View Full Version : GC: Bloody, Bloody, Torrs!!!

Jul 24, 2004, 07:28 AM
Well I spent the last two hours or so last night piping for Hildetorrs. I did over 200 pipes and not a single one showed up. I yawned, I turned off, I went to bed!

Bloody, bloody, Torrs!

Jul 24, 2004, 07:31 AM
My third torr for a Frozen Shooter took about, 215? Yea, it's kind of boring, but you'll get them eventually. Just try some more, they can't keep hiding forever could they?

Jul 24, 2004, 09:46 AM
piping is boring! no.. BORING!
do runs, you get more exp & less frustration

Jul 24, 2004, 10:11 AM
also try forest of sorrow you have a higher chance of seeing them too

Jul 24, 2004, 10:31 AM
Yeah I was piping in forest of sorrow! Grr, maybe I will do runs instead. It's a pretty niffty quest.

Jul 24, 2004, 12:23 PM
i did 3 laps forrest of sorrow with a greenil, 3rd lap a hildetorr and a frozen shooter.

Jul 25, 2004, 03:55 PM
Ha ha ha!!! he he he!!! At last my Torr has come in and thankfully it dropped its red red pie for me. Thank you for one Magic Stone "Iritista", now I just find a slicer with some rather juicey %'s on it.

Not only that, but in my hunt for this object a Hildelt dropped a nice little "God Battle" for me.

Somebodies just gotta spank me [all offers are subject to acceptance].

It's just good to know that I have actually found something decent. AT LAST!