View Full Version : Nintendo: Yet another system.

Jun 19, 2004, 10:02 AM
As you may know, Nintendo has shown us the Nintendo DS this year at E3. The DS is said not to be the GBA's succesor, nor the GC's succesor. But did you know that there are two more systems in the works?

Some of you might know about The GC's succesor in the works, which I believe is codenamed "Revolution".

But there is supposedly a THIRD system in the works. Here is what the-magicbox.com said about it.

Today, David Gosen of Nintendo confirmed that the company is already developing a successor of GameBoy Advance, and it is a different system from Nintendo DS. The launch time of the system will base on how well the Nintendo DS will do in the market. If Sony PSP gains more market share, Nintendo will launch the successor of GameBoy Advance as early as 2006, otherwise the launch time will push back for another year (which is 2007).

Nintendo is really pushing to get back on top of the Gaming market. But with three almost-simultaneous systems, they might be pushing it too hard.

Jun 19, 2004, 10:55 AM
We've known about this for a while now. They already said that the DS wasn't the true successor to the Gameboy and that one would be coming down the line.

Remember, they said that they want the DS to be the third "pillar" of their company. Therefore, if they didn't update the GBA, they would have one "pillar" that wasn't up to date.

Jun 19, 2004, 11:57 AM
Good to see Nintendo's trying awfully hard. Eh, I don't follow the whole video game thing as much anymore, but I wish Nintendo would figure out what they're doing and beat out Bill Gates already. (like that's going to happen - but hey, I can wish)

Jun 19, 2004, 12:18 PM
Eh I kinda think the DS is going to flop or just be another system that has some support but really isnt doing anything.

Jun 19, 2004, 12:42 PM
On 2004-06-19 10:18, Dangerous55 wrote:
Eh I kinda think the DS is going to flop or just be another system that has some support but really isnt doing anything.

Can anyone else hear the reverberating call of a Virtual Boy Part 2 in the making?

I'm sure it'll be a decent system, I'm not sure if I'll be shelling out the dough for it though.

Jun 19, 2004, 07:45 PM
This is no problem, especially if third party developers continue to support DS and GameBoy like they are. At least they are not releasing six systems at the same time, like Sega.

I doubt DS will fail. I doubt anyone heard it but MrGlubGlub at 1UP.com's forums created a list of games that are being considered or confirmed. In there is a new Castlevania, Super Monkey Ball, Chu-Chu Rocket, and the creaters of Silent Hill, Final Fantasy, and Contra all want to develop for DS. I doubt DS will go down easily.

Jun 19, 2004, 10:47 PM
On 2004-06-19 17:45, Skett wrote:
This is no problem, especially if third party developers continue to support DS and GameBoy like they are. At least they are not releasing six systems at the same time, like Sega.

I doubt DS will fail. I doubt anyone heard it but MrGlubGlub at 1UP.com's forums created a list of games that are being considered or confirmed. In there is a new Castlevania, Super Monkey Ball, Chu-Chu Rocket, and the creaters of Silent Hill, Final Fantasy, and Contra all want to develop for DS. I doubt DS will go down easily.

yep, totally agree...


Jun 19, 2004, 11:21 PM
I'd better go find a part time job or win the lottery if I'm gonna be adding a 3rd gaming source

Jun 19, 2004, 11:27 PM
On 2004-06-19 17:45, Skett wrote:

I doubt DS will fail. I doubt anyone heard it but MrGlubGlub at 1UP.com's forums created a list of games that are being considered or confirmed. In there is a new Castlevania, Super Monkey Ball, Chu-Chu Rocket, and the creaters of Silent Hill, Final Fantasy, and Contra all want to develop for DS. I doubt DS will go down easily.

Hmm those are great and all, but you can play them on other systems. If they start releasing basically the same games for the DS and the new Game Boy it isnt going to be so hot.

Jun 20, 2004, 03:19 AM
On 2004-06-19 17:45, Skett wrote:
At least they are not releasing six systems at the same time, like Sega.


Jun 20, 2004, 03:25 AM
Hopefully Nintendo will wait a few years after the DS release for the next GBA. And I doubt that the DS game are compatible with the GBA games cuz of all the extra features and the touch screen thing. And the big N is smarter than that to release so many systems in short time apart from each other.

Jun 20, 2004, 03:37 AM
DS games and GBA games are not compatible. However, the DS will be able to play GBA games as well as the new format, since it will have a port on top for DS and bottom for GBA.

Jun 20, 2004, 08:03 AM
On 2004-06-19 21:27, Dangerous55 wrote:

Hmm those are great and all, but you can play them on other systems. If they start releasing basically the same games for the DS and the new Game Boy it isnt going to be so hot.

I think you are missing the entire point of DS. Its a new way that you play your games. Meaning DS will use its unique features (2 screens, touch pad, ect) to control and manipulate gameplay. The new GB will just use the standered control pad/A and B buttons. Unless developers become lazy, the games that they create will be different from the consoles, PSP, and GBA.

And it sounds as Kent would like an explination. Just after the 16-bit console wars but before the next one, Sega started to release several systems at the same time, while still developing for Genesis. Soon Saturn was out and by than Sega had released six systems.

Sure, one or two were add-ons but it created completely new games from the system it connected to, thus it is considered a new system. Let me think of the systems: Genesis, 32X, Saturn, GameGear, and that is all I can remember.

The creation of so many systems and how only Genesis actually sold really well is one reason why Sega continued having financial problems through the Dreamcast.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skett on 2004-06-20 06:04 ]</font>

Jun 20, 2004, 11:01 AM
the dreamcast was a good system but too bad sega was allready in economicals problems, also i like the DS preview a lot and ill prefer to get a DS than a PSP.
i like the PS2 and i like sony but everyone should stay in their market, nintendo owns 100% the mobile game market, PS2 in my opinion owns (for less pay for play online games) the xbox online market, there is a good battle in japan between the PS2 and Gamecube, man battles should exists for our benefit, having good quality games than the other company, then the other company do something else, thats good for users, and bill owns the market on operating systems, did you hear me bill OPERATING SYSTEMS!!!!
stay in there japaneses rules the game company, like
Shiguero Miyamoto or Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear Creator).

Jun 20, 2004, 12:19 PM
Too many Nintendo type consoles in the works if you ask me..............

And this could possibly be a bad thing. But, we will just have to see what becomes of it, I guess. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif

Jun 20, 2004, 12:27 PM
On 2004-06-20 06:03, Skett wrote:
I think you are missing the entire point of DS. Its a new way that you play your games. Meaning DS will use its unique features (2 screens, touch pad, ect) to control and manipulate gameplay. The new GB will just use the standered control pad/A and B buttons. Unless developers become lazy, the games that they create will be different from the consoles, PSP, and GBA.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skett on 2004-06-20 06:04 ]</font>

Oh I know all about it. You get to have a minimap on a screen when you play Metroid. Fun.

Jun 20, 2004, 05:39 PM
On 2004-06-20 10:27, Dangerous55 wrote:
Oh I know all about it. You get to have a minimap on a screen when you play Metroid. Fun.

Hey, for a Metroid or Castlevania game, that is not that bad since I look at the map so much. I am sure more talented developers will create a better use. Try using your imagination. Stop looking at the examples given to you. Branch off them and think of your own ideas.

Sometimes people have no imagination.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skett on 2004-06-20 15:43 ]</font>

Jun 20, 2004, 05:48 PM
All the imagination in the world won't help if none of it winds up in developers' hands... case in point, connecting the Gamecube and GBA. There's a ton of creative potential in that, and yet there are very few games that actually use it. If nobody in a postion to do something with their idea comes up with something better than a constant mini-map, the whole concept of dual screens is pointless.

Jun 20, 2004, 06:32 PM
Ok, anybody who doubts that developers are going to do awesome things with the DS? Go look at Pac-Pix. Sure, it's just a mini-game, but man oh man... that mini-game looks like more fun than most games I've played in the past five years.

I don't think people seem to realize this, but if all we get for the next few years is a bunch of GTA clones, the industry will bomb. It will curl up and die just like it did back in the day when Atari was ruling the market. It's this kind of innovation we need or else the gaming industry is going to hit rock bottom.

Jun 20, 2004, 10:08 PM
Personally I think the DS is going to be a big help to Nintendo. As long as Nintendo keeps making new stuff and leading the way in gaming innovations, there will be gamers looking to Nintendo for that break from traditional gaming. The Sony PSP looks impressive, and may do ok on the market, but I think the DS will ultimately prevail. This assumption is based on the fact that the PSP is capapble of possibly to much stuff. If the PSP is overpriced, it could result in a big financial flop for the system. The touch screen on the DS's lower screen is a feature that should be pleasing to many innovation hungry gamers. I think nintendo is going in the right direction, and as long as they dont release to many systems at once, they'll be ok.

Jun 20, 2004, 11:51 PM
On 2004-06-20 20:08, Deluge wrote:
This assumption is based on the PSP is capapble of possibly to much stuff. If tfact that thehe PSP is overpriced, it could result in a big financial flop for the system.

N-Gage Anyone? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Jun 21, 2004, 12:50 AM
On 2004-06-20 15:39, Skett wrote:

Hey, for a Metroid or Castlevania game, that is not that bad since I look at the map so much. I am sure more talented developers will create a better use. Try using your imagination. Stop looking at the examples given to you. Branch off them and think of your own ideas.

Sometimes people have no imagination.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skett on 2004-06-20 15:43 ]</font>

Wow you deduced that I have no imagination from that. Way to go!

The question is, are people really going to want to spend the cash for three Nintendo systems plus others and the games to go with them? Flooding the market with systems isnt going to help the Industry any either.

We won't get GTA like games for years either. It's a fad. It will pass. They are popular now, they will eventually fall in popularity. That doesn't mean the Industry will fall.

Jun 21, 2004, 12:56 AM
Is it just me or does it look like that using the Nintendo DS for extended periods of time would cause discomfort 'cause your eyes would be crossed? Two screens? I don't know if I can handle that. I'll stick to my little flame red GBA SP, thankyouverymuch.

Jun 21, 2004, 02:48 PM
On 2004-06-20 22:56, DementorsKiss wrote:
Is it just me or does it look like that using the Nintendo DS for extended periods of time would cause discomfort 'cause your eyes would be crossed? Two screens? I don't know if I can handle that. I'll stick to my little flame red GBA SP, thankyouverymuch.

How can your eyes get crossed by looking up... then down... then up again? It shouldn't be that much different from regular gaming.

And I'd say that calling the GTA-style games a fad is a bit much. I'm sure someone said the exact same thing back in the day when FPS games came out, but look at that... they're still alive and kicking. What developers don't get about GTA is that the idea of stealing cars and whatnot isn't going to keep selling games, as most of the clones have proven. It's the open areas full of "living" characters going about doing their own thing, and the freedom to do what you want in these areas that is going to stick with gaming for years to come.

It's true that flooding the market with systems is a problem, and it's one that's also going to get addressed in the next two or three generations. This has really been the only generation that has supported more than two consoles at once, and it's pretty unclear as to whether or not this trend will stick around.

The thing about the DS is that whether it fails or not, it's introducing innovation into the industry. THIS is what the industry needs. If you just look at a list of games, you can pick out very few that introduce something new that is worth trying. These stale ideas need something to jumpstart them. That's why people are so interested in the DS. This might be what we've all been waiting for to essentially make games fun again.

Heck, just remember: Nintendo's already said that the Revolution will be different from a standard console... a cryptic clue at best, but it still boggles the mind to think what they might do after the DS.

Jun 22, 2004, 05:34 PM
GTA style games and FPSs are a completely different thing. I meant it as a fad that there are about 5 GTA-stlye games in the works. It isnt going to be like that forever.

Yeah the DS is different. I just think basing a system on 2 screens and a touch screen is stupid. I don't think the 2 screens is anything great, certainly not worth buying it for.

The touch screen is nothing new, how big is the screen anyway? Plus, finger prints and screens don't mix too well.

Now this is just my opinon, personally I think the DS is a stupid idea.

Jun 22, 2004, 06:07 PM
On 2004-06-22 15:34, Dangerous55 wrote:
GTA style games and FPSs are a completely different thing. I meant it as a fad that there are about 5 GTA-stlye games in the works. It isnt going to be like that forever.

Yeah the DS is different. I just think basing a system on 2 screens and a touch screen is stupid. I don't think the 2 screens is anything great, certainly not worth buying it for.

The touch screen is nothing new, how big is the screen anyway? Plus, finger prints and screens don't mix too well.

Now this is just my opinon, personally I think the DS is a stupid idea.

Fair enough, but you do understand that GTA-style games and FPS were concepts that flourished into full-blown genres, which was why I compared the two.

The thing is that touch screen is new to gaming for the most part. Good point about the problem with finger prints. Hasn't really been brought up, but I'm sure there's going to be many "Mad Catz Nintendo DS Cleaning Kitz" on the market in a few years.

Jun 22, 2004, 06:15 PM
On 2004-06-20 16:32, Outrider wrote:
if all we get for the next few years is a bunch of GTA clones, the industry will bomb.

That is the scariest thing I've ever heard/read. *shudders*

I never did like GTA3 or Vice City. Although GTA1 & 2 were fun on pc.

I think games should take certain freedomental aspects from the GTA series......but replicating the GTA gameplay into all other games would be the most horrible thing in the history of games. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

I seriously hope the industry doesn't fall to it's knees for GTA-like games. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarthFomar on 2004-06-22 16:16 ]</font>

Jun 22, 2004, 08:12 PM
On 2004-06-21 12:48, Outrider wrote:
It's the open areas full of "living" characters going about doing their own thing, and the freedom to do what you want in these areas that is going to stick with gaming for years to come.

SEGA actually started that with Shenmue... sadly it didn't take off until Rockstar Games did it with GTA3. I guess people prefer the added violence... personally I like Shenmue more, tho, for the exact reason you said. GTA is really cool, tho, when you give citizens guns and make them fight each other tho, teehee. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

This has really been the only generation that has supported more than two consoles at once, and it's pretty unclear as to whether or not this trend will stick around.

Technically, Dreamcast is also part of this generation, no? So you could say its the first to, at one time, support four systems at once. Haha, that's so weird...

The thing about the DS is that whether it fails or not, it's introducing innovation into the industry. THIS is what the industry needs. If you just look at a list of games, you can pick out very few that introduce something new that is worth trying. These stale ideas need something to jumpstart them. That's why people are so interested in the DS. This might be what we've all been waiting for to essentially make games fun again.

Heck, just remember: Nintendo's already said that the Revolution will be different from a standard console... a cryptic clue at best, but it still boggles the mind to think what they might do after the DS.

Very true. Pretty much Nintendo is trying to start bringing innovation into the gaming industry. Even if the DS doesn't do so hot, at least they're bringing more life into the industry. In comparison, Sony is bringing in a mini-PS2, with some more features, of course. It basically has PS2 graphics and capabilities, tho. I could be wrong about that, but that's how I understand it.
With the release of the DS, even if it does fail, I think Nintendo will still win in the long run by trying to bring new ideas into gaming rather than rehashing old ideas.
Nintendo has had multiple systems alive at once before. I think they can still pull it off. Keep in ind, too, that Nintendo said they plan on supporting the Gamecube well after the release of "Revolution." No one knows whether that means just making new Gamecube systems still or actually creating new games for it.

Jun 22, 2004, 09:27 PM
It seems like this thread is divided. Half believes that 2 screens and touch pad is not enough to worrent a purchase The other believes that the features will change games.

I have to go with the second half. Obviously the features alone dont make the system, how developers use the features in their games is the draw. Some people just judge by the system and not how the features can be used to improve gameplay.

Either way, DS has great protential. Many well known developers are very interested in using the features in their games. However, in reality, it is way too early for anyone to judge how the system will fair. It could take off like GBA, have great games but lack consumer interest like Dreamcast, or just sizzle and die like Virtual Boy. Only time will know.

Jun 22, 2004, 10:31 PM
On 2004-06-22 18:12, Innervision wrote:

On 2004-06-21 12:48, Outrider wrote:
It's the open areas full of "living" characters going about doing their own thing, and the freedom to do what you want in these areas that is going to stick with gaming for years to come.

SEGA actually started that with Shenmue... sadly it didn't take off until Rockstar Games did it with GTA3. I guess people prefer the added violence... personally I like Shenmue more, tho, for the exact reason you said. GTA is really cool, tho, when you give citizens guns and make them fight each other tho, teehee. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Well, if you want to go with Shenmue, you could even go so far as say Majora's Mask, which was released about two weeks beforehand.

Jun 22, 2004, 10:44 PM
On 2004-06-22 16:07, Outrider wrote:

Fair enough, but you do understand that GTA-style games and FPS were concepts that flourished into full-blown genres, which was why I compared the two.

The thing is that touch screen is new to gaming for the most part. Good point about the problem with finger prints. Hasn't really been brought up, but I'm sure there's going to be many "Mad Catz Nintendo DS Cleaning Kitz" on the market in a few years.

Yeah but GTA style is just shooting, crime, and roaming. An FPS can be anything. Whatever though, it doesnt matter.

I don't see how a touch screen can be fun or add much. The screen is pretty small isnt it?

Also, won't your hand cover the other screen when you are using the touch screen?

Jun 23, 2004, 01:43 AM
On 2004-06-22 20:44, Dangerous55 wrote:
Also, won't your hand cover the other screen when you are using the touch screen?


Doesn't really look like it. The bottom screen is the touch screen, for those who don't know. My only concern is balancing it in a game such as Metroid Prime: Hunters where you would have to hold it with one hand for control and aim and shoot with the stylus.

Jun 23, 2004, 09:27 AM
The stylus is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. It's incredibly fun, but it can be very frustrating.

Jun 23, 2004, 11:46 AM
Yeah I didnt know what screen it was, still all seems to small to do it.

Jun 23, 2004, 12:26 PM
On 2004-06-22 23:43, Outrider wrote:

Doesn't really look like it. The bottom screen is the touch screen, for those who don't know. My only concern is balancing it in a game such as Metroid Prime: Hunters where you would have to hold it with one hand for control and aim and shoot with the stylus.

what's "hold and shoot with the other hand" ?
Don't tell me they're trying to go Duck Hunt style with the touch screen..
That just doesn't work with metroid =/

Jun 23, 2004, 12:49 PM
Nintendo needs to branch out a little and get some more income. They are competing with Sony and Microsoft, which both make everything from cameras to computers.

At this rate I say it's only a matter of time before Nintedo goes the way of Sega, just in a less crash and burn fashion.

Jun 23, 2004, 01:14 PM
I also read that the stylus scratches the screen very easily.

Jun 23, 2004, 01:30 PM
I would think that nintendo will leave the touch application for puzzles, minigames or maybe even keypads and whatnot. Perhaps a sniper mode could be enabled by switching the scope to the top screen and aiming with the bottom... I would certainly enjoy that. Maybe even a finger version of DDR?

Hell, they could sell a pair of silk gloves with the DS to avoid prints and scratches.

Jun 23, 2004, 02:27 PM
Yeah, Firo... the deal is you move around with the D-Pad and aim and fire by tapping with the stylus.

I question it as well. I personally think it's one of the worse ideas they've had for the DS, but whatever.

Jun 24, 2004, 06:32 PM
lets take a look at the PSP shall we... (http://streamingmovies.ign.com/psp/article/513/513453/psp_system_051104_wmvlow.wmv)


The DS is dead before it even makes it into mass production.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: lilmetal on 2004-06-24 16:34 ]</font>

Jun 24, 2004, 07:22 PM
On 2004-06-22 20:31, Outrider wrote:
Well, if you want to go with Shenmue, you could even go so far as say Majora's Mask, which was released about two weeks beforehand.

lol, that's true, I didn't even think of that. The reason I said Shenmue, tho, is AM2 specifically named Shenmue's genre as "F.R.E.E." But you're definitely right, lol.

On 2004-06-23 11:30, Bradicus wrote:
I would think that nintendo will leave the touch application for puzzles, minigames or maybe even keypads and whatnot. Perhaps a sniper mode could be enabled by switching the scope to the top screen and aiming with the bottom... I would certainly enjoy that. Maybe even a finger version of DDR?

lol... they actually did release a GBC version of DDR in Japan. It came with a finger pad that you placed over the GBC buttons. I heard it really sucked tho... lol IGN gave it a 5.0... check it out... http://gameboy.ign.com/articles/165/165242p1.html
It'd probably be better on the DS, tho. I like the Sniper mode idea alot... I hope someone does that.

EDIT: Messed up the URL... heh.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Innervision on 2004-06-24 17:26 ]</font>

Jun 24, 2004, 08:48 PM
well nintendo would do better if more of the games were online. argghh.

Jun 24, 2004, 11:56 PM
On 2004-06-24 16:32, lilmetal wrote:
The DS is dead before it even makes it into mass production.

Well, assuming the PSP can stay on long enough for someone to boot up a game.

Jun 25, 2004, 12:43 AM
On 2004-06-24 16:32, lilmetal wrote:
lets take a look at the PSP shall we... (http://streamingmovies.ign.com/psp/article/513/513453/psp_system_051104_wmvlow.wmv)


The DS is dead before it even makes it into mass production.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: lilmetal on 2004-06-24 16:34 ]</font>

And what is that video trying to tell me? Personally, I don't really mind just what it looks like because gaming performance/experience should be the key and design can come later. Yet all that video did was show me a blank screen with buttons and a glossy black finish. Wow. Horray for looks meaning everything.

Now I don't mind if that was made only to showcase visuals, but if it doesn't show the viewer any great advantage over the DS, please don't post it with "The DS is dead before it even makes it into mass production," which implies it somehow beats the DS and that video supports the statement.

Anyway, I do agree with both viewpoints that have formed. Two screens and a touchpad at first seems like a silly addition and a cheap marketing scheme to make the same system look different, with a few upgrades, and that could hurt sales. On the other hand, the touch screen is on the right path in innovation, which could be used to add some unique, more player-friendly controls and add to the complexity of games in the DS. The two screen could be better - Perhaps three across to present a 3d experience like arcade flight sims; With some more cash, they could make them fold in for storage. Just a thought. But anyway, the two screen needs to be utilized into unique gameplay and not a space for a map. I don't know what exactly to do with it though, like i said I would prefer something different like 3 screens. 2 is strange because it can't be used effectively to add to the area in gameplay, otherwise the vertical scale visually would feel very awkward while playing, like the exact opposite of a widescreen TV. If the added innovations (and I agree, are good to introduce) are utilized, than the DS can succeed, but otherwise it will only be another hand-held with two screens and a dirty touch screen.

Jun 25, 2004, 01:20 AM
I think the PSP looks alot better then the DS. Right now from what I know about both I would take the PSP. But I was never into forking over hundreds of dollars for a weaker smaller system. Anyone else think that sitting on your bed and playing a handheld is kinda stupid if you have your own TV and console?

Jun 26, 2004, 11:41 AM
On 2004-06-24 23:20, Dangerous55 wrote:
I think the PSP looks alot better then the DS. Right now from what I know about both I would take the PSP. But I was never into forking over hundreds of dollars for a weaker smaller system. Anyone else think that sitting on your bed and playing a handheld is kinda stupid if you have your own TV and console?

To some degree, yes. I just wish there was a Fire Emblem for GC http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif Or at least something less than $150 to play GBA on my television. Anyway, gaming to me is becoming very repetitive. It's always a few new features and "top-of-the-line" graphics now; nothing truly revolutionary in the industry. I wouldn't fork over the money either, not for a system that I'll use very rarely, and when my GC is fine and can easily suffice.

Jun 26, 2004, 03:04 PM
On 2004-06-26 09:41, Scales_of_Air wrote:

To some degree, yes. I just wish there was a Fire Emblem for GC http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

I think you'll find your prayers answered withing the next year or so.... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif

Jun 26, 2004, 03:16 PM
To some degree, yes. I just wish there was a Fire Emblem for GC Or at least something less than $150 to play GBA on my television.

Infact there is... don't remember where I saw it, but it was like 30 bucks. It ain't official nintendo though, so I don't know if it would be worth it or not.

Jun 26, 2004, 04:46 PM
On 2004-06-26 13:16, Eanae wrote:

To some degree, yes. I just wish there was a Fire Emblem for GC Or at least something less than $150 to play GBA on my television.

Infact there is... don't remember where I saw it, but it was like 30 bucks. It ain't official nintendo though, so I don't know if it would be worth it or not.

Well, I saw that as well... but the Nintendo Gameboy Player is forty bucks, so uh... if you already have a GCN, and it seems like you do, you might as well go for that.

And yes, there is a GCN Fire Emblem coming out sometime in the future. Dunno if they've given any concrete information, but it has been shown.