View Full Version : Anything besides DS?

Jul 17, 2004, 01:55 PM
i'm planning to buy a gamecube instead of Xbox live, then just wait for paper mario and PSO+. however, should i wait for the release of another new Nintendo system?

Jul 17, 2004, 10:36 PM
If you are a Nintendo fan, I recommend you to get a GameCube. There are good things that are coming and if you are a Zelda fan, a new Zelda game will come out next year for it. And with a GameCube, you'll be able to handle to wait for the next Nintendo system than if you won't get it. It will be a while.

Jul 17, 2004, 10:44 PM
the new DS system is like a portable N64 system! it has better graphics, and most of the old N64 games are getting a new life upon this new system. such as a 4 player Mario 64! also another game set to be brought is Animal Crossing. so if your a fan of AC, just imagine your entire town in the palm of your hand. Another upgrade is a game that lets you chat with other DS's around the world! but the only downfall to this wireless-chat game is that you cant develop SNs, you are simpy known as PLAYER 1 or PLAYER 2.

Sony is trying to catch up with the portable race by introducing their entry the PSP! (Playstation System Portable) Which also boasts great graphics.. i dont kno that much about this system though other than the first game that will be introduced it Death Jr. where you play as Death's son and you go around killing people!

Jul 17, 2004, 11:15 PM
Go buy GameCube. While the advance portable offerings of DS and PSP are intriging, you just can't beat the home console experience. And for Nintendo's next home console, Revolution is still at least two years off.