View Full Version : HUnew's

Jul 29, 2004, 01:44 PM
how should i play my HUne (i already checked the guides for things such as what weapons to use and such)
like i heard its recommended to play a HUmar w/ swords or partisans for long range, and sabers for short i need quick responses so i can work on my HUne

Jul 29, 2004, 02:13 PM
play it any way you want!
if you like short daggers, use 'em
if you want big sword swinging around, do it
you want to act like a fo, use techs
use guns if you wanna be like a ra

make your own style!
a hune is just like a humar.. just a bit better >.>
what's so hard about playing your char?

Jul 29, 2004, 03:20 PM
On 2004-07-29 12:13, Dhylec wrote:

a hune is just like a humar.. just a bit better >.>
what's so hard about playing your char?

Why the HELL does everyone always say that? 9_9 It's not true at all, FFS. I'm sick to death of HUnewearl fanboys wanking themselves over how 'awesome' she is when she's even more bloody mediocre than the HUmar is. Ooh, I have S/D! Big whoop! I also have shitty ATP and HP, stats that can't max and ATA that's a fucking pain to max! Jesus of frick.

...Sorry, I've just heard one too many HUnewearl fan-wanking too many. I have one on PSOBB, she's L46 and I'm ALREADY bored to tears with her. Yawn, snoozefest. >_>; Probably gonna recreate her once I get my FOmar going and put a HUmar in her place. XP At least HUmar isn't as boring, and is at least marginally viable for C-mode.

Jul 29, 2004, 03:32 PM
On 2004-07-29 13:20, Ian-KunX wrote:
...Sorry, I've just heard one too many HUnewearl fan-wanking too many. I have one on PSOBB, she's L46 and I'm ALREADY bored to tears with her. Yawn, snoozefest. >_>; Probably gonna recreate her once I get my FOmar going and put a HUmar in her place. XP At least HUmar isn't as boring, and is at least marginally viable for C-mode.

I -KNEW- you couldn't keep a HUnewearl! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

HUnewearls aren't bad, but I'd rather be HUmar. That's just me, I guess. I like HUmar's good ATA, and other stuff. HUmars are a lot better than people usually give them credit for.

Jul 29, 2004, 03:34 PM
to ian: i agree that there are too many HUnewearl fanboys out there, but having played my HUnewearl all the way to 200, i would say that she is a perfectly balanced character. some like that, and some dont. you obviously have different tastes than most.

although i agree that the HUnewearl fanboys need to stop.

Jul 29, 2004, 03:56 PM
HUnewearls rock because I can stare at her ass all of the time and she has the biggest breasts of all of the characters - plus she looks like a whore in 95% of her costumes!

I have two HUnewearls, actually. I like them as a character, but they provide no challenge to me really. Sigh... I like their stats and their abilities, but the HUnter class really doesn't provide a challenge to me. Run, swing, dodge, repeat. Run, swing, dodge, HUnter Resta, repeat.

Making a FOnewearl melee on Ultimate mode Ruins online, holy shit is that a challenge. Fun too.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: anwserman on 2004-07-29 13:59 ]</font>

Jul 29, 2004, 04:11 PM
My HUmar is level 179, and an online buddy of mine, Sanzo is 190. We both agree that if we could do it all over again, we would use HUnewearls. I chose the HUmar because wanted the best non-force Battle mode character. However, now I almost wish that I would have put up with the HUnewearl's slight disadvantage in Battle mode and made my Hunter a Hune. Why? Simple. The HUmar just can't go very far by himself.

When Sanzo and I play online together, we basically have 5 areas to choose from: Forest, Caves, Temple, Spaceship and CCA. The other areas are just too impossible with two HUmars to make them enjoyable at all. And quests like Soul Blade or EN4? Forget it. Take out one of those HUmars, throw in a Hune and the team can go anywhere.

There you have it, from two guys who are the farthest things from Hune fanboys.

Jul 29, 2004, 04:23 PM
On 2004-07-29 14:11, Liquid_Bacon wrote:

When Sanzo and I play online together, we basically have 5 areas to choose from: Forest, Caves, Temple, Spaceship and CCA. The other areas are just too impossible with two HUmars to make them enjoyable at all. And quests like Soul Blade or EN4? Forget it. Take out one of those HUmars, throw in a Hune and the team can go anywhere.

I think high level hunnies are pretty sweet, they have a couple unique weapons, and s&d 20 is pretty darn good. They benefit from a good force but they don't neccessarily need one especially at 180 - 200.

-Not a hunny fanboy at all. But at higher levels this is probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite character.

OT: If you need a force just give Gream a call always happy to run with you and Sanzo.

Jul 29, 2004, 07:04 PM
You sould play the way you want becuase you get to do crap that you want to do.and it is cool

Jul 30, 2004, 07:45 AM
just play any way you want.

Jul 30, 2004, 10:18 AM
I like the game to be a bit challenging so thats why I picked HUmar over a HUne. Just made the game a bit too easy for me.

Jul 30, 2004, 12:03 PM
One of the cats I play pretty regularly with (Mad Dog) is at 197 and very soon will have a legit 200 Hunewearl.

She's awesome - hand's down.

She's the best looking thing on PSO (those poses after Falz/Flow - damn!)and he has her equipped with some nice weps including Lavis Cannon, Heart of Poumn and a few others. With a force and a ranger, we can go anywhere, take on anything and without a force, she's got some decent magic to share with us poor bots.

I'm am also not a big HUne fan, don't know how to play it very well yet, but I like the ones that I do play with. I prefer the Racast (obviously, nearly 800 hours poured into that one), I enjoy Hucasts, Hucaseals, Racaseals - yes, I like traps, trap vision, no paralysis, no poison and droids in general.

But I also like the Hunewearl. I also believe that the Hunewearl offers the greatest challenge relative to setting shortcuts and employing strategies due to her incredible balance and versatility. My Racast has it easy - walk into room, hit zalure special, heavy hit, heavy hit (trap if high HP/multiple enemies), pick up boxes and move on to next room.

That's the great thing about PSO - there's something to suit almost everybody's taste! Even fat pink hucasts!

Jul 30, 2004, 04:47 PM
KaFKa wrote:
some like that, and some dont. you obviously have different tastes than most.

indeed http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

since he quoted my reply, i hope ian ain't thinking that i'm a hune fanboy, he'll be disappointed http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Jul 31, 2004, 10:21 AM
HUnew ... I started playing the PSO on DC with my friend's HUnewearl ... it was decent, but way too low power for my tastes

right now I have a HUnewearl that has a mind mag, it's pretty bad when you only do slightly more damage with Heavy attack than your spells and you're a warrior (sorta) kinda person ... I'm also stuffing her full of power material >_> about 40 or so downed already, and that's sad (she's level 51) still only at 365 ATP ... it's gonna take awhile... *yawns*

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: PyroticTigerX on 2004-07-31 08:37 ]</font>

Aug 17, 2004, 04:52 PM
id have to say huneys are my favorite character class in pso im not a fan boy by any means. ive always played fast characters (which ususally turn out female) fast, not that powerful, great for support, ect.ect. never been a fan of the powerhouse characters. my old huney got to 127 before data corruption set in, then i started playing a force eventually started playing with a huney again i dont know there is just something about them i like

Aug 17, 2004, 04:57 PM
On 2004-08-17 14:52, darkholemind wrote:
id have to say huneys are my favorite character class in pso im not a fan boy by any means. ive always played fast characters (which ususally turn out female) fast, not that powerful, great for support, ect.ect. never been a fan of the powerhouse characters. my old huney got to 127 before data corruption set in, then i started playing a force eventually started playing with a huney again i dont know there is just something about them i like

*loses count of amount of times of rule breaking* Just fuckin stop! There topics are weeks old! Stop breaking the rules!

Aug 17, 2004, 05:39 PM
Consider this topic locked. Darkholemind, stop with the bumping. If it's over a week old, or maybe 2 (if it's an ultra helpful topic, which this, obviously, isnt) don't post in it. If I had mod powers in this, or any of the other fourms you've posted in, you'd be recieving a warning for bumping. As it is, I'll leave a note for another mod that *can* to do so.

So, results of this post:

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