View Full Version : GC PSO and high def

Jun 5, 2002, 05:07 PM
Anyone know if the GameCube PSO will be supporting the 480p hdtv resolution?

Jun 5, 2002, 05:28 PM
good question. I am so confident it will that I forgot to ask.
Wouldn't be bad to have someone confirm though.
Cause I won't play it if it doesn't.
I'll never get back to TV after VGA.

Jun 5, 2002, 07:07 PM
It's not been confirmed, but take this into account.

Toshihiro Nagoshi, president of Sega's Amusement Vision once said that all the Japanese departments (like AM2, Sonic Team, Hitmaker, etc.) often raid each others' offices for help, support, knowledge and technical know-how. He said this applied more-so now than ever now that they've gone multi-format and each dept. is developing for certain consoles in a priority over others.

So Amusement Vision and Sonic Team mainly do Gamecube, with AM2 starting to show more support. The latest Gamecube game to come from one of Sega's Japanese departments (so not including US-based Visual Concepts) is Amusement Vision's Virtua Striker 2002, which features Progressive Scan 480p.

In an interview with Virtua Striker's producer, he said the team originally implemented progressive scan in Super Monkey Ball, but it never made it to the final version. It was rough around the edges and causing problems when tested in quality assurance, also time was running short and the deadline approaching. So they scrapped it at the last minute and the SMB that went on sale never featured it. Obviously over the time they've managed to 'perfect' the feature so all future Amusement Vision games should come with it as standard.

Hopefully they'll pass the code/know-how over to Sonic Team for PSO Episode I & II.

Jun 6, 2002, 12:27 AM
Sonic Adventure 2:Battle had Progressive Scan 480p, so PSO Episode I & II should have it.

Jun 6, 2002, 01:59 AM
Thanks guys !