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View Full Version : KIREEK - The beginning of insanity (Pic/Short fic)

Jun 12, 2002, 06:13 PM
OK, first off I started drawing this picture of KIREEK a while back, but I never posted it because it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to... I think the pose, proportions and a number of other things are all wrong (the neck for example, is too long o_O). Anywho, I decided that as it's been so long since I posted a picture that I just had to post something, so I finished colouring it and wrote a short, pathetic storyline to go with it. Enjoy?

KIREEK twirled his Scythe around, playfully slashing at the empty air in front of him. He was proud to wield such a unique weapon, which he had discovered during his first mission to the surface of Ragol, he never was one to question the ethics of 'borrowing' from the dead. All he knew is that when he held it in his hands during battle, he felt unstoppable.

A small gust of wind brushed past as he heard the telepipe open up behind him, he turned around to see his team mate return through it.

"You took your time Seifer"

"Ugggh... what the hell was that thing?" asked the HUmar, rubbing his aching forehead

"A Dark Belra, you took quite a blow" KIREEK replied

"I'm just glad the Guild supplies free hospital treatment in emergencies, i'm in enough debt as it is," Seifer reactivated his Slicer, it was a weak weapon but he had little alternative after losing his Sword in the previous attack. "Ok, I guess we might as well carry on..."

Barely acknowledging his team mate KIREEK proceeded through the door, closely followed by Seifer. The room seemed empty enough as the two wandered cautiously into the center, checking the ceiling for any gunners that might be waiting to ambush. Seemingly out of nowhere, a fireball struck Seifer in the chest, sending him across the room. KIREEK quickly stepped back into a guarding stance, pausing briefly to calculate his next move before spinning around with a single, precise strike. A spray of purple blood splattered across the nearby wall as a figure slowly started to emerge, evidently struggling to remain airborne before finally dropping lifelessly to the floor. KIREEK however had failed to notice a strange gas had begun to seep through the holes in the floor beneath him...

"A mere Chaos Sorceror, I might have kno... GYAAAAHHHHH" KIREEK suddenly dropped to the floor, pain seared through his entire body, his twitching hands losing grip of his weapon. He started to bash his helmet with his fists, in an attempt to silence the thousands of voices whispering in his head. His vision slowly started to blur, until finally the room seemed to twist and melt away before him. Suddenly, one voice stood out from the rest, a female voice... a familiar voice, and a figure slowly emerged through the madness and stood before him

"KIREEK, don't try to fight it, it doesn't have to be like this"

KIREEK looked up "RI... RICO???"

The figure appeared clear to him now, it was Rico Tyrell, somebody who he knew better than most. Meanwhile Seifer had recovered and unaware of what was going on, he stepped towards the crazed android. "KIREEK... what's happening!?", but he couldn't hear him, nor see him standing in front of his own eyes. Rico extended a hand towards KIREEK

"Come with me, I can stop the pain"

KIREEK struggled to stand, his legs had started to malfuction making him unable to maintain balance. Reaching out his hand, as soon as the two hands touched the pain suddenly ceased. He looked down at himself to find that he was no longer in his android form. The darkness around him had disappeared, being replaced only by nothing but pure white.

Meanwhile, KIREEKS body slowly stood up "KIREEK... are you ok???" Seifer rushed up to the now silent android, who simply picked up the scythe and slashed the HUmar right across the chest, before continuing deeper into the ruins.

Seifer found himself lying on the floor of a darkened room, he slowly stood up to see where he was, noticing a familiar face in the near distance "It... it can't be!?". His late wife beckoned him to follow her "I... I can't, I have to look after our son, he has nobody else now"

"Reno will be fine Seifer, he is old enough to survive on his own now", Seifer hesitated, before reluctantly walking off into the darkness...


Jun 13, 2002, 05:01 PM
Cool, and the pic seems alright to me. The only problem is a bit of an elongated neck. Maybe if you put it in an art program you could edit it slightly. But the pose of the legs is quite good.

Jun 13, 2002, 05:14 PM
Yeah, the whole long neck thing was probably my main problem with it, but the problem was I had already inked it over by the time I noticed it... And I couldn't really edit it in Photoshop without screwing up the proportions of his arms (as they are attached to the head, shrinking the neck kinda messed things up when I tried it :/) so I just left it as it was...

Anywho, thanks for the feedback, I like opinions ^_^

Jun 13, 2002, 06:09 PM
Very good fic there. But crap man Seifer is the name of a character in my fic. Well I suppose great minds think alike. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Jun 14, 2002, 10:58 PM
Nice fan-fic ^_^ I liked it.

Jul 18, 2002, 08:49 AM
Hmmmm I like the story it is cool. You should continue with it or even go further back to when he first got his weapon.