View Full Version : America and Anime

Jun 26, 2004, 05:19 PM
My lil brother was watching this show called teen titans and they had RObin from batman in it, but it was anime style. Not only that but i saw the opening in it and it was all in jappanesee. Teen titans is just one of the many american shows that copy off the jappanese style of animation(*cough megas xlr and jenny xj9*). I don't think its wrong for americans to draw in the eastern style but when you make a cartoon about it with corny phrases and bad drawing styles it justs degrades anime. Not only that but when you have an AMERICAN superhero and you turn his original design into an jappanese design it looks stupid. I know american cartoons are trying to do this to compete for viewers but its making jappaneese cartoons look stupid. TEEN TITANS is the main cartoon that has degraded the eastern style the most. Each person from that show reminds me of a famous jappanese character. I mean robin from teen titans is totallly different from the robin in the comix i use to read. (where did he get that pole from?). Teen titans basically took the jappanese style and made it tacky. Not only that but since anime has been big and famous, american cartoons aren't what they use to be. What happened to the goood ole days of the angry beavers, dexters lab, rugrats, charlie brown, betty boop, popeye, bugs bunny. The reason why the new american cartoonist complain about there shows not being watched is because of the fact of how stupid and vulgar most american cartoons are these days. Example:Billy and Mandy. If anyone has seen an episode of this show one can say that this show is one of the most stupid and nastiest ones around.I saw one episode of billy and mandy where they were messing around with fecies and one episode of the new dexter laboratory had nudity in it for the whole episode but yet they cut certain scenes in jappanese shows that don't even compare to the stuff that are in billy and mandy. I think american cartoons have went down a lot. The american cartoons of these days focus on breif nudity, fighting, and nasty stuff.

Jun 26, 2004, 05:26 PM
Hey.............Teen Titans is a good show. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

I enjoy watching it. It's a new look, feel, genre, etc. etc.

Teen Titans is one of my favorite Cartoon Network cartoons.....besides all the other late night Adult Swim and Toonami toons. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

TEEN TITANS...GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jun 26, 2004, 05:27 PM
On 2004-06-26 15:19, InfinityXXX wrote:
when you make a cartoon about it with corny phrases and bad drawing styles it justs degrades anime.
As opposed to that lovely little thing they call Hentai?

I'm sure there are plenty of lame anime shows in Japan >_>

Jun 26, 2004, 05:29 PM
For every Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Berserk, and Hellsing, there are many, many, many shit anime.

Jun 26, 2004, 05:29 PM
Teen titans is ok but i just hate how they use the jappanes gags. i admit that the fight scenes are better than some of the other american action shows that try to copy off the jappanese style.

Jun 26, 2004, 05:32 PM
On 2004-06-26 15:27, Bradicus wrote:

On 2004-06-26 15:19, InfinityXXX wrote:
when you make a cartoon about it with corny phrases and bad drawing styles it justs degrades anime.
As opposed to that lovely little thing they call Hentai?

I'm sure there are plenty of lame anime shows in Japan >_>

There probably are but the new american shows are taking away the american cartoon feel. Sometimes when i watch some of these new cartoons i feel like i'm watchin a anime.

Jun 26, 2004, 06:26 PM
First of all, the opening to Teen Titans is in English; it is just sung by someone with a heavy accent (unless they changed it).

Second I find it funny that people rip on cartoons just because they looks or do things a certain way. So what if they they choose to copy the JP cartoon style? It doesn't affect the quality of the cartoon. I think it's nice to see some American cartoons that aren't geared toward children and made 50 years before I was born. Also, there is one key difference between American cartoons and anime: purpose. Anime to the Japanese is like what movies are to us. For Americans, cartoons usually have one basic purpose: to make us laugh.

Also, what is all this stuff about it "degrading anime?" I know that I don't think any differently about anime just because some people chose to use anime style drawings. A cartoon is a cartoon. The only thing a cartoon degrades is itself and possibly the network that it's on.

BTW, there is nothing wrong with Mega XLR.

Jun 26, 2004, 06:47 PM
On 2004-06-26 16:26, Ness wrote:
First of all, the opening to Teen Titans is in English; it is just sung by someone with a heavy accent (unless they changed it).

Second I find it funny that people rip on cartoons just because they looks or do things a certain way. So what if they they choose to copy the JP cartoon style? It doesn't affect the quality of the cartoon. I think it's nice to see some American cartoons that aren't geared toward children and made 50 years before I was born. Also, there is one key difference between American cartoons and anime: purpose. Anime to the Japanese is like what movies are to us. For Americans, cartoons usually have one basic purpose: to make us laugh.

Also, what is all this stuff about it "degrading anime?" I know that I don't think any differently about anime just because some people chose to use anime style drawings. A cartoon is a cartoon. The only thing a cartoon degrades is itself and possibly the network that it's on.

BTW, there is nothing wrong with Mega XLR.

True words. Hey!

I agree with Ness!

But yes, unless you perhaps invented the concept of anime, I doubt you could find any offense.

And Teen Titans is funny. That's it, and it works.

Mega is funny too, in its animebutnot style.


Jun 26, 2004, 07:06 PM
On 2004-06-26 16:26, Ness wrote:
First of all, the opening to Teen Titans is in English; it is just sung by someone with a heavy accent (unless they changed it).

There are 2 openings. A jappanese and english one. both done by a j-pop group. My lil bro adores teen titans and other new cartoons but it isn't my style. I miss the old cartoons but times have changed but the new cartoons can at lease have some of the old qualities instead of copying off most jappanese gags. I'm a cartoonist myself and i guess this is why i'm so worked up about these new age cartoons. (Psssst go to my site to see my work....aero77.ecau.net my names danny.)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2004-06-26 17:10 ]</font>

Jun 26, 2004, 09:44 PM
On 2004-06-26 15:19, InfinityXXX wrote:
My lil brother was watching this show called teen titans and they had RObin from batman in it, but it was anime style. Not only that but i saw the opening in it and it was all in jappanesee. Teen titans is just one of the many american shows that copy off the jappanese style of animation(*cough megas xlr and jenny xj9*). I don't think its wrong for americans to draw in the eastern style but when you make a cartoon about it with corny phrases and bad drawing styles it justs degrades anime. Not only that but when you have an AMERICAN superhero and you turn his original design into an jappanese design it looks stupid.
* Batman series is quite popular in Japan now *
I know american cartoons are trying to do this to compete for viewers but its making jappaneese cartoons look stupid. TEEN TITANS is the main cartoon that has degraded the eastern style the most.
* I, and an adult friend, both are very much into anime, and feel that the americans have done a decent job on this anime, it's nothing like RK, but it's good *
Each person from that show reminds me of a famous jappanese character. I mean robin from teen titans is totallly different from the robin in the comix i use to read. (where did he get that pole from?). Teen titans basically took the jappanese style and made it tacky. Not only that but since anime has been big and famous, american cartoons aren't what they use to be. What happened to the goood ole days of the angry beavers, dexters lab, rugrats, charlie brown, betty boop, popeye, bugs bunny.
* They all still show on cartoon net. daily.
The reason why the new american cartoonist complain about there shows not being watched is because of the fact of how stupid and vulgar most american cartoons are these days. Example:Billy and Mandy. If anyone has seen an episode of this show one can say that this show is one of the most stupid and nastiest ones around.I saw one episode of billy and mandy where they were messing around with fecies and one episode of the new dexter laboratory had nudity in it for the whole episode but yet they cut certain scenes in jappanese shows that don't even compare to the stuff that are in billy and mandy.
* you are correct in your point about nudity and immature, gross behavior. America's kids are being degraded by this pop culture of cartoons, I remember Dexter's good 'ol days, that was my favorite show when I was around 8, 9, 10 years old, but I can hardly stand to watch it anymore since they've changed it so much
I think american cartoons have went down a lot. The american cartoons of these days focus on breif nudity, fighting, and nasty stuff.

Jun 26, 2004, 11:41 PM
They still show popeye and betty boop!!!!!!!!! What time does it come on.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2004-06-26 21:44 ]</font>

Jun 27, 2004, 12:06 AM
While yes, it is sad to see that too much of American animation is now seemingly becoming more and more like anime, it is the trend.

And I like Megas XLR...though I would say it more comic influenced and has a more stylized look (with the exception to the giant robots...but then again, giant robots seem to always look like ripoffs in one way or shape) to it to fully classify it as an anime ripoff. And My Life as a Teenage Robot is more on the lines of the Powerpuff Girls to be fully considered in that level as well. The look and feel are more Western than Eastern. Especially in terms of the shots. The shots are not very dynamic in that show. They are more straight foward side views...were many Anime is more dynamic in terms of the angles.

Now Teen Titans and Totally Spies...yeah, those are the real examples you should use. Megas and MLAATR just have an influence that doesn't fully take it over.

As for the brief nudity and dirty jokes in American cartoons, you do realize by this statement you are trying to say that the Japanese do not use this as much. Ok, the so some of the fecial jokes...I can understand...but Anime filled with just as much innuedo as US cartoons. And in case you have been living under a rock and only watched the stuff on CN, Anime has more nudity in it than American animation will ever has (not saying they are more perverted, they are just more open minded to area in which we feel is "wrong")...not to mention actual sexual content.

Don't ever watch for the hidden references. You might really be shocked then...(especially Rocko's Modern Life that used to be on Nickelodeon)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RuneLateralus on 2004-06-26 22:15 ]</font>

Jun 27, 2004, 12:29 AM
Megas Xlr is an exception but i already knew about anime's freaky deaky side. My freind whos an artist like me only draws hentai(perv)(psst visit my art site aero77.ecau.net, i'm an artist who draw in eastern style so i'm kinda overreacting over this in a way but it is getting on my nerves seeing american cartoons acting like anime)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2004-06-26 22:40 ]</font>

Jun 27, 2004, 01:06 AM
On 2004-06-26 21:41, InfinityXXX wrote:
They still show popeye and betty boop!!!!!!!!! What time does it come on.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2004-06-26 21:44 ]</font>

Usually late night, early morn, very rare to see on, but I have seen it.

Jun 27, 2004, 01:50 AM
On 2004-06-26 15:29, ABDUR101 wrote:
For every Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Berserk, and Hellsing, there are many, many, many shit anime.

Watch it. >=/

Jun 27, 2004, 11:14 PM
I don't watch any American cartoons, such as teen titans, dexter's lab, samurai jack, etc... In my opinion, they lack substance compared to the more plot-filled, underlying themes of anime in my taste. I also like the more realistic, detailed anime artwork, contrary to the comic-style of american work.

Americans trying to produce japanese looking work to come back in the market? It looks to me that that means the american artists are taking their typical, baseless, futiley comical plots of cartoons and making them look, to a poor degree, like japanese artwork to atract viewers... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_nono.gif The error is obvious.

Jun 27, 2004, 11:28 PM
On 2004-06-26 22:06, RuneLateralus wrote:

Don't ever watch for the hidden references. You might really be shocked then...(especially Rocko's Modern Life that used to be on Nickelodeon)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RuneLateralus on 2004-06-26 22:15 ]</font>

After I grew up a bit, and even while watching that show as a kid, I was noticing some of that innuendo.

Actually, there were few episodes without it!

Jun 28, 2004, 04:04 AM
you people should stop complaining. at least you actually get some anime on tv, if i want any then theres a choice of outlaw star at about 4am...or dragonball, pokemon and digimon... stuff like teen titans and samuri jack helps to cover the total lack of anime so dont mock it too much...

Jun 28, 2004, 11:09 AM
Hey, I like Teen Titans! =P Seriously though, I know what you mean. Cartoons today are just horrible. Just look at stuff like Ed, Edd, and Eddy, or Spongebob. Shows like that are either stupid and vulgar or completely pointless. I miss the old days. XP
Oh, and the group that does the music for Teen Titans is Puffy AmiYumi, in case anyone cares. ^_^

Jun 28, 2004, 02:20 PM
I miss the old cartoons but times have changed but the new cartoons can at lease have some of the old qualities instead of copying off most jappanese gags.

Many of the gags used in older cartoons would be deemed politically incorrect nowadays.

On 2004-06-26 22:06, RuneLateralus wrote:

As for the brief nudity and dirty jokes in American cartoons, you do realize by this statement you are trying to say that the Japanese do not use this as much. Ok, the so some of the fecial jokes...I can understand...but Anime filled with just as much innuedo as US cartoons. And in case you have been living under a rock and only watched the stuff on CN, Anime has more nudity in it than American animation will ever has (not saying they are more perverted, they are just more open minded to area in which we feel is "wrong")...not to mention actual sexual content.

Don't ever watch for the hidden references. You might really be shocked then...(especially Rocko's Modern Life that used to be on Nickelodeon)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RuneLateralus on 2004-06-26 22:15 ]</font>

Exactly. I found it interesting that he ripped on American cartoons for having sexual innuendos when most anime contains far more innendos than all of the American cartoons combined.

Jun 28, 2004, 06:54 PM
*wakes up* hmm.. What i meant ness is that sometimes in anime they cut certain scenes that doesn't even make sense. They editors try to say that it showed this or it showed that but they let some american cartoons that show the same thing(sometimes even worse) but they don't edit that stuff from the american cartoons. I'm an artist that draw in eastern style so i know that there are a lot of sick animes. I also am well aware that theres more innuedo in anime than in american cartonns. I think even a hamster knows that. i'm not saying that american cartoons are all dirty. I'm saying for the ones that are as dirty as anime, they don't cut the scenes in them but they hack and slash at anime. Its unfair. I think everyone also knows that american cartoons have lossed its touch. Change is a nice thing but to much change is bad, especially when some of the cartoons start copying off other styles. My brother who is 9 years old have realized that some american cartoons are plain stupid. He says that he can't even laugh at some of them due to he already seen the gag in another cartoon or it reminds him to much of an anime show or its just plain stupid. I understand that popeye, the first season of dexters lab, etc have passed but american cartoons are losing sight of what they use to be. I do admit that there are some cartoons that are good to me that are out there. All grown up, kids next door, the fairly odd parents,totally spies(thats my facvorite tv show), i would like teen titans more if it wasn't for the jappanese gags in it. I think its ok for american artist to use the anime style like in totally spies but when you make the eastern style bad by coming up with lame cartoons in eastern style just to compete in the market and when use a character from a american comic and remake him in the eastern style it just doesn't click with me .

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2004-06-28 17:03 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2004-06-28 17:05 ]</font>

Jun 28, 2004, 08:16 PM
On 2004-06-28 16:54, InfinityXXX wrote:
*wakes up* hmm.. What i meant ness is that sometimes in anime they cut certain scenes that doesn't even make sense. They editors try to say that it showed this or it showed that but they let some american cartoons that show the same thing(sometimes even worse) but they don't edit that stuff from the american cartoons. I'm an artist that draw in eastern style so i know that there are a lot of sick animes. I also am well aware that theres more innuedo in anime than in american cartonns.

That's probably because the people who translate anime have to follow a different set of guidelines than domestic cartoonists. Also, could you put a few paragraph breaks in your posts?

Jun 28, 2004, 08:25 PM
I personally do not think that there is a right or wrong way to draw a cartoon, nor do I think that there is such a thing as bad cartooning (when one tries), it's all a matter of difference.

Anime can lack plot, or at least have a very very bad one. Same with American cartoons, and any other type of cartoon. But they can also have good plots, fun characters that some people can relate to, some characters people wish they could relate to.

They can have differences in art style, some styles may not be appealing to some. One person's trash is anothers treasure.

Jun 28, 2004, 10:22 PM
What do you think about Zim? My all-time favorite.

Jun 29, 2004, 02:54 AM
That's probably because the people who translate anime have to follow a different set of guidelines than domestic cartoonists. Also, could you put a few paragraph breaks in your posts?

I don't really see how by not putting paragraph breaks bothers u but i think your probably right about them following a certain guideline. The guidlines that they use for anime is older than those of american cartoons. A long time ago it use to be wwII if you showed someones butt on tv so i think thats why they may edit heavily on anime than on the american cartoons, due to the old animes guidline rules but they need to change it because i think sometimes there editting just to be mean in certain animes. Me and my freind Reon(thatz his nikname) were talking about how they cut some of the stupidest things out. Funimations edits are kinda ok but 4kids cuts almost everything out for no reason. For example, on Sonic X they replaced, in the first episode, the airplanes gunshot noises with corny laser noises. I could understand if Sonic X was a TV G cartoon but its not. Also in the tv show Yu gi oh when i think tristin, mokuba, and the guy with white hair with the millenium ring were in some dungeon and the guards stop them and the guards were suppose to point there guns at them but 4kids cut out the guns and made them point their fingers instead. Theres also the part on the first episode of the tv series where they cut out the the duel with yu gi's grandpa and kaiba. 4kids had plenty of time to put that quick scene in the episode but they said it was disturbing. I don't see how it is since yu gi oh is a tv y7 cartoon but yet i've seen guns in american cartoons that weren't even tv y7.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2004-06-29 01:14 ]</font>

P.S I love invader zim. Its one of the few new cartoons that i like. I did a comic of it once before. When they took it off nickelodeon i was mad. I heard you can watch it on nickelodeons other stations but i don't have digital cable nor sattelite so i'm searching for the vhs's or dvd's of it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2004-06-29 01:21 ]</font>

Jun 29, 2004, 09:30 AM
You have to take in consideration that Funimation and 4Kids Entertainment have two totally different target audiences. 4Kids goes for well kids. Funimation tragets 12-15 year olds.

Also it doesn't obhter me, it would just be eaiser to read if you put a few breaks in there.

Jun 29, 2004, 12:01 PM
You like tottaly spies? Bleh, I'd rather watch teen titans (though I don't think to highly of that show anyways, it's to... stupid in a bad way IMO. Catch phrases like there's are friggen annoying, as most catch phrases are) IMO Megas XLR is the first american show with anime style that I like. Especially since they make fun of things ranging from slurpees to power rangers.

Well, you know, you could always buy anime rather than whatch it off cable though it cost anywhere between $20-30 for 2-4 episodes >:( Most of the time the reason anime seems so good and why it has such a good market in the US is because they only use the good ones from Japan that can make it through the rating systems. Some anime's just suck though, while others seem to develope a cult of haters and worshipers (like Excel Saga, ya either hate it or like it.)

Any ways, I'm not sure what you see in popeye and betty boop. Popeye is always grumbling half the time and you have no clue what he's saying, then he just whips out spinache and becomes immediatly strong, does some corny thing with his muscles, before beating up Pluto. I'd say the best character in there would be that hamburger guy. As for betty boop, who's supposed to be this pretty high class woman, is so ugly it makes me want to gag, and her voice reminds me of styrophome scratching together, eeg.

Eh well, generations just like diffrent things I suppose.

Oh, and I'm guessing the reson why some american shows are so gross today is because everything else they think amusing has been poked and prodded at, so now they try to do the more gross stuff, which is getting easier to show on TV then around the times of Popeye and Bettyboop and such.