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Jun 12, 2004, 12:13 AM
HA HA! Yes...

My mom was upset when I told her I didn't want to participate in the ceremony. She went as far as telling the counselor about this and I went ahead to tell my side of the story. Long story short, I got my way and college graduation is the real deal.

In my eyes, graduation at my high school is pointless. We practice the march for 2 days which could be done in 1, then we have Grad Night from 10 PM to 6 AM (no, I didn't typo), and while we're half-asleep, we go ahead in there to strut and drag our asses on stage.

What's the point? Here's how I see it: march in, sit, hear some person applaud our efforts on going through school and buying $65 gowns 'n tassles, some girl sings and cries on purpose as she does, another speech, then we go up, shake someone's hand, go sit down, some loooooooooooong speech no one cares about, and throw and pray our caps that they won't land pointy-end first into our beefs called brains.

We don't even get our diplomas. They're mailed to us, for crying out loud.

High School graduation is not "it". You've still got college to do. You're still learning (albeit I'll take the hint from my counselor that the work will be increasingly relaxed) general education, and so on till you reach "it": College graduation.

Let me tell everyone what I heard from my very own counselor: high school grades don't matter if you do things the right way. My grades are low and there's two reasons I why I might've got them:

a. High quality work, half the work done and turned in.
b. Average quality work, all the work done and turned in.

I'm in the former. The grades in high school are bullshit UNLESS you're going straight to a good college or university. It shows very little how you are and shows society needs an overhaul, but let's not go into that because I can't hold my own there. :3

Jun 12, 2004, 12:17 AM
I didn't have a choice. You got your diploma after the graduation ceremony. Or else. Grr.

Oh, and the fuckholes had me sing at the baccalaureate when my dad came all the way from fucking California to North Carolina for my gradution.


Jun 12, 2004, 12:17 AM
Eh, whatever works for you. I liked my graduation ceremony. It's not like there's only one event in your academic life. It's made up of several smaller events, no matter what way you look at it.

Congrats, though. It's great to finally get out of high school. Enjoy college next year.

Jun 13, 2004, 04:44 PM
All I can say is...HAHAHA! There's no such thing as a graduation ceremony in England! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif We get our grades on the days they're released, then everyone just goes there own ways to partay! I'd hate to have a ceremony, my views on it all would ressemble yours too much http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jun 13, 2004, 05:26 PM
On 2004-06-13 14:44, Antimony wrote:
All I can say is...HAHAHA! There's no such thing as a graduation ceremony in England! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Take out England, put in Spain. I hate ceremonies, graduations, weddings, bapthism, etc etc etc... I'm not a social person. I hate people. Meh >_>

Jun 13, 2004, 07:01 PM
Wow thats the exact reasons i hated my graduation. But i still had to go to it and waste my time there because my parents won't listen to me. At least i got 300 bucks out of it. That was a week ago though so i don't care all that much about how much i hated graduation.

Jun 13, 2004, 07:59 PM
My Graduation Ceremony was painless......more-so than I thought it to be.

It was indeed good to see some of the friends I didn't get to see very often due to class/lunch scheduling. It was also nice to see the campus *university* that my schools graduation was held in, since I've never seen it before.

High School Graduation is more or less a sense of what to expect from College Graduation *supposedly*.

Jun 13, 2004, 08:00 PM
High School Graduation bites, but hey atleast you actually got to throw your hats. If We did at my graduation we wouldn't get our diplomas.