View Full Version : Sorry if you're having a bad day, lady.

Sep 23, 2004, 10:32 AM
I HATE it when this happens.

Example a)

2 years ago, I was taking care of some paperwork about my military status, down at the city hall.

A year before that, I had just formalized my military status, like every 18-year-old student had to to back then. She was supposed to give me a receipt, proving that I did that.

Flash back to 2 years ago.

I had to go to the military office, pick up some papers, sign and fill a few stuff, and deliver them at the city hall.

When I got there, I delivered the papers I got this lady asked me for the receipt they had given me a year ago.

I didn't have such a paper. I phoned my mother to ask if she had such a paper about me, and she said no. So, I told the lady that either no one gave me a receipt, or that I lost the receipt and wanted to find out how could I get another.

But it's rare when me or my mother lose that kind of receipts.

The lady started ranting in my face, about youths those days, that aren't responsible, that can't keep track of important stuff, and that annoy her ass.

That got to me. I was no president, but I was responsible as I could be. Therefore I told her to settle down.

Then I remembered her. It was the same lady who should have given me the receipt, a year ago.

- Could it be that you didn't give me a receipt? - I asked.

Then she went even more furious. She started giving me the impression that I was calling her unprofissional, unresponsible, while I was the supposed one who screwed up.

A few moments later after her brainstorm, I asked how could I get another receipt.

She told me she could do it now, but it would give her a hell of work. Of course she tried to said it formally.

A few moments later, she asked me to sign the "new" receipt.

She had taken very little time to get it done.

When I looked into the "new" receipt, I noticed that it was my hand-writing from a year ago that was all over it. All that was missing was my signature. Bottom-line: That new "receipt" was the same receipt from a year ago. But she didn't give it to me for me to sign and keep.

She drastically changed the look on her face, seeing the mistake she did.

But I didn't say anything, seeing as she realised a lot in that moment.

Example b)

A few days ago, I phoned the college services. I was on standby, and would be contacted about a certain thing I requested to the administrarion.

I just called to check up for anything new, even knowing that I would be contacted when anything new was known.

I admit that the fact that this is the year for college newbie reception. So the services are fed up with new college student inscriptions, and I reckon it must be tiresome to handle the same thing all day.

But no, the lady who received my call started her dose me her tantrum and saying things like

"Things like these aren't done instantly, sonny! You know that sometimes you need to wait a few days! We SAID that we were going call you, so hang on and we will."

What the heck. I just called to check up. Would I have done better to let them do my paperwork and worry about myself?

Example c)

I also had to get a new college login, for the net services, because I just made a new subscription, since I changed from eletronic engineering to computer engineering.

"Ah, you dudes are crazy or what? The database isn't updated INSTANTLY as soon as you subscribe! It takes days and whatsoever, blah blah blah! It would be great if it were like that, but it isn't! Only by the end of the week, young man!"

And he argued with another woman about that subject, roaring like if a snake just bit his butt.

Aw yes. I've been taking care of my subscription for over a week. I figured you folks would already give me a new login by now, but pardon me for asking.

Example d)

Later, I went shopping, on a shopping center in the college area, where all the students went.

I bought some toilet paper. A pack of 12 units.

I got to a 10-unit-only counter, and noticed a girl there who looked stressed and filled up with work.

I quickly thought of something funny to say, to make her laugh a little.

I aimed at the toilet paper and said:

- "I sure hope these count only as one unit."
- "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAZ. How ELSE would you count them?"

She kept staring at me with that gloomy expression, awaiting for my comeback, but all I did was give her the cash.

Geez. It wasn't very funny, but sorry for trying to cheer up your work, lady.

Now, a benevolent example.

Example e)

My bike had gone fixing for half a week. I went to the place to see if it was already done.

Of course they would call me when it was.

But altough it can be more troublesome and tiresome, I like to keep in touch with these things.

I went there, and the reception was filled with people requesting this or that refund, each or that receipt, etc.

It would take a while before my turn, with all that people. So I could foresee that I would face another fed-up employee.

When it was my turn, I explained my problem to the lady and she asked me to wait a little while she got her agenda/paperwork.

She flipped a few pages and told me it wasn't ready. But she also asked me not to worry, that as soon as it was ready, they would call me. - With a smile on her face, thanking me for my concern.

I felt enlightened.

Anyone can act down when things are tough. But not anyone can keep up a smile in the middle of chaos.

And when a client/member gets attended, he IS awaiting a minimum of respect, courtesy, and politeness. Of course we're not asking you to make our beds.

But at least you could keep your grudges to yourself, and not to those who don't have the fault.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Even_Jin on 2004-09-23 08:36 ]</font>

Sep 23, 2004, 12:22 PM
At least you kept a level head New_Ultijin.

For that, I salute you.

Sep 23, 2004, 02:07 PM
*nod nod*

Now working as something like that, I do realize how much impact it has if you have a long face, or if you are smiling.

I don't make much sense. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif
Bue hey, whatever. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Sep 23, 2004, 02:29 PM
On 2004-09-23 10:22, Solstis wrote:
At least you kept a level head New_Ultijin.

For that, I salute you.

I mean, if I answer the same way, I would start an endless cat & dog fight, right?

Pah, women.

No offense to the person above me http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Sep 23, 2004, 02:46 PM
On 2004-09-23 12:29, Even_Jin wrote:

On 2004-09-23 10:22, Solstis wrote:
At least you kept a level head New_Ultijin.

For that, I salute you.

I mean, if I answer the same way, I would start an endless cat & dog fight, right?

Pah, women.

No offense to the person above me http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

I try to be as nice as possible to people I meet, whether it be an employee or customer.

And if someone takes a tone with me that I "really" don't appreciate...they will get a piece of my mind. Granted I'm not as quick to bite back as my parents are, but I still wouldn't stand there and take it.

And no, I wouldn't jump down their throat...but I would let them know they're being a jerk/rude ass. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Although, if push came to shove and they started insulting me...they'd get the finger and a nice goodbye. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

I wish a had a punching bag sometimes, because as hard as you try...you can never let it all out until you use physical abuse. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif