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View Full Version : FSOD strikes again!

Jun 7, 2004, 11:58 PM
Gah! Not again!

This time I lost a Frozen Shooter (15hit) and a Spread Needle. Please help me recover these items... I want to trade for these if anyone has them!

Just post what you're looking for and I'll see how I can help. I don't have the greatest of items, but I have a fair amount of nice things to trade.

Jun 8, 2004, 11:32 AM
I feel for you man. I lost my frozen shooter last night to FSOD while trying to add 5% with photon drops. AHHHHHHHH!

Jun 8, 2004, 07:23 PM
Well, it's all good. I was going to trade for another FS, but my internet was dead all day. So instead I piped for a while and got another one... with 20hit! Woohoo! Not to mention I cleaned up my room in the meantime.

Still missing the Spread Needle, but meh. I can live without it.

Jun 9, 2004, 10:24 PM
On 2004-06-08 17:23, Nessness wrote:
Well, it's all good. I was going to trade for another FS, but my internet was dead all day. So instead I piped for a while and got another one... with 20hit! Woohoo! Not to mention I cleaned up my room in the meantime.

Still missing the Spread Needle, but meh. I can live without it.

BRAVO! NessNess! Darn, you're lucky. When I'm looking for the rares I want, I either A) never find them or B) can only get em online. Just wait a few more days, then we can finally do some rounds! Maybe I can help you search for that Spread Needle http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Jun 10, 2004, 01:58 AM
Thanks a ton! I'd love to search for a Spread Needle with a friend, but I don't know how well I can handle Ultimate ruins online. Offline, it's okay, but it gets much harder online! But hey, I can give it a shot.

I'm in a good mood today. I found a MKB and Hitogata today in Redria Ult Ruins... and beat Olga Flow, to boot. So lvl up, as well!

Trading for the SN would be easiest, though. I'm less capable without it than I thought... Anyone up to trade?