View Full Version : Anime Expo: 2004

Jun 18, 2004, 11:45 AM
Well, every year, my brother-in-laws go down to LA for the Anime Expo, to enter Anime Music Videos into the competition (for those familiar with AX's AMV comepetition, my brother-in-laws an one of their former roommates are Outlawed Sleep Productons; at one time, they were Lost Sleep Productions and Outlawed Productions, individually).

This year, my wife and I will be going with them. My wife will be cosplaying her HUnewearl costume, and I would be cosplaying with a RAmar costume, but unfortunately, I've yet to find a way to get armor that satisfies me in quality.

So, who else expects to be there?

Jun 18, 2004, 11:05 PM
you have costumes of PSO chars? dude where'd you get em? or are they homemade?

Jun 18, 2004, 11:52 PM
I've got a friend who does the anime thing, I'm not too big on it though. She just got back from this thing called A-kon in Dallas. How big is that? She didn't talk about it that much, just about how fun it was.

Jun 21, 2004, 12:03 PM
OneHero, the costumes are indeed, homemade. For the most part, that's what you've gotta do to get them, unless you want to pay several thousand dollars to have them done professionally.

Dude3282, I've heard of A-kon. I believe a friend of mine once attended it, as well. It seems to be the major Anime convention in that part of the country, much like the Anime Expo is the major convention here on the West coast.

A bit of an update on the status of my own costume; I've found someone to create the armor I want, but it's going to cost quite a bit, and takes 4 weeks to create, so I won't have it for this year, though I may very well have it next year.

Jun 21, 2004, 12:10 PM
allright thats cool