you know everyone in America?

I am "lighted up" and am writing this on my way to the beach with some friends, my gf and 3 cases of beer - I couldn't be more estatic. If you read anger in counter statements... then I doubt you have ever been in any serious educational enviorment - perhaps something you should fix. I am only targeting your statements, not you - if I was saying "DarthFomar is a _blank_ _blank_ who can go jump off a cliff" then maybe your insulting me by calling me angry and negative would have some bounds...

"Unless you are a movie maker yourself then there is nothing you, nor I can do to change them, so deal with it." Far from the truth. Here is something you can do: stop watching them. Maybe instead of you and your friends going to see a blockbuster movie like "The Day After Tommorow" etc, you could do something else... something funner and more fulfilling.

Regardless - I am rambling and really don't wanna go back and check what I just wrote - so... <end>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LostHero on 2004-06-12 15:20 ]</font>

Jun 12, 2004, 08:42 PM
On 2004-06-12 15:12, LostHero wrote:
Do you even know what deluded means?

Yes, I am not an idiot....like some people seem to think.

Those statements were empty, because you gave no reasoning for them.

This is a message board......what type of reasoning and why would even satisfy the likes of people like you anyway.

In a conversation about the quality and cognative-void of movie based entertainment - you come in and state what has already been stated (that films are entertainment) without giving any input into the topic other than "not all movies are suppose to be true to reality" which has no bearing or context in this topic... then as to somehow give justification for this you state, "Movies are what they are......we shouldn't neglect them, otherwise what will we turn to when we get bored, so to speak," which is demeaning and once again irrelevant.

You seriously take things too.........seriously
I was saying that movies are just that *MOVIES*, we can't change them......unless we are the directors and so forth.

First you argue a point nobody made, then you proceed to restate what you did originally in an attempt to insult. Bravo...
You've lost me in your rambling.

I am not negative, or angry - quite the opposite. But if you are going to come into a discussion and make a point, you should at least try to make it valid enough for reconignition, or else what's the point?

I don't see how it is my obligation to make myself as clear as crystal in a message board.

It is more than just entertainment and if you can't see that, then perhaps you are the "delusional" one. Movies, Television etc are not just entertainment - they are stimulation and a base of instilling values into people even at a subconcious level.

OK.......listen........movies are just entertainment.......people who take it to the next level are either actors, directors/crew, or fanboyish.

You can be entertained, but it is important to know just how you are being entertained. A seemingly basic distinction, that is far from basic.

I think everyone can realize the entertainment they participate in....don't you?!

Here is where the left-wing, glass is half empty - empty philosphy answers to a question nobody asked statements come in... but in all honesty, when you take into consideration that 60% of the adults in the U.S. have never read a book of any kind or 120 million American adults are illiterate or read at no better than at a fifth grade level - coupled with a thousand other social facts such as financially blacks are worse off now than they were before the civil rights movement - I think you got to start thinking about the effects things have on our culture. Especially when contrasted to the billions in revenue theaters bring in.

You'd be surprised how many people actually don't fit into those categories, bub.

Your ignorant non-chalant attitude is exactly the problem. The 'I can't do anything', or 'others will do it for me' mindset is utter bullshit.

Oh.....so now we've gone to name calling....well, look who hopped on the flame wagon.

You can't change movies.....just as I can't. That's like saying you can influence the President of another country *alone*.

And, btw, I haven't been the one to have the attitude, yet.........so far it's only been you that's had the attitude. I just stated a few beliefs/facts.......

"Damn, it certainly seems like people love to bite the hands that feed them these days." If the hand is feeding me poison, I'd gladly bite it. Ironic I know - but that goes back to the previous.

"Not many people have hobbies" - how do you know this? Do you know everyone in America?

I am "lighted up" and am writing this on my way to the beach with some friends, my gf and 3 cases of beer - I couldn't be more estatic.

Good for you...... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_beer.gif

If you read anger in counter statements... then I doubt you have ever been in any serious educational enviorment - perhaps something you should fix. I am only targeting your statements, not you - if I was saying "DarthFomar is a _blank_ _blank_ who can go jump off a cliff" then maybe your insulting me by calling me angry and negative would have some bounds...

What the hell are you talking about.....looks like you're the one that read to deep. I *never* said you were angry.......and I never came out and said you were negative either....did I?! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif
I just said "And people think I'm negative".....if you think I insulted you......then by all means.....bash me with your holy stick. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

In fact......I think you just insulted me.....not the other way around.

Btw, this has nothing to do with my education nor my environment for that matter.....

"Unless you are a movie maker yourself then there is nothing you, nor I can do to change them, so deal with it." Far from the truth. Here is something you can do: stop watching them. Maybe instead of you and your friends going to see a blockbuster movie like "The Day After Tommorow" etc, you could do something else... something funner and more fulfilling.

Not even a word there pal; *More Fun*.....perhaps

Regardless - I am rambling and really don't wanna go back and check what I just wrote - so... <end>

If you feel the need to reply with another long rambling post.....to try and prove a point that I'm stupid and movies aren't *JUST* entertainment, be my guest. Either way.....neither one can be justified..... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif

I may not be the brightest/best/important color in the box........but I'm damn sure not delusional/ignorant....... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cowsleep.gif

And I'm sorry if you take offense to any of this.....but, I'm not the one calling people "ignorant"..... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarthFomar on 2004-06-12 19:22 ]</font>

Jun 13, 2004, 02:28 AM
"I just stated a few beliefs/facts......."

Which were what exactly? You have stated that movies are entertainment... great, grand, wonderful lol. So has everyone else in this thread - too bad that's not what is being discussed.

You seem to be confused, so I'll try to remedy that right now. I started a thread about the monotony of movies outta boredom. In turn, it gradually turned into a topic about how popular movies are cliche' and lack any real content or purpose outside of making a quick buck. This is where you come in...

BlackRose comments on how movies fail to please him on any real level because of the superficiality rampant in popular films.

You say it is because he lacks imagination, possibly because of a troubled childhood.

Subliminalgroove explains to you BlackRose was referring the lack of any realistic or meaningful themes in movies because none of them are done in a creative or intelligent manner. Rather, they follow as she states it, "theatres are rife with movies filled with explosions, heros who can barely string two sentences together, plot holes, taco bell tie-ins, big-breasted love intrests who can also barely string two sentences together, and the same old played out jokes and plots."

I, in turn, agree with Subliminalgroove on the lack of any real content or innovation in movies - but add that maybe it is not the film producers sole fault and that they are merely meeting the demand of what movies want to be seen.

You, then comment on Subliminalgrooves' post by adding that, "not all movies are suppose to be true to reality." A statement that comes from you _misunderstanding_ her use of the term realistic. She states it as description for the depiction of "big issues or intelligent content" in pop films. Such as love being portrayed as purely physical attration between stereotypical beautiful people (for example). You take it to mean the difference between fiction and non-fiction - and comment on Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon being a good movie.
Afterwards, you say movies are entertainment (something disgustingly blatant... I mean if movies aren't entertainment what else are they? education? sustinance?)... but thats beside the point.

Anywho - I direct your attention at the comprehension error and say that your statements are empty in comparison to the previous posts and that this discussion _wasn't about movies being entertainment_ thus your statement being irrelevant.

I add by saying that "Watching paint dry and hitting your hand with a hammer are also forms of entertainment" - a play on how unrelated the entertainment point was - and you call me deluded.

You still thinking this topic as the grounds for proving movies are for entertainment - keep posting. I try to explain the differences between pop entertainment and quality entertainment and why it is important to know not only the difference between the two, but what effects the former has (a continuation of why it's important).

I finnally add that your non-chalant attitude to 'movies just being entertainment and nothing but' in addition to your failure to address the actual topic as ignorant.

I, in none of my points, insult you. I am ignorant to alot of things - ask me about the repercussions of exploiting Saudi Oil Reserves on the local population...

I have yet to take offense to anything, or as you seem to think it be angry.

Then, in your last post you keep discussing that movies are entertaintment... which is beyond me, because _no one is disagreeing with you!!!_. My final words will just answer your list of "answers."

"You'd be surprised how many people actually don't fit into those categories, bub"

Yeah, the minority. Those statistics were taken from the National Census & National Science Foundation poll taken in October 1995. Statistics, which have gotten worse. So why should I take your opinion of this not being the case over factual information? Are you suggesting the economic status of blacks and other minorites hasn't gotten worse since before the civil rights movement? Is it because you see a few rich black rappers on MTV? ...

I think everyone can realize the entertainment they participate in....don't you?!

In case you didn't realize, I wasn't talking about: "ooh I am in a movie theatre." I was talking about what effects media (movies in this case) have on people without their attention - how much has the media affected the way you dress, act and relate to others? I know it has affected me greatly...

I *never* said you were angry.......and I never came out and said you were negative either....did I?!

-And people say I'm negative......
-People these days need to lighten up

Anyway, I've been typing for almost 10 minutes so far and am over spending more time on such a retarded argument. Respond if you want.

Jun 13, 2004, 05:30 AM
On 2004-06-13 00:28, LostHero wrote:
You say it is because he lacks imagination, possibly because of a troubled childhood.

People take things too seriously.....?! Jesus Christ.

Anywho - I direct your attention at the comprehension error and say that your statements are empty in comparison to the previous posts and that this discussion _wasn't about movies being entertainment_ thus your statement being irrelevant.

There was nothing irrelevant other than it *wasn't* something someone wanted to hear.

You still thinking this topic as the grounds for proving movies are for entertainment - keep posting.

Yes...I most certainly am........anyone who thinks that movies aren't just entertainment and takes them to excessive levels needs to grow up and mature *because in the real world I wouldn't sacrifice anything for a damn movie....would you?!*

I finnally add that your non-chalant attitude to 'movies just being entertainment and nothing but' in addition to your failure to address the actual topic as ignorant.

I, in none of my points, insult you. I am ignorant to alot of things - ask me about the repercussions of exploiting Saudi Oil Reserves on the local population...

Maybe not insulted....but slighty offended with the whole "ignorant non-chalant attitude" thing.

I have yet to take offense to anything, or as you seem to think it be angry.

No.....but you seem to be doing a lot of rambling. And why the hell do you keep saying I think you're "angry"?! I thought I made myself clear on that stupid matter earlier?!

Then, in your last post you keep discussing that movies are entertaintment... which is beyond me, because _no one is disagreeing with you!!!_. My final words will just answer your list of "answers."

If I'm not mistaken you kept saying movies weren't just entertainment. Otherwise I sure as hell took it that way from your post.

Do these two statements look familiar?!

"empty statements like "Movies are a form of entertainment" & "Movies are what they are," make it hard for me to take you seriously"

"It is more than just entertainment and if you can't see that, then perhaps you are the "delusional" one. Movies, Television etc are not just entertainment - they are stimulation and a base of instilling values into people even at a subconcious level."

In case you didn't realize, I wasn't talking about: "ooh I am in a movie theatre." I was talking about what effects media (movies in this case) have on people without their attention - how much has the media affected the way you dress, act and relate to others? I know it has affected me greatly...

So you're a slave to the popularity drive?! You do what others hint/tell you to do/wear/act?!

I *never* said you were angry.......and I never came out and said you were negative either....did I?!

-And people say I'm negative......
-People these days need to lighten up

Those were just a few words of spiritual enlightenment

Anyway, I've been typing for almost 10 minutes so far and am over spending more time on such a retarded argument. Respond if you want.

So, you think the idiots of psoworld now have a better understanding of the current events of this thread, seeing as you've just elaborated the whole discussion?! All they had to do was read the posts above.

Once again......."you seriously take things too seriously".

On another note.......do extrememly long post make you feel superior/invigorated or something?!

Also......don't make me out to be the villan.......you're the one desperately trying to overcome their aggrivation with overzealous remarks/posts!!!

You must remember......you started this whole mess with "empty statement" comments.

You know..........I really don't have the time and enthusiasm to be doing this with the likes of you. I've made my points perfectly clear I believe.......and you're being awefully snobbish about it. You've rubbed a bad vibe off on me and I've apparently done the same......so I'm just gonna turn the other cheek and walk the hell away from this thread and never look back, from now on.

Good Riddance.......

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarthFomar on 2004-06-13 17:32 ]</font>

Jun 13, 2004, 06:06 PM
If you wan't me to actually proove you wrong then IM me @ swordguarde ... because you seriously don't get it and take every point for it's worse possible and non-impled meaning.

People take things too seriously.....?! Jesus Christ.

It is just what you said... nothing more.

There was nothing irrelevant other than it *wasn't* something someone wanted to hear.

You mistook the meaning of the word realistic and commented on it... how is that not irrelevant? It was simply not what she was talking about.

Yes...I most certainly am........anyone who thinks that movies aren't just entertainment and takes them to excessive levels needs to grow up and mature

No one thinks that. That is the fucking point. Which is precisley why I am curious as to why you keep trying to proove that. I was merely trying to suggest that there is more to entertainment than just being amused.

If I'm not mistaken you kept saying movies weren't just entertainment

Exactly! Look up the definition of "just" please.

do extrememly long post make you feel superior/invigorated or something?!

My posts were not much longer than yours and considering I never spent more than 10 minutes on either one, I really don't see the importance.

you seem to be doing a lot of rambling

Perhaps you mistake rambling for your inability to follow. I find my points and explainations rather clear.

So you're a slave to the popularity drive?! You do what others hint/tell you to do/wear/act?!

Yes. I can reconigize that what I think of as cool, attrative and desirable comes alot from the media or indirectly from others influenced by media. Look at asia and indonesia after the release of their respective MTV stations.

So, you think the idiots of psoworld now have a better understanding of the current events of this thread

The post was directed at you, and no one but. Once again you take a simple statement - lose it's meaning and make a meaning that better suits you.

You must remember......you started this whole mess with "empty statement" comments

And I still stand by it. You comment on something no one said (realistic...) and then continue to defend a point no one is disagreeing with (movies as entertainment).

I really don't have the time and enthusiasm to be doing this with the likes of you

Then we have something in common.

Jun 13, 2004, 07:00 PM
Man, you guys must be bored... =o

Anyway, I saw Day after Tomorrow today. It just affirmed what I believed already about movies. They're awesome, but for all the wrong reasons. I really enjoy seeing them, but afterwards it's like "man, there is absolutely no way that experience could translate into real life." Of course, you could argue that that's what fiction is for... to let us experience the unreal things.

But really, with other forms of fiction (books, video games, etc...) most of the fiction takes place in your own head. You fill in the blanks how you want them, instead of being force-fed them. I don't feel like I've experienced anything when I see most movies... I'm just a fly on the wall. Admittedly, they're really good at making great scenes to be a fly on the wall for. But still, it's taking thoughts through IV instead of thinking up my own. Cool once in a while, but definetely not my bag.