View Full Version : I may have fallen...for.. the dark side...

Jul 3, 2002, 04:48 PM
Ok, so the time has come for Cube to make a very important decision...

My PS2 has been long broken... water leaked on it from it being in storage, and is now ruined.

I need another system... as an avid gamer, and as a strong Nintendo loyalist I find it necessary to own as many systems as possible... I love Nintendo, and i still believe that the Gamecube is (well, will be with the new games coming this season)the best next Gen. console... But I can't have just one console any longer... I need another system to fend me off when I’m waiting for Mario after I’m done with Eternal Darkness... to help me fill in my cravings for star fox after im tired of Animal Forest Plus,and so on...

So here I am... contemplating purchasing a system from a company I hate the most... Microsoft..

Ya, I'm thinking of purchasing an Xbox. For 5 reasons...

#1) My biggest disgust with the Xbox was it's controller... it took a bad controller (the DC) and made it worse... But now with the S controller, it's not THAT bad anymore..

#2) Halo. Cube loves FPS's... and I hear HALO is a good one... So, I'm thinking of getting it.

#3) Sega games... This is probably the greatest reason for my to purchase an Xbox... Not because of MSofts sorry ass first party games, but because of the sick sega support... I want PD:O, TJ&E III my fav genesis game, I want Gunvalkrye! I want JSRF...

#4) IF I buy it, it will be bought used for one reason.. I truly want this system to fail, so MS can learn a lesson.. and buy purchasing it used I will not be increasing the systems user base.. so that makes me feel a little better...

#5)I have always owned all Generation systems... During the NES wars i had a master system, during the SNES wars I had a genesis, during the last gen wars I had a 64, a PS1, and a Saturn, this Gen I own a Gamecube, a Dreamcast, use to own a PS2 http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif... Now I think I need an Xbox.. even though I hate the system... I love the sega games...

So there... I may get an Xbox... OR I may just purchase another PS2... but right now the PS2 2003 lineup doesn’t look so great... I can sell all 5 of my PS2 games and probably buy a used Xbox...

Eventually If I buy an Xbox ill get a PS2 or if i get a PS2 ill get an Xbox... but which first? Any suggestions? I need another system to sit my Gamecube atop. Im not a bias nintendo fan boy like many of you may assume.. I just prefer Nintendo games over most, and I still dislike msoft… very, very much…

So which is it PS2 or Xbox?

Jul 3, 2002, 04:51 PM
On 2002-07-03 14:48, Cube wrote:
#4) IF I buy it, it will be bought used for one reason.. I truly want this system to fail, so MS can learn a lesson.. and buy purchasing it used I will not be increasing the systems user base.. so that makes me feel a little better...

That is possibly the most saddest thing I've ever heard you say.

Jul 3, 2002, 04:51 PM
...just dont change your name to box

Jul 3, 2002, 04:54 PM
I say don't buy it, because if you are THAT vindictive against Microsoft, you don't even deserve to use the system.


Jul 3, 2002, 04:55 PM
lol cube wants to it to fail, if it cuz there a big business who have no interest then he shudnt buy a ps2 either cuz that what sony r.

Jul 3, 2002, 04:59 PM
But by Cube buying a used X-Box, he's going to teach MS a lesson ... somehow.

How that lesson will be taught? Beats the fuck out of me, he's still going to buy software for it.

And, really, Microsoft has more than enough money so that even if the X-Box did fail, they wouldn't even worry about it.

But if one person buying a used system is your entire battle plan, you need to go back to the drawing board!

Jul 3, 2002, 05:23 PM
I plan on doing the same. hehe That makes two. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/eviltongue.gif

Jul 3, 2002, 05:26 PM
On 2002-07-03 15:23, MarkXIII wrote:
I plan on doing the same. hehe That makes two. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/eviltongue.gif

Once again, I say, sad.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: watashiwa on 2002-07-03 15:56 ]</font>

Jul 3, 2002, 05:44 PM
Hey, you want it, then go with it. No one is going to say it's a bad decision. I don't see myself getting X-Box soon, but I don't see it as a bad decision if you do get it.

Jul 3, 2002, 05:55 PM
PS2 consoles are always broken... I wonder why... The first thing that usually dies is the internal power supply... the fuse inside remains *intact*... but the power supply burns >_< How crappy hardware design.

As for you doubt... I'd say go for anotherPS2... maybe used, since:

1. You already own one, so maybe you can replay the titles you have.
2. There will be some nice games for PS2... the one I'm expecting more is auto modellista ^_^;

Jul 3, 2002, 06:25 PM
Sorta exagerated a little when I said I was teaching them a lesson wata... anyways, Abdur shut up, I was thinking of asking you NOT to reply to this topic because of your anoying ass comments and fanboy demeanor.

Jul 3, 2002, 06:42 PM
On 2002-07-03 16:25, Cube wrote:
Sorta exagerated a little when I said I was teaching them a lesson wata...

Yeah, you were dippin in the exageration bucket.

anyways, Abdur shut up,

ooooo *grabs chest* You got me!

I was thinking of asking you NOT to reply to this topic because of your anoying ass comments and fanboy demeanor.

pfft, I'm not the one saying I'm going to buy an X-box just so Microsoft takes a "hit" and fails. And how exactly do I act like a fanboy? I'd go out and buy a Gamecube and PS2 if there were more games available and more games that I wanted. GC wise anyways. For the PS2, the only reason I was considering buying one before was the added benefit of having a DVD player, but that is alleviated with my X-box. But right now there's no need to waste the money, money that I could spend on anime I want.

There's nothing new I want for the X-box either, I'm still enjoying Halo and Morrowind. Halo was the first game I got on the day X-box was released and I still enjoy it.

You really should'nt point the finger at other people when it comes to the word "fanboy", Cube.

Had to make something more clearly understood. Multitasking is fun http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ABDUR101 on 2002-07-03 16:48 ]</font>

Jul 3, 2002, 08:45 PM
pfft, I'm not the one saying I'm going to buy an X-box just so Microsoft takes a "hit" and fails.

Wow, I thought everyone learned how to read in Pre-school?

I simply stated that I was going to purchase an Xbox used so the user base does not increase... Therefor not helping it succeed as much as it would had I bought one retail.. *sigh* silly abdur, read harder and try not to be Blinded by your imbecilic intentions ...

And how exactly do I act like a fanboy? I'd go out and buy a Gamecube and PS2 if there were more games available and more games that I wanted. GC wise anyways. For the PS2, the only reason I was considering buying one before was the added benefit of having a DVD player, but that is alleviated with my X-box. But right now there's no need to waste the money, money that I could spend on anime I want.
Point being? I actually OWNED both a PS2 and a Gamecube... I'm much less a fan boy compared to your rueful self. Whatever I say about Xbox... *slap* here comes abdur with his seemly response, there to defend it again! Why dont you slap a big green X on your ass along with the rest of you Super X-Fanboys.

At least I can take an insult about the Cube without having to abruptly defend it with the utmost fatuity

You really should'nt point the finger at other people when it comes to the word "fanboy", Cube.

well Abdur

No, In contrast I am not a Nintendo Fanboy. Im a Nintendo Whore, yes. Fanboy? No. I owned a PS2, enjoyed it. Will own a Xbox, and likley enjoy that as well. You my friend Abdur have no room to talk about anything, especially when it comes to pointing fingers concerning fanboys.

Now enough of your needless rubish.

I've made my decision, I'm buying an Xbox, for the Sega games, and for Halo. As much as I hate Microsoft, I find myself hating the Xbox less and less everyday... As an avid gamer, I find it necessary to own all three next generation consoles to warrent myself not only bragging rights, but to be able to voice my opinions (insults or not) of each console...

Xbox will lose this Next Generation "console war" in terms of sales... MS will come out with an Xbox 2, and that will fail as well. PS2 will continue to dominate, and Gamecube will sell very, very well, as well as dominate the 2002 Q3 & Q4 season with AAA titles like Star Fox, Animal Forest +, Metroid, Eternal Darkness, Mario, Wario World, PSO, Zelda, Resident Evil 0, and many more.

Jul 3, 2002, 10:13 PM
This is moronic. Very moronic. All systems are inanimate objects, they dont kill you, they dont harm you in ANY way. If you dont like a system, keep it to yourself! What do we care if your going to buy a inanimate object that will lead you to the "dark side". I dont, and if anyone does, please, contact me. I will get you help. But everyone should just shutup. Nobody is going to prove anyone wrong.

Jul 3, 2002, 10:24 PM
On 2002-07-03 18:45, Cube wrote:
Wow, I thought everyone learned how to read in Pre-school?

Nurnur-fucking-nur? Can I go for a nap?!

I simply stated that I was going to purchase an Xbox used so the user base does not increase... Therefor not helping it succeed as much as it would had I bought one retail..

In other words, being vindictive.

*sigh* silly abdur, read harder and try not to be Blinded by your imbecilic intentions ...

You're the one trying to over throw Microsoft by not buying a brand new X-box. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Oh ye of little mental fortitude.

Point being? I actually OWNED both a PS2 and a Gamecube...

Point being that I can't afford to own every system, and if I could, I would'nt just go blow money on a system that doesn't have what I want. You know, there are these things, besides video games, like bills, debts, and a whole world of other interests.

Yay, you owned a PS2 and a GC. Want a pat on the back?

I'm much less a fan boy compared to your rueful self. Whatever I say about Xbox... *slap* here comes abdur with his seemly response, there to defend it again!

Actually, I barely ever defend the X-box here. I like to jump in when I know a majority of people will be offended about it though. You might be mistaking me for Greg though. He's the one who defend's the X-box around here, and does a good job of doing it. Me defending the X-box in the same threads would be pointless, a waste of space. Although you are always there to defend the GC too, so...weeeee. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Why dont you slap a big green X on your ass along with the rest of you Super X-Fanboys.

Pfft, then how would I fit my Microsoft synthetic penis there? Come on, you calling anyone a Microsoft Fanboy is kind of hypocrytical. Oh..sorry, you missed that point in my last post http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

At least I can take an insult about the Cube without having to abruptly defend it with the utmost fatuity

Aw come on, stop being "butt hurt" over it. You act like you're such a victim. Boo Hoo, they pickin on me because I wanna buy a used X-box so I can hurt Microsoft, boo hoo.

well Abdur

OK, you missed why I made your name bold, Cube.

No, In contrast I am not a Nintendo Fanboy.


Im a Nintendo Whore, yes. Fanboy? No. I owned a PS2, enjoyed it. Will own a Xbox, and likley enjoy that as well.

Well I'm glad, I'd be losing sleep if I thought you were just buying a used X-box to try and kill off Microsoft n_n You make me sooo happpy!

You my friend Abdur have no room to talk about anything, especially when it comes to pointing fingers concerning fanboys.

...you just repeated what I said dumbass.

Now enough of your needless rubish.

blah blah blah blah? Blah blah..blah.

I've made my decision, I'm buying an Xbox, for the Sega games, and for Halo. As much as I hate Microsoft, I find myself hating the Xbox less and less everyday...

Awww, isn't that kyoooote. Cube is starting to like the X-box and realise what a nice console it is http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

As an avid gamer, I find it necessary to own all three next generation consoles to warrent myself not only bragging rights, but to be able to voice my opinions (insults or not) of each console...

In other words, your bitch sessions will now be warranted. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Xbox will lose this Next Generation "console war" in terms of sales... MS will come out with an Xbox 2, and that will fail as well.

PS2 will continue to dominate, and Gamecube will sell very, very well, as well as dominate the 2002 Q3 & Q4 season with AAA titles like Star Fox, Animal Forest +, Metroid, Eternal Darkness, Mario, Wario World, PSO, Zelda, Resident Evil 0, and many more.

Wow, you know, if you could put that reading the future ability to good use, I'm sure you'd be...well something pretty god damn important!

Ah..I love this place. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif But most of all..I love people like you Cube. Join me in the men's room at Denny's on the corner of South and Main?

Jul 3, 2002, 11:13 PM
ABDUR, how long did it take you to put that last post together? It was very nice, I congragulate you.

Jul 3, 2002, 11:22 PM
omg abdur *kiss* i didnt know u were like THAT ... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

as for X-box i have nothing against...er no im lying.

but im not about to bash it or anyone who likes it, since its true sony is the same corporate evil, heck all games are this way. Marketed just like movies....its not like when i was a kid and it was ALL niche stuff for youngins....games have arrived and are as vulnerable to the 'suits' as any other arena of entertainment..

Jul 3, 2002, 11:23 PM
Hmmm. I was going to post a comment.... but damn. That was beautiful Abdur!

Jul 4, 2002, 12:20 AM
*gives Abdur an award*

Best counter post ever!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RuneLateralus on 2002-07-03 22:21 ]</font>

Jul 4, 2002, 12:24 AM
Yeah! Where's my god damn cake at!? Punch and pie! Punch and pie!

It took me 6 minutes to put it together, because I was away from the forum for abit talking to a friend and did'nt feel like posting anything at that moment.

*takes award, knocking people over the head with it as he goes off stage*
Shank You!

Jul 4, 2002, 01:35 AM
Wow, ABDUR, you've made me proud today. *tear forms in eye* Very proud indeed.

Jul 4, 2002, 01:39 AM
On 2002-07-03 23:35, watashiwa wrote:
Wow, ABDUR, you've made me proud today. *tear forms in eye* Very proud indeed.

*scratches head*
..Aren't you the punch and pie boy?
I'm really hungry o_o;

Jul 4, 2002, 01:41 AM
On 2002-07-03 23:39, ABDUR101 wrote:
..Aren't you the punch and pie boy?
I'm really hungry o_o;

Nah, not really. *points over to that guy* I think he is. >.>

Uh, gotta go!


Jul 4, 2002, 04:20 AM
Ummm how gay is it when people are giving out awards 2 Abdur 4 his counter response. Im sure by now, we all know that he is talented in the fine art of talkin shit, do we really need 2 have posts just 2 tell him how much we love 2 kiss his ass. Abdur...my friend, this is in no way aimed towards you. This place has gone down the shit hole lately. Its full of retard newbies and other shit tards that know who they are. I feel really sorry 4 the few people here that are actually decent people here. I also feel sorry 4 a certain mod that is 2 good 2 put his fuckin pride 2 the side, and just listen 2 some1 besides himself and his friends. he also knows who he is. Well thats all im gonna say. Cube...as far as xbox goes, i had my doubts as well, but its actually my most used system. For every1 else besides Cube, Abdur and a few others...i hope you all enjoy your time rottin in this shit pile...

Jul 4, 2002, 04:30 AM
On 2002-07-04 02:20, QueenBee wrote:
Ummm how gay is it when people are giving out awards 2 Abdur 4 his counter response.

Joo is mad you did'nt get rewarded, fo sheezy.

Im sure by now, we all know that he is talented in the fine art of talkin shit,

Talking shit I did not. I layed the proverbial virtual smacketh upon his bitch ass.

do we really need 2 have posts just 2 tell him how much we love 2 kiss his ass.

..five posts...five(5). oh..oh..sorry, I thought you said only two posts were congratulating me. Damn you and your use of numbers instead of words. And god damnit, let me get some recognition! Little fish is jealous!

Abdur...my friend, this is in no way aimed towards you.

..I'd beleive you, if you'd kiss my ass more. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

This place has gone down the shit hole lately. Its full of retard newbies and other shit tards that know who they are.

*all arrows point to Abdur*
*shakes fist at wata*
Bastard! You and you're noob comment!

Seriously though, would all the retarded newbs and other shit tards please stand up and leave. Thank you.

I feel really sorry 4 the few people here that are actually decent people here.

Yeah! You all fucking suck. Every last one of you..sorry, but you too Queen.

I also feel sorry 4 a certain mod that is 2 good 2 put his fuckin pride 2 the side, and just listen 2 some1 besides himself and his friends.

...no comment is being issued at this time.

he also knows who he is. Well thats all im gonna say.

I thought you were going to comment on the thread's topic..

Cube...as far as xbox goes, i had my doubts as well, but its actually my most used system.

Aww fuck!

For every1 else besides Cube, Abdur and a few others...i hope you all enjoy your time rottin in this shit pile...

Neener Neener! She left meee out, ha-ha!

...just because.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ABDUR101 on 2002-07-04 02:32 ]</font>

Jul 4, 2002, 07:29 AM
Aww, man. QueenBee hurt my feelings.

That's it, you guys. I quit this place. I just can't take this anymore. =(


Syke! *laughs at the whole thing and then goes back to sleep*

Jul 4, 2002, 09:07 AM
*leaves the forum to return in 5 minutes*

I can't take it anymore! T-T

Okay, yes I can.

Jul 4, 2002, 11:40 AM
Pfft, the only prize your gona get from me is my foot up your ass.

Nice comeback, but please... Your still a joke compared to Glider and other people who could actually put up an argument.

Where have you guys been? I've seen better comebacks fall out of watashiwa's ass.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Cube on 2002-07-04 09:42 ]</font>

Ian D
Jul 4, 2002, 12:31 PM
I think it's time for this thread to be locked... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

Jul 4, 2002, 01:02 PM
On 2002-07-03 14:51, watashiwa wrote:

On 2002-07-03 14:48, Cube wrote:
#4) IF I buy it, it will be bought used for one reason.. I truly want this system to fail, so MS can learn a lesson.. and buy purchasing it used I will not be increasing the systems user base.. so that makes me feel a little better...

That is possibly the most saddest thing I've ever heard you say.

Personally I find this topic fucking halarious after seeing all of his posts on how horrible the xbox is in the choices topic. FYI cube, MS looses money on each xbox sold so by getting a used one you are doing them a favor. All comsole companies make money on software not hardware. But seeing as though the xbox is a total piece of shit and MS is hitler I think you should get a PS2. I mean hell, you would not want to contribute to MS's market dominance. According to you MS needs to stay out of the console busniess so why would you want to support their move in the least?

(Mark, after you sell your xbox when you are done with EGO are you going to buy another one when the next awsome title comes out?)

Jul 4, 2002, 01:13 PM
On 2002-07-04 09:40, Cube wrote:

I've seen better comebacks fall out of watashiwa's ass.

Post some links tubby, there fun to read.

Jul 4, 2002, 01:16 PM
On 2002-07-03 18:45, Cube wrote:
At least I can take an insult about the Cube without having to abruptly defend it with the utmost fatuity

Allow me to be the first to say "buahahahah"

Xbox will lose this Next Generation "console war" in terms of sales... MS will come out with an Xbox 2, and that will fail as well. PS2 will continue to dominate, and Gamecube will sell very, very well, as well as dominate the 2002 Q3 & Q4 season with AAA titles like Star Fox, Animal Forest +, Metroid, Eternal Darkness, Mario, Wario World, PSO, Zelda, Resident Evil 0, and many more.

Thank God cube can see the future! Phew!
The Funny thing here is that you fail to mention that the only titles that nintendo has going for it are first party titles. The rest will be multiplatform. If history is any indication on the devlopment of nintendo first party titles you will lucky to see any follow ups to these titles in the GC's life. Also you fail to realise that Nintendo lost their only viable 2nd party devloper (rare) which is now a third party team. I think you are over estimating nintendo's place in this market. I am not going to make any determinations about who will win the console war myself but I sugest you look a little closer at Xbox's line up for the holliday. Blinx, Steel Batallion, MGS2 Substance, Dead to Rights, and splinter cell are just a few of the "AAA" titles slated. And if you wanna talk online plans, Nintendo users are plain fucked. My point? Don't count out MS just bases on Nintendos first party titles which come out at a rate of 1 per 5 years at best.

Jul 4, 2002, 01:17 PM
On 2002-07-04 09:40, Cube wrote:

Nice comeback, but please... Your still a joke compared to Glider and other people who could actually put up an argument.

I'm going to have to disagree. Glider was good at making people laugh at others, and in that regard, he may have Abdur beat. However, I pity anyone that is at the business end of Abdur's keystrokes, and in that sense Abdur is king.

I've seen better comebacks fall out of watashiwa's ass.

Oh, come now. Just because you've been bested there's no reason to take potshots at Wata. That's like beating up on a retarded kid.

Jul 4, 2002, 01:22 PM
On 2002-07-04 09:40, Cube wrote:
Pfft, the only prize your gona get from me is my foot up your ass.

Nice comeback, but please... Your still a joke compared to Glider and other people who could actually put up an argument.

Where have you guys been? I've seen better comebacks fall out of watashiwa's ass.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Cube on 2002-07-04 09:42 ]</font>

Actually you just got owned http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

Jul 4, 2002, 01:35 PM
X-Box does have have some nice games coming out. I love Rare, I just hope they still make PD:0 for GC or all systems. That game is going to rule, PD was and is my favorite FPS of all time.

Jul 4, 2002, 02:55 PM
lol, well i realise how stupid it sounded when i typed about buying a used one so xbox fails, but oh well... Software is where profits are made, and if anything buying it used will most likley help MSoft..

Maybe I am a Nintendo Fanboy.. heh. *will next time think before he types*

I'll bow down to this one, cuz i've been clearly beaten in this debate. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Ohhhh well... I've decided to get an Xbox in about 2 weeks... I know i'll regret all the negetive things ive said about the damned thing in a month or so, but... oh wellz.

Jul 4, 2002, 03:02 PM
And Greg, if youre so sure about GC's demise what is your exact reason for purchasing one? Bashing aside, im truly curious..

I'm getting an Xbox for Halo, and Sega games...

I'll be getting a PS2 for RPG's.

And I have my Gamecube for the 1st and 2nd party titles...

But what are your reasons, I have yet to see you say anything positive about Gamecube, or even PS2 for that matter.. bashing aside... just wondering.

(btw: Nintendo is cranking out first party titles like no other latley... for just 2002 and 2003 I can name at least about 10 titles coming from them, mario, zelda, wario, metroid, star fox, f zero, 1080, mario party, mario golf, mario tennis, giftpia, roll-o-rama, kameo, star fox armada, animal forest +, just to name those off the top of my head... 17... not bad for Nintendo... which is clearly an improvment from the past (N64) and you cannot deny that...

Jul 4, 2002, 03:23 PM
lol greg isnt bashing the GC he simpely saying that u over estimate the GC which i argee with. Becuz althou Xbox has sold the least consoles it has the best game to console ratio.

and as for those games there, mario tennis, party and golf r boring kiddy games, if they anything like the old 64 version. 1080 was crap in my opinon and f zero wasnt much compared to wipeout.
and zelda looks weird

Jul 4, 2002, 03:23 PM
On 2002-07-04 12:55, Cube wrote:
lol, well i realise how stupid it sounded when i typed about buying a used one so xbox fails, but oh well... Software is where profits are made, and if anything buying it used will most likley help MSoft..

*a beam of divine light shines from heaven upon Cube as priests chant*

Maybe I am a Nintendo Fanboy.. heh. *will next time think before he types*

With people like us around, that is possibly the best decision you have ever made.

I'll bow down to this one, cuz i've been clearly beaten in this debate. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

..debate?! This was pure fucking fun making. If we managed to open your eyes abit, then that's a bonus.

Ohhhh well... I've decided to get an Xbox in about 2 weeks... I know i'll regret all the negetive things ive said about the damned thing in a month or so, but... oh wellz.

Yup, you're prolly going to be biting the big one over everything you said. Infact, all of your friends will prolly disown you because of it. [b]So sad n_n[/bn]

Wow..this is easily the funniest topic I've taken part in for a while.

BBcode when you first wake up is always bad.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ABDUR101 on 2002-07-04 13:24 ]</font>

Jul 4, 2002, 03:23 PM
GC? Dying? Not a chance in hell.

As of the last E3:

Playstation 2: 30 million units
GameCube: 4 million units
X-Box: 3.5 million units

Don't forget that Nintendo's heavy hitters (Mario, Zelda, etc.) have yet to step up to the plate.

Jul 4, 2002, 04:01 PM
On 2002-07-04 12:55, Cube wrote:

i've been clearly beaten in this debate. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

I think you beat yourself. Heh.

In my personal opinion, I dont think any system is going to fail. But, why would you want them too? You should want every system to be great and sell a zillion games and systems. It helps the ever-growing video game system and it helps you! If they all do great, they will be forced to compete, and lower prices! Wouldnt you like to have a PS2, GC, or X-Box for like 100 dollars? I know I would, but maybe I am ahead of the industries time.

Jul 4, 2002, 04:20 PM
On 2002-07-04 14:01, Dangerous55 wrote:

On 2002-07-04 12:55, Cube wrote:

i've been clearly beaten in this debate. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

I think you beat yourself. Heh.

In my personal opinion, I dont think any system is going to fail. But, why would you want them too? You should want every system to be great and sell a zillion games and systems. It helps the ever-growing video game system and it helps you! If they all do great, they will be forced to compete, and lower prices! Wouldnt you like to have a PS2, GC, or X-Box for like 100 dollars? I know I would, but maybe I am ahead of the industries time.

some clever and intell words upon this board. unless the games compaines begin price fixing which is illegial prices will continue to fall and so i argee with dangerous let all companies do well so we all have lower prices and better games

Jul 4, 2002, 04:39 PM
On 2002-07-04 13:23, ABDUR101 wrote:

On 2002-07-04 12:55, Cube wrote:
lol, well i realise how stupid it sounded when i typed about buying a used one so xbox fails, but oh well... Software is where profits are made, and if anything buying it used will most likley help MSoft..

*a beam of divine light shines from heaven upon Cube as priests chant*

Maybe I am a Nintendo Fanboy.. heh. *will next time think before he types*

With people like us around, that is possibly the best decision you have ever made.

I'll bow down to this one, cuz i've been clearly beaten in this debate. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

..debate?! This was pure fucking fun making. If we managed to open your eyes abit, then that's a bonus.

Ohhhh well... I've decided to get an Xbox in about 2 weeks... I know i'll regret all the negetive things ive said about the damned thing in a month or so, but... oh wellz.

Yup, you're prolly going to be biting the big one over everything you said. Infact, all of your friends will prolly disown you because of it. [b]So sad n_n[/bn]

Wow..this is easily the funniest topic I've taken part in for a while.

"..debate?! This was pure fucking fun making. If we managed to open your eyes abit, then that's a bonus."

Looks like someone doesnt know just when to quit. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif You were funny for about a second dude, give it up, and get a life... I pitty the joke behind that keyboard of yours who gets small kicks out of atempting to bash others on a message board lol, when in all likleynesss he couldnt even defend himself in real life. lol, sad...

Get a hobby, a woman, or better yet a job so your broke ass can afford another console... pfft.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Cube on 2002-07-04 14:51 ]</font>

Jul 4, 2002, 05:12 PM
On 2002-07-04 14:39, Cube wrote:
"..debate?! This was pure fucking fun making. If we managed to open your eyes abit, then that's a bonus."

ok, please learn how to quote people. When you post what someone else says in your own message, it just gets confusing and makes you look alittle newbish. Thanks http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Looks like someone doesnt know just when to quit. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

No, I'm just still having fun. You're the one that's prolly getting all offended over everything I say http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

You were funny for about a second dude, give it up, and get a life...

Hey Saladwood, where's that list of things to say to someone in an arguement?

I pitty the joke behind that keyboard of yours who gets small kicks out of atempting to bash others on a message board lol,

I laugh too, because you keep responding.

when in all likleynesss he couldnt even defend himself in real life. lol, sad...

Aww, you act as if you know me in real life dood =) Cute.

Get a hobby, a woman, or better yet a job so your broke ass can afford another console... pfft.

A hobby? Yeah, that's what playing games and collecting anime is. A woman? I'm working on it, I like to go slow when it comes to people http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

A job? My god man, I've been working for quite a while now, how else do I afford broadband, anime boxsets and new hardware? Just because I could'nt afford systems before doesn't mean I can't now. But the point earlier was just because I can afford the other systems doesn't mean I'm going to waste the money on them.

Please, go re-read my post about having other things, besides games to spend my money on. I think you should try that too, you might appreciate some things more http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

As always, it's a pleasure Cube.

Jul 4, 2002, 05:54 PM
On 2002-07-04 13:02, Cube wrote:
And Greg, if youre so sure about GC's demise what is your exact reason for purchasing one? Bashing aside, im truly curious..

I'm getting an Xbox for Halo, and Sega games...

I'll be getting a PS2 for RPG's.

And I have my Gamecube for the 1st and 2nd party titles...

But what are your reasons, I have yet to see you say anything positive about Gamecube, or even PS2 for that matter.. bashing aside... just wondering.

(btw: Nintendo is cranking out first party titles like no other latley... for just 2002 and 2003 I can name at least about 10 titles coming from them, mario, zelda, wario, metroid, star fox, f zero, 1080, mario party, mario golf, mario tennis, giftpia, roll-o-rama, kameo, star fox armada, animal forest +, just to name those off the top of my head... 17... not bad for Nintendo... which is clearly an improvment from the past (N64) and you cannot deny that...

Dude, I never said the GC was doomed (I believe that was what you said about the xbox). My entire stance was to show you that nintendo is not sitting as pretty as you would like to believe.

The reason I got a PS2 was because I thought it was going to be as amazing as the PSX but to be honest I am let down. Infact I have sold almost 2/3 or my PS2 games to pick up xbox ones. For now I am not seeing any future titles that I am excited about for PS2 but I will hold on to it for the time being because it's the only place FF games will appear. I am however shocked that I play my xbox more then my PS2, I figured that the PS2 would remain my favorite console but I can't argue with great titles.
As for the GCN, I got that because my GF is an RE nut and I wanted to be able to play the RE games with her. Also, my other major reason was to get Metroid Prime, which due to a shit control scheme looks like ass now. However I still have hope for the GBA Version.

Finally, most of the titles you mentioned will not be a contributing factor to selling systems. Titles such as "wario, star fox, f zero, 1080, mario party, mario golf, mario tennis, giftpia, roll-o-rama, kameo, star fox armada, and animal forest" may sell well with in the installed base but have not been system movers in the past and most likely won't be this time. Nintendo, like in the past is putting all their eggs in one basket (or in this case 3 titles). Personally I think it would do nintendo some good to create some new characters or franchises rather then bank solely on the older ones. That is why I love the xbox so much, I am not stuck playing the same old stories and characters. Everything is fresh and new to me.

Jul 4, 2002, 06:40 PM
Whats your thoughts on RE so far greg? I dono, I thought it looked really great for a GC game.. but for me its still Resident Evil... I hate the controls, and the zombies arent very scary after the first couple hours heh.. (I never played the original RE so it was a new game to me)...

I can say that im pretty let down by PS2 as well... MGS2,DMC2,FFX,FFXI,GTA:VC, all sequels... I understand that Nintendo depends on its franchises a lot as well, but every game is a new experience... Thats why Im getting an Xbox, for some new games heh. But I can't live without Nintendo games... I've been brought up by them.

Mario Sunshine may not look great, but it'll be loads of fun... There hasent been a true mario game in some 6 or 7 years so to all those who bash nintendo for all it's Mario games... your debate is hallow. (mario tennis and all those dont count since esentially they just use the mario name and characters to increase sales #... but it works heh)

I NEED Sega games.. and so far, the only sega game on PS2 that interests me is Shinobi... but I have a feeling the GBA version will be funner http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif I cant wait for PDO, and I've always wanted JSRF...

The Gunvalkrye demo i played seemed cool, but... empty... How is the story and gameplay mechanics... I don't think the demo justified the game too well...

And of course I need Shenmue...

The Gamecube is coming out with inovative and or new software though... Giftpia, roll-o-rama, pikmin, Kameo, Animal Crossings, But I do know that Nintendo MUST come up with some new franchises... Not because Mario, Zelda, and Metroid are played out or old (every new game is a whole nex experience) but because they cant depend on these franchises forever...

have you played Metroid? I hear the control scheme works very well actually... I personally cant wait... I hear its only 7-10 hours long, but then again Super Metroid, one of the best games ever, was only like 6 hours long... I'm hoping Metroid comes with a kick ass multiplayer option....

Oh well... I'm headed off to my neighbors to try out Halo for the first time lol, being the FPS whore that I am I'll prolly love it. I hope he has an S controller though...

Jul 4, 2002, 06:44 PM
On 2002-07-04 15:54, Greg wrote:
Personally I think it would do nintendo some good to create some new characters or franchises rather then bank solely on the older ones.


That is why I love the xbox so much, I am not stuck playing the same old stories and characters. Everything is fresh and new to me.

Uhm... PSO, Jet Set Radio, Panzer Dragoon, Metal Gear, Silent Hill, DOA... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Jul 4, 2002, 06:59 PM
On 2002-07-04 16:44, beatneko wrote:

On 2002-07-04 15:54, Greg wrote:
Personally I think it would do nintendo some good to create some new characters or franchises rather then bank solely on the older ones.


That is why I love the xbox so much, I am not stuck playing the same old stories and characters. Everything is fresh and new to me.

Uhm... PSO, Jet Set Radio, Panzer Dragoon, Metal Gear, Silent Hill, DOA... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

lol, good point there... But I think he was refering to Nintendo offering the same old characters and stories which in essense the do... but they never get old... if they did, they wouldnt sell. But they do need to offer some new franchises, and Im pretty sure master shiggy is up to that now. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 4, 2002, 07:10 PM
On 2002-07-04 16:59, Cube wrote:
lol, good point there... But I think he was refering to Nintendo offering the same old characters and stories which in essense the do... but they never get old... if they did, they wouldnt sell. But they do need to offer some new franchises, and Im pretty sure master shiggy is up to that now. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

I understood what Greg wrote and I agree with him. Anytime a new "classic Nintendo franchise" game hit the shelves (Mario, Zelda...) in my mind come up one of the several Miyamoto's interviews... in which he ALWAYS states that "it's important to work on new ideas... the new ideas matter... etc..." but then he ends up always making games with same old characters -_-

But at the same time I think most of Xbox and PS2 games come as well from classic franchises. There're just very few innvative titles coming in the future on every console.

Jul 4, 2002, 09:51 PM
Every sytem has sequals and new stuff, just depends on if those sequals are any good.

But I wanna ask one thing:

Is anyone else hyped up for the new Rygar?

Jul 4, 2002, 10:08 PM


Jul 4, 2002, 10:19 PM
On 2002-07-04 20:08, Nerd wrote:


Damn you to hell! Actually, I only remembered it after I saw that a updated version of it was coming out for the PS2.

PS. Nerd, you joined on my Birthday.

Jul 4, 2002, 11:57 PM
you should get an xbox.

get on aim..

Jul 5, 2002, 02:21 AM
i should say something..

::everyones says "Awww!no dont do it::

1) First off cube, i understand where ur coming from.. people cant like one thing and not get flamed for it or else your a fan boy.. o well, i didnt make the rules. Oh yea i also recomend Blinxx when it comes out for Xbox. looks good..

2) RARE is not going third party, whoever said that shouldn't rely on rumors

3) Abdur, i cant believe you sit on you ass all day watch anime and stay on this forum and find it amussing to insult people, on a FORUM FOR PHANTASY STAR ONLINE of all places; not to mention you have broken the forum rules (dont go off topic). put that talent to some good use and become a stand-up comic instead of waisting your brain on forign cartoons. when was the last time you have seen sun light? does ur seat have an ass groove in it? i honestly never seen you off line ever.. ur like one of those fat asses in the basement of his mothers house and sits in the dark alone and thinks life is all about replying witty remarks and getting a few laughs from people who dont give 2 shits about you..

but hey, i still love you

4) I find it funny how people get upset over nintendo's success.. i mean, who else could get away with popping up with a new mario game and sell millions within 2-3 months? not to mention Pokemon, or Zelda, or Donkey Kong...

or Star Fox, Metriod, F-Zero, Kirby, Eternal Darkness, Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazooie.. Dont forget Mario Partys and mario Golf And Mario Tennis.. oh and Doctor Mario.. what a game
to me, thats success

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LieutenantDwAnGStick on 2002-07-05 00:48 ]</font>

Jul 5, 2002, 02:46 AM
Is everybody ready for another reaming? =)

On 2002-07-05 00:21, LieutenantDwAnGStick wrote:
3) Abdur, i cant believe you sit on you ass all day watch anime and stay on this forum and find it amussing to insult people,

Where exactly did you read that at? If I'm home, your god damn right I'm going to sit on my ass all day in the airconditioning. You know it was almost 100 degrees here with the heat index? What, do you go the fuck outside and roast every day? I can't handle hot weather. And say, if I am off work and inside in the airconditioning, what are two things I could possibly do? Oh..like watch anime or post on this forum? Hey, sounding like a plan.

I also said it was amusing to insult people who can't take it but like to dish it out. Like you and Cube to name afew, I think it's funny how you in particular get pretty offended at things, and yet you say some offensive things yourself and act as if no one should care. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif


Wow, you do know this is a PSO Site. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

not to mention you have broken the forum rules (dont go off topic).

Hypocrites need not point fingers, Lt Dipshit.

put that talent to some good use and become a stand-up comic instead of waisting your brain on forign cartoons.

Oh no! An anime hater! XD Wow, I guess you're all american then huh? You better put away all that Nintendo stuff, it sure as hell isn't American. Besides, why become a stand up comic? I'm having fun here, making a nice living as is, I'll piss off people for a hobby, not a living http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

when was the last time you have seen sun light?

Every day, wow, you act like I'm some mysterious character http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif Makes me tingle with excitement.

does ur seat have an ass groove in it?

Does your ass have a seat mark on it? You're here right now aren't you? Please, don't assume that I don't have other things to do because I am here. I'm a good multi-tasker. Infact, for quite afew months I was sitting here working on my computer, posting at PSOW, talking to friends and typing up a 4 inch thick manual for my boss.

i honestly never seen you off line ever..

Because I check in every so often. And hey, here's a thought, maybe I sleep when you do sometimes. Ever think of that?

ur like one of those fat asses in the basement of his mothers house and sits in the dark alone and thinks life is all about replying witty remarks and getting a few laughs from people who dont give 2 shits about you..

I've posted my pic quite often here, I'm not over weight. I'm 18, I have a nice job, I make my own money, I buy my own things. Guess what, I was lucky enough to get a job that's part time at home and part time in the office. It's called a "luxury" that most people don't have. I know more than anyone that life is more than making witty remarks and making people like you look pretty fuckin stupid, but hey, who says I can't have some fun every now and again?

You know Lt Dwang, if you realised that not all of us are where we want to be in the world, that some of us live in very racist communities, with very ignorant people, and that we prefer no company to bad company, then maybe you'd understand people alittle better. Not all of us get to suck off mom's tit and get what we want, not all of us can go out drinking with our best friends an say fuck the world. Some of us have responsibilities, such as bills to pay, debts to pay off. And then there are those of us that are trying to find our place in the world, but we're in no rush to, because we are happy where we are.

Please, open up your mind abit and see the entirety before you try and act as if you know me. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Now, do I look like a fat ass to you Lt Dwang? Infact, I bet I'm better built and have a lower weight than you. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Posted the wrong pic, so I'll just put the right one and keep the one I put in by mistake.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ABDUR101 on 2002-07-05 00:50 ]</font>

Jul 5, 2002, 02:59 AM
XD I wish I joined this thread earlyer, its funny as hell.

Jul 5, 2002, 03:00 AM
On 2002-07-05 00:46, ABDUR101 wrote:
Is everybody ready for another reaming? =)

On 2002-07-05 00:21, LieutenantDwAnGStick wrote:
3) Abdur, i cant believe you sit on you ass all day watch anime and stay on this forum and find it amussing to insult people,

Where exactly did you read that at? If I'm home, your god damn right I'm going to sit on my ass all day in the airconditioning. You know it was almost 100 degrees here with the heat index? What, do you go the fuck outside and roast every day? I can't handle hot weather. And say, if I am off work and inside in the airconditioning, what are two things I could possibly do? Oh..like watch anime or post on this forum? Hey, sounding like a plan.

I also said it was amusing to insult people who can't take it but like to dish it out. Like you and Cube to name afew, I think it's funny how you in particular get pretty offended at things, and yet you say some offensive things yourself and act as if no one should care. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif


Wow, you do know this is a PSO Site. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

not to mention you have broken the forum rules (dont go off topic).

Hypocrites need not point fingers, Lt Dipshit.

put that talent to some good use and become a stand-up comic instead of waisting your brain on forign cartoons.

Oh no! An anime hater! XD Wow, I guess you're all american then huh? You better put away all that Nintendo stuff, it sure as hell isn't American. Besides, why become a stand up comic? I'm having fun here, making a nice living as is, I'll piss off people for a hobby, not a living http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

when was the last time you have seen sun light?

Every day, wow, you act like I'm some mysterious character http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif Makes me tingle with excitement.

does ur seat have an ass groove in it?

Does your ass have a seat mark on it? You're here right now aren't you? Please, don't assume that I don't have other things to do because I am here. I'm a good multi-tasker. Infact, for quite afew months I was sitting here working on my computer, posting at PSOW, talking to friends and typing up a 4 inch thick manual for my boss.

i honestly never seen you off line ever..

Because I check in every so often. And hey, here's a thought, maybe I sleep when you do sometimes. Ever think of that?

ur like one of those fat asses in the basement of his mothers house and sits in the dark alone and thinks life is all about replying witty remarks and getting a few laughs from people who dont give 2 shits about you..

I've posted my pic quite often here, I'm not over weight. I'm 18, I have a nice job, I make my own money, I buy my own things. Guess what, I was lucky enough to get a job that's part time at home and part time in the office. It's called a "luxury" that most people don't have. I know more than anyone that life is more than making witty remarks and making people like you look pretty fuckin stupid, but hey, who says I can't have some fun every now and again?

You know Lt Dwang, if you realised that not all of us are where we want to be in the world, that some of us live in very racist communities, with very ignorant people, and that we prefer no company to bad company, then maybe you'd understand people alittle better. Not all of us get to suck off mom's tit and get what we want, not all of us can go out drinking with our best friends an say fuck the world. Some of us have responsibilities, such as bills to pay, debts to pay off. And then there are those of us that are trying to find our place in the world, but we're in no rush to, because we are happy where we are.

Please, open up your mind abit and see the entirety before you try and act as if you know me. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Now, do I look like a fat ass to you Lt Dwang? Infact, I bet I'm better built and have a lower weight than you. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Posted the wrong pic, so I'll just put the right one and keep the one I put in by mistake.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ABDUR101 on 2002-07-05 00:50 ]</font>

u look like a human q-tip.. u cant tell me you dont stay on line all day.. that pic proves it.. it looks like ur about to have a fackin seizure.. either that or u drink a shitload coffee so you have enough Buzz to hit the "refresh" button on this site every 5 minutes

well im not going to play forum tag with you again.

im not an anime hater, im just telling the people what you waist your time doing all day..

but hey

PS. nice globe... o and read #1 on my first post.. i clearly didnt go off topic. cant say i didnt.. unless you count the other reasons .. but im sure this post is going to be all nicely separated and relpyed to by every remark i made.... like a pro that u are.. proving my point you have nothing else left to do on ur ::looks at the clock:: friday moring than to bash a fan boy

until we meet agian

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LieutenantDwAnGStick on 2002-07-05 01:06 ]</font>

Jul 5, 2002, 03:09 AM
On 2002-07-05 01:00, LieutenantDwAnGStick wrote:
u look like a human q-tip..

Maybe because you look like a human dipshit?

u cant tell me you dont stay on line all day.. that pic proves it..

..oooo, Abdur sitting infront of his computa! He must sit like that all day! Actually, I'd be lieing if I said I weren't online all day, thanks to my new broadband, I AM on ALL fucking day..and night too! Luckily I don't need to sit at the computer to be online http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

it looks like ur about to have a fackin seizure.. either that or u drink a shitload coffee so you have enough Buzz

No see, everyone is unique. My eyes are just unique. Where were you when it was said that everyone in the world is unique in their own way? And coffee's for pussies. I usually have a caffeine free cherry pepsi setting next to me though http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

to hit the "refresh" button on this site every 5 minutes

Now be fair, with this new broadband, I can hit it every 2 minutes!

well im not going to play forum tag with you again.

Yeah, sure.

im not an anime hater, im just telling the people what you waist your time doing all day..

Wow, I have an admirer. He keeps track of me all through my days http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif Seriously, you don't have a fuckin clue what I do at anytime. You only know I post here and that I like anime.

Do you know that on nice temp days, I like to go for long walks? That I like to fish when I get the time? No?

but hey

pfft, yeah, we know what you love Lt Dwang.

PS. nice globe

It's about time someone noticed it. My globe fuckin owns you! It's old as hell, and still works!

until we meet agian

See you in 5 minutes...10 since you're a slow typer. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Since dipshit can't keep all his come backs in one go.

On 2002-07-05 01:00, LieutenantDwAnGStick wrote:
o and read #1 on my first post.. i clearly didnt go off topic.

I've been on topic, I replied to Cube, then you.

cant say i didnt..

Yeah I know, see, you know what I'm talking about.

unless you count the other reasons .. but im sure this post is going to be all nicely separated and relpyed to by every remark i made....

You sir, are correct!

like a pro that u are..

You get a sticker.

proving my point you have nothing else left to do on ur ::looks at the clock:: friday moring than to bash a fan boy

That's right, it's my job to make your time here a living hell. What else can one do at 4:06am? What are you still doing up boy? Not able to find dem free porn sites?

Honestly, this is fun. It's not the most fun I could be having, but how much fun can one have at this time? Besides, I give everyone a nice thing to read when they come around to PSOW =)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ABDUR101 on 2002-07-05 01:14 ]</font>

Jul 5, 2002, 03:43 AM
Man this page takes long to reload with a dial up.
You sure do give alotta people something good to read.
Oh and this was way back there but you're working on getting a woman haha you did yourself a favor by putting your picture out there again didn't cha? Watch how many PM's you get based on that probably not many but hope for the best eh?

Jul 5, 2002, 04:10 AM
On 2002-07-05 01:43, HAYABUSA-FMW- wrote:
You sure do give alotta people something good to read.

Yeah, why else do people come here? For the reading material! hehe

Oh and this was way back there but you're working on getting a woman haha you did yourself a favor by putting your picture out there again didn't cha?

Eh, I just wanted to show Dwang what I looked like. Infact, I dare the little smartass to post his own pics and show everyone how secksey his big masculine self looks.

Watch how many PM's you get based on that probably not many but hope for the best eh?

I actually hope I don't get any pm's. I already know someone I'm interested in. o_o

Jul 5, 2002, 04:15 AM
so wait.. if i stop looking like a dipshit (which btw god know what the fuck a dipshit is.. besides me of course) you will stop looking like a Q-tip? hmm..

i knew u cared for me abdur, staying up all night to talk to me.. your soo sweet.

get to bed.. you have a big day ahead, remember? you have to be responceable, go to work, pay your bills for mommy, and to stay home and pretend to have a life outside cyber space.

Multitasking? is that what they call a gay three some these days?

Jul 5, 2002, 04:25 AM
On 2002-07-05 02:15, LieutenantDwAnGStick wrote:
so wait.. if i stop looking like a dipshit (which btw god know what the fuck a dipshit is.. besides me of course) you will stop looking like a Q-tip? hmm..

Since when does a Q-tip have broad, muscular shoulders?

i knew u cared for me abdur, staying up all night to talk to me.. your soo sweet.

No, actually I'm staying up talking to some friends, seeing how they've been and listening to music. Making you look stupid is just something I do in between http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Sorry.

get to bed.. you have a big day ahead, remember?

I always have a big day ahead of me.

you have to be responceable,

Responsible, yes.

go to work,

Not tommorow, I'm off.

pay your bills for mommy,

No, I pay my own bills. Mumsies has a job too. She's responsible http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

and to stay home and pretend to have a life outside cyber space.

Oh god ouch man. You just contradicted yourself by the way. "Goto work", "Stay at home", which is it?

*holds up sign which reads "Seeking: Life, real, must be nice and cater to my every need" *
..*hands sign to Lt Dwang*
There ya go lil buddy, now, when the fairy comes by, make sure you hold the sign up high as those arms can! Kay!?

Multitasking? is that what they call a gay three some these days?

Oh wow..it took you a while to make an anti-homosexual remark this time. I was expecting it about two posts ago. Well, if you must know, Lt Dwang, multitasking is the ability to do multiple things at once. Such as talk to someone, write a contract, type a manual, and make you look stupid. It's really fun, but I don't think you can comprehend it, let alone perform it. =)

Jul 5, 2002, 09:42 AM
this is sad. cant we all just get along and not fight? i mean, at LEAST you guys could stay on topic. take your fighting somewhere else...please

Jul 5, 2002, 10:52 AM
On 2002-07-04 11:02, Greg wrote:

On 2002-07-03 14:51, watashiwa wrote:

On 2002-07-03 14:48, Cube wrote:
#4) IF I buy it, it will be bought used for one reason.. I truly want this system to fail, so MS can learn a lesson.. and buy purchasing it used I will not be increasing the systems user base.. so that makes me feel a little better...

That is possibly the most saddest thing I've ever heard you say.

Personally I find this topic fucking halarious after seeing all of his posts on how horrible the xbox is in the choices topic. FYI cube, MS looses money on each xbox sold so by getting a used one you are doing them a favor. All comsole companies make money on software not hardware. But seeing as though the xbox is a total piece of shit and MS is hitler I think you should get a PS2. I mean hell, you would not want to contribute to MS's market dominance. According to you MS needs to stay out of the console busniess so why would you want to support their move in the least?

(Mark, after you sell your xbox when you are done with EGO are you going to buy another one when the next awsome title comes out?)

Nope.. thats the only title that could get me to buy one....used. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif There is still a possibility that EGO will suck azz, so it's not a guarantee i'll get one.

Jul 5, 2002, 10:55 AM
On 2002-07-04 11:16, Greg wrote:
Thank God cube can see the future! Phew!
The Funny thing here is that you fail to mention that the only titles that nintendo has going for it are first party titles. The rest will be multiplatform. If history is any indication on the devlopment of nintendo first party titles you will lucky to see any follow ups to these titles in the GC's life. Also you fail to realise that Nintendo lost their only viable 2nd party devloper (rare) which is now a third party team. I think you are over estimating nintendo's place in this market. I am not going to make any determinations about who will win the console war myself but I sugest you look a little closer at Xbox's line up for the holliday. Blinx, Steel Batallion, MGS2 Substance, Dead to Rights, and splinter cell are just a few of the "AAA" titles slated. And if you wanna talk online plans, Nintendo users are plain fucked. My point? Don't count out MS just bases on Nintendos first party titles which come out at a rate of 1 per 5 years at best.

Theres no chance in hell that Steel Batallion will be a system seller not with something like a $140 controller needed to play it to it's full. Theres no way the casual gamers will fork out that much plus an xbox on top, so i don't see that game making people pick up an xbox.

Jul 5, 2002, 11:14 AM
On 2002-07-04 16:44, beatneko wrote:

On 2002-07-04 15:54, Greg wrote:
Personally I think it would do nintendo some good to create some new characters or franchises rather then bank solely on the older ones.


That is why I love the xbox so much, I am not stuck playing the same old stories and characters. Everything is fresh and new to me.

Uhm... PSO, Jet Set Radio, Panzer Dragoon, Metal Gear, Silent Hill, DOA... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Blinx, Steel Batallion, Robotech, Mech Assult, Brute Force, Dead To Rights, Splinter Cell... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Cube: My thoughts on RE-> While a good game I would have prefered real time backgrounds. The GC loops could look grainy at times which would have looked nicer if they added a noise filter over the character. Also I feel the Studder between cinema scenes as unacceptable. Other then that it was good. RE 0 looks to be more innovative though. I hope they implement a weight system so a Key doesn't take up the same "pocket space" as a rocket launcher though.

Jul 5, 2002, 11:16 AM
On 2002-07-05 08:55, LuvSlave wrote:

On 2002-07-04 11:16, Greg wrote:
Thank God cube can see the future! Phew!
The Funny thing here is that you fail to mention that the only titles that nintendo has going for it are first party titles. The rest will be multiplatform. If history is any indication on the devlopment of nintendo first party titles you will lucky to see any follow ups to these titles in the GC's life. Also you fail to realise that Nintendo lost their only viable 2nd party devloper (rare) which is now a third party team. I think you are over estimating nintendo's place in this market. I am not going to make any determinations about who will win the console war myself but I sugest you look a little closer at Xbox's line up for the holliday. Blinx, Steel Batallion, MGS2 Substance, Dead to Rights, and splinter cell are just a few of the "AAA" titles slated. And if you wanna talk online plans, Nintendo users are plain fucked. My point? Don't count out MS just bases on Nintendos first party titles which come out at a rate of 1 per 5 years at best.

Theres no chance in hell that Steel Batallion will be a system seller not with something like a $140 controller needed to play it to it's full. Theres no way the casual gamers will fork out that much plus an xbox on top, so i don't see that game making people pick up an xbox.

I didn't say it wuold be a system seller, just that it will be a very good title. According to the Press it's getting it appears to be amazing.

Jul 5, 2002, 11:17 AM
I think Greg forgot to mention that games like Splinter Cell and MGS2:Substance will also be available for other systems.

Put it this way. Originally, X-Box sold more units than GC. In just a few months, the GC managed to overtake the X-Box in terms of sales. All of GameCube's hot titles are console exclusives.

Jul 5, 2002, 11:29 AM
As well as Robotech and Dead to Rights, both multi-console.

Jul 5, 2002, 11:52 AM
I didnt think Splinter Cell was multi-console.

Jul 5, 2002, 12:21 PM
Splinter is slated to be released for GameCube, PC, Playstation 2, and X-Box. I'm sure if the DC was still alive, it would be headed there too http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif PC/X-Box dates are for late this year, while GC/PS2 dates are for next year.

Jul 5, 2002, 02:31 PM

Abdur and Lt. Please continue, both of you guys are doing good heh... I love arguements.

Anyways, what is it exactly that you do for a living Abdur? Writing Manuals, Contracts, etc... Are you an Assistant/Intern or something? I remember my friends brother was an Assistant for Peter Karmanos (my boss, and owner of Compuware) and he had to re-write out a 37 chapter, 750 page "booklet"... for a measly 12 bucks an hour... no tip, nothing.

I'm so happy I can sit on my ass all day at work while playing games... yes, sitting on my ass *fears a bash from Lt.* *shivvers*


I'm going to look into SB a little more... When I saw a pic of that controller I just couldnt contain myself... I was laughing too hard... The controller is bigger than the damned Xbox itself! The game will likley be pretty cool though...

Jul 5, 2002, 02:40 PM
On 2002-07-05 09:14, Greg wrote:
Blinx, Steel Batallion, Robotech, Mech Assult, Brute Force, Dead To Rights, Splinter Cell... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

I forgot: Shenmue II http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

What I mean is that... I admit Xbox will have some awesome new games... but it's not correct to say NOW that "Everything is fresh and new", since most of the titles for MS console are sequels, franchises and O_o even remakes (Shenmue II is a 2001 Dreamcast game... this is not really fresh and new, sorry).

Anyway... everyone... ^_^; be happy with the consoles you own http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: beatneko on 2002-07-05 12:49 ]</font>

Jul 5, 2002, 02:57 PM
On 2002-07-05 12:31, Cube wrote:

Abdur and Lt. Please continue, both of you guys are doing good heh... I love arguements.

Naw, Lt Dwang can't hold an ember to me. Can't kill his ego all in one thread, it would spoil the fun. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Anyways, what is it exactly that you do for a living Abdur? Writing Manuals, Contracts, etc... Are you an Assistant/Intern or something?

Computer Specialist for Appalachian Rehabilitation Inc. Usually typing up contracts, manuals, any random papers, as well as filing, and being the general computer guru dood. I second hand as a cleric for them since they offer me extra hours.

I remember my friends brother was an Assistant for Peter Karmanos (my boss, and owner of Compuware) and he had to re-write out a 37 chapter, 750 page "booklet"... for a measly 12 bucks an hour... no tip, nothing.

Hey, great for him. Around here they don't offer that much, even though my boss can easily afford it. But hey, it doesn't bother me, this is my first job.

I'm so happy I can sit on my ass all day at work while playing games... yes, sitting on my ass *fears a bash from Lt.* *shivvers*

Aww, poor Dwang, if only he realised he plays games sitting down too. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

I'm going to look into SB a little more... When I saw a pic of that controller I just couldnt contain myself... I was laughing too hard... The controller is bigger than the damned Xbox itself! The game will likley be pretty cool though...

Steel Battalion is about the only game I'm really looking forward to. I'll blow that much on the control unit, just to try something new. Besides, atleast we have the option to use a special controller, unlike the Twin Sticks for the DC which you had to be able to import. I choose a pricey control board over half-assed controls on the standard controller anyday.

Has anyone heard any news about Battle Field 1942?(Is that even it's name? I forget.. o_O ) I thought it was an online title, but haven't heard anything recently.

Oh yeah, while I'm thinking about it, is there really a Marvel vs Capcom 2 coming to the X-box? Someone told me there was, but I haven't gotten to any news of it.

I did have high hopes for Enclave, but it's not looking as promising as some other releases :

and for new releases:

AHH!! Gunmetal! (http://www.teamxbox.com/gameinfo.php?id=61)


Jul 5, 2002, 03:15 PM
On 2002-07-05 12:57, ABDUR101 wrote:

being the general computer guru dood.

Has anyone heard any news about Battle Field 1942?(Is that even it's name? I forget.. o_O ) I thought it was an online title, but haven't heard anything recently.

Are you like Nick Jones? Your companies computer guy?

I think, Im not sure, but BF 1942 might have morphed into WW2 Online for the PC. I tried it, its horrible, just to play online you gotta DL a 19 meg patch and Im running 56k. Ever since i took the game back, 15 new patches came out for it.

Jul 5, 2002, 03:16 PM
abdur, how much will the SB controller be? the game sounds appealing just from this thread.

Jul 5, 2002, 03:18 PM
On 2002-07-05 13:15, Dangerous55 wrote:
Are you like Nick Jones? Your companies computer guy?

Sure o_O;

I think, Im not sure, but BF 1942 might have morphed into WW2 Online for the PC.

err, it's still coming out for the X-box. I saw an interview about it a month or so ago, but nothing more recent.

I tried it, its horrible, just to play online you gotta DL a 19 meg patch and Im running 56k. Ever since i took the game back, 15 new patches came out for it.

Yeah, I remember your rant heheh. But sorry, it's not the same game. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 5, 2002, 03:24 PM
On 2002-07-05 13:16, DeathCheese87 wrote:
abdur, how much will the SB controller be? the game sounds appealing just from this thread.

Check out the trailer of it from http://www.teamxbox.com

From the screenshots and reading about it, I was really excited, but when I saw the trailer, I nearly pissed myself. It's really a beautiful game. Watching the trailer made me get the feeling of Gasaraki. If you've ever seen that anime, that's just what it reminds me of.

The control board is about $170, maybe alittle lower. It has a throttle, I think two joysticks, a dial or two, and a shitload of buttons.

And the developers said it would be a chore to learn how to walk and operate your standing tank, let alone learn manuevers, coordinate attacks and utilize your standing-tank systems.

I know you can jettison equipment, damaged armor(and other parts), as well some other pretty interesting things.

Trust me, get the trailer for it and read the stuff at http://www.teamxbox.com It can explain it better than me anyways. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 5, 2002, 03:51 PM
On 2002-07-05 13:18, ABDUR101 wrote:

On 2002-07-05 13:15, Dangerous55 wrote:
Are you like Nick Jones? Your companies computer guy?

Sure o_O;

I think, Im not sure, but BF 1942 might have morphed into WW2 Online for the PC.

err, it's still coming out for the X-box. I saw an interview about it a month or so ago, but nothing more recent.

I tried it, its horrible, just to play online you gotta DL a 19 meg patch and Im running 56k. Ever since i took the game back, 15 new patches came out for it.

Yeah, I remember your rant heheh. But sorry, it's not the same game. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

You never saw the Nick Jones SNL skit?

Just thought they might have been the same, same premise and all.

Jul 5, 2002, 06:19 PM
I own all three systems:) so this thread means nothing to me..but i want my post count to go up...man you guys and this fanboy shit..who cares if a person is a fanboy..there defending there system that they prefer...or maybe they dont like what u say about the system..if somebody says something about your mom..dont you get back at them with another joke..or *gasp* fight? does that make you a mamas boy? why are you taking your moms side? hmm maybe cause its the only one you have (well for most people).. CUBE... a quick way to end this.. is ....buy whichever console you want...trust me with whatever system you buy it will make you happy....hell if you hate sony and microsoft (not that you said you hate them but since you dont really care for micro and sony..oh u get the point) get a GBA and if you have that..just go buy a new pc game or some anime....anyway thats my crappy 2 cents....http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif peace easy!

Jul 5, 2002, 08:11 PM
Well contrary to popular beleif your favorite gaming system did not give you life and raise you.

Serisouly though, its a system, it doesnt do anything. If you actually got into a fist fight over a system I think I would die laughing. People take this too seriously.

Jul 5, 2002, 08:32 PM
Well, being the Nintendo Nazi that I am, of COURSE I own a GBA. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

In fact, I've owned every single major console since Atari 2600.

I love my Gamecube, but I need the other systems too! Even If I hate the companies behind them...

So ya, Im getting an Xbox soon, and eventually a PS2 once again..

Jul 5, 2002, 11:32 PM
And coffee's for pussies. I usually have a caffeine free cherry pepsi setting next to me though http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Hey! I love coffee! I love its rich creamy goodness!

Jul 5, 2002, 11:40 PM
On 2002-07-05 21:32, ImStillBetterThanU wrote:
Hey! I love coffee! I love its rich creamy goodness!

...ok..just for you..I'll say you are what you eat. o_O I'd of thought you'd of said that though.

By the way, is Unreal Tournament 2003 coming to X-box? I'm not sure I want to buy the comp version if it is.

Jul 6, 2002, 12:51 AM
On 2002-07-05 21:40, ABDUR101 wrote:
I'd of thought you'd of said that though.

By the way, is Unreal Tournament 2003 coming to X-box? I'm not sure I want to buy the comp version if it is.

Yes it is fat daddy.

Jul 6, 2002, 12:20 PM
On 2002-07-05 09:17, TeamPhalanx wrote:
I think Greg forgot to mention that games like Splinter Cell and MGS2:Substance will also be available for other systems.

Put it this way. Originally, X-Box sold more units than GC. In just a few months, the GC managed to overtake the X-Box in terms of sales. All of GameCube's hot titles are console exclusives.

I never said that everything is fresh and new just that the major titles will be. Splinter cell while going to the PC as well is a major new title and will be appearing on the xbox first (and will most likely look a lot better then on the PS2 and GC). The same goes for Dead to rights and Robotech.

Jul 6, 2002, 02:10 PM
On 2002-07-05 21:40, ABDUR101 wrote:

On 2002-07-05 21:32, ImStillBetterThanU wrote:
Hey! I love coffee! I love its rich creamy goodness!

...ok..just for you..I'll say you are what you eat. o_O
