View Full Version : Short FanFic: Red Morning

Aug 2, 2004, 04:53 PM
Just wrote it for fun. Tell me what you guys think and if I should keep writing it.

Chapter 1: Good Day Gone Bad

September 14, 4021

Dear Diary,

I have come to the realization that death is very close and I have kept a secret for many years. I want to let my story be known before I pass away so I'll write it here.

"Strat wake up!"


Ivy jumps on Strat's body, knee first, forcing him up.

"Today?s the big day! Common I made some breakfast."

You see today was the day Strat is getting his hunters licence (at least he hopes to get it). After breakfast Ivy, Strat's sister, dropped him off at the local guild. He was 20 minutes early, so with some time to kill he walked around the lobby (which was very much like an airport, so many shops).

"Man this sure is boring, leave it up to my sister to take me early"

Just then a girl on roller skates barreled into him like so many cinder blocks, knocking him over.

"Hey what the hell are u do...oh Shannon its you"

"Oh jeez sorry Strat"

"No problem, so what are you doing here?"

"Oh I got my licence suspended again and im coming to get it back."

"Haha, well good luck, it's hell reasoning with the officials."

"Hey thanks, well I better get going, I need that licence to make me some money! Take care now."

Shannon is Strat?s childhood friend. She has been a UNS Ranger Academy graduate for 2 years now. 5 minutes 'till show time so Start walked up to the counter, and applied for his licence, which was followed by a long and boring seminar, then an interview, then a quiz to top it all off. He passed with a slightly above average score, had his picture taken, and happily ran home. By the time he got to his house he was so out of breath he could hardly stand up. After a few moments of panting he burst through the door and jumped on Ivy.

"Ivy I passed and got my licence!!"

"That's great! And to celebrate I got you your first job."

"Aw common! I just RAN 8 MILES HOME"

One morning everyone in a small village on Ragol woke up dead. Strat's job was to investigate with a partner, Mengx, look for survivors, and bring back anything suspicious. He went to the portal and was sent to Ragol where he had a nice 40 minute walk ahead of him. When he arrived at the village a sudden feeling of terror ran straight down his back. Dead silence. We walked around the front end of the village and looked around and through houses. There was this one house, which seemed to be drawing him in. He had to go in. It was the darkest house in the village. Despite his growing fear he ventured forward. It was too dark to see anything. He reached into his pocket and lit a flair. At that moment he froze. Cold sweat started dripping from his face. The sight he saw just then was burned into his memory forever. All around him lay hacked corpses, limbs, and limbless torsos. Pools of blood all around him. Children's heads scattered on the floor. He couldn't move. He opened his mouth and tried with everything he had to scream, but nothing came out. Just then he felt a hand on his shoulder. That was it. That hand had pushed him passed the limit of human emotion. He fainted and dropped to the floor. He woke up on the dirt floor of a small hut. He got up and walked outside. Still the same place. Still freaked out by what he saw he rushed back to the teleport to go report his finding. Relieved to be back on Pioneer 2 where he is safe. At least he thinks he's safe, for what's to come puts everyone's life in jeopardy.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: YodaSmack on 2004-08-02 14:56 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: YodaSmack on 2004-08-02 19:52 ]</font>