View Full Version : Legits draw backs . . . .

Jul 30, 2004, 10:10 AM
I dont really know If this is In the right fourm but I will try it out.If its not just tell me. Well I am a legit player and my new char is at lv 90.I am not rdy to go to ultamite so I go Vhard. yesterday I went into a room and This guy started on me saying stuff like "whats wrong with u?" "U SUCK".I got really irratated. after he challanged me to a battle I accepted,and he was a hacked Fomar. I changed to my fomar and set up the room. we started and the battle was close but he won because he CHEATED.every time I got up he would blast away at me with Rabarta to freeze me then a Grants to finish me off.But I did come out of it with some satisfaction. The game was at 10-9 I was happy that I almost beat a hacked player. But neverless I will still continue to be a legit player.

Jul 30, 2004, 01:25 PM
Liquid Bacon takes great pleasure in destroying the hackers with his legit character (Hucasts with level 40 Foie!), so take a page from his book and enjoy your legit character.

It sounds like you might be running with the wrong crowds from the story you tell - you might try hooking up with some folks here that don't mind taking a noobie along. At level 90, I would try to play with a good team in ultimate as you'll level very slowly in VH and probably won't find as many decent drops - just my opinion.

And stay legit. You won't impress people with your HUGE damage totals that the hackers flash - but we're not impressed by that shit. Who cares! It's about teamwork, rare hunting, good mates and the crack that comes from running with a good crowd.

Jul 30, 2004, 01:34 PM
It's about teamwork, rare hunting, good mates and the crack that comes from running with a good crowd.

Dont forget that RED BOX. Its really great when you have a team that is working well together (Example: A RAcast paralyzes a group of enemies with a Spread Needle, the FOmarl cast Zalure on the enemies, then the Hunters whip out the Chainsawds on the enemies and go to town).

Jul 30, 2004, 02:08 PM
On 2004-07-30 11:25, Sitka wrote:
Liquid Bacon takes great pleasure in destroying the hackers with his legit character (Hucasts with level 40 Foie!), so take a page from his book and enjoy your legit character.

It sounds like you might be running with the wrong crowds from the story you tell - you might try hooking up with some folks here that don't mind taking a noobie along. At level 90, I would try to play with a good team in ultimate as you'll level very slowly in VH and probably won't find as many decent drops - just my opinion.

And stay legit. You won't impress people with your HUGE damage totals that the hackers flash - but we're not impressed by that shit. Who cares! It's about teamwork, rare hunting, good mates and the crack that comes from running with a good crowd.

lol.I do have other higher lv chars. But my highest is only lv 125. thanks for the advice.I know I am gonna stay legit. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif when people come into my room , I dont usually hang out in any certin ship, I ask if they are legit and they always say shit like "why? whats it to you?" I have only found few legit players and there very nice to play with.well again thx

Jul 30, 2004, 02:12 PM
Ya, I hate it when I'm using my level 120 HUcast with his legit Demolition Comet and then some level 80 HUmar comes into the game with a Double Cannon doing 800 damage per hit.... pisses me off.

Jul 30, 2004, 02:52 PM
i got really pissed wit dupers and quit online playing. luckily i have enough local friends that i get to play a good amount wit other people, but mostly its just me and my little legit sange & yasha http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Jul 31, 2004, 08:19 AM
I just got offered to battle my legit lv 199 against a hacked lv 200, i wasnt gonna give him satisfaction of winning, it wouldnt have proved a thing except im legit and he aint, also this person was very nasty, and only because i was legit, even threatened to kill my children! user name on GC ep 1&2 -=Mai=- very nasty bit of work. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Jul 31, 2004, 05:07 PM
On 2004-07-31 06:19, Coolest-Mum wrote:
I just got offered to battle my legit lv 199 against a hacked lv 200, i wasnt gonna give him satisfaction of winning, it wouldnt have proved a thing except im legit and he aint, also this person was very nasty, and only because i was legit, even threatened to kill my children! user name on GC ep 1&2 -=Mai=- very nasty bit of work. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

It really does sicken me to hear stories like that and i have great sympathy for you Coolest-Mum!

The ignorance of these people must be unbelievable and lets just hope that it is a small minority.

But please take comfort from the fact that -=Mai=- has very likely got an incredibly small penis and won't father any children because he's "scared of girls" and might get the "lurgy". In fact the only time someone like that get arrosed is when their mum walks past their bedroom door.

Jul 31, 2004, 06:01 PM
On 2004-07-31 15:07, Azbats wrote:

On 2004-07-31 06:19, Coolest-Mum wrote:
I just got offered to battle my legit lv 199 against a hacked lv 200, i wasnt gonna give him satisfaction of winning, it wouldnt have proved a thing except im legit and he aint, also this person was very nasty, and only because i was legit, even threatened to kill my children! user name on GC ep 1&2 -=Mai=- very nasty bit of work. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

It really does sicken me to hear stories like that and i have great sympathy for you Coolest-Mum!

The ignorance of these people must be unbelievable and lets just hope that it is a small minority.

But please take comfort from the fact that -=Mai=- has very likely got an incredibly small penis and won't father any children because he's "scared of girls" and might get the "lurgy". In fact the only time someone like that get arrosed is when their mum walks past their bedroom door.

Okay, that wasn't necessary.

But yeah, people like that you should ignore, they probably gained all 200 of their levels Boxing or using hacked Level mats.