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View Full Version : What char do reccomend for....

Jun 29, 2002, 06:57 AM
Me and some friends will be playing some DC PSO V2 in a couple of weeks. Well be starting from lvl1 and there will probably be 2 of us playing at a time and maybe some strangers. The others are veterans but I am definately not (but I'll call the shots), so I need advice. Keeping in mind we will work in pairs I need advice what class combos are the most effective togeather and the most fun at low levls and in challenge mode (the later is what we will primarily do)
I hope to play:
-Any hunter class
-Either of these rangers: stocky male android, or human
-Human female force
Which do you recomend and which class is best to work with them (any class)?

note: I played the hunter elf chick before and found I enjoyed both majic and melee, I am skeptical about guns (kinda boring weapon and animation wise) but am more than willing to give em a try if they work well with my partner.

Jun 29, 2002, 08:20 AM
The droid RA would be your best best (of the RA). The Human RA aren't helped much at all by magic, droids can survive just as easily, if not better without resta. Magic just makes the Human RA less accurate, less powerful.

You probably already know how it works... 2 people.. you're best bet is 1 FO, 1 non-FO.
The non-FO is gonna go further faster if he's a HU, imo. The FO doesn't matter too much... Either a human FO (FOmarl or FOmar) for fighting (and the FOmar will be much better at this role than the FOmarl), or a newman FO (FOnewearl or FOnewm) to learn spells faster, gain shifta deband earlier, ie, be better support.

At high levels the difference in support probably will become less noticable, but while you're levelling the newman FO will complement a HU much better for good levelling.

If it was strictly 2 people I'd go a HU droid and a FO newman, with the FOmar a close choice too.

Jun 29, 2002, 08:24 AM
Oh.. female FO. FOnewearl then. The FOmarl is nice, but is honestly going to be a "why didn't you pick FOmar" character now I think. She's a cutey tho hehe, I'm using my FOmarl again in Ep2 http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

In c-mode the ideal team is 1 FO (newman), 3 HU (droid). Try to work around that.. RA don't have a place when a FO can target things will spells.

Jun 29, 2002, 10:57 AM
HUcast/FOmarl is probably the best tandem. Other good ones are:


Jun 30, 2002, 08:07 AM
So a hunter elf chick and hunter human wouldn't be as effective as a hunter droid and a hunter human?

I could select a force but damn it they just look more dandy than most mages are made out to be in other games!

Jun 30, 2002, 09:10 AM
As long as you have a tech user on the team, androids are great. Later on, when you max out your stats, it doesn't matter that much (all HUnters have same max ATP of 710 in version 1), but when you're low level, androids are the best since they have higher ATP & ATA growth.

HUnewearl aren't that great on normal and hard. They a lot like RAmars in that you need to invest a lot of time in both before they become good.

Jun 30, 2002, 09:33 AM
Right point taken. This will be low level stuff as I have to do other stuff and only have 2 weeks. I might be either a a Human hunter or a force (despite the dandy factor). I will make my partner either a force or a hunter robot or hunter human.

Jul 1, 2002, 03:07 AM
If you go hunter try and keep the mobs busy and away from the force. heh