View Full Version : hey look it's pix of pso trial packaging and stuff

Jun 2, 2002, 01:17 PM
source (http://www.topadoo.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?topic=830&forum=3&0)

Jun 2, 2002, 01:20 PM
you always have such good news

Jun 2, 2002, 02:33 PM
Pretty cool packing, I must say. Although, I still have qualms about the controlboard.

Jun 2, 2002, 02:46 PM
Fugly! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jun 2, 2002, 02:48 PM
Not bad..i don't know about that controller but the more i look at it,the more i see advantages in it.For one,i play DC PSO on my PC monitor,so i have to have the keyboard on my lap...when i type,if it want to type faster,i have to put the controller down,make sure it doesnt fall over,and type.With this,it's the same thing but i dont have to worry about the controller falling down and having the VMU pop-out(i know there's no VMU on the GC pad,but i could still have it fall on the floor)....i think i'll like it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Riel on 2002-06-02 12:50 ]</font>

Jun 2, 2002, 04:34 PM
i actually like the idea of the keyboard controller... i'd still like to have the option to use the normal controller and have the keyboard next to me, though. i may get annoyed with that big thing http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif when i'm getting into the game i'd like to just lie back with a little teeny GCN controller.

Jun 2, 2002, 04:41 PM
i think it looks wayyy cool! but i do kinda like the old seperate pad/keyboard combo. hopefully the'll allow both... heres hopin...

Jun 2, 2002, 06:13 PM
I like the way the CD is too big to fit in the GameCube http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Jun 2, 2002, 08:17 PM
The keyboard looks very nice, better and better everytime I see it. I hope ASCII decides to make a color for everything GC color. I'm pretty sure they will do that. Gotta keep my GC and it's peripherals Jet Black. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

The only problem I think I will have.. will be missing the space bar. It's rather small to accomdate the small size of the keyboard, but I think I'll manage.

Jun 2, 2002, 08:24 PM
lol I thought the same thing, I even put a normal CD in my GC to see if it fits but ofcourse it didn't but when I saw the space in the packaging where you put your memory card, you can see the relationship in size http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif The cd is as small as all GC ones but the case itself is small and makes it look big lol. Took me a while to get to the confusion(good grief, such a no-brainer lol)

Jun 2, 2002, 08:28 PM
Also, does someone know if it's possible to order that import?

Jun 2, 2002, 08:38 PM
I think all the trials are gone, we'll just have to wait till the full version is released. I hope we can get some kind of full blown news and media from the trial though.

Jun 3, 2002, 12:19 AM
On 2002-06-02 18:24, Rubesahl wrote:
lol I thought the same thing, I even put a normal CD in my GC to see if it fits but ofcourse it didn't but when I saw the space in the packaging where you put your memory card, you can see the relationship in size http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif The cd is as small as all GC ones but the case itself is small and makes it look big lol. Took me a while to get to the confusion(good grief, such a no-brainer lol)

Then get out the lighted magnifyer for the instruction manual!

Jun 3, 2002, 02:58 AM
let's not forget the keyboard controller is "smaller than a laptop kb" which means the keys make dimes look big...

Jun 3, 2002, 03:22 AM
well you guys have to look at the keyboard situation from all angles and it so easy to figure,im surprised no one else said it;I bet you can just plug the kb/controller hybrid in controller port 2 and use your normal GC controller in slot 1,simple eh?....and i have to agree the packaging is really ugly....im sure that kb thing will be in differnt colors.the first pictures i saw of that thing,it was in the GC purple,i hope it is to,if thats beige im looking at...then ick.....beige keybaords,mice,computers,make me cringe.