View Full Version : bana mag

Jun 9, 2004, 07:44 PM
quick note, questions are below. i've checked the guides and i tried searching the forum (search feature never works for me). i always feel the need to note this just in case i'm asking an oft asked question.

i'm trying to create a 45/0/0/155 bana mag for my force and the evolution seems impossible if, as the mag guides seem to indicate, i must get the mag's def to 45 before level 50. i'm exaggerating a little, the evolution isn't impossible it's just insanely complex. i'd have to feed the mag one thing to raise def, and then another to lower mind, and then another to lower pow, etc. it'd be too complex a cycle. now, i know that mags can evolve every five levels after level 50. that is, if the stat balance changes or if the mag is handed off to a different class the mag may evolve if the mag's level is above 50 and is a multiple of five. so, what i'm wondering is whether or not i can create a bana mag after level 50. if i feed the mag so only def and mind are raised i should be able to raise def to 45 before level 100. if i do this can the mag still evolve into bana on a multiple of five? what if the mag is raised above level 100? can i still create a bana on a multiple of five? (note: i am raising the mag strictly with a pinkal force.) i am assuming the answer to my questions is "yes" but i want to make sure. any help is greatly appreciated.

Jun 9, 2004, 08:39 PM
Mags with def are slow to feed. Just a quick warning beforehand.

In the case of a pinkal force, without using mag cells, it would be difficult to get 45 def early. It would be around level 90 before 45 def is reached.

Mags will evolve every 5 levels after 50, if they meet new evolving requirements. The only exception is if they are rare (special) mags or from mag cells, but hopefully you won't have to worry about those.

I am raising a defence + mind mag, the first few levels are easy. Here's my feeding plan, modified for your character.

For a Pinkal (type B) force:

Feed difluids to lvl 10. Evolves to Vritra. PB earned is leilla (resta).
Feed monofluids to lvl 35. Evolves to Namuci. PB earned is M&Y (shifta and deband).
Feed moon atomizers to lvl 50. Evolves to Kumara. PB earned is Golla (moose, single target high damage blast).
Aside: wow those are crap PBs.
Feed antiparalysis until def=45. Evolves to Bana.
Aside: this is s-l-o-w
Feed Bana difluids to increase mind only, sol atomizers to increase def and mind.
At lvl 100, make sure the stats are NOT 50/0/0/50.
Every 10 lvls after 100, make sure stats do NOT equal def+pow=dex+mind.

Thats a feeding plan if you are using only your pinkal force. I would recommend using a hunter, but then that would change your feeding plan. If you use a hunter, you get better PBs and the def is easier to raise.

EDIT: Just wanted to say the reason this works without using a cycle, is there are certain feeding charts that can give your mag only def or a lot of def with your mind.
So first you raise your mag on mind, then def once you get the right evolution.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hooga on 2004-06-09 18:43 ]</font>

Jun 9, 2004, 08:49 PM
thanks for the help! you answered my question and more. i'm a bit rusty with mag evolutions, and i'm used to working with the rare mags (as you noted, for example, i need to be wary lest my bana turn into a sato). when pso came out for xbox i made 30 or 40 mags for trade and i knew those charts inside out. now i can barely remember anything. that's what time will do to you. again, thanks so much for the assistance. i'm gonna start right in on my bana.

Jun 9, 2004, 09:12 PM
Ya no problem any time.

A thing I didn't mention: You can get Bana as a normal evolution on a type B hunter with stats mind>pow>dex.


If you give the mag to a type B hunter at lvl 50, you can also get PB estilla which is 10x more useful than golla. It will also level faster if you give to a type B hunter every 5 levels. Feed bana sol atomizers to increase def and mind simultaneously. May not be an option, since you said you were using only a pinkal force, but I tell you anyhow.

The type B IDs are: Blue, Green, Oran, Pink, White

Jun 9, 2004, 09:26 PM
i was initially planning to raise the mag while i worked on leveling up my force, but based on your recommendations i'm going to use a hunter to raise the mag. after you suggested trying to work the evolution around a hunter i checked the evolution out again and noticed that, as you pointed out, type b hunters can get a bana naturally. i'm going to use my skyly hunter to start the mag out and then at lvl 50 create a type b hunter to whom i will hand the mag every 5 levels until def=45. then i'll give the mag to my force and everything should be set. all i need to then is feed the mag fluids until mind=155. best part is, it won't have leilla or golla. still wish i could get pilla, but i don't see any way unless i'm adding dex. your help is much appreciated!

Jun 9, 2004, 10:36 PM
Type B Hunter feeding plan:
Difluids to lvl 10. Farlla
Monofluids to lvl 35. M&Y
Antiparalysis to lvl 50. Estilla
Sol atomizers until def=45.

The only change is the antiparalysis from 35 to 50. You're feeding antiparalysis for 15 lvls instead of 40 as in for a force.

Jun 9, 2004, 10:41 PM
On 2004-06-09 19:26, jspacemunkey wrote:
i was initially planning to raise the mag while i worked on leveling up my force, but based on your recommendations i'm going to use a hunter to raise the mag. after you suggested trying to work the evolution around a hunter i checked the evolution out again and noticed that, as you pointed out, type b hunters can get a bana naturally. i'm going to use my skyly hunter to start the mag out and then at lvl 50 create a type b hunter to whom i will hand the mag every 5 levels until def=45. then i'll give the mag to my force and everything should be set. all i need to then is feed the mag fluids until mind=155. best part is, it won't have leilla or golla. still wish i could get pilla, but i don't see any way unless i'm adding dex. your help is much appreciated!

A mag without Pilla is almost useless IMO.

Out of curiosity: Is there any particular reason you want a Bana?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Quo on 2004-06-09 20:57 ]</font>

Jun 9, 2004, 11:08 PM
yeah, i know. pilla is rather useful. it'd be nice to have it, but it would appear there is absolutely no way to get that pb. as for why i want a bana...well, i can't make a sato with those stats, and since i'm very picky about aesthetic the mag must look cool with my character. after looking through the galleries while trying to find a suitable evolution i decided that the bana was my best bet. not the most compelling reason for choosing a mag, but there you are.

Jun 9, 2004, 11:14 PM
no sato? sato is female FO, blue, red, viridia or white. it is def+dex=pow+mind

so you can have 5/0/45/50 or 50/0/0/50 stats at lvl 100. 5/0/45/50 can get you pilla. Just feed antiparalysis from lvl 5 to lvl 35.

Jun 9, 2004, 11:17 PM
oh i know. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif i've made two satos quite recently, so i'm re-educated on sato raising. i meant that i can't make a 45/0/0/155 sato, though it'd be great if i could.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: jspacemunkey on 2004-06-09 21:18 ]</font>