View Full Version : Nintendo DS Finalized and Offical Name! Pictures and Info In

Jul 28, 2004, 03:33 PM

See the Nintendo.com article here (http://www.nintendo.com/newsarticle?articleid=02f73c08-f36d-403c-a017-ab1dc6fab277)

REDMOND, Wash., July 28, 2004 In preparation for the launch of Nintendo DS in North America and Japan later this year, Nintendo today announces major global developments for the innovative dual-screen, wireless, hand-held video game system.

Nintendo DS, originally chosen as the code name, has been selected as the official product name. The Nintendo DS name evokes the idea of a portable system with "dual screens," providing the rationale for the final name. The hardware also has been redesigned to sport a slimmer, sharper look. The retooled Nintendo DS features a thinner, black base and an angular platinum flip-top cover. The face buttons and shoulder buttons are larger, and some have been reconfigured for optimum use. The unit includes a new storage slot for the touch screens stylus, and the speakers now broadcast in stereo sound, with or without headphones.

"The Nintendo DS will change the future of hand-held gaming," says Satoru Iwata, president of Nintendo Co., Ltd. "Dual screens, chat functions, a touch screen, wireless capabilities, voice recognition-- these abilities surpass anything attempted before, and consumers will benefit from the creativity and innovation the new features bring to the world of video games."

Software companies worldwide have more than 120 Nintendo DS games in development. Nintendo alone is developing more than 20 titles, and in excess of 100 companies have signed on to create games for the new system.

"The innovative functions make Nintendo DS a superior game device, while the chat feature and ability to detect other DS units make it a social device as well," says Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of Americas executive vice president of sales and marketing. "Weve figured out the magic of what makes portable game play so attractive to consumers. Weve defeated nine challengers and once again were prepared to win."

Nintendo will announce the launch date, price and game lineup for Nintendo DS at a later date.

See the Hi-Res shot here (http://studentweb.mcmaster.ca/~alidc/DS.jpg).

See the Hi-Res shot here (http://www.advancegb.com/images/dsclosed.jpg).

Wow, nice look. And good name, I was worried they'd change it.

Extra: Desktop walpaper and comparison of closed/open (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v39/petoid_the_droid/dsbk.jpg)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Getintothegame on 2004-07-28 13:50 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Getintothegame on 2004-07-28 14:27 ]</font>

Jul 28, 2004, 03:40 PM
now how many of you remember the dual screen game&watch? I bet their gonna make a game&watch skin for this.

Jul 28, 2004, 03:51 PM
When i was a kid we used to have these LCD dual screen games, like donkey kong and s**t. Those were the days. Mmmm. I believe the name DS is going to stay, so that should make you happy.

Thankfully for the GC they changed the name for the Nintendo Dolphin [Ecco was getting far to excited and he's from Sega]

Jul 28, 2004, 04:26 PM
Actually, it says it right in the article. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Nintendo DS, originally chosen as the code name, has been selected as the official product name.

Jul 28, 2004, 04:40 PM
Nice look, kinda.

I'm just afraid it would be too thin/small for my long fingers (my fingers sometimes "fall asleep" when playing a normal GBA since my hands are fairly cramped).

Also, it is supposedly compatable with GB/GBC/GBA games:
1) What screen will they be played on, top or bottom?
2) What will the new games be like? Will they be in the same style cartridge as the GBA games? Bigger? Smaller (hope not, they are small enough as it is)?

Jul 28, 2004, 05:12 PM
On 2004-07-28 14:40, Ketchup345 wrote:
Also, it is supposedly compatable with GB/GBC/GBA games:

It is.

1) What screen will they be played on, top or bottom?


Does that really matter?

2) What will the new games be like? Will they be in the same style cartridge as the GBA games? Bigger? Smaller (hope not, they are small enough as it is)?

I would guess they'd be the same size as the GBA games--the port in the front looks the same size as the GBA port.

Jul 28, 2004, 05:27 PM
On 2004-07-28 14:40, Ketchup345 wrote:
Also, it is supposedly compatable with GB/GBC/GBA games:


It is.

Right, but wrong. The DS is not compatable with GB games. Only GBA games. There is an artical on Nintendo that explains that.

Jul 28, 2004, 05:30 PM
looks alot better now.
The prototype was somewhat bland.

Jul 28, 2004, 05:33 PM
On 2004-07-28 15:27, Eanae wrote:
Right, but wrong. The DS is not compatable with GB games. Only GBA games. There is an artical on Nintendo that explains that.

o_O That's kind of disappointing. It could have replaced the GBA, but I guess you have to keep the GBA around at least a while longer.

And about the screen mattering:
Just curious.

Also, I'm guessing the bottom is the touch screen?

I do wish it is big enough to be comfortable. *Crosses fingers and hopes*

Jul 28, 2004, 05:38 PM
This is definitely a console that I will purchase. They have just added to the design stereo speakers and a space to keep the stylus. All in a pretty nice designed machine. Gotta love the DS!

And Ketchup, yes, the lower screen is the touch screen.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RFB on 2004-07-28 15:40 ]</font>

Jul 28, 2004, 05:40 PM
Does any one know a set price for it i hear 200 but i think thats a little to high.

Jul 28, 2004, 05:44 PM
Not yet. Nintendo hasnt done any official announcement about either release dates or prices, but the most possible price according to people (so it may be a totally different one) is 150$/€

Jul 28, 2004, 05:50 PM
im really looking forward to this now. i didnt use to be, but looking and reading has built my anticipation

Jul 28, 2004, 06:38 PM
ketchup... games on bottom screen, top is maps and/or details such as inventory or whatever the game requires.

Jul 28, 2004, 07:03 PM

Odds are the GB/GBA games will play on the bottom screen, but perhaps you'll be able to switch that like the resolution change on GBA when playing normal GB games. And at least with the E3 model, there was a slot at the top of the lower clam shell, and one at the bottom. One was for GB/GBA games, and the other was for DS games. Haven't heard of them removing that feature whatsoever, and I'm guessing it's not true, as everywhere I've been says that DS still has the same features it had at E3.

I don't like how close that power button is to the D-Pad though... worries me of hitting the wrong button in a fit of gaming-induced rage.

Jul 28, 2004, 07:20 PM
DS will most than probably NOT play GB games, just GBA and DS games.

The reason the GBA can play GB games is because it has the GBC hardware built in. DS has the GBA hardware built in, or whether it simply uses the ARM7 co-processor for GBA playing. But I have heard anything of GBC hardware being included inside the DS.

Jul 28, 2004, 07:23 PM
On 2004-07-28 17:20, RFB wrote:
DS will most than probably NOT play GB games, just GBA and DS games.

The reason the GBA can play GB games is because it has the GBC hardware built in. DS has the GBA hardware built in, or whether it simply uses the ARM7 co-processor for GBA playing. But I have heard anything of GBC hardware being included inside the DS.

didn't Nintendo say the DS would be a new line of system any ways? I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't play any type of GB games.

Jul 28, 2004, 08:10 PM
I seen these pictures and im impressed. I can't wait for the DS's release.

Jul 28, 2004, 10:16 PM
Yes, Nintendo stated that they wanted to create a third pillar for the company. It is supossed that sometime, maybe in next E3, they'll show the sucessor of the GBA.

However, I think it is a VERY smart move from Nintendo to allow DS to play GBA games. That way, they can hook up loads and loads of GBA players around the world to buy DS instead of PSP. After all, the GBA is the best sold console of the 4 out there.

Jul 28, 2004, 11:45 PM
@ guy above me, game boy (series/line)is the most popular video system ever.

I am so getting this..

oh, but looky closely at the high res thingy (enlarged) the headphone jack looks like a normal jack with rectangular space for a remote or something right next to it.
No idea what it could be for though.

That, and why is http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_ketchup.gif always complaining about big hands? o_O

Jul 28, 2004, 11:48 PM
Blast, I was going to make a thread about this this morning but never got to it.

Anyways, it looks much more sleek than the older DS model. And I am happy with the name. With all the press (online and off) refuring to it as DS, it will be a lot less confusing than if they changed it.

I guess this makes the second system that kept its codename (first being Xbox).

Jul 28, 2004, 11:55 PM
DS is going to be a very excellent system, without a doubt. And I can't wait to buy it!

However, my only concern is development for two screens. For every two games that actually have a cool feature for the 2nd screen, you can guarantee that there will be fifty that use it for an intentory or minimap.

Also look out... Nintendo DS might just be the first system to feature pop-up ads.

Jul 29, 2004, 12:44 AM
On 2004-07-28 21:55, DruidMettool wrote:
However, my only concern is development for two screens. For every two games that actually have a cool feature for the 2nd screen, you can guarantee that there will be fifty that use it for an intentory or minimap.

While that's true, I'd say that using it for an inventory or minimap might be the best use for it in some games.

I just feel that some of our buddies at Midway, Atari, etc. are going to simply make GBA games with pointless features on the second screen. Which is probably what you meant anyway. Oh well.

I'm so psyched about what they can do, though. Did anyone else read that article a week or so ago at IGN where they listed some ideas of what developers could do?

EDIT: Actually, y'know what? I think it would be interesting to see what kind of ideas the folks here at PSOW would be able to come up with. I think I'll make a thread to post potential DS ideas. Would anyone be interested?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Outrider on 2004-07-28 22:45 ]</font>

Jul 29, 2004, 01:41 AM
Animal Crossing DS will pwn... Imagine wireless Animal Crossing, with multiple people playing it at one time. Damn. Heaven.

Jul 29, 2004, 01:46 AM
Go for the thread, Outcast. I have several ideas that I would like to share and one would be perfect for PSO.

Anyways, it seems fitting that they would show the finalized DS now since Camp Hyrule is close by. Oh, to anyone who does not know (probably most), Nintendo's online activity, Camp Hyrule, will be giving out 5 free Nintendo DS.

Jul 29, 2004, 02:14 AM
On 2004-07-28 23:46, Skett wrote:
Go for the thread, Outcast. I have several ideas that I would like to share and one would be perfect for PSO.

Anyways, it seems fitting that they would show the finalized DS now since Camp Hyrule is close by. Oh, to anyone who does not know (probably most), Nintendo's online activity, Camp Hyrule, will be giving out 5 free Nintendo DS.

Out... cast? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Oh man... a reason to actually join Camp Hyrule this year! Except from the two years I did it, I seem to remember that the only way you could win anything (for your cabin or yourself) was to be online twenty-four hours a day.

And consider the thread made. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jul 29, 2004, 02:20 AM
I got in Camp Hyrule this year, too. Sounds like fun.

Jul 29, 2004, 02:42 AM
Random and Very Thought Out... uhh... thoughts...

Outrider is correct about the compatibilty on the GB games.

Bottom screen for older games and DS games slotted on top.

One thing for certain... The price range is from $175-$200 and will stay that way even during December-New Years holidays in Japan and America.

You can say the price is going to be high, but you'll have to live with it. Nintendo is smart enough to keep the DS 50-100 dollars less than it's competitor Sony's PSP ensuring that DS will sell faster than the PSP. Sony is releasing PSP at no discounts at anytime with the price tag of $300 dollars. Same price as a N-Gage...

Nintendo DS may not be geared towards adults. But rest assure that this system will be the first thing anyone can afford out of the popular handhelds.

The first games for DS are very promising.
The first games for PSP are very dissappointing.

If you think Metal Gear Card will survive... think again. Card games don't surivive as well as normal games. Statistics will tell you so. But little is to be expected from PSP, itself. I'm sure ONE good game will be out for PSP.
And Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children will be the first UMD movie out for the handheld system.

Sometimes the simple things are the biggest things to look out for...

Sony PSP will require a memory stick which will be priced around 20-25 dollars until a 3rd Party developer can come along with a compatible AND cheaper one. Nintendo DS uses memory from the actual cartridge.

Nintendo DS uses a rechargable battery unit that is said to last several hours on end. Sony PSP uses regular batteries which will have to be purchased until a recharger is avaliable for it.

Not everyone can afford to buy both systems, let alone any... You will only be able to afford a DS before you could afford a PSP. Normally... it will take time to collect enough money to purchase a PSP, memory stick, batteries, AND a game even if you make about 400 dollars every 2 weeks.

I however wont come across the problems of deciding since I'm easily able to buy both systems and games with enough money to spare for a Happy Meal from McDonalds and pay for my gas every 2 days.

Of course I'm biased, because I'm all for Nintendo when it comes down to handheld competition. I'm not saying "don't purchase a PSP"... simply stating facts here.

I'd say DS is the best thing to run with... and now you're not alone... Mario Cart DS is Online via Wi-Fi(8 players).

Jul 29, 2004, 02:51 AM
On 2004-07-29 00:42, BogusKun wrote:

Nintendo DS uses a rechargable battery unit that is said to last several hours on end. Sony PSP uses regular batteries which will have to be purchased until a recharger is avaliable for it.

Nope, I know that for sure. PSP also has a rechargable battery but will give you at least 2 hours and most 10 hours.

Jul 29, 2004, 03:53 PM

the GBA is the best sold console of the 4 out there.[/qoute]
Is the GB/GBC being sold right now? I dont think so. Right now, it's just PS2, GC, XBox and GBA. I dont even add N-Gage... that thing is a total failure, and deserves nothing but shame.

Jul 30, 2004, 08:09 PM
In regards to GB games: (GB and GBC games were stated not compatable, but I can't find the exact page again)

Quoted from Nintendo.com:

Dual Slots: Nintendo DS makes a vast library of Game Boy® Advance games readily available. Developers could find ways to make new connections between GBA games and DS games. The GBA port could be used for new hardware, enormously expanding the functional expandability of the DS.

In regards to the deul screen:

Quoted from Nintendo.com:

Touch Screen: The lower screen will offer something never before provided by any game device: PDA-like touch capabilities. Players no longer have to rely on just buttons to move characters or shift perspectives. They can navigate menus or access inventory items simply by touching the screen with stylus or fingertip. A software-based keyboard might even allow the screen to be used as an input center for games and messaging. The possibilities are limited only by developers' imaginations. The screen will have a tougher film cover for durability, and will come with a stylus.

A complete overview of the Nintendo DS (http://www.nintendo.com/e3_2004/ds/ds_overview.jsp)

Aug 1, 2004, 01:25 PM
I don't like how close that power button is to the D-Pad though... worries me of hitting the wrong button in a fit of gaming-induced rage.

Thats probably the light button as seen on the SP.
nvm, I read that that is the pow button. I guess you can't turn off the lights now...

In regards to stupid uses for the second screen such as invetory etc., is it really that bad if used correctly? I can imagine putting the invitory of LoZ:LTTP on the bottem screen would speed things up. All you have to do is tap what you want, shazam.

If such things are used correctly, I don't think it will ruin the game play of good games to begin with. Just think of Wario Ware DS which only relies on the touch screen. That should be fun in it self, but they put scores etc on the top because they really don't need the second screen. Maybe a few of the Mini games will use both sceens, but you never know.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zebulan7 on 2004-08-01 11:36 ]</font>

Aug 1, 2004, 05:22 PM
In regards to stupid uses for the second screen such as invetory etc., is it really that bad if used correctly? I can imagine putting the invitory of LoZ:LTTP on the bottem screen would speed things up. All you have to do is tap what you want, shazam.

I think the main worry is that the third party companies who tend to squirt out 4 games for every movie coming out might screw it up. Their games already feel like last-second projects. Think about how bad they will be with something so innovative...

Aug 1, 2004, 06:00 PM
I think the main worry is that the third party companies who tend to squirt out 4 games for every movie coming out might screw it up. Their games already feel like last-second projects. Think about how bad they will be with something so innovative...

Yes, but you don't have to buy those games. I feel bad that such an innovative tool will be wasted, but I don't feel near as bad if I just don't but them. Most people can only afford so many games anyways, so they can only afford the good ones. You have to remember that those same developers pop out good games too, though rare.

Aug 1, 2004, 09:15 PM
Yeah, but the thing is that the DS is a fairly experimental system. It's going to have prove itself if gamers are going to feel a need for the extra features. If a bunch of crappy third-party games are released that could've just been released on GBA or PSP, then nobody's going to feel a need for the second screen or whatever.

Oh, and for the record, I think that any game that can be put on both the DS and PSP is probably not using the DS as well as it should be.

Aug 5, 2004, 11:52 PM
Experimental? I think it's going to be huge! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

It will be fun to take some of my favorite games portable and use my router.

Games I'm talking about are like Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime, etc.

Aug 6, 2004, 05:18 AM
WiFi is going to be the shizNIGHT!

Aug 6, 2004, 01:53 PM
Well, it looks alot better then I thought it would when I first heard about it. I still wonder how the teh 2 screens would work and how many games will take proper advantage of them. As Ketchup pointed out it looks very thin. I wonder what it is like to hold. I also like the 4 control buttons on the face of the handheld, I think it is a big improvement on the current GBA button layout ( I hate those trigger buttons, they suit some games but for others they are awkward ). I like the colour.

I still haven't decided on whther I will buy this console or not. I still prefer the Sony PSP. Alot of people are against the PSP since they feel it will be too expensive but I much rather pay a hefty lump sum on a consloe and get cheaper games then buy a console for a bargain and pay a fortune on games ( I can't remember the last time I purcahsed a GBA game, they cost more then all PS2 and X-Box games and don't get me started on teh cost of gamecube games, not only are they scarce but the cost alot ).

Still it is too soon to pass finale judgement on both consoles. It's the games that make or break a console.

Aug 6, 2004, 03:16 PM
On 2004-08-06 11:53, SubstanceD wrote:
I still haven't decided on whther I will buy this console or not. I still prefer the Sony PSP. Alot of people are against the PSP since they feel it will be too expensive but I much rather pay a hefty lump sum on a consloe and get cheaper games then buy a console for a bargain and pay a fortune on games ( I can't remember the last time I purcahsed a GBA game, they cost more then all PS2 and X-Box games and don't get me started on teh cost of gamecube games, not only are they scarce but the cost alot ).

I'm sorry... but what are you talking about?

X-Box, Gamecube and Playstation 2 games all usually sell for about 40 to 50 dollars, although they each have bargain titles (Platinum Hits, Player's Choice and Greatest Hits, respectively) which will retail for about 20 to 30 dollars. Game Boy Advance games sell for anywhere from 20 to 30 dollars, though fairly soon after release, it's not too strange to find GBA games dropped to 20 dollars or less.

Aug 6, 2004, 06:50 PM
On 2004-08-06 13:16, Outrider wrote:

On 2004-08-06 11:53, SubstanceD wrote:
I still haven't decided on whther I will buy this console or not. I still prefer the Sony PSP. Alot of people are against the PSP since they feel it will be too expensive but I much rather pay a hefty lump sum on a consloe and get cheaper games then buy a console for a bargain and pay a fortune on games ( I can't remember the last time I purcahsed a GBA game, they cost more then all PS2 and X-Box games and don't get me started on teh cost of gamecube games, not only are they scarce but the cost alot ).

I'm sorry... but what are you talking about?

X-Box, Gamecube and Playstation 2 games all usually sell for about 40 to 50 dollars, although they each have bargain titles (Platinum Hits, Player's Choice and Greatest Hits, respectively) which will retail for about 20 to 30 dollars. Game Boy Advance games sell for anywhere from 20 to 30 dollars, though fairly soon after release, it's not too strange to find GBA games dropped to 20 dollars or less.

Well over here in Ireland thing are very different. The most common price for a GBA game is 45 Euro. Gamcube games are 60 Euro. There is a greatest hits range for teh Gamecube but teh selection is very small and we are talking 30 Euros ( not a bad price, shame I bought these games when they first came out )PS2 and X-Box gamesa re usually around the 35 - 40 Euro mark. The PS2 greatest hits/Platinum range is also 30 Euros but everywhere does deals where you can get there games for 25 Euros. Nintendo games are just more expensive.

Aug 6, 2004, 09:19 PM
Ah, I see. My mistake. I figured you must've been somewhere else besides America, so I guess I was right? Heh.

Odd way to price the games, though. I guess it's just basic supply and demand?

Aug 7, 2004, 07:30 AM
...Hopefully, you have to hold some other button on there when you hit the power button to turn it off.

Aug 7, 2004, 02:28 PM
On 2004-08-07 05:30, Kent wrote:
...Hopefully, you have to hold some other button on there when you hit the power button to turn it off.

I've read that it will work similar to most cell phones and other devices in that you have to hold the button for a few seconds to turn it off.

Of course, I also read that hitting it once will put it into sleep mode, so that's still a concern.

Aug 7, 2004, 08:20 PM
That's only rumored right now. Nintendo has not said anything and nobody outside the company has tried it so their is no way to be sure. Its a good bet, though.

Aug 7, 2004, 10:31 PM
Announced just a while ago, The Nintendo DS will be in the US before Japan gets it!

USA will get it in November, while Japan will get it in December.

The holiday is a very good time for a system to be released.

Aug 8, 2004, 01:04 PM
Power/Sleep Button.
Light on/off.
Not much else....

Pros: All the games Nintendo themselves will make.
Any games that actually use a new idea.
Rechargeable battery, thank god...
Sleek design.

Cons: Most compnies will make shit games. If they do that, hopefully nintendo will put a rule saying if it doesnt use the dual screen to an extent, it will be a GBA game, so that everyone can p;lay the wondrous peice of shit Spongebob 7.
Hopefully there is a coat of screen over the touch screen that is replaceable.....
RAREWARE!!! WHYYYYY YOU MADE MY ALL TIME FAVORITE GAMES AHHHHHHHHHH Nintendo screwed themselves with that choice. IMO they were the best developer out there....

Aug 8, 2004, 08:19 PM
On 2004-08-08 11:04, agenevil wrote:
RAREWARE!!! WHYYYYY YOU MADE MY ALL TIME FAVORITE GAMES AHHHHHHHHHH Nintendo screwed themselves with that choice. IMO they were the best developer out there....

See, the keyword for me there is were. Around the end of the N64's lifespan, their games just went downhill. I liked Perfect Dark, but Donkey Kong 64 was pretty bad. Star Fox Adventures was also missing that Rare spark. Blame it on what you will. Perhaps they just didn't have enough creative license on these franchises? I dunno. Pretty much the only thing I'm looking forward to from them is Perfect Dark Zero, and even that seems a little sketchy due to the new format they announced for it years ago..

Aug 8, 2004, 10:16 PM
SFA sucked big time, but I like DK64... I am a platformer nut O_O

And surprisingly, I haven't played perfect dark... I juts dont like too many FPS.

Aug 8, 2004, 11:43 PM
Yeah, Rare has not done too hot lately. Actually, the only games from Rare I actually enjoyed were GoldenEye, Donkey Kong Country, and Donkey Kong Land.

Anyways, on that "mysteries" list, it is already confirmed that the screens do not shut off at all. They always stay on, which is fine with me. Why would you want to strain your eyes with them off?