View Full Version : PSOBB: Does anyone here have an NVIDIA FX 5200 video card

Sep 26, 2004, 11:10 AM
I have an ASUS NVIDIA FX 5200 card that someone gave me and even if I can play PSO BB at a higher resolution, the bets I can have is 800X600 at with options set on medium. Anything higher and I'll get lags.

I was wondering if anyone who has this card can set it to a higher resolution?

My specs:

P4 2.8GHz
1Gig of DDR400 RAM
ASUS NVIDIA FX 5200 card
SB Live card

Thank you

Oct 1, 2004, 10:15 PM
I have a 5200 card with:

P4 HT 3.06Ghz
512 Ram
4GB Paging file
SB Live! 5.1 sound card

My options are set to 800x600, auto-frameskip, and all low settings. With these, my game only lags in CCA and Seabed because of the massive amounts of textures. A 5200 isn't a very good card for this game, but I think that's more ST's fault since every other game works just fine.

But to answer your question, 800x600 is pretty much the max res with a 5200 before you start having 100% lag.

Oct 2, 2004, 08:18 AM
Sucks that Sega PC games are never really optimised.

Well, I guess we're in the same boat, don't know if I'll get a better card just for this game.

Thank you for your reply.

Oct 6, 2004, 01:06 PM
The 5200 isn't a good card period.

In fact if you can pick one up cheap a Ti4200 should give much better performance than a 5200.

Oct 6, 2004, 01:53 PM
Not only does the Ti4200 beat out the vanilla 5200, it usually also out performs the 5200 Ultra. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif