View Full Version : Sonic Team - The EUmar Killers (strong language inside)

Jul 23, 2004, 04:53 AM
Europe. We are a continent. We are people. We have Gamecubes and all that stuff. But, what use is it when we never fucking get any of it?

Sonic Team has definitely crossed the line this time with the removing of the reward cards from the download quests. I have e-mailed them repeatedly about why they would do such a thing, but so far no reply.

So I would like to honor Sonic Team with a little reward of my own.

Welcome to the first annual fuck you awards.

Yes, congratulations Sonic Team for being the first winner of the annual fuck you award. Let's have a look at some of the things you have done to make us want to scream "fuck you" into your faces.

Phantasy Star Online - released in Europe in February 2001. There was much rejoicing. Until the duping and hacking and NOLling began. All they could do was sit back and just let the world of PSO crumble. We loved you, and you destroyed our trust.

But they made up for it. PSO v2. was released against their wishes and was the final Dreamcast title to reach Europe. Unlike the US, we didn't have to pay a hunter's license because we had to pay for our internet telephone calls unlike another certain non gree country with cars that do 5 miles a gallon *cough*America*cough*. Yes, the Dreamcast Europe servers are still there, and fortunatly America's are not, the source off all the hackers and cheaters and FSODers and other evil people.

PSO was dead. Who would have thought they would have turned it into a trilogy? October 2002, that was when it should have been here. No. They betrayed us again. We had to wait until 7th March before we could get our hands on it.

I would like to point out that Sonic Team was not entirely to blame for this next cock up. The name "online" implies something. You need some kind of adaptor to play it. Well well guess what, Nintendo were stupid enough to not send any of either the modem or broadband adapters to the UK. Well done Nintendo you killed PSO. Would have been worse if the hardware was region coded but thankfully it wasn't. Also there was a shortage of these things all around the world. And Europe just added to the shortage. These things were making people a fortune on ebay, that rare.

So we get online, we hear that the new tower quests have been added, Seat of the Heart. We charge into Polaris. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY!??!?!?!? It took months to add them to the servers. Why? What's the point in not adding them? We could just go to US or JP, why didn't they add them to the EU servers? Only recently did we have Blue Star Memories added to our servers, and I doubt the Respective Tomorrow has been added yet either. Bastards.

Episode three finally gets released, June 11th 2004. AT LAST! Hard to believe that England gets everything last when it once ruled the world. Within only a few weeks we get the download quests. Everything looks good. We download the quests, but have to re-do Blue Star Memories on the EU servers because well, Sonic Team like to inconvenience us. Downloaded and ready to play. Yes! Completed!

There was no rejoicing.

Where have they gone?

Where are the cards?!?!


Sonic Team, this is reason we feel you deserve the honor of the fuck off award. You removed the fucking removed the reward cards.


Why would you need to do that?

Do you not want us to complete the game?

The cards were removed for unknown reasons. After countless e-mails about the matter, there has been no reply. Fortunatly there are some people that will not rest until the matter is settled.

We want our cards.

Europe will be second to none.
Especially not to America who have cost us so much already such as a certain Iraq war you dragged England into.

So Sonic Team. From everyone in europe, I think I speak for everyone when we say this.

I would like to give you one big, FUCK YOU!

I feel much better now.

Sorry for the bad language.

Jul 23, 2004, 05:05 AM
On 2004-07-23 02:53, zimmk2vgc wrote:
Europe. We are a continent. We are people. We have Gamecubes and all that stuff. But, what use is it when we never fucking get any of it?

We are one of the smallest continents in the world in regards to gaming profit, so don't expect a miracle.

Sonic Team has definitely crossed the line this time with the removing of the reward cards from the download quests. I have e-mailed them repeatedly about why they would do such a thing, but so far no reply.

Hi Zimmy!

This is Yuji Naka himself, to answer to your e-mail sent in xx-xx-xx.

I don't give a damn about what a single player complains about.

Arigato, Bye.

Even if they found time to answer to you, don't expect something much different than this.

So we get online, we hear that the new tower quests have been added, Seat of the Heart. We charge into Polaris. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY!??!?!?!? It took months to add them to the servers. Why? What's the point in not adding them? We could just go to US or JP, why didn't they add them to the EU servers? Only recently did we have Blue Star Memories added to our servers, and I doubt the Respective Tomorrow has been added yet either. Bastards.

I believe that's the SEGA Europe division's fault, and not Sonic Team's fault directly.

But still I know what that feels. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_no.gif

Europe will be second to none.
Especially not to America who have cost us so much already such as a certain Iraq war you dragged England into.

Er, I believe most people don't see it that way.

Especially Sonic Team divisions located in America and in Japan. =)

Calm down, man. Don't make this another Iraq war thread.

So Sonic Team. From everyone in europe, I think I speak for everyone when we say this.

I would like to give you one big, FUCK YOU!

I feel much better now.

Sorry for the bad language.

Well zimm, a guy gets used to this. Normally Europe gets the game last because we, in most cases, still have to translate it to at least 4 different languages, while on the USA you don't have to translate all the menus into french or spanish.

Then we're not one of the biggest gaming community in the world, and unfortunately Sonic Team makes their moves with that on their minds.

But hey, we can always go to the US servers, right? I'm sure that's not patriotic, but at least we can play every quest there.

Jul 23, 2004, 05:10 AM
I know we can play every game on the US servers, but that isn't the point. It would be nice if they just gave us some respect.

EDIT: And no more to be said about the war comment after this either, I was getting a little carried away.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: zimmk2vgc on 2004-07-23 03:11 ]</font>

Jul 23, 2004, 05:14 AM
I don't think its about respect.

I think its about profit. They wouldn't bother to put up the quests in the servers, when European servers are the one with the lowest rates of players online, especially if we can play the same quests by changing the server.

Jul 23, 2004, 06:33 AM
On 2004-07-23 03:05, Even_Jin wrote:

On 2004-07-23 02:53, zimmk2vgc wrote:
Europe. We are a continent. We are people. We have Gamecubes and all that stuff. But, what use is it when we never fucking get any of it?

We are one of the smallest continents in the world in regards to gaming profit, so don't expect a miracle.

If we are so unprofitable, why did they spend money on changing the download quest? The cheapest way to get it to us would be to take the US one and put it onto the EU servers. Which they didn't...

So we get online, we hear that the new tower quests have been added, Seat of the Heart. We charge into Polaris. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY!??!?!?!? It took months to add them to the servers. Why? What's the point in not adding them? We could just go to US or JP, why didn't they add them to the EU servers? Only recently did we have Blue Star Memories added to our servers, and I doubt the Respective Tomorrow has been added yet either. Bastards.

I believe that's the SEGA Europe division's fault, and not Sonic Team's fault directly.

That may be for the Ep1&2 quests. But it definitely ISN'T for the Future Bullet cards! I don't remember quite where, but I read somewhere from someone that did get a reply from SEGA Yurp, telling him to mail Sonic Team directly, as it was their decision. Only thing I might blame the local branch for is not sticking out for it's customers and at least get to know the reason for the ommision.

But hey, we can always go to the US servers, right? I'm sure that's not patriotic, but at least we can play every quest there.

For the online quests, yeah. But that download thing makes that impossible too. As I said on some other forum: I'll never be playing with a full deck, thanks to Sonic Team...

Jul 23, 2004, 06:48 AM
As I said on some other forum: I'll never be playing with a full deck, thanks to Sonic Team...

Dude, it's just two minor E cards, not OMG LOL XD AWESOME gamebreaking cards.

Jul 23, 2004, 07:08 AM
For someone who just wants to win matches they may not be the cards to have. For a collector being denied access to a collectable is like swearing in church...

Jul 23, 2004, 08:56 AM
I was under the impression everything came to EU lastest because they have to translate it into so many languages. Same with uploading the quests to the EU servers.


Neo Rei
Jul 23, 2004, 10:35 AM
Chill out. First of all, Nintendo has treated us Europe like shit since ever. Do you *still* expect anything from them? They're selling Animal Crossing two years later after US release...at full price(!). Being a third market is no reason, IMO. I mean, I believe Japan is behind us even with all 896439156 languages we have here (that means translation costs).

Second, Sonic Team. I know we got version 2 when it was basically dead. At least, they allowed us to access the JP quests whilist the US people (WHO PAID) did not. And, by the time I got online again (May 2003) there still were some people floating around especially Japanese in the damn good C-mode.

Also, I don't know why you're surprised for Ep3 being that late. Our version is the only one multilanguage as far as I know. As for the non existance of cards... well, after so many fuck-ups, what were you expecting?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Neo Rei on 2004-07-23 08:36 ]</font>

Jul 23, 2004, 10:55 AM
From what I heard this wasn't a fuckup. This was a deliberate ommision. So, all the reason to be pissed.

And it's not just Nintendo and Sonic Team pissing on us. The entire console producing market goes for Japan first (for which I don't blame them) and doesn't even give us a chance to play the US versions (that often exist) of games that they won't translate. Even the US console is a lot less attractive in EU than in Japan...

Jul 23, 2004, 12:03 PM
Zimmy, I really only have one thing to comment on in this. Ranting is fine, being pissed at Sonic Team is fine. But DO NOT attack America when you do so. The US (or Japan for that matter) has absolutely NOTHING to do with the reason you have no cards available from the download quests. Nor does it *really* have anything to do with the cheating that prevailed in the DC days.

Yes, Barubary started everything, from the US. But even with Blue Burst, today even, I can head over to a few sites and read up, IN JAPANESE, about JAPANESE people that are doing their best to cheat in the game. It's not limited to the US. Yeah, there are a lot of asshole players that come from the US, far more than the JP players, but if you notice, there are also a LOT more US players than JP players that are willing to go out, to mingle with other nationalities, and discover new playing styles.

Fine, really, go ahead and rant about the lack of service ST is giving the EU, and many many other companies do as well. But going outside the gaming industry to attack American values and methods is not something that is going to help your argument. All it really does is make your anger look more undirected, and not as effective.

Damn, this seems to have turned into "101 Good Ranting Tips"...

Jul 23, 2004, 12:15 PM
If Sega/Nintendo are going to bother giving us these games to play, then they should give us the same version as everyone else. It's a bit annoying having to wait longer for games to come out, but that is of less importance I think.
The fact that US players didnt get charged for phonecalls is down to greedy phone corporations like BT!

Jul 23, 2004, 02:25 PM
On 2004-07-23 04:33, Superguppie wrote:
If we are so unprofitable, why did they spend money on changing the download quest? The cheapest way to get it to us would be to take the US one and put it onto the EU servers. Which they didn't...

If we are so unprofitable, why did they launch the game in Europe at the first place?

I'm not saying they don't do anything for europeans, I'm just saying SOMETIMES they consider useless to do something regarding the profits.

And I don't know if US quests already have the French/Spanish or other language dialogues included, so I can't comment on that "bring the US quest to europe" suggestion you said.

Jul 23, 2004, 02:27 PM
On 2004-07-23 10:15, SLON wrote:
If Sega/Nintendo are going to bother giving us these games to play, then they should give us the same version as everyone else. It's a bit annoying having to wait longer for games to come out, but that is of less importance I think.
The fact that US players didnt get charged for phonecalls is down to greedy phone corporations like BT!

Sometimes not being totally radical has best results, you know? Somethings just don't work here as they do somewhere else.

Jul 23, 2004, 03:36 PM
Have you ever seen the movie "Fight Club"? The main character's job is to calculate the costs of recalling flawed cars against the cost of settling court cases.

I figure that there is a guy like that that decides wheather North America and Europe should get games made out of continent.

If the costs of shipping and production outweigh the potential profit, you don't get the game/content.

So what you need to do is: Find this man and kill him.

Jul 23, 2004, 03:57 PM
You know what?

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

Please, and thank you. As an American, I take offense to your ignorant stereotyping, because you know what? Why the hell are you getting pissed off at the US and JP for these quests and problems, when the problems in the first place originate in the EU.

Yes, you heard me correctly.
Although the JP branches of Sega and Nintendo have the most control over the entire operations (due to headquarters), do you not even fathom the thought that the majority of the problems exist because of *gasp* the EU counterpart?

Don't get angry at the US because Animal Crossing came out at a decent pace. Blame the EU branch of Nintendo for being fuckwads. Angry at the lack of online accessories? Blame the EU branch of Nintendo for not stocking the region full of the adapters. Sick of PSO being jackshit? Blame Sega EU for not releasing its games on a nice, neat timeschedule like its sister branches in the JP and US do.

And don't, don't even FUCK with me about the whole war in Iraq now. You'll get your ass so flamed for intertwining videogames and Iraq so fast that you won't know what hit you until you see the title Banned under your username. With italics, too.

So, repeat after me. Life isn't fair, life isn't fair and life isn't fair. Yes, this is a rants forum and you have every single right to rant in it. But like other members have said about this one section, don't post if you can't take the heat.

Jul 23, 2004, 04:27 PM
On 2004-07-23 02:53, zimmk2vgc wrote:

Unlike the US, we didn't have to pay a hunter's license because we had to pay for our internet telephone calls unlike another certain non gree country with cars that do 5 miles a gallon *cough*America*cough*. Yes, the Dreamcast Europe servers are still there, and fortunatly America's are not, the source off all the hackers and cheaters and FSODers and other evil people.

Woah! Slow down there. While I was with you until you started tossing out stereotypes willy-nilly... this is ignorant. Now, anyone who has read ONE of my halfway political posts knows I do not approve of alot that America's commercial society and government condones, but let me tell it too you straight:

1. Apparently you don't realize, we DO pay for or internet connection. If the connecting number to the ISP is long distance, we pay those charges too. Not to mention the cost of having the privilige of using that ISP. Of course you can have dsl or cable and not pay for connecting costs that a phone company would charge you, but not all of us can afford that luxury. Contrary to what the rest of the world feels, we are NOT a nation of rich people. Most of this nation lies at the lower middle-class to lower class level. And less than half of the nation has an internet connection. Where you got this concept that we are born with a free connection is beyond me.

2. Not all of us have SUV's. Infact, many of us detest them and the gluttonous nature they pander to. Personally, I bike or walk to most places I need to go. I drive my 30 mpg car, about once a week. Hows that for green???

3. Lastly, bad people are EVERYWHERE. By assuming that all the bad PSOers are from America, you do the same damn thing that the PART of America you are railing against did to muslims after 9-11. You are stereotyping off of little to no reliable information. Open your eyes, there is crime in europe, there are hackers in Europe, there are hackers in Japan. Assholes are born EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME. By assuming that "America is a country full of assholes, of course all the people who destroyed PSO are from there," you only prove yourself to be an ignorant fool.

I would like to point out that Sonic Team was not entirely to blame for this next cock up. The name "online" implies something. You need some kind of adaptor to play it. Well well guess what, Nintendo were stupid enough to not send any of either the modem or broadband adapters to the UK. Well done Nintendo you killed PSO. Would have been worse if the hardware was region coded but thankfully it wasn't. Also there was a shortage of these things all around the world. And Europe just added to the shortage. These things were making people a fortune on ebay, that rare.

They were pretty hard to find here as well. I lucked out and found my BB adapter when I bought my game. But I know countless others you did not get any kind of adapter for months. Simply go back and look at some of the thread topics in the General forum from when PSO GC was released. You'll find that Nintendo greatly underestimated the desire for online adapters for PSO across the board.

So we get online, we hear that the new tower quests have been added, Seat of the Heart. We charge into Polaris. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY!??!?!?!? It took months to add them to the servers. Why? What's the point in not adding them? We could just go to US or JP, why didn't they add them to the EU servers? Only recently did we have Blue Star Memories added to our servers, and I doubt the Respective Tomorrow has been added yet either. Bastards.

As someone already pointed out... the target of your anger needs to be the EU division of Sonic Team.

Europe will be second to none.
Especially not to America who have cost us so much already such as a certain Iraq war you dragged England into.

As someone else pointed out, we do NOT want this to become another war thread. We all know what happens with that. Besides, from what I recall, only a slightly higher percentage of England's population opposed the war than the percentage that opposed the war in America. So, you see: it wasn't America that dragged half of England (AND America) kicking and screaming into Operation Iraqi Cockup, it was the current administration of BOTH countries. If you take issue with this, and I'm glad you do, attck the people responsible. Attack Tony Blair and his cronies, just as I attack Bush and his. DO NOT BLAME EVERY CITIZEN IN AMERICA. As I said before, this makes you look like an ignorant fool.

Jul 23, 2004, 05:08 PM
Think about it this way.

Compared to Japan, Sega treats America like shit. n.n
Compared to America, Sega treats Europe like shit. n.n

Neo Rei
Jul 23, 2004, 06:04 PM
On 2004-07-23 13:57, anwserman wrote:

Don't get angry at the US because Animal Crossing came out at a decent pace. Blame the EU branch of Nintendo for being fuckwads. Angry at the lack of online accessories? Blame the EU branch of Nintendo for not stocking the region full of the adapters. Sick of PSO being jackshit? Blame Sega EU for not releasing its games on a nice, neat timeschedule like its sister branches in the JP and US do.

No, don't go that way. If games are not here earlier, I believe it's not because of European divisions. At least most of the times. It's the way the producers/publishers want, not the local distributors. That applies to JP games mostly. US games usually come out here a few time after the original release.

Stuff like PSO or Zelda took ages to get here. No BBAs? NoJ supplies them. No games for the Cube? Same thing. All PAL games are printed under NoJ supervision.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Neo Rei on 2004-07-23 16:08 ]</font>

Jul 23, 2004, 06:59 PM
On 2004-07-23 14:27, Subliminalgroove wrote:

On 2004-07-23 02:53, zimmk2vgc wrote:

Unlike the US, we didn't have to pay a hunter's license because we had to pay for our internet telephone calls unlike another certain non gree country with cars that do 5 miles a gallon *cough*America*cough*. Yes, the Dreamcast Europe servers are still there, and fortunatly America's are not, the source off all the hackers and cheaters and FSODers and other evil people.

Woah! Slow down there. While I was with you until you started tossing out stereotypes willy-nilly... this is ignorant. Now, anyone who has read ONE of my halfway political posts knows I do not approve of alot that America's commercial society and government condones, but let me tell it too you straight:

1. Apparently you don't realize, we DO pay for or internet connection. If the connecting number to the ISP is long distance, we pay those charges too. Not to mention the cost of having the privilige of using that ISP. Of course you can have dsl or cable and not pay for connecting costs that a phone company would charge you, but not all of us can afford that luxury. Contrary to what the rest of the world feels, we are NOT a nation of rich people. Most of this nation lies at the lower middle-class to lower class level. And less than half of the nation has an internet connection. Where you got this concept that we are born with a free connection is beyond me.

Not that I agree with this rant against Americans, I thought I should clear this part up.

Up until a few years ago when you had a dial up ISP in the uk you had to pay for both the ISP charges as well as a charge per minute from the telephone operator also.

This of course got very costly easily getting into $100's worth per month if you played online a lot.

Jul 23, 2004, 08:04 PM
On 2004-07-23 16:59, Broken Hope wrote:

Not that I agree with this rant against Americans, I thought I should clear this part up.

Up until a few years ago when you had a dial up ISP in the uk you had to pay for both the ISP charges as well as a charge per minute from the telephone operator also.

This of course got very costly easily getting into $100's worth per month if you played online a lot.

The same applies for those whose dialup ISP number is long distance here. Otherwise there is just local charges... But its still not cheap.

Jul 23, 2004, 08:11 PM
On 2004-07-23 02:53, zimmk2vgc wrote:

But they made up for it. PSO v2. was released against their wishes and was the final Dreamcast title to reach Europe. Unlike the US, we didn't have to pay a hunter's license because we had to pay for our internet telephone calls unlike another certain non gree country with cars that do 5 miles a gallon *cough*America*cough*. Yes, the Dreamcast Europe servers are still there, and fortunatly America's are not, the source off all the hackers and cheaters and FSODers and other evil people.

Woah woah woah now. Just because Europe got screwed over as far as gaming release dates go (for the msot part) doesn't mean that you have to start insulting America. The insults and stereotypes toward the US were completely uncalled for. Why? Because it's Europes own fault. The US has nothing to do with the fact ST of Europe likes to wait until they have translated a game for every language in Europe before they release something. It is also not our fault that Europe does not turn up as large of a profit to ST as the US. Also, there were hackers in both Europe and Japan. Also we too had to pay for our internet.

Jul 23, 2004, 08:52 PM
On 2004-07-23 02:53, zimmk2vgc wrote:
Europe will be second to none.
Especially not to America who have cost us so much already such as a certain Iraq war you dragged England into.

Not to be rude or arrogant or whatever else someone comes up with.......

It seems like this is directed more towards "America" than anything, which is really sad....because this topic isn't really a big issue. On the other hand, wars are. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarthFomar on 2004-07-23 18:52 ]</font>

Jul 23, 2004, 09:15 PM
On 2004-07-23 18:52, DarthFomar wrote:

On 2004-07-23 02:53, zimmk2vgc wrote:
Europe will be second to none.
Especially not to America who have cost us so much already such as a certain Iraq war you dragged England into.

Not to be rude or arrogant or whatever else someone comes up with.......

It seems like this is directed more towards "America" than anything, which is really sad....because this topic isn't really a big issue. On the other hand, wars are. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarthFomar on 2004-07-23 18:52 ]</font>

Not to mention the fact that we didn't drag England into anything. They chose to come with us. Also, if you want to rant against the US, just do it. Don't disguise it as a rant agaisnt ST.

Jul 23, 2004, 10:32 PM
Sonic Team's been digging their own graves comming up with PSO in the first place. Why so few broadband adaptors in europe? It's not just Europe, Nintendo was never too thrilled about online gameplay. Their market was not aimed toward online gamers, it never was. Sonic team has made dismal attempts to grab at money and make minor or faulty improvements because at this rate they're screwed and they know it.

Jul 24, 2004, 01:21 AM
zimmk2vgc is just a whiny little Europe fanboy. Who else would make a clan that only allows Europeans to join? And disguise an anti US rant as a rant against ST, for that matter?

Jul 24, 2004, 04:30 AM
Who really cares who's at fault? In any case, it's not "the collective USA". Either way, why don't we try and find a solution for us EU people? Look, how about this...

- Either learn Japanese and move to Japan.
- Or be lazy, and just move to the states.

Jul 24, 2004, 06:48 AM
Did any of us have a vote about whether we wanted to go to war or not? As usual it's people in power exercising their egos, and the little people (ie the rest of us) who get the shit end of the stick. At least in medieval times kings would lead their armies from the front, not the back!
The best thing about PSO (gamecube, not xbox of course) is the ability to meet people from all over the world, and make friends, even if only for a couple of hours. This, more than anything else, keeps me playing PSO.

Jul 24, 2004, 07:33 AM
What's funny is how zimmick hasn't come back to his thread to defend himself.

Jul 24, 2004, 10:42 AM
tbh, i've been into games for a long time so I stoped moaning about us Europeans not getting as many products than Japan and America. Things will never change just deal with it! Things could be worse, China had to have a lame iQue atleast we still get the modern consoles & big game titles etc.

Jul 25, 2004, 05:56 PM
Well, after having been away for a few days, many posts were made, and very little was actualy said. So, here my few comments...

On 2004-07-23 14:27, Subliminalgroove wrote:
As someone already pointed out... the target of your anger needs to be the EU division of Sonic Team.

I'm not sure that is correct. Sonic Team does not have an EU division. Sega, who sells the Sonic Team products, does. I'll take it the anger should be focussed at Sega Yurp then.
Some people mailed Sega Yurp about the missing cards and got a reply telling them to contact Sonic Team directly, as they made the decision. Ofcourse I would like to blame Sega Yurp for not sticking out for their customers, and not even asking why so they could tell us. But the main problem is with Sonic Team in Japan here. NOT with the Yurp department. In some answers I got from Sega Yurp I found some indications that the EU servers are maintained entirely by ST-JP. So, those JP guys will be the first I'll be pissed with.

On 2004-07-23 15:08, Firocket1690 wrote:
Think about it this way.

Compared to Japan, Sega treats America like shit. n.n
Compared to America, Sega treats Europe like shit. n.n

Uhm, yeah. That's exactly what this rant is (or should be) about. Thinking of it like that doesn't make me any less pissed. On the contrary!

On 2004-07-23 18:11, Ness wrote:
Why? Because it's Europes own fault. The US has nothing to do with the fact ST of Europe likes to wait until they have translated a game for every language in Europe before they release something.

Uhh, this sounds like you're trying to make me blame myself for something I hate. I NEVER wanted to wait for a translation. I NEVER get a game in my own language (Dutch) anyway. I'm fine with the US version of a game, if only the game publishers would sell me these for games that aren't profitable enough for a 'full' localization
And it's not a translation into EVERY language in EU they have to make. Only 5, one being fairly easy, as it's a lot like American.
Oh, and I do agree that the stereotyping was uncalled for. 'Americans' in general have nothing to do with the whole point of the rant. If any general group of people could be blamed it would be the Japanese that call the shots in ST/Sega.

As Murdercall says, it could be worse, as some parts of the world don't get most games (in fact, not even the consoles) at all. Doesn't take away the pain here though.

And @everyone that responded to the 'war issue': if you don't want this to turn into another war-thread, why bring it up a dozen times? 1 response like that was enough. If you don't want the thread to be about that, then don't write about it yourself.

Jul 26, 2004, 01:26 PM
Ok, last night I got my act together and wrote a pissed mail to Sega Yurp. And, I already got a response. It was more than just polite: informative.

It turns out that Sega Yurp is indeed only a sales organization. The EU servers are in Japan, maintained by Sonic Team there. Sega Yurp hardly gets any information on what goes on on the servers.

So, time to learn Japanese and find out what goes on in Yurp straigh from the Sonic Team website.

And for those interested in the mail I sent and the answer, I posted them on BOM: http://www.brotherhoodofmedion.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=229&st=0&#entry1502