View Full Version : PSOBB: Ob Lily Nerf?

Sep 11, 2004, 11:58 AM
Anyone notice that the megid got nerfed? It doesnt go as far or as big as it is used to be... from what I recall...

Sep 11, 2004, 01:20 PM
On 2004-09-11 09:58, Nites wrote:
Anyone notice that the megid got nerfed? It doesnt go as far or as big as it is used to be... from what I recall...

No way, they'd better not have. >o Takes all the fun out of Ca- Wait, never was fun there. Takes all the fun out of Temple, then. XP

Maybe they're trying to make up for having Grass and presumably Crimson Assassins turn from wussy things to be ignored to nasty things to be feared and dealt with promptly. >_>

Sep 11, 2004, 06:14 PM
Nope, I have to say it seems about the same to me, although I'll have a check on PSOX tomorrow sometime to give chance to reconsider!

Sep 11, 2004, 10:34 PM
hmm ive been in caves in v3 and v2... was there a difference between those two that i dont remember? I remember the old megid reached very far and was quite big... like near lv 30 big.