View Full Version : id, drops webpage

Jun 24, 2004, 11:34 PM
hi, i would like to announce, that a new webpage for PSO is on the making right now.

what are you going to find in there?

1- Drops % for every ID
2- Videos, programs, utilities, etc
3- Polls
4- Guestbook
5- Videos about PSO (updated everytime)
6- Guides, Topics, etc
7- Links of another good PSO web pages
8- News about PSO
9- Information about Items, Weapons, Units, etc
10- Trying to get the details of every part of the game (like beat time, etc)

thank everyone, i am trying to do my best for me and other players, i only do this on my free time, and i hope you enjoy the time when you be on the webpage.

Jun 24, 2004, 11:49 PM
Isn't that this site?

Jun 24, 2004, 11:54 PM
yeah i love this site, thats why i am building another.

Jun 25, 2004, 12:41 AM
Listen Luis, up until this point I had nothing personal against you. Even after you made your claims about pinkal tech disc findings, I said nothing for nor against you. But the fact that you are making your own PSO webpage has pushed a wrong button with me.

CAN you make a website? Yes. Do you WANT to make a website? Apparantly so. SHOULD you make a website? I do not believe so. This website has much of what anyone with PSO enquiries could ever possibly need. I think it's neat and all that you took the time and the effort to go through coding to prove one of this forums most beloved members wrong. I still dont buy what your trying to prove, as I cant understand a damn thing you say in regards to the matter. That being said, it still has little to do with why I dont think your new website should come into existance. There are already a plethora of PSO websites out there that wish to bring information to the general public. Many of them, if not all, pale in comparison to what this website (PSOW) can bring to the people.

Your website as it stands seems like nothing more than a cheap ripoff of other people's work. Even though I do not doubt your ability to come up with a perfectly useable drop chart, I still don't see the point of it. Those drop charts already exist. Heck, your drop chart even looks nearly identical to that of HeyF00l's. I'm getting to two things with this.

1. You'd be wasting your time.
2. Rather than help the community with relevant information, you would only help to tear the pso community appart.

People like things simple, they like having everything under one roof. People also fear change, and for good reason. If it ain't broke, Luis, don't fix it. I understand that Housoka is down. I love that website. I loved what it was trying to do. I didn't see it as a threat to the community. I saw it as an extension of sorts to what PSOW is constantly trying to accomplish.

Of your list of things you wish to put on your website, I find that the following are absolutely repeptitive in nature:
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9

Of your list of things you wish to put on your website, I find that the following are somewhat nice (nice, but not great by any means):
5, 10

Everything on the first list already exist on this website. Everything on the second list also already exist on this website, only in lower dosage, or in a sligtly "work in progress" state. I wish this website would have more videos. GUESS WHAT??? THAT'S WHAT THE SITE SUGGESTIONS SECTION IN THE SITE RELATED FORUMS IS FOR. If you want videos, request them!!! What in the hell do you gain by creating competition for this website? Now #10: this website has alot of that already. The fact that you were allowed to post your funny little pinkal theory is proof enough that this website is perfectly open to new ideas and the such. You can feel free to research this game as much as you god damn feel like it; heck, I encourage it. That however does not mean that because YOU found it, the info needs to be on YOUR website. You can always donate guides to this website.

This website is mostly run by a handful of wonderful individuals, but alot of what has been accomplished could not have been possible without the help of PSOW members who were unselfish in their intentions and thus felt like donating their help to the site. You are doing nothing of the sorts. SO yeah.... do what you want, but don't expect me to pay much attention to whatever it is you accomplish.

Jun 25, 2004, 01:07 AM
Breath Rico,

I would have to agree on the fundamentals Luis, a lot of it is just redundant. Instead, it would be more helpful to aid this site with a lot of the finer details that you want to look in to.

Edit: Also, this would belong in the General forum, no?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dyras on 2004-06-24 23:10 ]</font>

Jun 25, 2004, 01:27 AM
i dont really understand the fact that i should not build a webpage, because this webpage is good, indeed this webpage is good, but is that a law?, that says that i cant build mine??, this site is good, no question about it, but what if i want to build a site?, also i dont have on my head the idea of the competition against this web site, even those, but what i am thinking involves 100% on this site in a good way, its just, can u let me finish?
by the law i can build a website, without asking permision but thats not the idea here, in the matter of fact is a 20 megas free webpage, that i made it like my "thanks" to this good game, doing something for it.

Yeah this webpage is really really good, but can i made another one??, and i dont want to compete with this site, like i said earlier this is the website that is going to be involved on my webpage, just wanna wait for it?, also i cant only make a website for videos, i need something to add (thats why all the rest) that you can get on other sites will be on mine.
Thanks for your cooperation, have a good day.

Jun 25, 2004, 03:24 AM

Jun 25, 2004, 03:36 AM
On 2004-06-25 01:24, digigram wrote:

This is http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/spam.gif
And read the forum rules...

Jun 25, 2004, 05:32 AM
On 2004-06-25 01:24, digigram wrote:

I dunno, I think he makes a valid point


Jun 25, 2004, 12:38 PM
We are not saying you can't, I think we are saying that it would be more helpful to contribute to this page.

Example: This page has a movies section, but a lot are fragmented into parts or just not that interesting. Talk to the webmasters and help out with that.

Jun 25, 2004, 12:45 PM
its ok, i am really used to be on this situations, i know nobody is a gold coin, and nobody can make happy to everyone. And for a long time, i got people on my face telling me, that i can't do something. thats not the first or will be the last.

But what i do now, is to get a breath, put my right leg forward, and keep going, and keep fighting for what you belive, and that will be the only way of how you can overpass every thing in front of you.

Jun 26, 2004, 12:23 AM
Just don't listen to everyone here and make your damn website. I really dont mind and noone else should. In fact, I will help get some information for you, since right now I can't archive my findings here as I need 100 posts.