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View Full Version : PSP Versus DS, Pros and Cons....

Aug 9, 2004, 05:21 PM
I know there is a topic solely on DS, abut what do you think will do better?

Personally ,from what I have seen, I can't really tell. In Japan, it probably will go the way that since everyone over there seems to have all this portable stuff, they will just see PSP as another portable player and go for the DS, as Nintendo is more popular over there it seems to be also. Plus it is new and different.

In America, the PSP will finally introduce our lazy-uninnovated asses to become mobile, do more portable things than just listen to music. Japan and Europe have taken this step, so why haven't we?

And of course since the DS comes out supposively in Fall, even though some places say Winter... it saddens me that fall is anywhere up to X-mas. Hahahaha.... PSP comes out in March or so. I will probably get DS for that fact, and the fact that PSO will be on it! Now by the time PSP comes out, I might have half the money needed saved up, but only for the console.... (damn expensive memory sticks....)

So, vote. (Sorry I am leaving out Europe....)

Edit: that last one is --why did Nokia even try?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: agenevil on 2004-08-09 15:22 ]</font>

Aug 9, 2004, 05:34 PM
My guess is that the PSP will become rather popular, very quickly, and there's a good chance that the DS will become Nintendo's next Virtual Boy; mind you, this is coming from a guy that remains unimpressed by the PlayStation 2.

Still though, Sony now has a huge fanbase and the PlayStation line of consoles is stupidly popular. I've recently made the discovery that the popular misconception is that the PlayStation 2 is as powerful as the Xbox. All things considered, it's rather amusing to observe that someone would believe that. That should give some perspective on what the PlayStation's momentum is like.

Ironically enough though, I don't think the PSP will topple the Game Boy. It may become a firm competitor, but this is one market that Nintendo's got by the balls. You can't even argue in terms of graphics or such, either, because for a good 7 or 8 years, the original Game Boy's 16-color greyshade screen, with absurdly small resolution and screen size to match, with simplistic sound, defeated all other competitors, including 2 handhelds made by Sega that were essentially portable versions of home consoles, as well as one or two other systems that are comparable in power to the current GBA.

So in short... The GBA's got the market pwn3d.

Aug 9, 2004, 05:37 PM
Well auntie thinks that this could start a flamewar... But I'll share my opinion anyway.

PSP has to much stuff. A system in your pocket should be just for gaming. Not DVDs....

Aug 9, 2004, 05:48 PM
I'm going with DS for both countries.

It is a lot like a Gameboy Advance (with the exception it can't play GBC and earlier games).

Nintendo pretty much owns the whole handheld market, and may use this to keep that lead.

I think the PSP's price may have a very negative effect on it.

Aug 9, 2004, 05:51 PM
Really, theyre not DVDs..... There will be controversy from the whole UMD thing, because the movie companies will not want people to just be able to burn DVDs onto UMDs, etc, and how many movies will people ACTUALLY port? And most people have a CD player, etc. Nice working but cheap MP3 player.

And as for nintendo referring to the DS as a third pillar yeah right. We all know it IS THE NEXT GAMEBOY. What are they gonna do, make another game boy? No. The GBA wil lfade soon enough....

Aug 9, 2004, 06:17 PM
On 2004-08-09 15:51, agenevil wrote:
Really, theyre not DVDs..... There will be controversy from the whole UMD thing, because the movie companies will not want people to just be able to burn DVDs onto UMDs, etc, and how many movies will people ACTUALLY port? And most people have a CD player, etc. Nice working but cheap MP3 player.

And as for nintendo referring to the DS as a third pillar yeah right. We all know it IS THE NEXT GAMEBOY. What are they gonna do, make another game boy? No. The GBA wil lfade soon enough....

its really not the next game boy. nintendo are bringing out a gba2, so i read im gamesmaster

Aug 9, 2004, 06:56 PM
i would go pick ds because yuo can play gba games and it has two screens and suff.also nintendo usally beats there comptetion down when it comes to handhelds.

Aug 9, 2004, 07:13 PM
So nintentdo is planning on releasing the DS, another GBA, and then it's next-next gen console? Sounds like the same mistake Sega made with the CD, 32X, and Saturn. But like someone said earlier, Nintendo has the handheld market on lock down, so it would be a surprise in Japan to see Sony topple Nintendo. Over here in the states? Pretty much a no brainer, americans have to have the biggest, expensive, flashiest new gimmick on the market (i.e. PSP)

Aug 9, 2004, 07:24 PM
well also sega dreamcast was relaesed before xbox,gc,ps2.also you can bootleg the games buy burnning on a cd.thats why dreamcast flopped

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: shingo on 2004-08-09 17:25 ]</font>

Aug 9, 2004, 07:28 PM
On 2004-08-09 15:51, agenevil wrote:
Really, theyre not DVDs..... There will be controversy from the whole UMD thing, because the movie companies will not want people to just be able to burn DVDs onto UMDs, etc, and how many movies will people ACTUALLY port? And most people have a CD player, etc. Nice working but cheap MP3 player.

And as for nintendo referring to the DS as a third pillar yeah right. We all know it IS THE NEXT GAMEBOY. What are they gonna do, make another game boy? No. The GBA wil lfade soon enough....

I don't really know about Japan, personally, but I think that in America the PSP could shoulder out the DS, in part because of the market power of the GBA. The GBA will still have a market, to young kids or casual gamers who don't want to spend that much money on video games. The next tier up, there is the DS, and the PSP. I would think that most of the gamers who need a more powerful portable system would pony up the dough for the PSP. It all will probably come down to the games. If the DS only has quirky games with little third party support, the PSP will flourish. But if the PSP disappoints, it could go the other way.

Aug 9, 2004, 07:40 PM
here are all the games and comp. that are making games for the DS gundam seed dynasty warriors heres the link if you want to look at some more http://www.nintendo.com/newsarticle?articleid=169ca6a1-7027-4b3d-b6dd-9f3d19f25f2d&page=other

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: shingo on 2004-08-09 17:54 ]</font>

Aug 9, 2004, 07:46 PM
I can't speak for entire countries, but i know what i want. I don't want to see movies or listen to music on my system, Nintendo makes some of the best games around, i don't have all that much money, and I've trusted Nintendo's handheld systems for years.

For me, the choice is obvious.

Aug 9, 2004, 07:50 PM
ill get a ds just to play pso ds and naruto and some other games.

Aug 9, 2004, 08:04 PM
I think people over-estimate the importance of price as well. Yes price is important, but the average gamer is in mid 20's or something so a hundered quid here or there wont make a huge amount of difference to the average worker.

In the teen market, price IS more of a factor. For me, the choice is the DS

Aug 9, 2004, 08:54 PM

eep, come on. Hehehehe..... obviously the work of Micro-Sony fanboys/arrogant know-it-all columnists.

Aug 9, 2004, 09:27 PM
On 2004-08-09 18:54, agenevil wrote:

eep, come on. Hehehehe..... obviously the work of Micro-Sony fanboys/arrogant know-it-all columnists.

LMAO! Should have shown nintendo that before they gave the final green light for the Virtual Boy. And as far as price goes? I just got a new car, AND gotta baby on the way. Money is everything right about now!

Aug 9, 2004, 09:32 PM
There are a number of different factors that will play into the success of each system.

In price, DS wins and may be a key selling point. However, unlike home consoles, many people don't want to spend over $300 on a handheld system.

Graphic whores will eat PSP up, plain and simple.

Features are divided. Many will like the combo of 2 screens, touch panel, and wireless internet but more mainstream gamers will dig the ability to play music and movies on the go. PSP has a slight advantage.

Medium is also split. PSP's UMD can hold more information but are more breakable, lowers battery life faster, and gives you load times. DS's carts hold less and FMV and sound will not be as good but the battery life is better and no load times.

Battery life is still not known but many think DS will have more battery life with about 10 hours. PSP is said to be around 10 to 2 hours, depending on what your doing. I give the draw to DS since the longer you can go without recharging the battery, the better, especially on a long trip.

I'm split. I hope they both do great but nothing is ever assured. Still, you can't deny the simularities between DS/PSP to GameBoy/GameGear. GG was better than GB in specs and had more features but due to battery life and price, it lost. However, the industry has changed vastly.

Aug 9, 2004, 09:52 PM
Hmm now time for my input.

The PSP is great and stuff, with all that stuff, yet I don't really care. I already have all the things it offers, and a UMD isn't going to help me watch movies on the go. Screen may be great, but I imagine there is more.

If people would by the N-Gage, people will bye anything. I overheard one person who was buying it say "And its a phone too..." wow. I don't doubt the PSP is better than the N-Gage in every way and people bought it for its spiffy features. People may do the same for the PSP.

One thing that does come to mind is this third pillar thing. If Nintendo does plan on making another GB, and we haven't seen one, who isn't saying that the GBwhatever will be better than the PSP? Now that Nintendo has seen the PSP, they probably are working on something even greater, minus all those big features to leave room for more prossessor and such. If that screen is so great on the PSP, I imagine the next GB will have an even better one.

Just my thoughts.

Aug 9, 2004, 10:32 PM
Well, we have 3 months to go. I hate anticipating.

I'm going to cry http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Aug 9, 2004, 10:57 PM
Note: The Dreamcast did NOT fail because piracy began on it. If anything, sales increased after priacy began. Dreamcast was killed by a number of different factors, but from a retail perspective at the time, I heard one thing over and over and over as to why people weren't buying the DC. That was:
"Ï'm waiting for MGS2 on PS2".

I can't even count the number of times that was thrown at me when I talked to people about their gaming choice. Solid Snake firmly took Sega by the neck and choked. Plain and simple.

As for DS vs PSP, I'm thinking the PSP is going to either flop, or at most be a weak competitor till Sony realizes the financial burden it is placing on them, and drop support. PSP has too high a price (despite what others say, price plays a HUGE thing in what people buy, right now, mostly between XBox and PS2) for most average consumers to buy, and despite the fact that the Square heads will get it for FF:Advent Children, a small subsection of the gamer population is NOT enough to make this thing successful. The MP3 player argument pales when you consider that most tech heads that look at this as an MP3 player already have one or at least an Mp3 CD player, both of which are FAR more affordable.

DS on the other hand, unless heavily differentiated from GBA, *will* become the new GBA in the eyes of consumers, which, while not too bad a thing, will hurt it in the eyes of consumers. Why did they just buy an SP last month/year when a new thing is coming out now? And wait, *another* Gameboy is coming out down the road? Why am I going to pick this up?

If Nintendo manages to differentiate the DS and the GBA in the eyes of the general public, they stand a good chance of gaining market share on the DS. If they can't, either the DS or the next GB that they try bringing to the market is going to suffer. By how much? Hard to say, but it will.

Aug 10, 2004, 09:50 AM
I am starting to see the difference, but of course average people like my Mom wouldn't tell.

The DS is obviously more expensive, plus the fact it is more fragile, etc. Most KIDS couldn't comprehend some of the features on it.

Most parents bought their kids the GBA1, eve nafter SP was out, because of those facts.

I think people who actually understand will see gameboy as the cheap portable answer, and the DS as the more mature, expensive portable gaming answer.

Aug 10, 2004, 01:34 PM
The games that the DS has are awesome. This is why I think more people will buy it.

Aug 10, 2004, 02:08 PM
See, the way I'm looking at, it's quite possible that things might go the way of previous Sony vs. Nintendo battles. The casual gamer or non-gamer might still pick up a PSP just for the ability to listen to their music or watch movies on the go, and in the mean time, they can play a game of Madden or whatever crappy sports title is big at the moment. The only difference here is with price. When it came to buying a PS2 or a Gamecube, it was an extra fifty to a hundred dollars (am I right on that pricing? I really can't remember too well) for the CD/DVD features. However, with the PSP vs. DS, it's rumored to be about double the price, and it won't be as easy to just listen to whatever music you want or watch whatever movie you want.

I'm definitely picking up a DS first chance I get, and hopefully a PSP somewhere down the line. I'm just not sure on how things are going to turn out.

Aug 10, 2004, 02:11 PM
One thing that does come to mind is this third pillar thing. If Nintendo does plan on making another GB, and we haven't seen one, who isn't saying that the GBwhatever will be better than the PSP? Now that Nintendo has seen the PSP, they probably are working on something even greater, minus all those big features to leave room for more prossessor and such. If that screen is so great on the PSP, I imagine the next GB will have an even better one.

What big features does the GBA have in the first place? DS is going to be an alternate way to play games, with all its features. Game Boy Next will just be a normal system with more power, like PSP.

Aug 10, 2004, 04:58 PM
as said in GMR magazine, what the DS is lacking, just as the GC did, a truely innovative and unique game at release time. thats not to say we wont see one. however, most games planned are just counterparts to games already in existence. while the PSP has plans to release some of todays hottest games, such as a GTA game. many people already have a Sony Playstation 2 and are quite content with it. Because of this, they'll more than likely stay true to Sony and buy the PSP. not to mention since the shape of the PSP is similar to that of the PS2 controller, while the DS is much wider. both have good looks and games that everyone should look forward to. what will be interesting is to see if microsoft plans to enter the portable market.