View Full Version : Level up Faster

Aug 1, 2004, 09:41 AM
Hiya people

I was just wounding how in the hell do people level up so fast ,because I spent 3 hours level up a new person and I only become a level 20 whys that could someone help me.

Aug 1, 2004, 09:54 AM
The fastest way I find to level up when im making a new character is just give him/her a good mag and a few weapons and just blast threw Normal and Hard in a few hours. Getting to level 20 in 3 hours isnt to shabby.

Aug 1, 2004, 10:06 AM
fast leveling means repeated runs
also, online is the key..
-more exp than offline
-ttf is the key to speed lev up

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dhylec on 2004-08-01 11:10 ]</font>

Aug 1, 2004, 10:52 AM
Like Dhylec said... people online do the quest Towards the Future

Offline, however, I believe the fastest way is the Forest part of SoaB or to do Ruins runs.

Aug 1, 2004, 10:59 AM
Thanks guys I'll keep that in mind.

Aug 3, 2004, 04:09 PM
20 lvs in 3 hours jeez i can't get 5 lvs with new guy with lv200 mag and a kings laser

Aug 3, 2004, 04:57 PM
On 2004-08-03 14:09, RingoShonen wrote:
20 lvs in 3 hours jeez i can't get 5 lvs with new guy with lv200 mag and a kings laser

in 3 hours? what the hell are you doing then?

Aug 3, 2004, 05:05 PM
if you play online

When you get a Little big stronger (higher level or have some good rare equipment) I would suggest east/west tower. East tower for starters, it's a very good place to find some really good rares (my fav: MKB!) ok, the exp. amount might fell short to TTF by a bit, but sometimes the rares are worth it

Aug 3, 2004, 05:30 PM
I have raised several characters now into ultimate offline at around level 40.

The hardest one is the first one of course. Sitka Blue D was closer to 80 when he got into ultimate, not having the benefit of hand-me downs including level 200 mags, mats, discs, weapons etc...

Each successive character got in faster: high 60's, high 50's, high 40's, and now the last three right around level 40. The preceeding two I took through Temple-Flow and the last one I took through Forest-Falz.

I prefer blasting through Normal, Hard and Very Hard and then playing the quests in ultimate for power leveling. I don't like to play online until I can bring the player in around level 80, although I have done it a little. Nearly all my friends play in ultimate online, so a character lower than ultimate means playing with strangers and that means playing with folks I don't know which can lead to unpleasant experiences. Just my opinion, or course.

When I really want to get a new character going, I take a weekend day where I can be uninterrupted and usually use the opportunity to also work on a mag-raising project. I can take my time, work my way through the maps, get my mags a few levels and by the end of the weekend, my level 1 has gone to level 40ish and is ready for ultimate play.

That's just how I like to do it.

Aug 3, 2004, 09:03 PM
On 2004-08-03 14:57, darthsaber9x9 wrote:

On 2004-08-03 14:09, RingoShonen wrote:
20 lvs in 3 hours jeez i can't get 5 lvs with new guy with lv200 mag and a kings laser

in 3 hours? what the hell are you doing then?

Haha, that's what I was thinking and yea lvl 20 in 3 hours is alright for offline.

When I'm leveling up I usually do a run then go do some quests and over and over gaian until im done with all the quests I level up pretty good

Aug 3, 2004, 10:30 PM
Man I wouldn't worry about it; you're doing really well for 3 hours! Remember, this is a MMORPG, so it's slow-paced.

Aug 4, 2004, 01:04 AM
I have 3 hours on my latest character and she's level 9.

Then again, I'm making her without any hand-me-downs from any of my other characters. Her mag is going to be built from scratch, because I then get into the habit of not raising one.

And as of right now, I have 2 mags being shared across 8 characters... so not fun.

Aug 4, 2004, 03:13 AM
On 2004-08-03 23:04, anwserman wrote:
I have 3 hours on my latest character and she's level 9.

Then again, I'm making her without any hand-me-downs from any of my other characters. Her mag is going to be built from scratch, because I then get into the habit of not raising one.

And as of right now, I have 2 mags being shared across 8 characters... so not fun.

Its great fun starting without hand-me-downs. Giving a Level 1 character a 200 mag makes it very boring. Its much more fun raising a new mag and having a challenge.

Aug 4, 2004, 11:08 AM
It...took me just 3 months to get lv149. It took me 2 days to get lv40 with my FO. Leveling does not take that long...until you start needing 400K til next levels like me. ><

Aug 4, 2004, 05:13 PM
Heh ya that sucks I hate that it takes forever

Aug 4, 2004, 09:24 PM
On 2004-08-04 09:08, Silhouette wrote:
It...took me just 3 months to get lv149. It took me 2 days to get lv40 with my FO. Leveling does not take that long...until you start needing 400K til next levels like me. ><

3 months? My highest character is level 145 and 1.5 years old. I wanna know how you level http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

Aug 4, 2004, 09:53 PM
On 2004-08-04 19:24, SUPAH_CHAO wrote:

On 2004-08-04 09:08, Silhouette wrote:
It...took me just 3 months to get lv149. It took me 2 days to get lv40 with my FO. Leveling does not take that long...until you start needing 400K til next levels like me. ><

3 months? My highest character is level 145 and 1.5 years old. I wanna know how you level http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

my highest char is 115 and 3 years old

Aug 5, 2004, 06:14 AM
my latest char: 25 hours played, and lvl 104.

but yea, lvlign offline sucks. I really want to keep lvling some of my chars but I'm SOOOO sick of repeated SoaB/ruins runs. That's all I ever do. That and pipe >.<


Aug 5, 2004, 11:06 AM
OHHHHH SoaB i thought it meant sonofabitch for a second.

Anyways, I can get 40 levels in about an hour and a half, and about.... uh...hm.

33 levels in ultimate from 80 to 113, in 7 hours. At minimum. Most I can do is about million exp or so in that time I think.... but now i dont have the time to sit around and do that sadly,.... In a half weeks worth of recoboxing , where I ttfed to 20, 40, then did it, I got to level 156 with an android.

Everybody has their capacity, you know

Aug 5, 2004, 03:42 PM
On 2004-08-04 19:24, SUPAH_CHAO wrote:

On 2004-08-04 09:08, Silhouette wrote:
It...took me just 3 months to get lv149. It took me 2 days to get lv40 with my FO. Leveling does not take that long...until you start needing 400K til next levels like me. ><

3 months? My highest character is level 145 and 1.5 years old. I wanna know how you level http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

I'm a very aggressive leveler in PSO. I played everyday, and I always try to get in Ep II games, and Ruins games. With alittle luck, I make might a game and go all the way from Forest, Caves, Mines, and Ruins, + TTF. This is not so common though, cause of people not liking caves. Key to leveling alot is to never skip caves though and playing plenty EpI/II games. NOT skipping Seabed.
In other words, I try to play all levels to thier fullest.

My highest level character is a HUne lv158, which I dont play for right now. Who needs ALOT OF EXP to level now. Over 600K.

However, I would have been 200 by now, if I didn't quit the game for 8 months. I did not play at all this year, I just recently came back. I've been playing PSO EpII for a year and 5 months like you.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Silhouette on 2004-08-05 13:45 ]</font>