View Full Version : Girl Trouble....

Aug 3, 2004, 11:53 PM
Well, today was a bad... time.
My girlfriend woke me up at 1:25 p.m. (and I went to bed at 5:00 a.m.)... and said "well, we're... a little early at pickin you up...." I'm standing there hiding behind the door in my boxerz!... Everything is still blury from the whole "just wakin up" thing.

Well, I get dressed and go. We went to WalMart. And Savannah's bestfriend's little brother was pissin me off (as usual), and i'm sittin on a bench in there, and he sits on me, and my leg ran right into this really really sharp wooden corner, ... well, in the mood I was already in from the morning, and that he pushes my buttons so much, I said "fuk... ah, shit... get off me!" I didn't say it really loud or anything. But they got mad at ME?!?!? For swearing.... he destroyed my pelvis area, and killed my leg against a really sharp wooden edge thingy on the bench... and they get mad at me... "Well you shouldn't have said that..." "Well he shouldn't have sat on me!"

Then, we get to her house later, and I was talking about Aqua Teen.... and I was sayin a part from it on the last episode I saw. And I quote: "Frylock: Why don't u go down there meatwad, try to talk to the mummy" Meatwad:"how about this idea, hell no."....................... It got dead silent... and they got mad at me for saying hell. I'm sry, but I was raised around a house full of swearing. I don't think of it as a huge deal. Only when someone goes over the edge with it, but for something funny, or when your really really mad/in pain... it's much of a big deal to me. And I said to her "hey, you chose me, you know I talk like this". And her friend said "shouldn't talk like that anywhere...." and my girlfriend says "I can un-choose you....*gives me the "I told you" smerk." (which I really REALLY hate... looks so stupid)

Well, I left the room and went into her brothers room (which were playing Super Smash Bros. {original}). And she gets mad at me when I play video games.... hello? She knew I played video games alot. Hell, played them AT SCHOOL, in the same class she has WITH ME!!!!!.... So, I bet she was mad at me for that too.

Well, we went to Chik-fil-a after that, and we met the Cow!!! which was awesome, ... yea, then we went to Altel Stadium and watch the Jaguars do practice. We got a whole bunch of autographs and stuff. (personally I don't like Football,... or the Jaguars...)

Hmm, yea, that was my day today.... OH, but b4 they woke me up, I was having the dream that I was in a Bowling ally flodded with water, and I could breathe in there, and a shark was talking to me and said "i'm going to eat your foot" and I rifle was on the floor and I picked it up and shoved in its mouth... and he was bleeding, then he backed up and got away, and bit my foot... Then he said "i'll get you again later boy!".... then when I woke up I thought about it, I coulda just shot him with the rifle instead of jamming it in his mouth.... oh well, but yea, that's my day today (well... yesterday cauze its 1:00 a.m. right now...)

Aug 4, 2004, 12:03 AM


that was... strange to read. I would have to say that last part you posted is FKL material, but the rest is purely Rant.

Although I see where you were having troubles with your GF, it seems like you aren't too worried about it. You had a bad day. Shrug it off and move on to tomorrow. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Aug 4, 2004, 12:14 AM
On 2004-08-03 22:03, WraithVerge wrote:


that was... strange to read. I would have to say that last part you posted is FKL material, but the rest is purely Rant.

Although I see where you were having troubles with your GF, it seems like you aren't too worried about it. You had a bad day. Shrug it off and move on to tomorrow. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

yah yu cant stay mad for too long, these r problems of life, yu gotta keep a firm head and act like a good happy kinda guy (even if you went to bed at 5:30) its best to always seem oblivios to kids when they sit on yur lap.. even tho it can be a lil disturbing, or destrcutive to yur pelvis area, just tell the kid to get off! its pretty easy. also the cursing situaion.. well i would suggest tryin to keep it under control, spouting off at the mouth like that just makes yu sound stupid, even if yu were raised in the enviroment.. Try to avoid it at all costs! still though, life is all about trials and tribulations and if yu let a few get yu down.. well then yur not avery strong man r yu? i push things off all the time weither it be my GF lil nephew biting my hand, or the dog shitting on my couch. i just brush it off and keep moving, and thats the best advice i could giv yu!

video games tho, thats a different story.. if its something that gives you joy, wel she needs to accept that! just like im sure yu dont tell her "i HATE it when you (INSERT HER FAVORITE ACTIVITY HERE)"

unless yu do... then thats a different story http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif

but good luck with the GF try to make the best of yur time together! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Aug 4, 2004, 12:22 AM
Well, her little brother (when I meant little, I meant younger) weighes about 150 pounds, I only weight 165 ... i'm skinny for my age, and he's huge for his. And he didn't just sit in my lap, he like... jumped in it and plowed his but into my pelvis area... *ouch*. And I have never lost my temper like I did today around her friends. But I had had it. I was NOT in a good mood that day. I was already really pissed from being awoken really early. And I'm not worried about it, I'm just awake and bored and wanted to talk about it.

But I dunno if I will b going out with her for very long... i'll post when we break up.

Aug 4, 2004, 01:15 AM
Oh...Damn X, I'm sorry. Hey...You can still hang with me at school? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

Well, hey...That was like your guys what, 'first fight'? Maybe you were both just really pissed. Maybe today, she'll call you back and say she was sorry and you'll make up or something...

That 'un-choose' you bit? I didn't think she was like that...She seemed really devoted to you before. She was like, addicted to you.

I guess when you love someone, you have to respect the other things they love(enjoy)...And yeah, she KNOWS you play videogames. She practically met you while you were playing PSO or a PS2 game. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

I hope you guys get back together, but if it's just not right...Then break up. Today/Yesterday(whenever...) just seemed like a bad day.

Well hey, call me tomorrow/today(whenever it is...)

Aug 4, 2004, 01:20 AM
On 2004-08-03 21:53, MegamanX wrote:
I was in a Bowling ally flodded with water

Holy shit, the local bowling alley here just flooded the other week.

Aug 4, 2004, 01:39 AM
What the hell did that last paragraph have to do with anything?

Oh and I've always had a philosophy that a girl had to accept me for who I was. There's no point in dating someone who's always trying to change you because then they're not dating you for you.

Aug 4, 2004, 01:41 AM
On 2004-08-03 23:39, Ezellaur wrote:
What the hell did that last paragraph have to do with anything?

Oh and I've always had a philosophy that a girl had to accept me for who I was. There's no point in dating someone who's always trying to change you because then they're not dating you for you.

The title of this topic should have really been.

"My Day/Girl Troubles. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif"

Aug 4, 2004, 11:35 AM
Lmfao, this is the most sureal thing I've read in ages! Dude that's women for you don't expect them to change cause they wont. What the hell were you doing hiding behind your door in your boxers. she's your misses, get out there and show her what you've got, lmfao!!!

I see this post has a new destination to go to soon, I think it begins with "F"

Aug 4, 2004, 11:52 AM
But I dunno if I will b going out with her for very long... i'll post when we break up.

Simmer down there, Mr. Positive.

Aug 4, 2004, 03:38 PM
On 2004-08-04 09:35, Azbats wrote:
Lmfao, this is the most sureal thing I've read in ages! Dude that's women for you don't expect them to change cause they wont. What the hell were you doing hiding behind your door in your boxers. she's your misses, get out there and show her what you've got, lmfao!!!

I see this post has a new destination to go to soon, I think it begins with "F"

her and her friends were at the door, not just her...

Aug 4, 2004, 03:44 PM
I had another crazy dream, though I fell asleep at 6:30 this time, my dream was about me and Eminem... I was in a parking lot, and like, he made a song about me and he was singin it, and he turned around and I ran away into my truck (though I don't have one... it was mine in my dream), then he noticed I was gone, and was hunting me down with a gun. He walked passed me and didn't see me, then when he started walking away, I turned the truck on and drove away really fast, next thing I new, I had crashed into a tree, and when I got out, he was behind it and he shot me.... then I woke up at 3:00 today. lol, my dreams r scarying me. (btw, I don't like Eminem at all, that's kinda why I ran away)

Aug 4, 2004, 03:54 PM
Did you talk to your(maybe not for long) kiwi today? I hope you guys figure something out before school starts. It's gonna be awkward. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

Aug 4, 2004, 03:57 PM
the more I think about it, the more I wished she was just a friend now... but you can't do that after you go out with them,.... rarely ever works out. oh well, only friends i'll have at school i'd have would be rotc peeps, which mean u too... *feels lonely :/*

Aug 4, 2004, 05:20 PM
On 2004-08-04 09:35, Azbats wrote:
I see this post has a new destination to go to soon, I think it begins with "F"

you're an idiot....

and it will go to FKL if you make posts like this

Aug 4, 2004, 07:31 PM
On 2004-08-04 15:20, darthsaber9x9 wrote:

On 2004-08-04 09:35, Azbats wrote:
I see this post has a new destination to go to soon, I think it begins with "F"

you're an idiot....

and it will go to FKL if you make posts like this

He may or may not be an idiot, but don't call him one, you're just making it worse.

So X, you told me that you're gonna go to some BBQ thing...Are you guys going ot talk there?

Aug 4, 2004, 07:39 PM
Yeah Justin, see didn't me and joe tell you that it wasn't gonna last, don't get me wrong now Aqua Teen killz, but at least we all have the common sense not to use swear words around our girlfriends/boyfreinds witch ever one you have. But the fact that her little bro was pissin you off well you know my bros so you know how i can relate. But she does drag you around for the stupid meaningless things. But me and Sef are your friends so we'll stick by whatever you do, but who the hell am I talk it's your life.

Aug 5, 2004, 01:51 AM
On 2004-08-04 13:57, MegamanX wrote:
the more I think about it, the more I wished she was just a friend now... but you can't do that after you go out with them,.... rarely ever works out. oh well, only friends i'll have at school i'd have would be rotc peeps, which mean u too... *feels lonely :/*

Going in with that attitude almost guarantees that you guys will leave each other NOT friends. It's perfectly possible to break up a relationship on fairly good terms.

Aug 5, 2004, 09:07 PM
rrr, y must u say r names over the net... "Dekao".... Let's get it right, at this moment....
Me = X (or Megaman)
Joe = Sef (cause it's so ez....)
And U = Dekao.... there we go, it's all good now.
And I suppose i'm going to a barbaque. Free food, hang out with some friends, and chill.... exactly what i've needed this summer. Well, I need pso too, but u no.

Aug 5, 2004, 09:14 PM
On 2004-08-05 19:07, MegamanX wrote:
rrr, y must u say r names over the net... "Dekao".... Let's get it right, at this moment....
Me = X (or Megaman)
Joe = Sef (cause it's so ez....)
And U = Dekao.... there we go, it's all good now.
And I suppose i'm going to a barbaque. Free food, hang out with some friends, and chill.... exactly what i've needed this summer. Well, I need pso too, but u no.

Mmhmm....Well then, hope you can work it out at the BBQ.

Uh, are you planning to work it out at the BBQ?

Aug 5, 2004, 09:18 PM
Might b the opposite, If I can't play video games or talk about my favorite shows cauze they have some language.... then I dunno... Cauze that's how I am, and she's not. I don't think it can hold out for that much longer. You know who I wanted b4 her... now I kinda want her again.

p.s. Dekao, STFU!!!!!! (in other words, don't say a word.. k ?? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif )

Aug 5, 2004, 09:25 PM
On 2004-08-05 19:18, MegamanX wrote:
Might b the opposite, If I can't play video games or talk about my favorite shows cauze they have some language.... then I dunno... Cauze that's how I am, and she's not. I don't think it can hold out for that much longer. You know who I wanted b4 her... now I kinda want her again.

p.s. Dekao, STFU!!!!!! (in other words, don't say a word.. k ?? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif )

Bah, we won't say who it was you wanted before...

Well hey, I hope you guys decide something atleast, whether it be stay friends(or not) and break up or continue going out...

Aug 6, 2004, 10:35 AM
If you arent as interested in her as you thought you were, tehn its best to break things off now, than to drag them out and eventually just make things worse. Dont do it to be with someoen else tho, just do it because you need to. She needs to accept you as you are, but there are things such as compromise as well. I cuss like a sailer, and being female, not the most attractive feature, so I watch it around certain people, but thankfully my bf cusses like a sailor to, so the F bomb is a regular in our vocab when we're together lol, but I still watch saying around little kids, old people, or people I dont know well lol. If you think you still want to try to make things work, then I suggest you have a big sit down talk, and think about thigns you guys can compromise on, but then again I assume you're in HS and those relationships are just passing moments in your life, so do what your gut tells you, its usually right.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sciler on 2004-08-06 08:35 ]</font>

Aug 9, 2004, 04:20 PM
If things don't work out, and the two of you break up, don't go through the bullshit "let's still be friends" garbage right away. You need to realize that your relationship will be over, anything between you is completely done. Stay away from her, don't see her for a while. She'll be mad at you, you'll be mad or depressed, you just do not want to be in each other company. It's gonna hurt like hell the first time you see her with a guy, so the most important thing is to not see her on a daily basis until you are completely positive you can handle it.

Relationships really can't downgrade themselves into a friendship. Everybody tries it. I've seen it work maybe one or two times. Don't even try it. It's more pain than it is worth.

Aug 9, 2004, 04:40 PM
On 2004-08-09 14:20, dylcool wrote:
If things don't work out, and the two of you break up, don't go through the bullshit "let's still be friends" garbage right away. You need to realize that your relationship will be over, anything between you is completely done. Stay away from her, don't see her for a while. She'll be mad at you, you'll be mad or depressed, you just do not want to be in each other company. It's gonna hurt like hell the first time you see her with a guy, so the most important thing is to not see her on a daily basis until you are completely positive you can handle it.

Relationships really can't downgrade themselves into a friendship. Everybody tries it. I've seen it work maybe one or two times. Don't even try it. It's more pain than it is worth.

No, but see... she was kewl when she was my friend. That's kinda why I went out with her, cause she was kewl. But now my life is being robbed from me. I liked it better before. And I wish I could go back to that. And why is everyone here saying "watch your mouth around certain people".... I do watch my mouth. I am a very toleratable person... but that was the last straw. I was SOOO pissed that day. Everyone has had a day like that right???? Where your just totally pissed off about something that day and you really don't want to do anything with people, but they end up dragging you along anyway, then something that really pisses you off happens when your already pissed... and u just loose it!!!
Pissed Off + Action that pisses you off = Insanity!!!1

Aug 9, 2004, 07:31 PM
On 2004-08-09 14:40, MegamanX wrote:

On 2004-08-09 14:20, dylcool wrote:
If things don't work out, and the two of you break up, don't go through the bullshit "let's still be friends" garbage right away. You need to realize that your relationship will be over, anything between you is completely done. Stay away from her, don't see her for a while. She'll be mad at you, you'll be mad or depressed, you just do not want to be in each other company. It's gonna hurt like hell the first time you see her with a guy, so the most important thing is to not see her on a daily basis until you are completely positive you can handle it.

Relationships really can't downgrade themselves into a friendship. Everybody tries it. I've seen it work maybe one or two times. Don't even try it. It's more pain than it is worth.

No, but see... she was kewl when she was my friend. That's kinda why I went out with her, cause she was kewl. But now my life is being robbed from me. I liked it better before. And I wish I could go back to that. And why is everyone here saying "watch your mouth around certain people".... I do watch my mouth. I am a very toleratable person... but that was the last straw. I was SOOO pissed that day. Everyone has had a day like that right???? Where your just totally pissed off about something that day and you really don't want to do anything with people, but they end up dragging you along anyway, then something that really pisses you off happens when your already pissed... and u just loose it!!!
Pissed Off + Action that pisses you off = Insanity!!!1

Trust me, I know what you mean. I went out with probably my best girl friend, and then afterwards, I really missed her friendship. But it killed me to see her. Even if you are set on being friends afterwards, give it some time. No matter how nice girls can be, they can also be brutal, and don't hold it below her to bring a guy with her the first time you see each other after breaking up. Stay away for a decent amount of time.

One thing I forgot to add: The reason that your relationship before going out might have been so cool, is because she liked you, and was acting differently towards you than she normally would. After you guys break up, she'll probably seem like a totally different person to you.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: dylcool on 2004-08-09 17:33 ]</font>

Aug 10, 2004, 05:33 PM
wow... now that I think of what u said... your probably right............................................. ..