View Full Version : Sonic team and the new game "blue birst"

Jul 10, 2004, 12:59 PM
I'm glad they are coming out with a new version of pso, but (and i dont want to be depressing or anything) them putting out a new version is like saying "Here you go, here is a new version that we will probly charge you more for, this one actually gives you the decensy of not being completely and totally hacked in a game with alot of glitches, and guess what, we now actually care if you have had your items stolen, or your account hacked so we will put in game masters! So now we will charge you more for the things you should had been getting in the first place." So basically they are probly going to charge us extra to have the decensy of a standard online game.

Jul 10, 2004, 01:47 PM
Um...The download of PSOBB is free, and the monthly fee is the same.

Jul 14, 2004, 11:31 AM
oh... lol