View Full Version : FanFic: FOcast (an actual concept of what could make one)

Sep 29, 2004, 03:39 PM
This is a serious post about how a FOcast could come to be....

I have a couple of theories...both kinda odd..

1st theory:

Someone, a Force os some kind, is badly injured.
The only way to save them is to convert them into a cyborg of sorts.
Certain things, like whatever allows for the use of Techs, is still in the body (that wasnt damaged and can be left in)
But othe, major parts were, so most of the body is replaced with android parts....

The end result is something looking like whatever you want it too...that doesnt matter...what does is that they are no longer able to be classified as whatever they were before (like a FOmar for example)

So the closest thing to classify them as is a FOcast (or FOcaseal).

So now they have the benifits of an Android, and the benifits of an organic.

2nd Theory (Kinda baka..but bear with me):
Some group, whoever makes the Androids, decides to grow organic comonents to instal in their Androids of a new model type...some kind of organic neural net or something....enough to give them sufficient organic mental components to allow them to use techs....not to any sort of mastery...but enough to be of some use.

Thats pretty much that one.....

Any ideas on this? Or theories of your own?

Sep 29, 2004, 04:25 PM
I'd just be happy with a more robust trap system.

Sep 29, 2004, 04:37 PM
I am under the impression that working on some sort of FOcast or FOcaseal character would be effort better spent elsewhere. By now I would think whatever stats or capabilities a FOcast or FOcaseal would have could be emulated by using a tech user combined with the proper equipment for pretense.

Sep 29, 2004, 05:41 PM
Personally, any design I'd make for a FOcast or FOcaseal would be like...an enchanted, living statue of some kind. Golem, y'know?

...actually, I'd rather they make HUnewms or something. >_>

Sep 29, 2004, 06:00 PM
The whole CONCEPT of the Androids is that they can't cast techs.

"Hey, you know the strongest class that there is?"

"You mean Androids?"

"Yea! It'd be TOTALLY NEATO if we gave them MAGIC, to completely take away the balance that the species have!"


Sep 29, 2004, 06:59 PM

I was about to say something...but I wont spoil the surprize with it.......just keep in mind that I had put FanFic as the tag for this topic......

Sep 29, 2004, 07:03 PM
On 2004-09-29 16:59, Squall179 wrote:

I was about to say something...but I wont spoil the surprize with it.......just keep in mind that I had put FanFic as the tag for this topic......

Wow, was that a pointless post or what? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif

Sep 29, 2004, 07:05 PM
My idea of a FOcast doesn't use techniques at all, and instead focuses on a very large variety and stock of traps.

Basically, the traps a FOcast/caseal would have would be the following:

Light-based damage(Area Grants! XD)
Heal(Combining Resta and Anti)

The character would start out with ten each of the usual traps. The trap levels would correspond initially to L5 of a particular tech(L1 for Anti). Items could be found to add trap type and increase trap level, up to a maximum of the equivalent of L30 of a tech. Trap amounts would work the same as current HU/RA droids, and increase with character level.

FOcast would have more support traps, FOcaseal more damage traps. FOcast would max around 925 ATP, FOcaseal around 975. FOcast max ATA would be 189, FOcaseal 175. FOcast would have good EVP and bad DFP, FOcaseal would be the opposite. Both would, obviously, have no EVP. Obviously, neither could use most FO weapons. There would be a few specific weapons for them.

Sep 29, 2004, 07:09 PM
On 2004-09-29 17:05, Ian-KunX wrote:
FOcast would have good EVP and bad DFP, FOcaseal would be the opposite. Both would, obviously, have no EVP.


But yes, if they were going to make a FOcast/caseal, then expanded traps would be the best way to do it, I suppose. Otherwise, it wouldn't really work.

...didn't I read somewhere that the techs in PSO aren't real magic, per se? I think I read something about PS that said that techniques are like watered down magic, and you only need something implanted into you to be able to do them...

Sep 29, 2004, 07:19 PM
If sinows can cast Rafoie and Rabarta, I'm pretty sure there could be a FOcast. Also traps in the towers can do spell attacks (well mostly in cmode), so why not?

Sep 29, 2004, 07:26 PM
On 2004-09-29 17:19, Sharkyland wrote:
If sinows can cast Rafoie and Rabarta, I'm pretty sure there could be a FOcast. Also traps in the towers can do spell attacks (well mostly in cmode), so why not?

Because it ruins the balance of the game.

That's like me taking Warcraft 3 and saying 'Hey, all the Night Elf units have lower hit points...forget their other advantages, that is not fair, let me raise them.'

Sep 30, 2004, 04:05 AM
Um, yeah.
The Zeles can cast that "magic" because of a special device implanted in them can cast the mechanical equivelent of Rafoie.

See, techniques require a certain amount of MST... Reverser needs 150 MST, also known as mental stregnth. Androids, because they have no brains, obviously have zip for mental strength. See, having 0 MST means the inability to use ANY technique. And since a technique requires MST - period - the minimum required MST for anything to be classified as a technique would have to be 1.

The FOcast cannot exist. Period.
0 is not >= 1.

Sep 30, 2004, 08:50 AM
On 2004-09-30 02:05, anwserman wrote:
Um, yeah.
The Zeles can cast that "magic" because of a special device implanted in them can cast the mechanical equivelent of Rafoie.

See, techniques require a certain amount of MST... Reverser needs 150 MST, also known as mental stregnth. Androids, because they have no brains, obviously have zip for mental strength. See, having 0 MST means the inability to use ANY technique. And since a technique requires MST - period - the minimum required MST for anything to be classified as a technique would have to be 1.

The FOcast cannot exist. Period.
0 is not >= 1.

but what if I put a brain ina n android http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Sep 30, 2004, 01:44 PM
Thats what My two theories talk of....some kind of organic brain thingie in the android....but different ways of it haoppeneing.

Sep 30, 2004, 02:01 PM
That would make it a Cyborg. Which is not an android.

FOborg = Okie Dokie.

FOcast = No. Go away.

Oct 1, 2004, 02:57 PM
Imagine what this (http://science.howstuffworks.com/exoskeleton.htm) will be like in a thousand years; the kind of advances made, etc.

Now imagine a Force wearing it.

Oct 1, 2004, 06:21 PM
Bah, I like my trap idea, which you have all conveniently ignored whining about droids using magic. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif