View Full Version : wuts good about this game?

Sep 19, 2004, 11:50 PM
can someone please tell me what are the good qualities in ep3.i mean i dont want to sell it cuz i think i can grow to like it.i just dont see myslef doing so...i hear to many ppl sayin that its garbage and its like yugioh.i love yugioh but ep3 seems kinda stale compared to it can sum1 plz help me see the light in this game???

Sep 20, 2004, 12:00 AM
well the game is only fun when you have friends to play it with. By itself it can get pretty boring. I still have my copy but I only play it on occassion when one of my friends want to play. When I do play it I have fun becausing I playing with a friend but that is also true with EP I&II the playing gets boring when alone. So if you have friends playing the game see if you can enjoy it if you still can't then go back to epI&II.

Sep 20, 2004, 12:08 AM
Well, whats the point of Ep 1&2 (assuming you played it)? The main thing that makes Ep1&2 great is online play. An RPG that allows you to play with other people around the world (or country in Xboxs case). Ep3 is like that, with only 1 difference. In Ep1&2 the (real) goal is to collect weapons/items to help your character level up to 200. In Ep3, the goal is to collect cards to help your character level up and in time collect every card in the game, and have some fun kicking peoples asses in the process. However, without the internet the games are quite sucky. But if you have internet, then you can play with friends, trade to help your decks, and (one of my most favorite things to do) play the online tournements that they have.

...i just wish I could go online with Ep3. Heh, oh well, Ive got quite a few great cards, and got them all offline. Still...

Sep 20, 2004, 07:44 AM
Ep3 is a a fairly deep game and offers millions of possibilities on making decks.

Too many people fail to grasp the deepness of the game (or lack the patience or knowledge) and quit too easily on it.

If you do have patience and like strategic games (and dont mind some frustrations on dices from time to time) you will be rewarded with a fantastic game (I like it lots http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_kuddel.gif

Sep 20, 2004, 11:16 PM
mkay thanks guys ill see if ne of my friends on ep 1 and 2 ply it

Sep 23, 2004, 10:16 AM
To me is basically one thing.
Highly strategic Online 2vs2 games. I played very few games where the cooperation with the partner has so much deepness. Specially in this genre.

Sep 24, 2004, 10:03 AM
I find there is a lot more strategy involved in building a 1 v 1 deck, as 2 v 2 is more about balancing.

But thats the beauty of the game. Perfecting your deck, and feeling wonderful as you, a rookie, kicks a Lord's butt!

Fun times.


Sep 25, 2004, 08:39 AM
please use the hundreds of other threads to inform yourself about if the game is worth buying or not. thanks.