View Full Version : Most Over rated video game?

Jul 7, 2004, 05:08 PM
Because of popularity and fanbase, many games often get more attention than they deserve. Because of this, some great games are often left in the dust. Here are some games that many people think are overrated. I, myself, will not be taking sides.

Please do not flame anyone for their opinions on their views.

Jul 7, 2004, 05:24 PM
Star Craft.

Its not that fun, especially compared to the C&C series
(which doesn't get much credit due to everyone playing Starcaft or Warcraft, another fairly over-rated game).

I just don't see what everyone sees in it. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif

Jul 7, 2004, 05:27 PM
The new sonic games * Sonic Adventure Battle 2 Sonic Heroes. I say SOnic has just gone down hill, i miss the genesis days...

Jul 7, 2004, 05:51 PM
Timesplitters 2 in my opinion is a lot funner and has a lot better multiplayer.

Also Starcraft.
Red Alert 2 is so much better than it.

Jul 7, 2004, 05:59 PM
War Craft.

I hate the game and that everyone thinks it's so great, so meh...

Jul 7, 2004, 06:03 PM
My opinions people. If anyone picks on anything ive said they are officially a moron.

Halo: There a many far superior FPS out there. The story in my opinion was not really that great (i thought MC was mute for most of the game until he randomly talks near the end), there was some really stupid 'Bug Hunt' levels and the ending escape in the Warthog was so fucking fiddily!

Tekken: I find the games slow and not really that fun to play. The sound effect and music also really annoy me.

Powerstone: was so disapointed with this game when i got it. The levels were fun, but the boss was just lame and the fact that they hadnt bothered to do any dubbing in the game at all was just irrating.

Zelda: Ocarina of Time: I really wanted to enjoy this game, but something just stopped me. It didnt help that the N64's muddy graphics kept making me feel ill. Tried playing it again on GC but it still didnt have the staying power for me. Shame really as its meant to get really good later on.

Metroid Prime: Got 50% through the game and just stopped. I just seemed to be constantly running around in circles scanning things. It would have been better if Samus gave more verbal input (maybe explaining some fo the story to you or explaining how she feels, like in Metroid Fusion) to the player.

Jul 7, 2004, 06:03 PM
Sonic Heroes.

Jul 7, 2004, 06:41 PM
On 2004-07-07 16:03, Deathscythealpha wrote:
My opinions people. If anyone picks on anything ive said they are officially a moron.

Halo: There a many far superior FPS out there. The story in my opinion was not really that great (i thought MC was mute for most of the game until he randomly talks near the end), there was some really stupid 'Bug Hunt' levels and the ending escape in the Warthog was so fucking fiddily!

Tekken: I find the games slow and not really that fun to play. The sound effect and music also really annoy me.

Powerstone: was so disapointed with this game when i got it. The levels were fun, but the boss was just lame and the fact that they hadnt bothered to do any dubbing in the game at all was just irrating.

Zelda: Ocarina of Time: I really wanted to enjoy this game, but something just stopped me. It didnt help that the N64's muddy graphics kept making me feel ill. Tried playing it again on GC but it still didnt have the staying power for me. Shame really as its meant to get really good later on.

Metroid Prime: Got 50% through the game and just stopped. I just seemed to be constantly running around in circles scanning things. It would have been better if Samus gave more verbal input (maybe explaining some fo the story to you or explaining how she feels, like in Metroid Fusion) to the player.

I don't mean to be a "moron", but i can't help but disagree with your last two.

Obviously, they just weren't your bag. I am of the opinion that OoT is the only superhyped game that earned it's reputation. I do get slightly upset when people claim Metroid Prime is only based on scanning >_>. Granted, you did have to dig for the story, but the only really scan-intensive parts of the game are the very start (ADD kids tend to hit the wall here) and in the space pirate ice fort.

I totally agree with your first two comments. Try playing Marvel vs Capcom 2 on easy mode, and then switch to Tekken. Feels like you're under water >_<

Oh well, we all have our preferences.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Bradicus on 2004-07-07 16:57 ]</font>

Jul 7, 2004, 06:50 PM
Other: Halo XB.

Don't get me wrong, it's great. ONLY because XB got it first and it was something NEW. PCs get it, but XB is built in with the requirements.


*BTW: Most underrated game: La Pucelle: Tactics*

Jul 7, 2004, 06:59 PM
Any fighting game besides soul calibur 2 and samsh bros (either one)

There really are no better fighting games out there. Never have been. small chance that there will be.

Jul 7, 2004, 07:11 PM
Halo. Really, people who think it's "the god of FPS" should play a real PC FPS. Not even that, it's not much better than some of the other console FPS games.

Jul 7, 2004, 07:28 PM
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Compared to other games it's still a GREAT game, but it got way to much hype when it came out delivered as a bastard of GTA3.

I loved GTA3, but VC just felt like they gave the add ins but didn't try very hard to change the game from GTA3 (I thought 3 had better graphics personally).

Still, a good game--just overhyped.

Jul 7, 2004, 09:00 PM
PSO for DC. I gotta say I loved the game truly but when you look at it. It's just a boring 4 level game, and offline is horrible.

Jul 7, 2004, 09:34 PM
Final Fantasy(s)
Counter-Strike(realism my ass)

All I can think of...

Jul 7, 2004, 09:50 PM
Although I've never heard anyone say "This is the coolest game ever!", I think all the publicity Mario Sunshine got was uneccesary.
Hmm....I'm trying to figure out which games just aren't my thing and which games just sucked...
I'd have to agree and say Metroid Prime IS over-hyped. Pathetic as it is, I play games, looking at the story as the main driving factor, and frankly, there wasn't one in Metroid Prime. Super Metroid at least EXPLAINED the beginning...but as an FPS in general, it was pretty cool.
I think an underrated game(s) was Mario RPG and Kirby Superstar.

Jul 7, 2004, 10:46 PM
Halo: There a many far superior FPS out there. The story in my opinion was not really that great (i thought MC was mute for most of the game until he randomly talks near the end), there was some really stupid 'Bug Hunt' levels and the ending escape in the Warthog was so fucking fiddily!

if you could please name some of these "far better fps's" out there...

the story, HOT DAMN, this is one of the few FPS that has a story, and its quite good. the MC speaks quite often

what are these "bug hunt" lvls you speak of?

the driving at the end was the only part of the game that makes it not as good

Jul 8, 2004, 12:18 AM
I really think that Halo was really overrated.. It's fun and all, but I got bored of it after playing hours of 4vs4. I dislike the repetitive goal of killing each other. I've only played a little bit of the story, so I can't say much.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: hucasts_rock on 2004-07-07 22:20 ]</font>

Jul 8, 2004, 12:49 AM
On 2004-07-07 15:24, Ketchup345 wrote:
Star Craft.

Its not that fun, especially compared to the C&C series
(which doesn't get much credit due to everyone playing Starcaft or Warcraft, another fairly over-rated game).

I just don't see what everyone sees in it. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif

finally someone who agrees with me. now im sure ill get flamed for this but as usual, i dont care. the whole Craft series is completely overrated compared to the C&C series. i can say that cause ive played all the games in both series except for the original warcraft. the C&C series has always improved over the past games were as starcraft, at certain points, looks no better than warcraft2. now im not saying that the warcraft series is bad, i rather enjoyed it, but i doesnt compare to C&C. and i still doent get why Warcraft3 gets all this praise while Generals gets next to nothing.

Jul 8, 2004, 01:10 AM
There are two games that tons of people loved that I could not stand.

Skies Of Arcadia-

My god this game was such a chore. Random battle every 5 steps, slow as hell battle system. The story was decent, and I'll admit that maybe if the gameplay were a little different then I'd like it more. But getting to the story was such a chore.

Kingdom Hearts-

I tried so hard to play this game. Everyone kept saying what a great game it is, and how good the story was. Well, ...it was just a little hard to play through all the disney stuff. Now, don't get me wrong. I quite like some of the disney movies. But they didnt even follow the movies. They were bastardized version of the stories and characters.

Aladin: Hi, my name is Aladin!

Sora: Err..., hi Aladin. What do you want?

Aladin: Well, you see. I haven't even really met this princess but I love her and I need to save her.

Princess: Yeah, I don't know him but I want him to save me cause I love him too.

Geni: Hi, I'm a geni!

Aladin: Oh, hi Geni! I think I'll set you free with my last wish.

Geni: Wow, thanks!


If your answer for this is that I need to ignore that to get to the good story then by that logic
Barney for the SNES was also the best game ever...as long as you ignore the story, the game play, the levels, the graphics, and the fact that the game will beat itself if you let the controller sit long enough.

And besides, the the gameplay wasn't all that great either.

Jul 8, 2004, 01:11 AM
On 2004-07-07 22:18, hucasts_rock wrote:
I dislike the repetitive goal of killing each other.

Hah, how the hell do you like PSO then?

Jul 8, 2004, 01:25 AM
metroid prime.


i got it and only played it once.maybe they should have balanced fun and difficulty.

Jul 8, 2004, 01:29 AM
Every Final Fantasy game in existence is so boring and sooo easy its like for little children to play. I have played just about all of them, and none of them is appealing enough that I would choice to play again. Replay value is horrible.

Jul 8, 2004, 02:39 AM
On 2004-07-07 23:29, Fyrin wrote:
Every Final Fantasy game in existence is so boring and sooo easy its like for little children to play. I have played just about all of them, and none of them is appealing enough that I would choice to play again. Replay value is horrible.

ooooooOOOooo old old topic from back in the days

If you have played just about all of them and they were boring the first 7 times......why did you keep on. Doesn't make sense.

ooooooOOOooo this old old topic from back in the days

Ok lemme list em

Metroid Prime: This game was the most boring game I have ever played in my life. It was hey lets run around scan things nto know why we are scanning things go to the blip on the map and beat a boss you win.....o wait you forgot to scan something....no 100% for you.

Halo:I am tired of people coming up to me saying I can kick your ass in Halo and in turn they get there ass handed to them. Also im tierd of people going Halo 2 HALO2 OMFG HALO2

Tommy Tallarico: HATE HIM WITH A PASSION. If it doesn't have blood guts or spiderman in it, it sucksto him.

Zelda: I don't like it because to much brain work involved....and I can't do that.

Jul 8, 2004, 03:01 AM
On 2004-07-07 16:59, lain2k3 wrote:
Any fighting game besides soul calibur 2 and samsh bros (either one)

There really are no better fighting games out there. Never have been. small chance that there will be.

Hate to break your bubble but Marvel vs. Capcom 2 pwnz all other fighting games for free. Though I enjoy the games you have mentioned, you just can't do as much as in marvel, period. I've been playing the game ever since it's release years back in tourney's etc. The only catach is you need to get it on arcade/dreamcast as the other systems are direct ports and sound is bad (even some combos that no longer work!)

Jul 8, 2004, 03:10 AM
GTA series.

Jul 8, 2004, 03:18 AM
I vote Xenogears, hate that game. Though I just experienced Metal Gear Solid 2 and that was quite horrible. If it wasn't for small mercies, like being able to run around in a box, I think I would have ran screaming from the horrible, horrible story. I thought writing couldn't get that bad outside of Xenogears. I must check, maybe they had the same writer. Gah, the memories...

Jul 8, 2004, 04:09 AM
Skies of Arcadia.
Zelda: OoT
Final Fantasy anything


Jul 8, 2004, 07:27 AM
On 2004-07-08 01:01, AquaFlare7 wrote:

On 2004-07-07 16:59, lain2k3 wrote:
Any fighting game besides soul calibur 2 and samsh bros (either one)

There really are no better fighting games out there. Never have been. small chance that there will be.

Hate to break your bubble but Marvel vs. Capcom 2 pwnz all other fighting games for free. Though I enjoy the games you have mentioned, you just can't do as much as in marvel, period. I've been playing the game ever since it's release years back in tourney's etc. The only catach is you need to get it on arcade/dreamcast as the other systems are direct ports and sound is bad (even some combos that no longer work!)

Is that the one where specials and combos are just two-button combinations with a little joystick action? If so, i loved that game. Though true pros most likely shun my use of easy mode, nothing beats flying around shooting beams everywhere.

As for Soul Calibur: I actually think that it was slightly over rated. At least the story mode was fun and new. Still, once i had all of the weapons, it just lost its luster.

Jul 8, 2004, 07:39 AM
I'd say Dragon quest verry prolly.

Its a very good game, no doubt, but the hype it makes in Japan is so hard to believe.
The DQ games never outclassed the FF series in their graphics, the characters rarely had more charisma and the plot was not always much better, still they outclass the FF series by far in sold games.
The name 'Dragon Quest' alone is more than enough to sell this game for millions of copies in Japan.
IMO most certainly overhyped

Jul 8, 2004, 07:45 AM
I don't like how Halo was over rated. Best FPS ever? Try looking back to GoldenEye or Perfect Dark. Amazing games. I am just peeved that PD has gone to Xbox and Rare have pretty much pissed on their long term Nintendo Fan base.


Jul 8, 2004, 08:36 AM
Soul Caliber 2
This Game was just the same game as soul caliber 1 only with cartoonized graphics, slower attacks, and more characters yay(i guess)
And what's the deal with the video game industry over hyping cult classics GTA 2 was much, much better than GTA 3 and VC
But 3 and VC sold well because of over advertisement.Then there's people who bash older popular games like FF7 it was NOT over hyped at all I saw no ads for it, and the only people who talked about it where people who liked the FF series already and then when the game came out the people who bought it where like "THis is an excellent game"
and word started getting out that it was good and people started buying it a year or so after it had come out. Then the people who like to bash popular games or hadn't bought it started saying it was over-hyped.Even though they hadn't heard about it until about a year after it had come out.

(My Opinions, Mostly Fact)

Jul 8, 2004, 08:54 AM
On 2004-07-07 20:46, silvermax wrote:
if you could please name some of these "far better fps's" out there...

the story, HOT DAMN, this is one of the few FPS that has a story, and its quite good. the MC speaks quite often

I believe he someone already named at least one: Time Splitters 2. Also, Goldeneye is a great FPS that never loses its fun in multiplayer.

Also, I believe the GTA games aren't that good. You run around driving cars (I hate driving games), and killing people (I generally avoid shooters, but there are some exceptions).

Edit: Changed he to someone.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ketchup345 on 2004-07-08 07:48 ]</font>

Jul 8, 2004, 09:48 AM
On 2004-07-07 19:34, Dangerous55 wrote:
Final Fantasy(s)
Counter-Strike(realism my ass)

All I can think of...

i am offended that you said zelda. i think all the final fantasy games are overrated.

Jul 8, 2004, 10:06 AM
YESH. metroid prime was TERRIBLE. I played 3 copies of it and The game would not let you go past the first level. It froze up and stopped regardless of circumstances. PIECE OF SHIT.

The capcom VS. ___ games are really good and all, but I think SSBM ans SC2 are much better. =/

The world is not enough is better than goldeneye http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif both of which are superior to halo. Time splitters 2 with pistols only and OHKO on is some of the best multiplayer stuff ever.

Jul 8, 2004, 10:52 AM
On 2004-07-08 07:48, FIDELCASTRO wrote:

i am offended that you said zelda.


Jul 8, 2004, 11:28 AM
On 2004-07-08 08:06, lain2k3 wrote:
YESH. metroid prime was TERRIBLE. I played 3 copies of it and The game would not let you go past the first level. It froze up and stopped regardless of circumstances. PIECE OF SHIT.

Now that's just odd.
were you trying to play it on an X-box or something?

Jul 8, 2004, 04:14 PM
halo - i like this game! dammit i really liked it. i still play it every week with my buddies. and i really can't wait until the second one. but it was so over-rated. There are plenty of other better shooters out there. What i think really got people going about halo was that it was a first person shooter that was actually VERY playable on a game pad (yes goldeneye and perfect dark where too, but lets face it the game did the aiming for u). what really killed the game for me was the flood levels. they took a straight up balls to the wall combat game and turned it into serious sam. Fighting against the convenant was just so much more fun! you had to use tatics, not simply run in circles around a zombie. and what was with the cut+paste style levels? COME ON!!!

black + white - about 5 of my friends all got this game and all told me that it was totally cool, brilliant, excellent, blah blah blah. having confidence in my buddies, i went and bought it. JESUS H CHRIST. awful. so over-rated.

unreal 1 - There was so much buzz around this one. People saying that it was the future of fps and graphics. yeah, at the time it was the prettiest game id ever seen, no other game since really making me go 'wow'. but the guns where just sooo pad, the level design was confusing and the enemies where instantly forgetable. quake 2 was better. If uglier.

zelda wind waker - honestly 1hrs play of this 'gem' was more than enough for me.

deus ex 2 - now don't get me wrong i thought this was an excellent game, one of the best i've played this year. but it was seriously over-hyped and over rated. I remember reading in a preview warren spector saying he was going to change the world with this game. yeah, right. fun, but dumbed down.

perfect dark - yes! It was over-rated! for donkeys the n64 fanboys yaked on about how this was going to be the best game ever! better than goldeneye. better than half-life. hahaha, it wasn't. the single-player was cheesy and pointless. the multiplayer was a blast with 4 of ur buddies (that was better than goldeneye's) but other than that it was bland.

metal gear solid 2 - again i enjoyed this game, fun for all the family! but was the whole conspiracry and counter-conspiracy really nessecary? i mean how fucked up was that ending? i think they took it a little too far trying to outdo mgs warped storyline, rather than concentrating on making a fun and interesting game.


Jul 8, 2004, 05:18 PM
On 2004-07-07 20:46, silvermax wrote:

if you could please name some of these "far better fps's" out there...

the story, HOT DAMN, this is one of the few FPS that has a story, and its quite good. the MC speaks quite often

what are these "bug hunt" lvls you speak of?

the driving at the end was the only part of the game that makes it not as good

*Shakes his head* Least Bradicus owned up and gave counter arguements.

Hmm, better FPS's:

Farcry: Large levels, beautiful graphics and a SMG, my favourite FPS gun. Oh, and killer monkies. Cant forget the monkies.

Return to Castle Wolfenstien: Some fun level designs, sections that can really make you jump and some hard as nails zombies. No monkies.

Deus Ex: Not just an all out blaster. Has an inteligent plot, tense scenes and multiple routes.

Could do some more, but i have the horrible feeling i was about to go all retro. And i resisted putting Half Life there cause way to many people use it as a counter arguement.

Note, all the FPS' above have storylines, along with SOF2, Timesplitters 2, Alien vs Predator 1 and 2, No One Lives Forever, Half life, Die Hard Vendetta, Star Trek Voyager Elite Force 1 and 2 (albiet 2 was a sucky game and dipped into 'Bug Hunt' terratory), Quake 2, System Shock 2, Star Wars; Dark Forces 1 and 2, Jedi Knight, SHOGO...I could go on forever.

'Bug Hunt': Levels where you spend most of the time just shooting at endless swarms of enemies whos only role seems to be to run at you and die.

The irrateingly long level where the Swarm did this is a prime example of this. 'Ooh, what will happen if i go around this corridor that looks exactly the same as the last one where i was attacked by loads of enemies. Well Blow me over with a sausage, im being endlessly attacked again!"

Jul 8, 2004, 05:30 PM
I think that pokemon was overrated. And not just the first two. the next 2309838 that they made. I mean nintendo really REALLY beat a dead horse dead. Pokemon channel...WHOOOO now THAT is fun. Did they sell one copy? I mean yes the first two were fine and fun, and great, but there wasnt anything else to do really, throw out a card game and POOF! you are done. Oh well. Just my opinion like everyone elses.

Jul 8, 2004, 05:44 PM
Final Fantasy VII.

Hands down, no arguments, shut up about other games, end of story.


Jul 8, 2004, 05:56 PM
well, most here have posted a fine selection of poorly executed games [some deserving, some less so]. but in the spirit of the original query, my pick for the most overrated game [according to my dismal memory] would be FF8.

that was one of the few times in my life that i look back and wish that i had never spent that money.

Jul 8, 2004, 06:06 PM
On 2004-07-07 16:41, Bradicus wrote:

On 2004-07-07 16:03, Deathscythealpha wrote:
My opinions people. If anyone picks on anything ive said they are officially a moron.

Halo: There a many far superior FPS out there. The story in my opinion was not really that great (i thought MC was mute for most of the game until he randomly talks near the end), there was some really stupid 'Bug Hunt' levels and the ending escape in the Warthog was so fucking fiddily!

Tekken: I find the games slow and not really that fun to play. The sound effect and music also really annoy me.

Powerstone: was so disapointed with this game when i got it. The levels were fun, but the boss was just lame and the fact that they hadnt bothered to do any dubbing in the game at all was just irrating.

Zelda: Ocarina of Time: I really wanted to enjoy this game, but something just stopped me. It didnt help that the N64's muddy graphics kept making me feel ill. Tried playing it again on GC but it still didnt have the staying power for me. Shame really as its meant to get really good later on.

Metroid Prime: Got 50% through the game and just stopped. I just seemed to be constantly running around in circles scanning things. It would have been better if Samus gave more verbal input (maybe explaining some fo the story to you or explaining how she feels, like in Metroid Fusion) to the player.

I don't mean to be a "moron", but i can't help but disagree with your last two.

Obviously, they just weren't your bag.

http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif ......obviously http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

And of course, people do have different likes and dislikes...so maybe he was one of the exceptional few that didn't like those games *or that thinks they were over-rated, in this case*.

I am of the opinion that OoT is the only superhyped game that earned it's reputation. I do get slightly upset when people claim Metroid Prime is only based on scanning >_>. Granted, you did have to dig for the story, but the only really scan-intensive parts of the game are the very start (ADD kids tend to hit the wall here) and in the space pirate ice fort.

I totally agree with your first two comments. Try playing Marvel vs Capcom 2 on easy mode, and then switch to Tekken. Feels like you're under water >_<

Oh well, we all have our preferences.

I would have to say that playing video games is preference.....same as buying a car, house, camera, watch, dog, whatever, etc etc.

It's all in choice of play. Lots of people liked Power Stone, but loads of others didn't. Same with Halo, Zelda, Tekken, Metroid Prime, and just about any other game out there.

It's okay to voice your opinion of what games *you* like or don't like. But, remember: "to each his own", "whatever floats your boat", blah blah blah.....you know the rest. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Jul 8, 2004, 07:21 PM
It's okay to voice your opinion of what games *you* like or don't like. But, remember: "to each his own", "whatever floats your boat", blah blah blah.....you know the rest. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

You will find "I am of the opinion that" at the top of my post. At the bottom, "we all have our preferences" stares you in the face.

Why do you feel i need the lecture?

Jul 9, 2004, 12:04 AM
On 2004-07-08 17:21, Bradicus wrote:

It's okay to voice your opinion of what games *you* like or don't like. But, remember: "to each his own", "whatever floats your boat", blah blah blah.....you know the rest. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

You will find "I am of the opinion that" at the top of my post. At the bottom, "we all have our preferences" stares you in the face.

Why do you feel i need the lecture?


Oh......I wasn't lecturing at you......but with you. You know, to help the point. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

Sorry bout the misunderstanding statement. *sometimes I am confusing, I guess* http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarthFomar on 2004-07-08 22:05 ]</font>

Jul 9, 2004, 12:41 AM
The GTA series. It gets old within a week. Never was that fully worth playing.

Jul 9, 2004, 12:55 AM
On 2004-07-08 22:41, RuneLateralus wrote:
The GTA series. It gets old within a week. Never was that fully worth playing.


For me, playing GTA3 & Vice City, is the same as watching movies from the past ten years. I only play it at times of pure boredom or necessity. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Jul 9, 2004, 03:33 AM
On 2004-07-08 15:18, Deathscythealpha wrote:
*Shakes his head* Least Bradicus owned up and gave counter arguements.

Hmm, better FPS's:

Farcry: Large levels, beautiful graphics and a SMG, my favourite FPS gun. Oh, and killer monkies. Cant forget the monkies.

Return to Castle Wolfenstien: Some fun level designs, sections that can really make you jump and some hard as nails zombies. No monkies.

Deus Ex: Not just an all out blaster. Has an inteligent plot, tense scenes and multiple routes.

Could do some more, but i have the horrible feeling i was about to go all retro. And i resisted putting Half Life there cause way to many people use it as a counter arguement.

Note, all the FPS' above have storylines, along with SOF2, Timesplitters 2, Alien vs Predator 1 and 2, No One Lives Forever, Half life, Die Hard Vendetta, Star Trek Voyager Elite Force 1 and 2 (albiet 2 was a sucky game and dipped into 'Bug Hunt' terratory), Quake 2, System Shock 2, Star Wars; Dark Forces 1 and 2, Jedi Knight, SHOGO...I could go on forever.

'Bug Hunt': Levels where you spend most of the time just shooting at endless swarms of enemies whos only role seems to be to run at you and die.

The irrateingly long level where the Swarm flood did this is a prime example of this. 'Ooh, what will happen if i go around this corridor that looks exactly the same as the last one where i was attacked by loads of enemies. Well Blow me over with a sausage, im being endlessly attacked again!"

Some of the games you have mentioned deserver their place among the good FPS's (others ive not played)

but i read what you keep saying about Halo and all you do is talk about the parts of the game that are bad, and all of the people i know who own the game hate those very things about the game aswell, what i fail to see is why its over rated. you seem to not like it as much as many other people.

Halo has the perfect combination of fun and challange save the Library lvl which is a pain in the ass, but eveyone who played through it should know.

Jul 9, 2004, 08:05 AM
Dare I say it?

...Driver 3.

Jul 9, 2004, 08:49 AM
On 2004-07-09 01:33, silvermax wrote:

Some of the games you have mentioned deserve their place among the good FPS's (others ive not played)

but i read what you keep saying about Halo and all you do is talk about the parts of the game that are bad, and all of the people i know who own the game hate those very things about the game aswell, what i fail to see is why its over rated. you seem to not like it as much as many other people.

Halo has the perfect combination of fun and challange save the Library lvl which is a pain in the ass, but eveyone who played through it should know.

I think i talk about the bad parts of the game cause sadly for me they really stood out and ruined the experiance. At one point i started to like the game, the 'bam!', it would throw another one of these flaws at me.

I feel its overated as people call it the best FPS ever, when frankly it isnt. Its a good FPS, but not the best by a very, very long shot.

But if you want me to point out things i liked about the game: The music. It was great. It kicked in at the right times and was able to get you really pumped in a fight. Some of the weapons were cool, and the pistol whip option was a good idea yet a bit cheesy (one hit kills with a melee weapon in a FPS feels odd to me). Too bad the flaws ruined this for me.

So its still my opinion that the game was overated, and i stick by it. No amount of arguement is going to change my mind on the subject.

*I would also like to point out that other people have put Halo down aswell and have also said it in the many other topics like this one. Go ask them why they dislike it and see what they think. Its not like im the only one putting it down!*

Jul 9, 2004, 09:10 AM
Gran Turismo and their clones such as Sega GT. You know it's getting bad when you see 14 Nissan Skylines in the car shop, each with some mini-modification but they just end up all looking and handling alike.

Jul 9, 2004, 09:28 AM
On 2004-07-08 22:04, DarthFomar wrote:

On 2004-07-08 17:21, Bradicus wrote:

It's okay to voice your opinion of what games *you* like or don't like. But, remember: "to each his own", "whatever floats your boat", blah blah blah.....you know the rest. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

You will find "I am of the opinion that" at the top of my post. At the bottom, "we all have our preferences" stares you in the face.

Why do you feel i need the lecture?


Oh......I wasn't lecturing at you......but with you. You know, to help the point. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

Sorry bout the misunderstanding statement. *sometimes I am confusing, I guess* http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Sorry about that.
I think all of those asterixes and italics muddle my brain >_<

Jul 9, 2004, 12:29 PM
Think i'll make a 2nd Topic for underrated games.

And yeah... I actually did take sides and voted for FF7. People need to stop worshiping this game.

Jul 9, 2004, 01:00 PM
Other: Halo.
It's still the best FPS I've ever seen. I simply think the graphics were overrated like a billion times over. They're more of an 8.5 or 9/10 instead of the hyped 9.5 or 10/10 that it got. This game had poor graphics compared to games like DOA3 and stuff.

I just think that the graphics were so overrated that the game became really overrated.

Jul 9, 2004, 01:12 PM
On 2004-07-09 06:49, Deathscythealpha wrote:

I think i talk about the bad parts of the game cause sadly for me they really stood out and ruined the experiance. At one point i started to like the game, the 'bam!', it would throw another one of these flaws at me.

I feel its overated as people call it the best FPS ever, when frankly it isnt. Its a good FPS, but not the best by a very, very long shot.

But if you want me to point out things i liked about the game: The music. It was great. It kicked in at the right times and was able to get you really pumped in a fight. Some of the weapons were cool, and the pistol whip option was a good idea yet a bit cheesy (one hit kills with a melee weapon in a FPS feels odd to me). Too bad the flaws ruined this for me.

So its still my opinion that the game was overated, and i stick by it. No amount of arguement is going to change my mind on the subject.

*I would also like to point out that other people have put Halo down aswell and have also said it in the many other topics like this one. Go ask them why they dislike it and see what they think. Its not like im the only one putting it down!*

I probably missed where you posted it but, WHAT DID YOU NOT LIKE ABOUT HALO? All you can say is "Flaws", well, with no specifics, I'm not sure how serious you can be.

And if Halo ain't the best FPS, than what is? If you name a PS2 title, I'll disembowel you. If you name a Comp title, than so be it, but than you'll have to agree it's the best Console title. If you name a GC title, I'll never talk to you again.

Jul 9, 2004, 02:01 PM
On 2004-07-09 11:12, InfernoNR7 wrote:

On 2004-07-09 06:49, Deathscythealpha wrote:

I think i talk about the bad parts of the game cause sadly for me they really stood out and ruined the experiance. At one point i started to like the game, the 'bam!', it would throw another one of these flaws at me.

I feel its overated as people call it the best FPS ever, when frankly it isnt. Its a good FPS, but not the best by a very, very long shot.

But if you want me to point out things i liked about the game: The music. It was great. It kicked in at the right times and was able to get you really pumped in a fight. Some of the weapons were cool, and the pistol whip option was a good idea yet a bit cheesy (one hit kills with a melee weapon in a FPS feels odd to me). Too bad the flaws ruined this for me.

So its still my opinion that the game was overated, and i stick by it. No amount of arguement is going to change my mind on the subject.

*I would also like to point out that other people have put Halo down aswell and have also said it in the many other topics like this one. Go ask them why they dislike it and see what they think. Its not like im the only one putting it down!*

I probably missed where you posted it but, WHAT DID YOU NOT LIKE ABOUT HALO? All you can say is "Flaws", well, with no specifics, I'm not sure how serious you can be.

And if Halo ain't the best FPS, than what is? If you name a PS2 title, I'll disembowel you. If you name a Comp title, than so be it, but than you'll have to agree it's the best Console title. If you name a GC title, I'll never talk to you again.

Rainbow 6 is a better shooter......Goldeneye is better than both and it isn't even on of those crap consoles.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Shattered_weasel on 2004-07-09 12:01 ]</font>

Jul 9, 2004, 02:10 PM
On 2004-07-09 07:28, Bradicus wrote:

On 2004-07-08 22:04, DarthFomar wrote:

On 2004-07-08 17:21, Bradicus wrote:

It's okay to voice your opinion of what games *you* like or don't like. But, remember: "to each his own", "whatever floats your boat", blah blah blah.....you know the rest. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

You will find "I am of the opinion that" at the top of my post. At the bottom, "we all have our preferences" stares you in the face.

Why do you feel i need the lecture?


Oh......I wasn't lecturing at you......but with you. You know, to help the point. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

Sorry bout the misunderstanding statement. *sometimes I am confusing, I guess* http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Sorry about that.
I think all of those asterixes and italics muddle my brain >_<


Yep, I really have no clue why I do all of that to my posts. I guess it looks pretty or something. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Jul 9, 2004, 02:12 PM
On 2004-07-09 12:01, Shattered_weasel wrote:

On 2004-07-09 11:12, InfernoNR7 wrote:

And if Halo ain't the best FPS, than what is? If you name a PS2 title, I'll disembowel you. If you name a Comp title, than so be it, but than you'll have to agree it's the best Console title. If you name a GC title, I'll never talk to you again.

Rainbow 6 is a better shooter......Goldeneye is better than both and it isn't even on of those crap consoles.

PSOwned. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Jul 9, 2004, 03:49 PM
On 2004-07-09 11:12, InfernoNR7 wrote:
I probably missed where you posted it but, WHAT DID YOU NOT LIKE ABOUT HALO? All you can say is "Flaws", well, with no specifics, I'm not sure how serious you can be.

And if Halo ain't the best FPS, than what is? If you name a PS2 title, I'll disembowel you. If you name a Comp title, than so be it, but than you'll have to agree it's the best Console title. If you name a GC title, I'll never talk to you again.

Oh for fucks sake cant you guys leave it? Look how many other people posted they thought Halo was overated, did you qoute them? No you fucking didnt!

Wanna know what i hated? Cut and pasted maps that were constantly reused over and over again until the player got lost. Fiddily handling on vehicles that sent you spinning in to walls and over obstacles when your trying to escape. A storyline that is so hyped by people but is still the same aliens taking over a planet story. Bug hunt levels that were tedious and boring. You happy now that ive listed some of these?

And you want me to say what i think is the best FPS? You going to pick my opinion on that apart too? And your so biased you wouldnt allow a PS2 title? I wasnt going to say a PS2 title but for gods sake grow up! Wait, i see i cant name a GC title either, ah this seems fair then. So the best FPS ever, but i cant choose from half the machines available? Dumbass.

Now leave this mother fucking subject alone. I think Halo is an overated game and thats that. I also now think that half the Halo fanboys are utter twats.

Jul 9, 2004, 03:57 PM
On 2004-07-07 16:03, Even_Jin wrote:
Sonic Heroes.

OH YEAH!!!i so totally agree

Jul 9, 2004, 06:56 PM
oh i was agreeing with lain until he said the world is not enough is better than goldeneye http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_bash.gif you should know better lain.

Jul 10, 2004, 02:05 AM
On 2004-07-09 13:49, Deathscythealpha wrote:
I also now think that half the Halo fanboys are utter twats.


I had to laugh at that one, cuz it is so true.

I love Halo, and I love the multiplayer mode to death. And, knowing from experience, I'd definitely have to say that there are a lot of wacked-out, stupid, and utterly moronic Halo fans out there. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

*But, don't get me wrong. I'm not generalizing or anything.....it's just, there are a lot of misguided Halo players out there. And then there's the others that are very fun to frag with and what not*

Ok listen to this.....
The other day, a few of my friends came by to play some Halo and Time Splitters 2 and one of them is really obsessed with his abilities/performances.....if he sucks then the game sucks, that's the way he looks at it.

Ok, so we have 2 people on each team. My friend and his younger brother are on the red team. Me and one of my "other" friends *who has a newly discovered talent for FPS games* are on the blue team.

We start owning the red team and my friend *the one with the ego/self-esteem problem* starts whining that we are using hacks and that we are double-teaming, cheating, and that we rely on aim bots for our kills.

He hates loosing, period. He crys and bitches when he is loosing and jumps for holy joy when he wins. Anyone like that has a serious problem. Because then the game isn't fun for anyone else, because they have to listen to the whining, moaning, threats, taunts, and the in your face remarks all the time.

He is also a Counter-Strike freak *not that that's a bad thing, but he pushes the limit*. He will ditch just about anything on his calendar to shove in a night of Counter-Strike, and even cut off a few hours of sleep before work the next day to get in some gameplay. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_nono.gif

Some people just have a very *delusional* mind set. And then there are the others that are just wanna-be's and haters. If all the world was a game it would be one hell of a pain in the ass, I tell ya. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

I guess it's not the end of the world if a person takes a game too seriously, but it's just.....weird I guess.


Jul 10, 2004, 01:36 PM
On 2004-07-09 13:49, Deathscythealpha wrote:
Oh for fucks sake cant you guys leave it? Look how many other people posted they thought Halo was overated, did you qoute them? No you fucking didnt!

Wanna know what i hated? Cut and pasted maps that were constantly reused over and over again until the player got lost. Fiddily handling on vehicles that sent you spinning in to walls and over obstacles when your trying to escape. A storyline that is so hyped by people but is still the same aliens taking over a planet story. Bug hunt levels that were tedious and boring. You happy now that ive listed some of these?

And you want me to say what i think is the best FPS? You going to pick my opinion on that apart too? And your so biased you wouldnt allow a PS2 title? I wasnt going to say a PS2 title but for gods sake grow up! Wait, i see i cant name a GC title either, ah this seems fair then. So the best FPS ever, but i cant choose from half the machines available? Dumbass.

Now leave this mother fucking subject alone. I think Halo is an overated game and thats that. I also now think that half the Halo fanboys are utter twats.

Did you not see that I listed it as overrated as well? I was just wondering what you thought about it that made it overrated.

First, I quoted you because you seemed the most adamant about it.

Second, I was trying to get into a nice discussion, I said don't name a PS2 or GC title because I've seen their FPSes and I don't think they're that great. Now, PC does have the best FPSes hands down. I was wondering what your fav Console shooter is anyways.

Thanks for cursing me out, do you see me cursing in ANY of my threads? NO, you don't.

To me, the maps in Halo were a bit repetitive. But, it sounds like you simply sucked at the game if you couldn't drive the vehicles, which I could handle masterfully the first time I hopped in them. It also sounds like you haven't listened to the entire story, and probably skipped all the cutscenes.

Gah, may be a fanboy, but I know what I'm talking about.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfernoNR7 on 2004-07-10 11:37 ]</font>

Jul 10, 2004, 01:41 PM
f-zero anyone? thought not.

burnout 2? now theres a game...

Jul 10, 2004, 01:52 PM
On 2004-07-10 11:36, InfernoNR7 wrote:
Second, I was trying to get into a nice discussion, I said don't name a PS2 or GC title because I've seen their FPSes and I don't think they're that great. Now, PC does have the best FPSes hands down. I was wondering what your fav Console shooter is anyways.

Well, in my opinion, it was this comment that nullified your argument.

Jul 10, 2004, 01:54 PM
On 2004-07-09 12:01, Shattered_weasel wrote:

Rainbow 6 is a better shooter......Goldeneye is better than both and it isn't even on of those crap consoles.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Shattered_weasel on 2004-07-09 12:01 ]</font>

I have R6 3 but I still don't think it's better than Halo, it's almost like a completely different game-type, since it's quite team oriented. It is probably my second or third most liked FPS. Goldeneye was good, but I go back and play it, comparing it to modern day FPSes, and it doesn't stack up. In it's day, it was still a year ahead in gameplay.

Jul 10, 2004, 03:04 PM
Jesus H christ we should re-name this the halo bitchin' thread! dudes, get over it! its a damn game. And really isn't THAT good. there are dozens of better shooters that came before halo, and many more that shall come after. drop it! and leave deathscythe alone! soon you'll make him cry http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cry.gif and if you are really that serious about fps's play them on the damn pc!! have you eyes opened!

oh and pokemon is the most over-rated piece of shite game i have ever encountered. I must have blocked out the evil thoughts of it before. horrifying! the amount of hype. Little kids running around with those stupid cards singing the theme song from the cartoon, idiots running around the local shopping centre dressed as that little yellow rat thing. friends trying to explain the appeal of owning the game in all the colours of the rainbow!!


if i ever meet the dude who came up with the idea of a pocket monster and force feed him gameboy cartridges until he dies!! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_evil.gif


Jul 10, 2004, 04:41 PM
On 2004-07-10 11:36, InfernoNR7 wrote:
Did you not see that I listed it as overrated as well? I was just wondering what you thought about it that made it overrated.

First, I quoted you because you seemed the most adamant about it.

Second, I was trying to get into a nice discussion, I said don't name a PS2 or GC title because I've seen their FPSes and I don't think they're that great. Now, PC does have the best FPSes hands down. I was wondering what your fav Console shooter is anyways.

Thanks for cursing me out, do you see me cursing in ANY of my threads? NO, you don't.

To me, the maps in Halo were a bit repetitive. But, it sounds like you simply sucked at the game if you couldn't drive the vehicles, which I could handle masterfully the first time I hopped in them. It also sounds like you haven't listened to the entire story, and probably skipped all the cutscenes.

Gah, may be a fanboy, but I know what I'm talking about.

Actualy i did miss your post about thinking Halo was overated and i was pretty stressed that people wouldnt leave the topic alone.

To tell the truth im also rather disapointed with most PS2 FPS, but its still unfair to disregard them from a vote. Maybe bringing in a nice discussion into a topic like this was the wrong thing.

I couldnt honestly name my all time favourite FPS as ive played so many and liked loads of them on their own different merits. Maybe Deus Ex for its all around story and moments where i just thought the multiple paths rocked. But then again, DE is boardering on RPG territory aswell, so im not sure if i can choose it. I could probably put together a top5, but i would still be so disapointed with it cause i would have to leave some games out.

Better aploogise for the cussing, as said before stressed at repitition and my damn wisdom teeth were playing up last night.

I felt the controls for the warthog were just not right. I was always sliding in the wrong direction and it didnt feel comfortable to use. Turning to the direction the camera is facing just feels wrong an in-accurate, espicially on that horrible ended with the chase to the end of the ship.

And i did listen to the entire story as i hate missing plot lines in games. Ive turned games off and started again if ive missed cutscenes before. But the story really was Aliens and humans fighting over planet> kill loads of aliens> find third faction who hates both> kill loads of aliens and new aliens> destroy planet. This can be used for Half Life aswell: Humans and Aliens Fighting over facility>kill loads of aliens> find third faction who hates both> kill aliens and grunts> destroy facility. So i didnt really think the story was anything new to compared to other games.

Yeah, so ive apologised, but i think this Halo arguement has run its course.

Jul 10, 2004, 05:17 PM
On 2004-07-10 14:41, Deathscythealpha wrote:

Actualy i did miss your post about thinking Halo was overated and i was pretty stressed that people wouldnt leave the topic alone.

To tell the truth im also rather disapointed with most PS2 FPS, but its still unfair to disregard them from a vote. Maybe bringing in a nice discussion into a topic like this was the wrong thing.

I couldnt honestly name my all time favourite FPS as ive played so many and liked loads of them on their own different merits. Maybe Deus Ex for its all around story and moments where i just thought the multiple paths rocked. But then again, DE is boardering on RPG territory aswell, so im not sure if i can choose it. I could probably put together a top5, but i would still be so disapointed with it cause i would have to leave some games out.

Better aploogise for the cussing, as said before stressed at repitition and my damn wisdom teeth were playing up last night.

I felt the controls for the warthog were just not right. I was always sliding in the wrong direction and it didnt feel comfortable to use. Turning to the direction the camera is facing just feels wrong an in-accurate, espicially on that horrible ended with the chase to the end of the ship.

And i did listen to the entire story as i hate missing plot lines in games. Ive turned games off and started again if ive missed cutscenes before. But the story really was Aliens and humans fighting over planet> kill loads of aliens> find third faction who hates both> kill loads of aliens and new aliens> destroy planet. This can be used for Half Life aswell: Humans and Aliens Fighting over facility>kill loads of aliens> find third faction who hates both> kill aliens and grunts> destroy facility. So i didnt really think the story was anything new to compared to other games.

Yeah, so ive apologised, but i think this Halo arguement has run its course.

(Not arguing, just followin up)
Actually, the story is much deeper, I dunno how you missed it (I'm serious, it's deeper than kill everyone). I guess I like the story even better becase I've read the books, which are VERY good.

I guess the driving system could be a love/hate for gamers. I personally found the physics of the 'Hog to be quite accurate, and the driving system, once mastered, to be quite precise. I guess the whole camera thing could turn off some gamers.

Sorry 'bout yer teeth dude, have ya seen a dentist?

I do remember Red Faction from PS2 was pretty good, but that's about the best PS2 FPS I've played.


Jul 10, 2004, 05:43 PM
On 2004-07-10 15:17, InfernoNR7 wrote:

(Not arguing, just followin up)
Actually, the story is much deeper, I dunno how you missed it (I'm serious, it's deeper than kill everyone). I guess I like the story even better becase I've read the books, which are VERY good.

I guess the driving system could be a love/hate for gamers. I personally found the physics of the 'Hog to be quite accurate, and the driving system, once mastered, to be quite precise. I guess the whole camera thing could turn off some gamers.

Sorry 'bout yer teeth dude, have ya seen a dentist?

I do remember Red Faction from PS2 was pretty good, but that's about the best PS2 FPS I've played.



There were Halo books? I didnt realise that. Ive seen some Sci Fi novels called Ringworld and thought it sounded simlier to the Halo concept, they dont have anything to do with it?

I havent seen the Dentist about my wisdom teeth yet as he is frankly mad. He keeps drilling out good teeth that have nothing wrong with them. I would also most likly get told they really cant do anything about them. Wisdom teeth will only be pulled if they are damaging other teeth, and i think mine are just pushing against gum. Im also a cheap student who isnt willing to pay out any money http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Oh, and ive only played the PC Demo of Red Faction, so i really cant comment on it. It was fun however shooting out the ground underneath a giant tank and watching it plummet. Those sort of physics should be use din more games (would love to see an online fps wher eyou can shoot the floor out from underneath an opponent).

Jul 10, 2004, 05:47 PM
Halo- Yeah, beating a dead horse, I know. I liked it, thought it was a pretty good. Dare I say even great? But I am freakin annoyed at anyone who says Halo is the best game ever and Halo 2 will be the best game ever.

Tekken- You know people say that fighting games are only button smashers if you button smash? Well, piss on them because Tekken is a button smasher. A fighting game for the mainstream gamer. Speaking of fighting games...

Dead or Alive- It is a grade-B fighter. The only reason people like it is because of the woman. Just buy Virtual Fighter or Soul Calibur.

Madden- Ok, this is mostly to celeberities. I hate turning on G4TechTV and seeing celeberities on Players talk about their "sick skillz" on Madden and Halo.

Everquest- I just dislike it and think it is overrated. I am probably more annoyed at people who think that EQ is the first MMORPG. Its not!

Star Wars: KOTOR- Just like Halo, its good but not the best Star Wars game ever. Maybe SW RPG. Way way too overated.

Oh, and in before the lock!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skett on 2004-07-10 15:51 ]</font>

Jul 10, 2004, 07:05 PM
On 2004-07-10 15:47, Skett wrote:
Halo- Yeah, beating a dead horse, I know. I liked it, thought it was a pretty good. Dare I say even great? But I am freakin annoyed at anyone who says Halo is the best game ever and Halo 2 will be the best game ever.

Halo 2 will be "one" of the many great games of our time, not the best....just one of them. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Tekken- You know people say that fighting games are only button smashers if you button smash? Well, piss on them because Tekken is a button smasher. A fighting game for the mainstream gamer. Speaking of fighting games...

No comment.....no really, no comment. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Dead or Alive- It is a grade-B fighter. The only reason people like it is because of the woman. Just buy Virtual Fighter or Soul Calibur.

That was one of the biggest generalizations I have ever seen about a game.

There is no way in hell I would like the DOA series if it only had good graphics and hot babes....sorry, if the fighting system sucked, then *in my opinion* so would everthing else.

Virtua Fighter, never really got into that....no comment. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Soul Calibur.....yeah, the Soul Calibur games are pretty good "Fighters" and definitely worth the cost. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

Madden- Ok, this is mostly to celeberities. I hate turning on G4TechTV and seeing celeberities on Players talk about their "sick skillz" on Madden and Halo.

Once again......no comment. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Everquest- I just dislike it and think it is overrated. I am probably more annoyed at people who think that EQ is the first MMORPG. Its not!

One word......"Morrowind". http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif
*that's the only huge RPG I've ever liked, even though it isn't an MMORPG*

Star Wars: KOTOR- Just like Halo, its good but not the best Star Wars game ever. Maybe SW RPG. Way way too overated.

Wasn't it the first Star Wars RPG???.......why the hell wouldn't people be crazy about it. I mean, c'mon......Star Wars, Rpgs.....it makes sense. Star Wars shooters are ok, but I think Rpgs give it more feeling than anything else. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Sorry to pick your posts apart......but I am bored and tired and irrational and stupid and....

*you can hit me with that stick now*


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarthFomar on 2004-07-10 17:09 ]</font>

Jul 10, 2004, 07:30 PM
On 2004-07-10 11:54, InfernoNR7 wrote:

On 2004-07-09 12:01, Shattered_weasel wrote:

Rainbow 6 is a better shooter......Goldeneye is better than both and it isn't even on of those crap consoles.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Shattered_weasel on 2004-07-09 12:01 ]</font>

I have R6 3 but I still don't think it's better than Halo, it's almost like a completely different game-type, since it's quite team oriented. It is probably my second or third most liked FPS. Goldeneye was good, but I go back and play it, comparing it to modern day FPSes, and it doesn't stack up. In it's day, it was still a year ahead in gameplay.

I will now list all FPS games that are better than halo (IMO)

Goldeneye.Counter-Strike....hell most things from Valve. Red Faction2. Rainbow 6. The James Bond on the gamecube(whatever it is). And many more that don't involve 1 it kills in the back and screen watchers and little people and celebrities going crazy about it.

Hell I had more fun playing Wolverines Revenges single player than playing Halo's single player.

Jul 10, 2004, 07:39 PM
Hell I had more fun playing Wolverines Revenges single player than playing Halo's single player.

Ouch... just motherfucking ouch.

Jul 10, 2004, 07:41 PM
On 2004-07-10 17:39, Bradicus wrote:

Hell I had more fun playing Wolverines Revenges single player than playing Halo's single player.

Ouch... just motherfucking ouch.


I liked Wolvy's revenge too. It wasn't a bad beat em up game.....just stealth strikes where repetitive from time to time. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Jul 10, 2004, 08:20 PM
On 2004-07-10 15:43, Deathscythealpha wrote:
There were Halo books? I didnt realise that. Ive seen some Sci Fi novels called Ringworld and thought it sounded simlier to the Halo concept, they dont have anything to do with it?

There's three (I believe) Halo books. One deals with Master Chief as he is being trained as a Spartan, the other deals with the game, and the last one involved Chief picking up a few survivors immediately after the game ends. I'm assuming they're similar to S.D. Perry's Resident Evil books (which were so-so), except that these books take story from the "Halo Bible" as the Bungie guys call it. I appreciate that it's more canon than most game fiction, but I doubt I'll read them anytime soon.

Jul 11, 2004, 12:57 AM
A few repeats here:

Halo - Honestly it's a bit refreshing to see so many that find it overated. Now as to why...Gameplay. It felt like every other FPS I've played. *read my Metroid comment* I agree that the vehicle handing was poor, the controls did not feel right. Playing solo was, for the most part, boring. Co-op was a blessing. Being an animator I also found the animations to be.....stiff and dull. Did they know what lip syncing was? What did I like? The story and music. Both were well done, the latter being extremely well done.

GTA: Vice City - I'm a huge fan of GTA 3, and Vice City was nothing more than a glorified expansion. The City was just plain boring, in design. Motorcycles, boats and flying vehciles, while nice additions didn't really offer too many extra gameplay elements. I also did not like Tommy as a "lead" at all.

MGS 2 - In story only. Gameplay was awesome! But the story was frelling terrible. Raiden? What the heck were they thinking?

Soul Calibur II - Yes this game is overated and someone said it earlier as to why. Near identical gameplay as the first Soul Calibur.

Gran Turismo 2 & 3 - Same gameplay as the first with better graphics. The same cars handled exactly the same way with each game. Rally racing in 2 was a nice addition but not enough. The way in which the racing series were done also ticked me off. I wanted more points races. Not, win these three(example) races, in any order, and get a trophey. Here's hoping GT 4 plays different than the others

Ok so I've seen a lot of you that dislike Metroid Prime. That's cool. This is why I did like MP(it is somewhat relevant to my dislike of Halo). For the first time in any First Person title I've played I felt like I was finally looking through the characters eyes. The visor set-up was awesome! Small effects like the reflection, seeing the bones in the "arm cannon", static, ect... Plus I thought they did a great job adding in platform elements into the perspective, which helped remove the monotonous drag of fighting baddies over and over again. I do agree 100% that scanning everything and a total lack of proper storytelling sucked and took away from the title.

Ok I'm done now.

Jul 11, 2004, 01:27 AM
On 2004-07-10 15:43, Deathscythealpha wrote:

There were Halo books? I didnt realise that. Ive seen some Sci Fi novels called Ringworld and thought it sounded simlier to the Halo concept, they dont have anything to do with it?

I havent seen the Dentist about my wisdom teeth yet as he is frankly mad. He keeps drilling out good teeth that have nothing wrong with them. I would also most likly get told they really cant do anything about them. Wisdom teeth will only be pulled if they are damaging other teeth, and i think mine are just pushing against gum. Im also a cheap student who isnt willing to pay out any money http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Oh, and ive only played the PC Demo of Red Faction, so i really cant comment on it. It was fun however shooting out the ground underneath a giant tank and watching it plummet. Those sort of physics should be use din more games (would love to see an online fps wher eyou can shoot the floor out from underneath an opponent).

Nope, not Ringworld, there are three books. Take this from an honor student who doesn't usually like to read: The books rock, are mentally stimulating, and have a GREAT original story. The three books deal with, in order, How the Spartan program was started (and how they got to Halo), an expanded story on what went on on Halo, and what happens between Halo and Halo 2. Even if you don't like Halo, I'd still recommend the books.

Man, my dentist, first time I went to him (first time after I moved here) said I had 6 cavities, though my mom, dad, and myself couldn't see even one. So, he drilled all 6 and filled two that he claimed were comimg out (probably because of the hellish pulling that he did on them).

Halo 2 is going to have physics where you can blow up pillars, shoot out the ground, create your own cover etc etc.

Jul 11, 2004, 01:32 AM
On 2004-07-10 17:30, Shattered_weasel wrote:
I will now list all FPS games that are better than halo (IMO)

Goldeneye.Counter-Strike....hell most things from Valve. Red Faction2. Rainbow 6. The James Bond on the gamecube(whatever it is). And many more that don't involve 1 it kills in the back and screen watchers and little people and celebrities going crazy about it.

Hell I had more fun playing Wolverines Revenges single player than playing Halo's single player.

This is kinda what I call "anti-fanboyism" where you're so adamant about disliking a game that you go on to completely diss everything about it because:
A. You sucked at the game.
B. You want attention.
C. You simply didn't like it (which is perfectly fine with me)
or D. Like being an A-hole.

That Wolverines Revenge comment was low, and I doubt you have played past the third level of Halo.

Sure, Halo is hyped, so is Linkin Park, people hate LP because it's popular.

Are you saying that If I took and pistol whipped you on the base of where your spinal column you wouldn't die? I think not, espically if it was with a Rocket Launcher.

Also, because something is different, it doesn't mean that it's bad. I used to be a PS(1) fanboy. I switched to Xbox instead of PS2. I used to like the controls of standard FPSes and drivers, than I played Halo. The controls on this game are so smooth and well done, and are great for any role you play in a game, wether it be a sniper, or even close range person.

Well, this will be my last post in this thread about Halo, seeing as some people didn't seem to get the game because it was different, they didn't understand, or they just want to hate on one of Xbox's pride-and-joys.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfernoNR7 on 2004-07-10 23:35 ]</font>

Jul 11, 2004, 01:40 AM
(Sorry for the Triple Post).

Alright, here are two other games (besides Halo) that I found to be overrated:
Jedi Knight 2
Timesplitters 2

I own Jedi Knight, and I have played Timesplitters a good bit. I found both to be fun, but they just really weren't that fun. For TS 2 I found that the controls didn't fit the style of game for some reason. In JK 2 I found that it really was all about the sabers, not the guns. The guns also were completely underbalanced to the saber. Both were fun, but they just left me unsatisfied, they were lacking something.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfernoNR7 on 2004-07-10 23:41 ]</font>

Jul 11, 2004, 01:47 AM
heh, i wanted to chime in about Black & White. Damn that game got a hell of a lot of hype before it came out.

y'know, after playing that game extensively i left with one easy way to describe this game:

Populous 3 with an inexplicable Tamagotchi

god that game was a let down. talk about massive PR hype.

Jul 11, 2004, 02:03 AM
On 2004-07-10 23:40, InfernoNR7 wrote:
(Sorry for the Triple Post).

Alright, here are two other games (besides Halo) that I found to be overrated:
Jedi Knight 2
Timesplitters 2

I own Jedi Knight, and I have played Timesplitters a good bit. I found both to be fun, but they just really weren't that fun. For TS 2 I found that the controls didn't fit the style of game for some reason. In JK 2 I found that it really was all about the sabers, not the guns. The guns also were completely underbalanced to the saber. Both were fun, but they just left me unsatisfied, they were lacking something.

It's Jedi Knight! Who cares about the guns?

Seriously, lightsabers are the coolest weapons to be thought up in the past thirty years, and I wanna use them to their full effect.

But yeah, JK 2 bugs me sometimes... I found Jedi Academy much more fun.

Jul 11, 2004, 03:14 AM
While yall are locked on to Halo, yall are missing the biggest overrated game ever.

Everquest. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

I can name 50 people who will sit in a chair and explain to me how 'totally awesome' that game is... I hate it, simple as that. I have played it and I hate it. Now people are hyping up over EQ2 ...


And as for 'FPSs other than Halo' ...

America's Army (sleeper hit instead of an overrated game IMO). While I was skeptical about the military making a game, AA isn't that bad. The nade spam was horrible though and people tend to grab the m249 and just run around mowing everyone down http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_argh.gif ... other than that it's still fun.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2004-07-11 01:15 ]</font>

Jul 11, 2004, 09:37 AM
On 2004-07-10 17:05, DarthFomar wrote:

Dead or Alive- It is a grade-B fighter. The only reason people like it is because of the woman. Just buy Virtual Fighter or Soul Calibur.

That was one of the biggest generalizations I have ever seen about a game.

There is no way in hell I would like the DOA series if it only had good graphics and hot babes....sorry, if the fighting system sucked, then *in my opinion* so would everthing else.

Well, perhaps to some but the people I have talked to pretty much bought it because of the woman. Perhaps it is a bit exagerated.

Anyways, I noticed how many people are hating a sequel because it just improves but not really adds to the game. But almost every sequel is like that now. Soul Calibur to Soul Calibur 2, Mario 64 to Mario Sunshine, Ratchet & Clank to R&C2. The only "proper" sequel this generation is MGS2 from MGS. Pretty much every "sequel" could just be considered a expansion pack.

Jul 11, 2004, 10:03 AM
On 2004-07-10 22:57, Nidarrock wrote:
A few repeats here:

Halo - Honestly it's a bit refreshing to see so many that find it overated. Now as to why...Gameplay. It felt like every other FPS I've played. *read my Metroid comment* I agree that the vehicle handing was poor, the controls did not feel right. Playing solo was, for the most part, boring. Co-op was a blessing. Being an animator I also found the animations to be.....stiff and dull. Did they know what lip syncing was? What did I like? The story and music. Both were well done, the latter being extremely well done.

God, you people can't seem to realize that Halo started production in something like 1999.......it's an old game if you think about it. The ideas are old, the graphics are *um...well they aren't that old*, but c'mon....sure better games came after Halo.....that was inevitable. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

If you think about it.....Halo was one of the first "Shooters" on Xbox. And PS2 had only had like one or two "shooters" by the time Halo was released.

Yeah, I could find plenty wrong with Halo "now", but in this day and age it's understandable. The game is fairly old and outdated.... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

How about I go pick apart "Goldeneye" for the N64.....there's another outdated game for ya, hell that game started the whole console fraggin party in the first place. Damn a legend, and people still probably complain about it, I'm sure. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

I have an idea.....let's bash every game ever made. Then we'll all feel much better about ourselves, right!!! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

GTA: Vice City - I'm a huge fan of GTA 3, and Vice City was nothing more than a glorified expansion. The City was just plain boring, in design. Motorcycles, boats and flying vehciles, while nice additions didn't really offer too many extra gameplay elements. I also did not like Tommy as a "lead" at all.

Vice City was actually more intersting *for me at least*, than GTA3 was. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

MGS 2 - In story only. Gameplay was awesome! But the story was frelling terrible. Raiden? What the heck were they thinking?

Soul Calibur II - Yes this game is overated and someone said it earlier as to why. Near identical gameplay as the first Soul Calibur.

Okay, Soul Calibur II was completely different from Soul Calibur. Dur, the gameplay had a lot of more characters and a lot of more moves. And the whole customizable weapon system was a new feature as well as some other stuff.

What do you expect them to do......reformate the fighting system that people loved so much. Jesus, that would make the game just flat out suck, wouldn't it. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Gran Turismo 2 & 3 - Same gameplay as the first with better graphics. The same cars handled exactly the same way with each game. Rally racing in 2 was a nice addition but not enough. The way in which the racing series were done also ticked me off. I wanted more points races. Not, win these three(example) races, in any order, and get a trophey. Here's hoping GT 4 plays different than the others

Ok so I've seen a lot of you that dislike Metroid Prime. That's cool. This is why I did like MP(it is somewhat relevant to my dislike of Halo). For the first time in any First Person title I've played I felt like I was finally looking through the characters eyes. The visor set-up was awesome! Small effects like the reflection, seeing the bones in the "arm cannon", static, ect... Plus I thought they did a great job adding in platform elements into the perspective, which helped remove the monotonous drag of fighting baddies over and over again. I do agree 100% that scanning everything and a total lack of proper storytelling sucked and took away from the title.

Ok I'm done now.

.......I've never played Metroid Prime for the Gamecube. Is it any fun??? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Jul 11, 2004, 03:26 PM
On 2004-07-10 23:32, InfernoNR7 wrote:

On 2004-07-10 17:30, Shattered_weasel wrote:
I will now list all FPS games that are better than halo (IMO)

Goldeneye.Counter-Strike....hell most things from Valve. Red Faction2. Rainbow 6. The James Bond on the gamecube(whatever it is). And many more that don't involve 1 it kills in the back and screen watchers and little people and celebrities going crazy about it.

Hell I had more fun playing Wolverines Revenges single player than playing Halo's single player.

A. You sucked at the game.
B. You want attention.
C. You simply didn't like it (which is perfectly fine with me)
or D. Like being an A-hole.

That Wolverines Revenge comment was low, and I doubt you have played past the third level of Halo.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfernoNR7 on 2004-07-10 23:35 ]</font>

Ok my comment abou this.

A. I don't suck at the game. I have either come in 2nd or 1st in many of the "tournys" my little subdivision puts up. I got tired of them always saying lets play Halo or people coming up to you while you are talking about CS or Half Life and them saying "Halo was better"

B. I am an attention whore but not right here i wasn't

C. I do not like it. Overhyped and Overplayed.

D. I do like being an "A-Hole", so this is the option that fits for me.

About the Wolvy comment and it being low. Then it has served it purpose. And I have beaten Halo on legendary with Polished. The fun thing about that is saying "Hey I am out of ammo so could you kill me"

Jul 11, 2004, 03:35 PM
Whatever game you enjoy more is better, nobody can sway that. It is all personal opinion, so shut up with the "YOU DONT LIKE HALO BECAUSE YOU SUCK". The Army Men games are better then Halo, FF7, God, 007 if you yourself enjoyed them more. You really can't argue about it.

Jul 11, 2004, 03:42 PM
On 2004-07-11 08:03, DarthFomar wrote:

On 2004-07-10 22:57, Nidarrock wrote:
Soul Calibur II - Yes this game is overated and someone said it earlier as to why. Near identical gameplay as the first Soul Calibur.

Okay, Soul Calibur II was completely different from Soul Calibur. Dur, the gameplay had a lot of more characters and a lot of more moves. And the whole customizable weapon system was a new feature as well as some other stuff.

What do you expect them to do......reformate the fighting system that people loved so much. Jesus, that would make the game just flat out suck, wouldn't it. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Just because they couldn't change much doesn't mean it's not a very similar game. I love Soul Calibur II, but it's just like every other fighting game sequel. They threw in new moves, new characters, and maybe a few features. That doesn't make it some amazingly diverse sequel.

Heck, several of those features were in the original Soul Blade anyway, so they're not even really new.

Jul 11, 2004, 04:19 PM
On 2004-07-11 13:42, Outrider wrote:

On 2004-07-11 08:03, DarthFomar wrote:

On 2004-07-10 22:57, Nidarrock wrote:
Soul Calibur II - Yes this game is overated and someone said it earlier as to why. Near identical gameplay as the first Soul Calibur.

Okay, Soul Calibur II was completely different from Soul Calibur. Dur, the gameplay had a lot of more characters and a lot of more moves. And the whole customizable weapon system was a new feature as well as some other stuff.

What do you expect them to do......reformate the fighting system that people loved so much. Jesus, that would make the game just flat out suck, wouldn't it. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Just because they couldn't change much doesn't mean it's not a very similar game. I love Soul Calibur II, but it's just like every other fighting game sequel. They threw in new moves, new characters, and maybe a few features. That doesn't make it some amazingly diverse sequel.

Heck, several of those features were in the original Soul Blade anyway, so they're not even really new.

Woohoo......who cares. Soul Calibur II was fun, right?! *to those who enjoyed it, at least* http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarthFomar on 2004-07-11 14:19 ]</font>

Jul 11, 2004, 05:38 PM
OK, i voted for Budokai just because it downright sucks. NOthing good about it. Should have been a 1/10 in psm instead of whatever it got. I guess a little 5 year old wannabe gamer would like it though. And i just feel like saying that the most underrated game is ffx. Without a doubt the greatest ff game, except for ff7 perhaps, since that was such a huge breakthrough in video gaming. even though ui haven't beaten ffx, i still think it's the best.

Jul 11, 2004, 07:04 PM
On 2004-07-11 07:37, Skett wrote:

On 2004-07-10 17:05, DarthFomar wrote:

Dead or Alive- It is a grade-B fighter. The only reason people like it is because of the woman. Just buy Virtual Fighter or Soul Calibur.

That was one of the biggest generalizations I have ever seen about a game.

There is no way in hell I would like the DOA series if it only had good graphics and hot babes....sorry, if the fighting system sucked, then *in my opinion* so would everthing else.

Well, perhaps to some but the people I have talked to pretty much bought it because of the woman. Perhaps it is a bit exagerated.

Anyways, I noticed how many people are hating a sequel because it just improves but not really adds to the game. But almost every sequel is like that now. Soul Calibur to Soul Calibur 2, Mario 64 to Mario Sunshine, Ratchet & Clank to R&C2. The only "proper" sequel this generation is MGS2 from MGS. Pretty much every "sequel" could just be considered a expansion pack.

Hmm, to be honest i have never really met a person who has bought DOA for the girls. I think i got DOA2 because it was cheap, but totally digged the gameplay (up untill Tengu though, he was a cheap boss). Kicking someone through a building was quite a laugh. I do feel however that the third game was a tad over rated (pretty graphics, but some of the substance gone).

Soul Calibur 2 does seem to play alot like Soul Calibur 1 as some peeps have pointed out. I put this down to the fact that not many people got to play 1 as it was a DC Home Title and everyone seems to hate the poor old DC. I wish the series had stuck to its Soul Blade/Edge heritidge however, full 3D and interactive endings are a much more satisfying reward then a couple of still images.

Jul 11, 2004, 07:24 PM
DoA2 had a very solid gameplay and system, something I liked a lot more than Soul Calibur. In SC, a n00b was able to button-mash his way and beat nearly every expert in the house. In DoA2, you can't do that. Against human opponents, we really did have to learn patterns to know where and when to counter and where and when to attack.

Tengu, to me, is a breeze. His moves are almost always easy to parry. He either has a windup, or his mini punch is followed by a highly predictable combo. I take out at least half of his health with counters.

You want cheap? Try fighting Ein or Kasumi one level before Tengu. You'll sweat. A lot.

Jul 14, 2004, 12:00 AM
God, you people can't seem to realize that Halo started production in something like 1999.......it's an old game if you think about it. The ideas are old, the graphics are *um...well they aren't that old*, but c'mon....sure better games came after Halo.....that was inevitable.

If you think about it.....Halo was one of the first "Shooters" on Xbox. And PS2 had only had like one or two "shooters" by the time Halo was released.

Yeah, I could find plenty wrong with Halo "now", but in this day and age it's understandable. The game is fairly old and outdated....

How about I go pick apart "Goldeneye" for the N64.....there's another outdated game for ya, hell that game started the whole console fraggin party in the first place. Damn a legend, and people still probably complain about it, I'm sure.

I have an idea.....let's bash every game ever made. Then we'll all feel much better about ourselves, right!!!

It's called an opinion and I'm quite aware of when Halo was made. These are opinions I've had with the game since the first time I played Halo(which is when the Xbox launched) until today. Goldeneye is still my favorite FPS and I don't give one iota about it's "outdated" graphics.

Vice City was actually more intersting *for me at least*, than GTA3 was.

Too each thier own.

Regarding Soul Calibur 2...I said it was overated and had gameplay very similar to the first. Never said I hated it, I actually feel quite the opposite honestly. I was their to grab the game on its launch day, as I will for Soul Calibur 3, and 4, and 5...you get the idea. My favorite in the series is still the first, Soul Edge(Blade). Just felt it wasn't as good as it was hyped to be. Since when was that ever a bad thing?

Like I said before...To each thier own.

Jul 14, 2004, 02:34 AM
On 2004-07-13 22:00, Nidarrock wrote:

God, you people can't seem to realize that Halo started production in something like 1999.......it's an old game if you think about it. The ideas are old, the graphics are *um...well they aren't that old*, but c'mon....sure better games came after Halo.....that was inevitable.

If you think about it.....Halo was one of the first "Shooters" on Xbox. And PS2 had only had like one or two "shooters" by the time Halo was released.

Yeah, I could find plenty wrong with Halo "now", but in this day and age it's understandable. The game is fairly old and outdated....

How about I go pick apart "Goldeneye" for the N64.....there's another outdated game for ya, hell that game started the whole console fraggin party in the first place. Damn a legend, and people still probably complain about it, I'm sure.

I have an idea.....let's bash every game ever made. Then we'll all feel much better about ourselves, right!!!

It's called an opinion and I'm quite aware of when Halo was made. These are opinions I've had with the game since the first time I played Halo(which is when the Xbox launched) until today. Goldeneye is still my favorite FPS and I don't give one iota about it's "outdated" graphics.

Vice City was actually more intersting *for me at least*, than GTA3 was.

Too each thier own.

Regarding Soul Calibur 2...I said it was overated and had gameplay very similar to the first. Never said I hated it, I actually feel quite the opposite honestly. I was their to grab the game on its launch day, as I will for Soul Calibur 3, and 4, and 5...you get the idea. My favorite in the series is still the first, Soul Edge(Blade). Just felt it wasn't as good as it was hyped to be. Since when was that ever a bad thing?

Like I said before...To each thier own.

To that last part, "much agreed and much obliged". http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

Anyway, I am really sick of hearing Halo "sucks" *I mean it's obvious the game is outdated by now, and better games did come out after it's release....which is normal*....that's what I was trying to get at. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

I mean I could easily complain about games like Final Fantasy, Zelda, and Half-Life....but I like those games, so I won't go there. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Jul 14, 2004, 06:24 AM
On 2004-07-07 16:59, lain2k3 wrote:
Any fighting game besides soul calibur 2 and samsh bros (either one)

There really are no better fighting games out there. Never have been. small chance that there will be.

Agreed. I really dislike fighting games, I get so bored of them. Only ones I liked was Soul Calibur and DOA

Jul 14, 2004, 11:44 AM
On 2004-07-11 17:24, KodiaX987 wrote:
DoA2 had a very solid gameplay and system, something I liked a lot more than Soul Calibur. In SC, a n00b was able to button-mash his way and beat nearly every expert in the house. In DoA2, you can't do that. Against human opponents, we really did have to learn patterns to know where and when to counter and where and when to attack.

Tengu, to me, is a breeze. His moves are almost always easy to parry. He either has a windup, or his mini punch is followed by a highly predictable combo. I take out at least half of his health with counters.

You want cheap? Try fighting Ein or Kasumi one level before Tengu. You'll sweat. A lot.

WOW.....it is quite different from what you have said. I have played many buttonmashers in SC2 but have beaten them easily and then played DOA for the first time and learned how to counter and beat all of the other people there.

Jul 14, 2004, 01:35 PM
There isn't really an overrated game... If people obsess over it, then it's a good game. Someone doesn't like the game or doesn't see what's so special about it? It doesn't make it overrated.

Jul 15, 2004, 08:27 PM
*puts on soul calibur 1&2 fanboy hat*
fair enough, there is no denying the striking simularities between the two titles. but come on! it is a sequel. was there a giant departure in the tekken series? nope. or gta? didn't think so. how similar are the fifa, madden, etc. series?

and when you've played soul calibur as much as me you realise the differences in the games and their fight systems. me and one of my best friends have had a on-going tournament in soul calibur since it saw arcade release, and many MANY nites have been spent bashing the shite outa each other on both titles, and we were both glad of the extra moves, better graphics, fight system tweaks and the excellent extra modes. by no means is the series over-rated, because it is claimed as the best fighting series at the moment, and it is. but it was waaay over-hyped. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif and i will admit it is button masher friendly. but the true master does not need to button mash. *zen like pose*

and stop ragging on DOA. I own 2&3 and think they are both solid fighters. fair enough its not of sc, but it has the best survival mode in a fighter. and the 4 player tag team matchs are a laugh when you get a bunch of your friends around. The interactive multi-tired levels are a true break-thru in fighters. and its unfair to claim that people only buy the games for the girls. they are an added extra bonus http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif lets face it would you be watching kasumi running around the screen kicking the b'jesus outa some or an ugly mofo like voldo?

and another thing, although its not out yet, DOA ultimate will make a fair effort at taking fighting games online. while not the best fighting series, it is the most innovative.

you want over-rated fighters - street fighter 2, tekken and virtua fighter. Street fighter 2 was kinda fun, but after a while it just got soooo old. and how many god damn versions of the game where released? street fighter 2? sf2 turbo? sf2 turbo extreme? extreme hardcore? and it went on!!! and on the subject, the marvel vs capcom games aren't all that great. total button mashing. a real aquired taste methinks.

and virtua fighter. i liked the first and second, hell i was the king of jackie! but the third one was a real disappointment. and while the 4th was a million times better, it just lacked the 'GRRRR DIE MOFO DIE!!' factor of other games. though the single player is to be respected, if only all fighters had such sp development.

and tekken. GAH!! really i never saw the appeal. slow paced and had a robotic feel to it. and i'll admit i was crap at it and been continually pummled by two of my much better (read: button mashing) mates, taking turns to beat me around. so that may be a reason why i dislike it. though the dude made outa wood was funny.


Jul 16, 2004, 03:32 AM
All right. I have some things to say.

These first couple are not my pick for most over-rated so bear with me.

Halo: Played it. Didn't like it. But that was because it was an FPS and I hate those in general. I won't say any more on this subject because I can't really make an informed argument.

Final Fantasy VII: Here's the gig. It was one of the first 3D RPGs. That was its appeal. I agree with the guy who said its popularity came long after its release. It's more popular now than it was all those years ago. The problem with Final Fantasy VII is that is was too easy. It was fun, but it was also very simple to beat. And if your going to refute this using RPGs made after FF7, I would like to invite you to shut the fuck up. Try playing some really old school RPGs like the original Phantasy Stars. Those were hard. Those were good. FF7 set the standard for all games on post old-school systems. It watered down all the RPGs made after it. A perfect example of this is. . .

Final Fantasy VIII: OMG. So awful. So easy. You can go to level 99 (or is it 100, its been so long since I've played it) right in esthar (a city) if you want. Put death elemental on your weapons. Talk to the laughing guy on the bridge. Fight the strong monster (I forgot his name). Kill the strong monster with death elemental. Rinse. Repeat. Level 40 to Level 99 (100?) in half an hour tops. One cool party member (Zell). The main character is a HUGE LOSER. GUNBLADE!? how the hell does that work. I mean, come on, think about it. Summons don't take MP? There is no MP?! Oh, summons have HP thats right, and they can die, OK. I would like to challenge any FF8 creature (save the final boss only) to even hit one of my summons before I cast it. I could go on, but I'll stop on this game.

DOA: I don't play it for the chicks (though they're nice). How about because they use actual fighting styles. Jeet Kune Do anyone? DOA3 is bad IMO. Mostly because of the graphics. They. Look. Like. Plastic. Why are these dolls (not a pet name) fighting?

Soul Calibur 2: I see it as a graphical upgrade over Soul Calibur 1. So it's all good for me.

OK. Are you ready for the worst game ever? I'm surprised only one person brought it up already. This awful game is Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic.
Over-rated? It won game of the year for crying out loud!!!
Why is this game so awful? Where do I start? Lets start from the beginning of the game. Character creation. Boy, I'm glad my character is fully customizable, aren't you? You can change. . . the head. It's not even the face and then the hair, It's the whole head. You don't get to change eye color or hair color or anything. Your body proportions are predetermined depending on the class you choose. It's so bad. The story: I'm going to give it away. SPOILER. To damn bad! You're on a spaceship. You don't know why you're there. You don't know about the sith. You don't know about anything. You play through one world. You do stuff that is amazing to every one else. You meet the jedi counsel. They make you a Jedi. (Is this not predictable? Aren't these all just a bunch of cliches?) Oh, it turns out you are a very powerfull jedi ooooo, after only a few weeks of training ooooo. You do everything perfectly the first time. You're constantly warned about the dark side. You see the bad guy's memories in your dreams. You have a psychic link with the girl who beat the bad guy. OMFG you are the bad guy. (If you didn't see that coming then I didn't do a very good job of laying it out, I'm sorry.) The oldest plot twist in the book! They are trying to be tricky and failing miserably. The endings: deeply unfulfilling. There is only one thing you can do in the game that will effect the ending. All the relationships you build and all that shit doesn't matter. The only thing that counts is what you tell bastilla on top of that temple (i.e. light or dark). The size of the game: small Too small to be a good RPG. Oooo you get to go to 7 different planets ooooo. Here's the deal guys. An entire world on KOTOR is about the size of Ruins 2. Leveling up: 20 levels?! Wat das fook? Come on! Game boy games are bigger than this. But your levels are customizable right? Yeah, but they wouldn't need to be if there were more. Instead of picking the powers you want, if there were more level ups (like a good RPG has) you could learn them all and then customization wouldn't be necessary, would it? The fighting: Lame lame lame. If your dark, Cast force lighting. Everything dies. If your light, hack and heal. Its easy, and not just conceptually. Even on hard difficulty, there are no enemies who can kill you if you know how to fight. (Enemies have resistances, pshh sure they do, pshh *stasis field/destroy droid, everyone freezes, quo kills everyone with lightsaber*). Real time turn style fighting? WTF?! It's like they mixed the two styles together to make two extremes happy and ended up with this watered down version of both. All it serves to do is piss of people who like either of the two different styles and get people who don't usually play video games to go "oooo, so cool, aaaa," 'cause they're dummies. Graphics: They could have done so much better. Xbox is capable of better anyway, maybe their feeble minds weren't up to it. *blows nose at Bioware*. Sub-quests: Very few worth mentioning. They're mostly just stop some guy from beating up some lady or more cliche shit like that. There are a few quests that make you leave the planet they originate from, but you only have to go to ONE other planet before you finish. Hell, a good RPG make you do this in the main plot a whole slew of times. Subquests in a good RPG make you go places all over the world (galaxy in the case of KOTOR, except that it doesn't) several times. And there's more, but I'm tired and I'm going to bed.

Before I end this post though, I would like to remind you that flaming is against forum rules. And in this case it wouldn't do you any good because I'm probably not going to check this thread again. I've said my peace. Good night everyone.

Jul 16, 2004, 02:35 PM
Quo just summed up everything I wanted to say about FF7 and FF8. He/she's my hero.

Jul 16, 2004, 05:10 PM
Halo, Halo, oh god Halo.

Here we have a game with a pretty fun multiplayer, and a crappy, repetitive first player, that would have been just another FPS had it been initially released only for PC. However, it being released on X-box, the Microsoft fan-boys clung onto this game, and treat it like the second coming of the Messiah. It's not that good. Plain and simple, its the definition of overrated.

Jul 16, 2004, 05:34 PM
kotor = boring. i played through once and had fun, but not nearly enough fun to play again. kotor is derivative plotwise, as quo makes abundantly clear, and far too easy. some people champion this game as though it were bar-none the most innovative game in the world. to those people i say "where are your pants, you crazies?" so i agree with quo: kotor does not deserve the attention it received.

i'd like to say something about halo though. halo is the reason i decided to go with the xbox. it is not an innovative game. it is not the greatest game ever. it is a decent fps with better-than-average (but barely) graphics. as of now i have not played halo in six months and i don't think i'll be playing it any time soon. in that regard, i'm with dylcool. however, i had a great time when i was playing it. i've beaten every difficulty and i'm happy with the experience i had with the game. so yeah, it doesn't deserve the acclaim and attention it received, but it ain't that bad.

as overrated games go, i'm going to go beyond console games for a sec and say that any game published by blizzard falls into that category. i've played diablo, diablo 2, starcraft, warcraft II, and warcraft III. they're good games, but i find they run out of steam quickly. more than that, my main beef with blizzard games (and this largely excludes diablo and warcraft II) is the constant patching that goes on. it drives me nuts that blizzard constantly makes game-altering adjustments to each of their titles. granted, sometimes those adjustments are necessary (d2 1.10) but if the game isn't balanced then it is not done so don't freakin' release it. (unless i'm mistaken beta tests are meant to help determine if a game is balanced and ferret out bugs, so use betas to do those things.) and yes, i'm aware that constant patching has become common practice for pc games...i loathe any company that does this. blizzard stands out because they get so much attention for their titles. i know many people will disagree with me. please respect my opinions as i respect yours. also, i refer you to the last few lines of quo's post. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: jspacemunkey on 2004-07-16 15:45 ]</font>

Jul 16, 2004, 06:17 PM
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Compare it to Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, and many prefers Ocarina of Time more. Can't say I blame them, Ocarina of Time is an original Zelda game of the N64 and is a pretty damn good one, with something more similar of a more classic Zelda games. But I love both of these Zelda games, maybe Majora's Mask a bit more. Majora's Mask at least have sword shooting. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

Final Fantasy VII is also overrated. I'm seeing people using the name of Sephiroth everywhere.

Jul 16, 2004, 09:31 PM
On 2004-07-07 19:34, Dangerous55 wrote:
Counter-Strike(realism my ass)

which version were you playing is my question, since i'll agree that there were a few versions that were abhoribly unrealistic.

zelda anything
final fantasy anything (except for 6. i loved that one)
GTA series
anything else from rockstar games.
CS version 1.6 (its just an intelligent halo)

Jul 16, 2004, 09:43 PM

For what it was, a Star Wars game based on the DnD rules set, it was great.

Not only did Bioware do a great job with the character building, as well as the atmosphere and general build of the plot, as they have with every RPG, but I considered it to be fun.

Hey, maybe it wasn't as big as PSO. Although, I don't see how you can compare the two.

I love PSO and all, but KOTOR was far superior as far as the game itself. The PSO community is stronger, and the game has more replayability, but KOTOR had more "OMFG! I finally got to _____!"

PSO? Uh... I slashed a monster within a set combo. Three strikes, it dies, or hits me. Woo. How complicated is that?

PSO is over rated, on the grounds of these posts.

[edit]: And Quo, by everything you listed: Sub-par graphics, few environments, etc... PSO sucks.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Solstis on 2004-07-16 19:45 ]</font>

Jul 16, 2004, 10:53 PM
On 2004-07-16 19:43, Solstis wrote:

For what it was, a Star Wars game based on the DnD rules set, it was great.

Not only did Bioware do a great job with the character building, as well as the atmosphere and general build of the plot, as they have with every RPG, but I considered it to be fun.

Hey, maybe it wasn't as big as PSO. Although, I don't see how you can compare the two.

I love PSO and all, but KOTOR was far superior as far as the game itself. The PSO community is stronger, and the game has more replayability, but KOTOR had more "OMFG! I finally got to _____!"

PSO? Uh... I slashed a monster within a set combo. Three strikes, it dies, or hits me. Woo. How complicated is that?

PSO is over rated, on the grounds of these posts.

[edit]: And Quo, by everything you listed: Sub-par graphics, few environments, etc... PSO sucks.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Solstis on 2004-07-16 19:45 ]</font>

I agree with solstis......PSO could be considered over-rated. Either way, it's only the online experience, weapons, items, and other content that I really make PSO what it really is. So, in a sense, I'm not bothered by the graphics and such. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

As for KOTOR.....it "deserves" the credit it got *or at least most of it*. The first Star Wars RPG ever, and it actually turns out to be worth a damn. I'd say that's a big accomplishment. Even so, the customizable character really meant "throughout the game experience"....equipping them with armors, robes, visors, shields, gaunlets, and what not. Once I started playing and got a little into the game, I completely got over the vague player creation. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Although it was disappointing, I am sure that a lot of people forgave that weakness. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Also, I have heard *not sure if it's true* that KOTOR 2 will feature a more vast character creation system. I for one, am counting on it. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

Anyway, KOTOR is not all that over-rated. And correct me if I'm wrong, but it wasn't the only game to get a game of the year award. There are several different categories. "Syberia" got the award for best "Adventure" game. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Uh, just wondering......what games won the other awards?! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarthFomar on 2004-07-16 20:53 ]</font>

Jul 17, 2004, 12:01 AM
As for KOTOR.....it "deserves" the credit it got *or at least most of it*. The first Star Wars RPG ever, and it actually turns out to be worth a damn. I'd say that's a big accomplishment. Even so, the customizable character really meant "throughout the game experience"....equipping them with armors, robes, visors, shields, gaunlets, and what not. Once I started playing and got a little into the game, I completely got over the vague player creation.

Agreed. Of the limited knowledge I know of RPGs, I would say KotOR is more a "PC RPG." Mainly for the reasons DarthFomar stated. I'm pretty sure Balder's Gate's lvl cap was not 100, I doubt it was even 50. But who ever said a character's lvl HAD to be 100? Is it rule written somewhere? Sure I was very miffed at the very limited physical character creation, but I sure did like tweaking my stats every time I lvled up. But it's all cool, you have your feelings on it, and other have thier's. Makes for some fun conversation though.

Jul 17, 2004, 12:01 AM
Latest Mario Party games. Since when was it okay to only have 50 tap-a-as-many-times-as-you-can "mini" games? I could care less for "more challanging boards," give me at least 70 mini games like the third (and best) of the Mario Partys. And what happened to duel? That was great!

Oh, and I agree with the sonic part, ugh I can feel my lazy eye go off with that camera... in the wrong direction.