View Full Version : so how is PSO nowadays?

Jun 3, 2002, 12:17 AM
like how many people still even play it?

have GS users gotton bored of the game yet?
has sega made lots of new quests?

if I got V1 and went online would I still find games to play in? like do people still play v1?

Jun 3, 2002, 12:43 AM
just got off from playing...just started playing again today actuallly...been out for 6 months...much less people, but definitely still as fun always...http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jun 3, 2002, 02:56 AM
You know, sometimes the urge to just charge in and hack up some Dimenians overtakes me. Then i remember that I played a FOnewm, and replace "hack up some Dimenians" with "hide in a small corner until the grantz wizard finally blows the hell out of me"... yeah, v2 was tough on us spell-jockeys. Outside of battle mode, we were reduced to mobile Zalure/Jellen platforms, softening the skin so the rangers could punch the holes and the hunters scoop out the meat.

Course, I could actually stand a chance in V1. With the trusty Staff of Justice, my Holy Ray at the hip, and that four slot parasite wear I won on a gamble with ol' Ex, yeah...

Yeah, those were the days. I won't let this dive further into another "good ol' days of V1" rant, but anybody who joined this site in early 2001 knows exactly what I'm talking about.

The game still kicks ass though.

I've chased DF across galaxies. Since the days when Megid was cool and blew stuff up. His menace is boundless. From haunting the dreams of innocent Parmans, making puppets out of Laya and Orakio, sundering planets just to fill his perverted sense of glee and now here, trapping the ever-lustworthy Red Ring Ricola inside his terrible fleshy scrote.

DF owes the galaxy a debt, and just because he finally found his way off of Sega hardware doesn't mean he's gonna escape me.

Here's to Phantasy Star, now and phorever.

Jun 3, 2002, 08:18 AM
Well, the number of gs/cb users haven't gone done in terms of ratio, by since the number of players overall have gone down, there's less of them.

You won't find many open teams these days, other than c-mode and v-mode.

If you like the game before, it's easy to get back into it and start playing again. Whether it's to get more victories, get Bu-EI, or the near-unobtainable lv 200.

Jun 3, 2002, 08:53 AM
I've gone back to Ver 1 and its not like the early days but its not bad.

Here is a tip, use the chat macros in the greetings and lobby sections, for example: "hello" >motherkicker "nice to meet you">motherkicker "are you free">motherkicker, then someone will either ask to join or seem interested and it doesn't matter their language setting.

Jun 3, 2002, 09:38 AM
First of all: NO OBERON
Unless you're a GS user and want to go ther and hack people. Japanese players are the most legit that can be but them too are cheating these days. C-mode is really fun, and you'll mostly find japanese teams of ULT and V-hard.A good way that you could still find fun with US players(if your legit) is to find a clan to join which could have a home ship/block.

Jun 3, 2002, 12:03 PM
ahh but if I got online I could only play with v1

sega already took my money the first time around. and I only got my HL for 2 days :|

unless they fixed the bug and you CAN pay with a atm bank card

I have this urge to play again but the thing is I want to wait intill pso for xbox comes

Jun 3, 2002, 10:28 PM
I'd like to tell you how wonderful my experience has been, but my hunter's license has expired. Renewal time...

Jun 4, 2002, 12:04 AM
My recent PSO experiences havn't been too shabby....as a matter of fact, Ive had a good time playing on the EU servers with some German players.

Ive found that most players from other countries outside of the US have at least a grasp of english, so don't be afraid to play w/them.

Jun 4, 2002, 12:14 AM
Ahh, it's been awhile since I was last online playing PSO. I too have been wondering how it is online. Anyways hows Ariel? Is that ship still pretty much a safe ship to play on? I have been wanting to go back online, but I don't think it's going to happen. I need to find a free working ISP. Until that happens, I am stuck with offline mode.

Jun 4, 2002, 10:11 AM
hmmm PSO is a trash dump for losers and cheaters mostly.....I mean you can't enter a game without someone using having a 180% S-Rank Needle for every area lol

Jun 4, 2002, 12:36 PM
PSO v.1 is bad depending on the way you play.
I've met legit friends who play a lot with myself who I've met through cheater friends and legits.
PSO is a sea of JP, EU, the occasional newbie, and the grain of sand in a haystack legit.
Oh the best chat line you can read is "I don't cheat" "a friend gave me this 60 60 60% SPREAD NEEDLE(or 180 180 180%)" "he said he found it" bah ha ha ha... argh mateys ]

Ye land lubbers are going to sea in PSO a sea of cheating, cyber sex, and addicted legit gamers teams.

Jun 4, 2002, 01:02 PM
My favorite line to this day is the "my friend finds s-rank weapons all the time by beating v-hard dark flaz" :|

Jun 4, 2002, 01:33 PM
PSo is much like life. when u make a sim world you get it, er in outher words pso=Cheatrs/cyber sex/a few good ppl Earth/cheatrs/sex junkys/and a few not so nice ppl